Автор темы
- #1

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Трейлер / Trailer:
Основа для создания игры-исследования в стиле Backrooms. Присутствует персонаж с полным телом, основанный на локомоции Lyra, с полной механикой передвижения, базовое взаимодействие с предметами, фонарик, начальное меню, меню паузы, базовый AI монстра в виде неведомой летающей кракозябры с тентаклями, базовый AI гуманоидного монстра, фильтры и эффекты постпроцесса, включая VHS-фильтр и абсолютно необходимый для игр такого жанра эффект камеры "рыбий глаз" aka Bodycam.
Технические детали / Technical Details:
- True First Person Full-body
- Smooth Camera Movement
- Full range of movement
- Natural CameraShake
- Smooth Interact Crosshair
- Basic Interaction & Pickups
- Dynamic Footstep Sounds
- Post-Process Effects
- Turn in place
- realist crouching
- Auto depth of field camera
- Distance matching (for jump)
- full camera system with VHS , real time date , and real-time stopwatch.
- Ai humanoid interaction (catch and die)
- Ai Tentacle interaction (catch and die)
- Health regeneration
- Flashlight / Flashlight pickup
- camera zoom (work with DoF camera and camera mode)
- Damage System.
- Pause menu
- Spline line system : designed to be combined or not with event trigger for spawn the creature along spline for scripted sequences and more complex movements.
- Tentacle Pawn for Spline Line.
- Humanoid AI - Roaming, Roaring, Chasing, patrolling and Attack
- Tentacle AI - Roaming, Roaring, Chasing, patrolling and Attack
- Door Bp (with physics)
- 'Noclip' teleportation
- Playable Tentacle Monster
- Weather system.
- Sequences spawning
- Game Over
- Pause
- Camera (VHS)
- Menu : main interface ,about,settings
- VHS effect Time
- HUD player
- Mini map
- Pause menu for both playable character
- GameOver
- Interaction
- 47 customs sounds: stinger,drone, ambiances, ui and effects. Included Poolroom multiples water drop sounds.
- 65 Sound ambiance from Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
- Step Sound grass / metal /sand /water /wood
- 1 Custom font
- Insects Particles
- Dust Particles
- Stars Niagara Sys
- Tentacle Niagara Sys
- Custom Sharp Material effect
- Glitch Mat Effect
- Hallucination Mat Effect
- Lens Bodycam Mat Effect
- VHS Mat Effect
- Blur Mat Effect
- Outline Mat Effect
- God ray light BP
- Menu level
- 2 PoolRoom level ( day and night , mainly to show what can be done with only asset in this project and with sounds system )
- 2 showcase level ( template mechanics and one other for tentacles mechanics and spline line.)
- Security camera
- Decals
- Emissive Mat
- Floor sign
- Flashlight
- Exit Sign
- Mini map
- Physics Materials : Glass / metal / sand / water / wood
- 2k Floor and wall tiles
- 4k Floor and Wall tiles
- Flashlight
- Wet Floor Sign
- Security camera
- green Exit Sign
- red Exit Sign
- Camera Texture
- Exit Sign Tex
- Flashlight Tex
- WetSign Tex
- 2k wall /floor Tex
- 4k wall / floor Tex
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