UE5 Asset TPS-FPS Character System v2

14 Фев 2022

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Трейлер / Trailer:

TPS-FPS Character System v2 takes the amazing TPS-FPS Character System to new heights and, for the first time, brings an advanced animation system. Along with powerful shooting mechanics for creating an amazing gameplay experience, and an upgraded system architecture with high modularity and scalability, TPS-FPS Character System v2 allows developers to do things they never could before.

  • Advanced Movement Abilities. TPS-FPS Character System v2 comes with the advanced animation system for third and first-person parts. It has the new prone state, updated stand and crouch states. Also TPS-FPS Character System v2 has new low and high cover climbing abilities with other powerful features.
  • Inventory System & Weapon Wheel. The new inventory system supports primary and secondary weapons, as well as equipment slots. Additionally, it features amazing HUD modules such as a weapon wheel that allows players to switch weapons easily.
  • Powerful Shooting Mechanics. The system delivers exceptional performance and flexibility in tuning firearm settings. With new predictive recoil and fully customizable bullet spread, it achieves a new level of firearm feeling. Additionally, it features a new visual effects system with an amazing sound system and player camera shake component, creating an excellent impression.
  • Various Equipment. TPS-FPS Character System v2 was designed to maximize the capabilities of using various types of equipment. The system supports lethal equipment, tactical equipment, and support equipment.
  • Switching Camera System. Advanced feature of switching third-person camera to first-person camera and back.
The product will improve constantly.
Road Map
Patch Notes

Character Systems v2 Overview

There are two character systems v2 products:
  • TPS-FPS Character System v2. This is the most complete product, which includes third-person character, first-person character and tp-fp character. TP-FP character includes the ability to switch between third-person mode and first-person mode and it consists of first-person and third-person character parts.
  • FPS Character System v2. This pack includes only first-person character and core systems, first-person camera system, first-person character locomotion and third-person character part, which will be see other players.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me on Discord or via email.


Технические детали / Technical Details:

Used Content

This project uses the Animation Starter Pack by Epic Games, sound and SFX from Shooter Game Template. Also the pack includes content from Project Lyra. All features support full network replication. Blueprints are fully commented and clearly.

Core Features
  • Stand, crouch, prone
  • Sprint
  • Climbing and jump over covers
  • Ragdoll
  • Jumping
  • No firearm locomotion state
  • IK foot
  • Health
  • Armor
  • Endurance
  • Advanced third-person player camera
  • Character sounds
  • Inventory system
  • Weapon wheel
  • Crosshair
  • Weapon HUD module
  • Support auto, semi, burst, bolt / pump action and single shot.
  • Hit-scan principle.
  • Predictive recoil
  • Bullet spread
  • Visual effects: muzzle flash, drop shell, trail, vfx on hit place and more.
  • Sound effect
  • Player camera shake
  • Damage system
  • Firearm holding animation
  • Reload animation
  • Shooting animation
  • Switching weapons
  • Throw, set, use equipment animation
  • Lethal equipment
  • Tactical equipment
  • Support equipment
The complete list of features and their description can be found in the product presentation.

Supported Platforms: PC
Documentation: Manual
Number of Blueprints: 100+
Input Mappings: Gamepad, Keyboard, Mouse
Network Replicated: Yes

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