local uilib = require("gamesense/uilib")
local http = require("gamesense/http")
local ffi = require("ffi")
local bit = require("bit")
local color = require("gamesense/color")
local filesystem_interface = ffi.cast(ffi.typeof("void***"), client.create_interface("filesystem_stdio.dll", "VFileSystem017"))
local filesystem_remove_file = ffi.cast("void (__thiscall*)(void*, const char*, const char*)", filesystem_interface[0][20])
local filesystem_create_directories = ffi.cast("void (__thiscall*)(void*, const char*, const char*)", filesystem_interface[0][22])
local filesystem_find = ffi.cast("const char* (__thiscall*)(void*, const char*, int*)", filesystem_interface[0][32])
local function remove_file(file, path_id)
filesystem_remove_file(filesystem_interface, file, path_id)
local function create_directories(file, path_id)
filesystem_create_directories(filesystem_interface, file, path_id)
local exists = function(file)
local int_ptr = ffi.new("int[1]")
local res = filesystem_find(filesystem_interface, file, int_ptr)
if res == ffi.NULL then
return nil
return int_ptr, ffi.string(res)
if not exists("materials\\panorama\\images\\icons\\revealer") then
create_directories("materials\\panorama\\images\\icons\\revealer", "revealer")
create_directories("materials\\panorama\\images\\icons\\revealer\\multicolored", "multicolored")
create_directories("materials\\panorama\\images\\icons\\revealer\\unicolored", "unicolored")
create_directories("materials\\panorama\\images\\icons\\revealer\\nadoryha", "nadoryha")
local missing_icons = {}
local downloaded_icons = {}
local function download_icon(path, cheat)
local file_path = ("csgo/materials/panorama/images/icons/revealer/%s/%s.png"):format(path, cheat)
http.get(("https://ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dave3x8/revealer-icons/main/%s/%s.png"):format(path, cheat), function(status, response)
if not status then
return error("Revealer: Couldn't retrieve " .. path .. " " .. cheat:upper() .. " icon due to " .. response.status_message:lower())
writefile(file_path, response.body)
downloaded_icons[#downloaded_icons + 1] = path .. " " .. cheat:upper()
for path, cheats in pairs({
multicolored = {
unicolored = {
nadoryha = {
}) do
for _, cheat in ipairs(cheats) do
local old_file = readfile("csgo/materials/panorama/images/icons/achievements/" .. path .. "_" .. cheat .. ".png")
if not old_file and not readfile("csgo/materials/panorama/images/icons/revealer/" .. path .. "/" .. cheat .. ".png") then
missing_icons[#missing_icons + 1] = path .. " " .. cheat:upper()
download_icon(path, cheat)
elseif old_file then
writefile("csgo/materials/panorama/images/icons/revealer/" .. path .. "/" .. cheat .. ".png", old_file)
remove_file(("materials\\panorama\\images\\icons\\achievements\\%s_%s.png"):format(path, cheat), "")
if #missing_icons > 0 then
print("Revealer: Missing icons: " .. table.concat(missing_icons, ", "))
local voice_data_t = ffi.typeof([[
struct {
char pad_0000[8];
int32_t client;
int32_t audible_mask;
uint32_t xuid_low;
uint32_t xuid_high;
void* voice_data;
bool proximity;
bool caster;
char pad_001E[2];
int32_t format;
int32_t sequence_bytes;
uint32_t section_number;
uint32_t uncompressed_sample_offset;
char pad_0030[4];
uint32_t has_bits;
} *
local js = panorama.loadstring([[
// @ the guy trying to see what panorama i got (again?), chill bruh
let entity_panels = {}
let entity_data = {}
let event_callbacks = {}
<Panel style="min-width: 3px; padding-top: 2px; padding-left: 0px;" scaling='stretch-to-fit-y-preserve-aspect'>
<Image id="smaller" textureheight="15" style="horizontal-align: center; opacity: 0.01; transition: opacity 0.1s ease-in-out 0.0s, img-shadow 0.12s ease-in-out 0.0s; overflow: noclip; padding: 3px 5px; margin: -3px -5px;" />
<Image id="small" textureheight="17" style="horizontal-align: center; opacity: 0.01; transition: opacity 0.1s ease-in-out 0.0s, img-shadow 0.12s ease-in-out 0.0s; overflow: noclip; padding: 3px 5px; margin: -3px -5px;" />
<Image id="image" textureheight="21" style="opacity: 0.01; transition: opacity 0.1s ease-in-out 0.0s, img-shadow 0.12s ease-in-out 0.0s; padding: 3px 5px; margin: -3px -5px; margin-top: -5px;" />
let _DestroyEntityPanel = function (key) {
let panel = entity_panels[key]
if(panel != null && panel.IsValid()) {
var parent = panel.GetParent()
let musor = parent.GetChild(0)
musor.visible = true
if(parent.FindChildTraverse("id-sb-skillgroup-image") != null) {
parent.FindChildTraverse("id-sb-skillgroup-image").style.margin = "0px 0px 0px 0px"
delete entity_panels[key]
let _DestroyEntityPanels = function() {
for(key in entity_panels){
let _GetOrCreateCustomPanel = function(xuid) {
if(entity_panels[xuid] == null || !entity_panels[xuid].IsValid()){
entity_panels[xuid] = null
let scoreboard_context_panel = $.GetContextPanel().FindChildTraverse("ScoreboardContainer").FindChildTraverse("Scoreboard") || $.GetContextPanel().FindChildTraverse("id-eom-scoreboard-container").FindChildTraverse("Scoreboard")
if(scoreboard_context_panel == null){
let scoreboard_el
if(el.m_xuid == xuid) {
let stat = child_frame.GetAttributeString("data-stat", "")
if(stat == "rank")
scoreboard_el = child_frame.GetChild(0)
if(scoreboard_el) {
let scoreboard_el_parent = scoreboard_el.GetParent()
let custom_icons = $.CreatePanel("Panel", scoreboard_el_parent, "revealer-icon", {
if(scoreboard_el_parent.FindChildTraverse("id-sb-skillgroup-image") != null) {
scoreboard_el_parent.FindChildTraverse("id-sb-skillgroup-image").style.margin = "0px 0px 0px 0px"
scoreboard_el_parent.MoveChildAfter(custom_icons, scoreboard_el_parent.GetChild(1))
let prev_panel = scoreboard_el_parent.GetChild(0)
prev_panel.visible = false
let panel_slot_parent = $.CreatePanel("Panel", custom_icons, [ICODE]icon[/ICODE])
panel_slot_parent.visible = false
panel_slot_parent.BLoadLayoutFromString(SLOT_LAYOUT, false, false)
entity_panels[xuid] = custom_icons
return custom_icons
return entity_panels[xuid]
let _UpdatePlayer = function(entindex, path_to_image) {
if(entindex == null || entindex == 0)
entity_data[entindex] = {
applied: false,
image_path: path_to_image
let _ApplyPlayer = function(entindex) {
let xuid = GameStateAPI.GetPlayerXuidStringFromEntIndex(entindex)
let panel = _GetOrCreateCustomPanel(xuid)
if(panel == null)
let panel_slot_parent = panel.FindChild([ICODE]icon[/ICODE])
panel_slot_parent.visible = true
let panel_slot = panel_slot_parent.FindChild("image")
panel_slot.visible = true
panel_slot.style.opacity = "1"
return true
let _ApplyData = function() {
for(entindex in entity_data) {
entindex = parseInt(entindex)
let xuid = GameStateAPI.GetPlayerXuidStringFromEntIndex(entindex)
if(!entity_data[entindex].applied || entity_panels[xuid] == null || !entity_panels[xuid].IsValid()) {
if(_ApplyPlayer(entindex)) {
entity_data[entindex].applied = true
let _Create = function() {
event_callbacks["OnOpenScoreboard"] = $.RegisterForUnhandledEvent("OnOpenScoreboard", _ApplyData)
event_callbacks["Scoreboard_UpdateEverything"] = $.RegisterForUnhandledEvent("Scoreboard_UpdateEverything", function(){
event_callbacks["Scoreboard_UpdateJob"] = $.RegisterForUnhandledEvent("Scoreboard_UpdateJob", _ApplyData)
let _Clear = function() { entity_data = {} }
let _Destroy = function() {
// clear entity data
for(event in event_callbacks){
$.UnregisterForUnhandledEvent(event, event_callbacks[event])
delete event_callbacks[event]
return {
create: _Create,
destroy: _Destroy,
clear: _Clear,
update: _UpdatePlayer,
destroy_panel: _DestroyEntityPanels
]], "CSGOHud")()
local tab = "Visuals"
local container = "Player ESP"
local images_path = "file://{images}/icons/revealer/multicolored/%s.png"
local main_data_table
local function get_players()
local players = {}
local player_resource = entity.get_player_resource()
for i = 1, globals.maxplayers() do
if entity.get_prop(player_resource, "m_bConnected", i) == 0 then
if main_data_table.users[i] then
main_data_table.users[i] = nil
local flags = entity.get_prop(i, "m_fFlags")
if not flags then
if bit.band(flags, 512) == 512 then
players[#players + 1] = i
until true
return players
local function find_duplicate_element(array, divisor)
local visited_elements = {}
for current_index = 1, #array do
local current_element = array[current_index]
if not visited_elements[current_element] then
visited_elements[current_element] = true
for next_index = current_index + 4, #array do
if current_index % divisor == 0 then
if array[next_index] == current_element then
return true
elseif array[next_index] == current_element then
return false
return false
main_data_table = {
main = uilib.new_checkbox(tab, container, "Cheat revealer"),
display_method = uilib.new_multiselect(tab, container, "\nCheat revealer display options", {
"Scoreboard icon",
icon_type = uilib.new_multiselect(tab, container, "\nCheat revealer icon set", {
"Nado & Ryha",
"Alternative NL icon"
plist_handler = uilib.create_plist(),
yeah = {
names = {
gs = {
long = "gamesense",
color = color.hex("95B80CFF")
nl = {
long = "neverlose",
color = color.hex("037696FF")
nw = {
long = "nixware",
color = color.hex("FFFFFFFF")
pd = {
long = "pandora",
color = color.hex("D4A9FFFF")
pr = {
long = "primordial",
color = color.hex("E2B6C7FF")
ot = {
long = "onetap",
color = color.hex("f7a414FF")
ft = {
long = "fatality",
color = color.hex("f00657FF")
pl = {
long = "plaguecheat",
color = color.hex("6BFF87FF")
ev = {
long = "ev0lve",
color = color.hex("42B7FFFF")
r7 = {
long = "rifk7",
color = color.hex("FF00FFFF")
af = {
long = "airflow",
color = color.hex("8E76C0FF")
wh = {
long = "unknown",
color = color.hex("9F9F9FFF")
colored_names = {
gs = {
short = "\aEAEAEAFFG\a95B80CFFS",
long = "\aEAEAEAFFgame\a95B80CFFsense"
nl = {
short = "\a037696FFNL",
long = "\aEAEAEAFFnever\a037696FFlose"
nw = {
short = "\aFFFFFFFFNW",
long = "\aFFFFFFFFnixware"
pd = {
short = "\aD4A9FFFFPD",
long = "\aD4A9FFFFpandora"
pr = {
short = "\aE2B6C7FFPR",
long = "\aE2B6C7FFprimordial"
ot = {
short = "\aEAEAEAFFO\af7a414FFT",
long = "\aEAEAEAFFone\af7a414FFtap"
ft = {
short = "\af00657FFFT",
long = "\aF00657FFfatality"
pl = {
short = "\a6BFF87FFPLG",
long = "\a6BFF87FFplaguecheat"
ev = {
short = "\a42B7FFFFEV0",
long = "\a42B7FFFFev0\aFFFFFFFFlve"
r7 = {
short = "\a00F600FFR\aFF00FFFF7",
long = "\a00F600FFrifk\aFF00FFFF7"
af = {
short = "\a8E76C0FFAF",
long = "\a8E76C0FFairflow"
wh = {
short = false,
long = "\a515364FFunknown"
users = {}
main_data_table.list_label = main_data_table.plist_handler:add(ui.new_label, "Cheat: " .. main_data_table.yeah.colored_names.wh.long)
local scoreboard_icon_enabled = false
if method:contains("Scoreboard icon") then
scoreboard_icon_enabled = method:contains("Scoreboard icon")
local esp_flag_enabled = false
local last_scoreboard_icon_enabled = false
local last_esp_flag_enabled = false
local nl_path = nil
local is_multicolored = false
local is_unicolored = false
local is_nadoryha = false
local is_alternate_nl_icon = false
local icon_changed = false
icon_changed = true
if icon_type:contains("Unicolored") and (is_multicolored or is_nadoryha) then
icon_type:remove("Nado & Ryha")
elseif icon_type:contains("Multicolored") and (is_unicolored or is_nadoryha) then
icon_type:remove("Nado & Ryha")
elseif icon_type:contains("Nado & Ryha") and (is_multicolored or is_unicolored) then
icon_type:remove("Alternative NL icon")
elseif icon_type:contains("Alternative NL icon") and is_nadoryha then
icon_type:remove("Alternative NL icon")
icon_type:add(is_multicolored and "Multicolored" or is_unicolored and "Unicolored" or is_nadoryha and "Nado & Ryha" or "Multicolored")
is_nadoryha = icon_type:contains("Nado & Ryha")
is_unicolored = icon_type:contains("Unicolored")
is_multicolored = icon_type:contains("Multicolored")
nl_path = not is_nadoryha and (icon_type:contains("Alternative NL icon") and "nl2" or "nl1") or "nl"
images_path = "file://{images}/icons/revealer/" .. (is_multicolored and "multicolored" or is_unicolored and "unicolored" or is_nadoryha and "nadoryha") .. "/%s.png"
for _, user in pairs(main_data_table.users) do
user.icon_set = false
local detection_storage_table = {
nl = {
sig_count = {},
found = {}
nw = {},
pd = {},
ot = {},
ft = {},
pl = {},
ev = {},
r7 = {},
af = {},
gs = {}
local detector_table = {
nl = function(packet, target)
if packet.xuid_high == 0 then
local sig = ("%.02X"):format(ffi.cast("uint16_t*", ffi.cast("uintptr_t", packet) + 22)[0])
if sig == detection_storage_table.current_signature then
detection_storage_table.nl.sig_count[target] = (detection_storage_table.nl.sig_count[target] or 0) + 1
if detection_storage_table.nl.sig_count[target] > 24 then
detection_storage_table.nl.found[target] = 1
return true
detection_storage_table.nl.sig_count[target] = nil
if #detection_storage_table.nl.found > 3 then
return false
if not detection_storage_table.nl[target] then
detection_storage_table.nl[target] = {}
detection_storage_table.nl[target][#detection_storage_table.nl[target] + 1] = packet.xuid_high
if #detection_storage_table.nl[target] > 24 then
if find_duplicate_element(detection_storage_table.nl[target], 4) and packet.xuid_high ~= 0 then
detection_storage_table.current_signature = sig
detection_storage_table.nl[target] = {}
return true
table.remove(detection_storage_table.nl[target], 1)
return false
nw = function(packet, target)
if not detection_storage_table.nw[target] then
detection_storage_table.nw[target] = 0
if detection_storage_table.nw[target] > 34 then
detection_storage_table.nw[target] = nil
return true
elseif packet.xuid_high == 0 then
detection_storage_table.nw[target] = detection_storage_table.nw[target] + 1
detection_storage_table.nw[target] = 0
return false
pd = function(packet, target)
if not detection_storage_table.pd[target] then
detection_storage_table.pd[target] = 0
local sig = ("%.02X"):format(ffi.cast("uint16_t*", ffi.cast("uintptr_t", packet) + 16)[0])
if detection_storage_table.pd[target] > 24 then
return true
elseif sig == "695B" or sig == "1B39" then
detection_storage_table.pd[target] = detection_storage_table.pd[target] + 1
detection_storage_table.pd[target] = 0
return false
ot = function(packet, target)
if not detection_storage_table.ot[target] then
detection_storage_table.ot[target] = {}
detection_storage_table.ot[target][#detection_storage_table.ot[target] + 1] = {
sequence_bytes = packet.sequence_bytes,
xuid_low = packet.xuid_low,
section_number = packet.section_number,
umcompressed_sample_offset = packet.uncompressed_sample_offset
if #detection_storage_table.ot[target] > 16 then
local oldest_packet = detection_storage_table.ot[target][1]
for i = 2, #detection_storage_table.ot[target] do
local loop_packet = detection_storage_table.ot[target][i]
if loop_packet.xuid_low ~= oldest_packet.xuid_low or loop_packet.section_number ~= oldest_packet.section_number or loop_packet.uncompressed_sample_offset ~= oldest_packet.uncompressed_sample_offset then
table.remove(detection_storage_table.ot[target], 1)
return false
table.remove(detection_storage_table.ot[target], 1)
return true
return false
ft = function(packet, target)
if not detection_storage_table.ft[target] then
detection_storage_table.ft[target] = 0
local sig = ("%.02X"):format(ffi.cast("uint16_t*", ffi.cast("uintptr_t", packet) + 16)[0])
if detection_storage_table.ft[target] > 36 then
return true
elseif sig == "7FFA" or sig == "7FFB" then
detection_storage_table.ft[target] = detection_storage_table.ft[target] + 1
return false
pl = function(packet, target)
if not detection_storage_table.pl[target] then
detection_storage_table.pl[target] = 0
if detection_storage_table.pl[target] > 24 then
return true
elseif ("%.02X"):format(ffi.cast("uint16_t*", ffi.cast("uintptr_t", packet) + 44)[0]) == "7275" then
detection_storage_table.pl[target] = detection_storage_table.pl[target] + 1
detection_storage_table.pl[target] = 0
return false
ev = function(packet, target)
if not detection_storage_table.ev[target] then
detection_storage_table.ev[target] = {}
detection_storage_table.ev[target][#detection_storage_table.ev[target] + 1] = packet.xuid_high
if #detection_storage_table.ev[target] > 44 then
for i = 1, #detection_storage_table.ev[target] - 4 do
local loop_info = detection_storage_table.ev[target][i]
if detection_storage_table.ev[target][i + 1] + detection_storage_table.ev[target][i + 2] == detection_storage_table.ev[target][i] * 2 and detection_storage_table.ev[target][i + 4] == loop_info + 1 then
detection_storage_table.ev[target] = {}
return true
table.remove(detection_storage_table.ev[target], 1)
return false
r7 = function(packet, target)
if not detection_storage_table.r7[target] then
detection_storage_table.r7[target] = 0
local sig = ("%.02X"):format(ffi.cast("uint16_t*", ffi.cast("uintptr_t", packet) + 16)[0])
if detection_storage_table.r7[target] > 24 then
return true
elseif sig == "234" or sig == "134" then
detection_storage_table.r7[target] = detection_storage_table.r7[target] + 1
detection_storage_table.r7[target] = 0
return false
af = function(packet, target)
if not detection_storage_table.af[target] then
detection_storage_table.af[target] = 0
if detection_storage_table.af[target] > 24 then
return true
elseif ("%.02X"):format(ffi.cast("uint16_t*", ffi.cast("uintptr_t", packet) + 16)[0]) == "AFF1" then
detection_storage_table.af[target] = detection_storage_table.af[target] + 1
detection_storage_table.af[target] = 0
return false
gs = function(packet, target)
local sig = ("%.02X"):format(ffi.cast("uint16_t*", ffi.cast("uintptr_t", packet) + 22)[0])
local sequence_bytes = string.sub(packet.sequence_bytes, 1, 4)
if not detection_storage_table.gs[target] then
detection_storage_table.gs[target] = {
repeated = 0,
packet = sig,
bytes = sequence_bytes
if sequence_bytes ~= detection_storage_table.gs[target].bytes and sig ~= detection_storage_table.gs[target].packet then
detection_storage_table.gs[target].packet = sig
detection_storage_table.gs[target].bytes = sequence_bytes
detection_storage_table.gs[target].repeated = detection_storage_table.gs[target].repeated + 1
detection_storage_table.gs[target].repeated = 0
if detection_storage_table.gs[target].repeated >= 36 then
detection_storage_table.gs[target] = {
repeated = 0,
packet = sig,
bytes = sequence_bytes
return true
return false
client.register_esp_flag("", 220, 220, 220, function(target)
if not main_data_table.main.value then
return false
if not main_data_table.users[target] or not main_data_table.users[target].cheat then
return false
local cheat = main_data_table.users[target].cheat or "wh"
if not esp_flag_enabled or not cheat or cheat == "wh" then
return false
return true, (entity.is_dormant(target) and cheat or main_data_table.yeah.colored_names[cheat].short or ""):upper()
local function info_update_callback()
main_data_table.icon_type.vis = main_data_table.main.value
main_data_table.display_method.vis = main_data_table.main.value
scoreboard_icon_enabled = main_data_table.display_method:contains("Scoreboard icon") and main_data_table.main.value
esp_flag_enabled = main_data_table.display_method:contains("Flag") and main_data_table.main.value
if icon_changed then
icon_changed = false
for _, user in pairs(main_data_table.users) do
user.icon_set = false
if scoreboard_icon_enabled and not last_scoreboard_icon_enabled then
last_scoreboard_icon_enabled = true
elseif not scoreboard_icon_enabled and last_scoreboard_icon_enabled then
last_scoreboard_icon_enabled = false
for _, user in pairs(main_data_table.users) do
user.icon_set = false
main_data_table.main:add_event_callback("paint", function()
if not scoreboard_icon_enabled then
if (not is_multicolored) and (not is_unicolored) and (not is_nadoryha) then
for _, target in pairs(get_players()) do
local user = main_data_table.users[target]
if user then
if not user.icon_set then
js.update(target, images_path:format(user.cheat and (user.cheat == "nl" and nl_path or user.cheat) or target == entity.get_local_player() and "gs" or "wh"))
user.icon_set = true
main_data_table.users[target] = {}
main_data_table.main:add_event_callback("voice", function(event)
local packet = ffi.cast(voice_data_t, event.data)
local target = (ffi.cast("char*", packet) + 8)[0] + 1
if not main_data_table.users[target] then
main_data_table.users[target] = {}
local user = main_data_table.users[target]
for cheat_identifier, cheat_detection_function in pairs(detector_table) do
local cheat = user.cheat
if user.cheat ~= cheat_identifier and (cheat_identifier ~= "nl" or user.cheat ~= "ev" and user.cheat ~= "gs" and user.cheat ~= "pl" and user.cheat ~= "pd" and user.cheat ~= "r7" and user.cheat ~= "af" and user.cheat ~= "ft") and (cheat_identifier ~= "nw" or user.cheat ~= "nl") and (cheat_identifier ~= "ev" or user.cheat ~= "pd" and user.cheat ~= "nl" and user.cheat ~= "ft") and (cheat_identifier ~= "gs" or user.cheat ~= "ev" and user.cheat ~= "ot" and user.cheat ~= "pl" and user.cheat ~= "pd" and user.cheat ~= "r7" and user.cheat ~= "ft") and (cheat_identifier ~= "ot" or user.cheat ~= "nw" and user.cheat ~= "ft" and user.cheat ~= "pd" and user.cheat ~= "pl") then
if cheat_identifier == "ft" and (user.cheat == "nw" or user.cheat == "pd") then
if cheat_detection_function(packet, target) then
user.cheat = cheat_identifier
user.icon_set = false
main_data_table.plist_handler:set_state(main_data_table.list_label, target, ("Cheat: %s"):format(main_data_table.yeah.colored_names[cheat_identifier].long) or main_data_table.yeah.colored_names.wh.long)
if (user.cheat or "wh") == "wh" or cheat ~= cheat_identifier then
client.fire_event("cheat_detected", {
player = target,
cheat_id = cheat_identifier,
cheat_long = main_data_table.yeah.names[cheat_identifier].long,
cheat_color = main_data_table.yeah.names[cheat_identifier].color
until true
main_data_table.main:add_event_callback("player_connect_full", function(event)
local target = client.userid_to_entindex(event.userid)
if target == entity.get_local_player() then
main_data_table.users = {}
client.delay_call(0.5, function()
for _, user in pairs(main_data_table.users) do
user[target] = {}
main_data_table.main:add_event_callback("game_start", function()
for _, user in pairs(main_data_table.users) do
user.icon_set = false
client.set_event_callback("shutdown", function()
package.preload["gamesense/cheat_revealer"] = function()
return {
get_cheat = function(target)
local cheat = main_data_table.users[target].cheat or "wh"
return {
cheat_id = cheat,
cheat_long = main_data_table.yeah.names[cheat].long or "unknown",
cheat_color = main_data_table.yeah.names[cheat].color or color.hex("9F9F9FFF")
has_data = function(target)
return main_data_table.users[target] ~= nil
clear_data = function(target)
if main_data_table.users[target] == nil then
return false
main_data_table.users[target] = nil
for _, detection in pairs(detection_storage_table) do
detection[target] = nil
return true
why errorcheat_revealer.lua:-- | LEAK BY PILOT (GS BETA, SON OF OSU!TERIK), CONTACT p.#2527 local uilib = require("gamesense/uilib") local http = require("gamesense/http") local ffi = require("ffi") local bit = require("bit") local color = require("gamesense/color") local filesystem_interface = ffi.cast(ffi.typeof("void***"), client.create_interface("filesystem_stdio.dll", "VFileSystem017")) local filesystem_remove_file = ffi.cast("void (__thiscall*)(void*, const char*, const char*)", filesystem_interface[0][20]) local filesystem_create_directories = ffi.cast("void (__thiscall*)(void*, const char*, const char*)", filesystem_interface[0][22]) local filesystem_find = ffi.cast("const char* (__thiscall*)(void*, const char*, int*)", filesystem_interface[0][32]) local function remove_file(file, path_id) filesystem_remove_file(filesystem_interface, file, path_id) end local function create_directories(file, path_id) filesystem_create_directories(filesystem_interface, file, path_id) end local exists = function(file) local int_ptr = ffi.new("int[1]") local res = filesystem_find(filesystem_interface, file, int_ptr) if res == ffi.NULL then return nil end return int_ptr, ffi.string(res) end if not exists("materials\\panorama\\images\\icons\\revealer") then create_directories("materials\\panorama\\images\\icons\\revealer", "revealer") create_directories("materials\\panorama\\images\\icons\\revealer\\multicolored", "multicolored") create_directories("materials\\panorama\\images\\icons\\revealer\\unicolored", "unicolored") create_directories("materials\\panorama\\images\\icons\\revealer\\nadoryha", "nadoryha") end local missing_icons = {} local downloaded_icons = {} local function download_icon(path, cheat) local file_path = ("csgo/materials/panorama/images/icons/revealer/%s/%s.png"):format(path, cheat) http.get(("https://ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dave3x8/revealer-icons/main/%s/%s.png"):format(path, cheat), function(status, response) if not status then return error("Revealer: Couldn't retrieve " .. path .. " " .. cheat:upper() .. " icon due to " .. response.status_message:lower()) end writefile(file_path, response.body) downloaded_icons[#downloaded_icons + 1] = path .. " " .. cheat:upper() end) end for path, cheats in pairs({ multicolored = { "nl1", "nl2", "gs", "ft", "nw", "ev", "ot", "pd", "pl", "r7", "af", "wh" }, unicolored = { "nl1", "nl2", "gs", "ft", "nw", "ev", "ot", "pd", "pl", "r7", "af", "wh" }, nadoryha = { "nl", "gs", "ft", "nw", "ev", "ot", "pd", "pl", "r7", "af", "wh" } }) do for _, cheat in ipairs(cheats) do local old_file = readfile("csgo/materials/panorama/images/icons/achievements/" .. path .. "_" .. cheat .. ".png") if not old_file and not readfile("csgo/materials/panorama/images/icons/revealer/" .. path .. "/" .. cheat .. ".png") then missing_icons[#missing_icons + 1] = path .. " " .. cheat:upper() download_icon(path, cheat) elseif old_file then writefile("csgo/materials/panorama/images/icons/revealer/" .. path .. "/" .. cheat .. ".png", old_file) remove_file(("materials\\panorama\\images\\icons\\achievements\\%s_%s.png"):format(path, cheat), "") end end end if #missing_icons > 0 then print("Revealer: Missing icons: " .. table.concat(missing_icons, ", ")) end local voice_data_t = ffi.typeof([[ struct { char pad_0000[8]; int32_t client; int32_t audible_mask; uint32_t xuid_low; uint32_t xuid_high; void* voice_data; bool proximity; bool caster; char pad_001E[2]; int32_t format; int32_t sequence_bytes; uint32_t section_number; uint32_t uncompressed_sample_offset; char pad_0030[4]; uint32_t has_bits; } * ]]) local js = panorama.loadstring([[ // @ the guy trying to see what panorama i got (again?), chill bruh let entity_panels = {} let entity_data = {} let event_callbacks = {} let SLOT_LAYOUT = ` <root> <Panel style="min-width: 3px; padding-top: 2px; padding-left: 0px;" scaling='stretch-to-fit-y-preserve-aspect'> <Image id="smaller" textureheight="15" style="horizontal-align: center; opacity: 0.01; transition: opacity 0.1s ease-in-out 0.0s, img-shadow 0.12s ease-in-out 0.0s; overflow: noclip; padding: 3px 5px; margin: -3px -5px;" /> <Image id="small" textureheight="17" style="horizontal-align: center; opacity: 0.01; transition: opacity 0.1s ease-in-out 0.0s, img-shadow 0.12s ease-in-out 0.0s; overflow: noclip; padding: 3px 5px; margin: -3px -5px;" /> <Image id="image" textureheight="21" style="opacity: 0.01; transition: opacity 0.1s ease-in-out 0.0s, img-shadow 0.12s ease-in-out 0.0s; padding: 3px 5px; margin: -3px -5px; margin-top: -5px;" /> </Panel> </root> ` let _DestroyEntityPanel = function (key) { let panel = entity_panels[key] if(panel != null && panel.IsValid()) { var parent = panel.GetParent() let musor = parent.GetChild(0) musor.visible = true if(parent.FindChildTraverse("id-sb-skillgroup-image") != null) { parent.FindChildTraverse("id-sb-skillgroup-image").style.margin = "0px 0px 0px 0px" } panel.DeleteAsync(0.0) } delete entity_panels[key] } let _DestroyEntityPanels = function() { for(key in entity_panels){ _DestroyEntityPanel(key) } } let _GetOrCreateCustomPanel = function(xuid) { if(entity_panels[xuid] == null || !entity_panels[xuid].IsValid()){ entity_panels[xuid] = null let scoreboard_context_panel = $.GetContextPanel().FindChildTraverse("ScoreboardContainer").FindChildTraverse("Scoreboard") || $.GetContextPanel().FindChildTraverse("id-eom-scoreboard-container").FindChildTraverse("Scoreboard") if(scoreboard_context_panel == null){ _Clear() _DestroyEntityPanels() return } scoreboard_context_panel.FindChildrenWithClassTraverse("sb-row").forEach(function(el){ let scoreboard_el if(el.m_xuid == xuid) { el.Children().forEach(function(child_frame){ let stat = child_frame.GetAttributeString("data-stat", "") if(stat == "rank") scoreboard_el = child_frame.GetChild(0) }) if(scoreboard_el) { let scoreboard_el_parent = scoreboard_el.GetParent() let custom_icons = $.CreatePanel("Panel", scoreboard_el_parent, "revealer-icon", { }) if(scoreboard_el_parent.FindChildTraverse("id-sb-skillgroup-image") != null) { scoreboard_el_parent.FindChildTraverse("id-sb-skillgroup-image").style.margin = "0px 0px 0px 0px" } scoreboard_el_parent.MoveChildAfter(custom_icons, scoreboard_el_parent.GetChild(1)) let prev_panel = scoreboard_el_parent.GetChild(0) prev_panel.visible = false let panel_slot_parent = $.CreatePanel("Panel", custom_icons, [ICODE]icon[/ICODE]) panel_slot_parent.visible = false panel_slot_parent.BLoadLayoutFromString(SLOT_LAYOUT, false, false) entity_panels[xuid] = custom_icons return custom_icons } } }) } return entity_panels[xuid] } let _UpdatePlayer = function(entindex, path_to_image) { if(entindex == null || entindex == 0) return entity_data[entindex] = { applied: false, image_path: path_to_image } } let _ApplyPlayer = function(entindex) { let xuid = GameStateAPI.GetPlayerXuidStringFromEntIndex(entindex) let panel = _GetOrCreateCustomPanel(xuid) if(panel == null) return let panel_slot_parent = panel.FindChild([ICODE]icon[/ICODE]) panel_slot_parent.visible = true let panel_slot = panel_slot_parent.FindChild("image") panel_slot.visible = true panel_slot.style.opacity = "1" panel_slot.SetImage(entity_data[entindex].image_path) return true } let _ApplyData = function() { for(entindex in entity_data) { entindex = parseInt(entindex) let xuid = GameStateAPI.GetPlayerXuidStringFromEntIndex(entindex) if(!entity_data[entindex].applied || entity_panels[xuid] == null || !entity_panels[xuid].IsValid()) { if(_ApplyPlayer(entindex)) { entity_data[entindex].applied = true } } } } let _Create = function() { event_callbacks["OnOpenScoreboard"] = $.RegisterForUnhandledEvent("OnOpenScoreboard", _ApplyData) event_callbacks["Scoreboard_UpdateEverything"] = $.RegisterForUnhandledEvent("Scoreboard_UpdateEverything", function(){ _ApplyData() }) event_callbacks["Scoreboard_UpdateJob"] = $.RegisterForUnhandledEvent("Scoreboard_UpdateJob", _ApplyData) } let _Clear = function() { entity_data = {} } let _Destroy = function() { // clear entity data _Clear() _DestroyEntityPanels() for(event in event_callbacks){ $.UnregisterForUnhandledEvent(event, event_callbacks[event]) delete event_callbacks[event] } } return { create: _Create, destroy: _Destroy, clear: _Clear, update: _UpdatePlayer, destroy_panel: _DestroyEntityPanels } ]], "CSGOHud")() js.create() local tab = "Visuals" local container = "Player ESP" local images_path = "file://{images}/icons/revealer/multicolored/%s.png" local main_data_table local function get_players() local players = {} local player_resource = entity.get_player_resource() for i = 1, globals.maxplayers() do repeat if entity.get_prop(player_resource, "m_bConnected", i) == 0 then if main_data_table.users[i] then main_data_table.users[i] = nil end break else local flags = entity.get_prop(i, "m_fFlags") if not flags then break end if bit.band(flags, 512) == 512 then break end end players[#players + 1] = i until true end return players end local function find_duplicate_element(array, divisor) local visited_elements = {} for current_index = 1, #array do local current_element = array[current_index] if not visited_elements[current_element] then visited_elements[current_element] = true for next_index = current_index + 4, #array do if current_index % divisor == 0 then if array[next_index] == current_element then return true end elseif array[next_index] == current_element then return false end end end end return false end main_data_table = { main = uilib.new_checkbox(tab, container, "Cheat revealer"), display_method = uilib.new_multiselect(tab, container, "\nCheat revealer display options", { "Scoreboard icon", "Flag" }), icon_type = uilib.new_multiselect(tab, container, "\nCheat revealer icon set", { "Multicolored", "Unicolored", "Nado & Ryha", "Alternative NL icon" }), plist_handler = uilib.create_plist(), yeah = { names = { gs = { long = "gamesense", color = color.hex("95B80CFF") }, nl = { long = "neverlose", color = color.hex("037696FF") }, nw = { long = "nixware", color = color.hex("FFFFFFFF") }, pd = { long = "pandora", color = color.hex("D4A9FFFF") }, pr = { long = "primordial", color = color.hex("E2B6C7FF") }, ot = { long = "onetap", color = color.hex("f7a414FF") }, ft = { long = "fatality", color = color.hex("f00657FF") }, pl = { long = "plaguecheat", color = color.hex("6BFF87FF") }, ev = { long = "ev0lve", color = color.hex("42B7FFFF") }, r7 = { long = "rifk7", color = color.hex("FF00FFFF") }, af = { long = "airflow", color = color.hex("8E76C0FF") }, wh = { long = "unknown", color = color.hex("9F9F9FFF") } }, colored_names = { gs = { short = "\aEAEAEAFFG\a95B80CFFS", long = "\aEAEAEAFFgame\a95B80CFFsense" }, nl = { short = "\a037696FFNL", long = "\aEAEAEAFFnever\a037696FFlose" }, nw = { short = "\aFFFFFFFFNW", long = "\aFFFFFFFFnixware" }, pd = { short = "\aD4A9FFFFPD", long = "\aD4A9FFFFpandora" }, pr = { short = "\aE2B6C7FFPR", long = "\aE2B6C7FFprimordial" }, ot = { short = "\aEAEAEAFFO\af7a414FFT", long = "\aEAEAEAFFone\af7a414FFtap" }, ft = { short = "\af00657FFFT", long = "\aF00657FFfatality" }, pl = { short = "\a6BFF87FFPLG", long = "\a6BFF87FFplaguecheat" }, ev = { short = "\a42B7FFFFEV0", long = "\a42B7FFFFev0\aFFFFFFFFlve" }, r7 = { short = "\a00F600FFR\aFF00FFFF7", long = "\a00F600FFrifk\aFF00FFFF7" }, af = { short = "\a8E76C0FFAF", long = "\a8E76C0FFairflow" }, wh = { short = false, long = "\a515364FFunknown" } }, }, users = {} } main_data_table.list_label = main_data_table.plist_handler:add(ui.new_label, "Cheat: " .. main_data_table.yeah.colored_names.wh.long) local scoreboard_icon_enabled = false main_data_table.display_method:add_callback(function(method) if method:contains("Scoreboard icon") then js.create() else js.destroy() end scoreboard_icon_enabled = method:contains("Scoreboard icon") end) local esp_flag_enabled = false local last_scoreboard_icon_enabled = false local last_esp_flag_enabled = false local nl_path = nil local is_multicolored = false local is_unicolored = false local is_nadoryha = false local is_alternate_nl_icon = false local icon_changed = false main_data_table.icon_type:add_callback(function(icon_type) icon_changed = true if icon_type:contains("Unicolored") and (is_multicolored or is_nadoryha) then icon_type:remove("Multicolored") icon_type:remove("Nado & Ryha") elseif icon_type:contains("Multicolored") and (is_unicolored or is_nadoryha) then icon_type:remove("Unicolored") icon_type:remove("Nado & Ryha") elseif icon_type:contains("Nado & Ryha") and (is_multicolored or is_unicolored) then icon_type:remove("Unicolored") icon_type:remove("Multicolored") icon_type:remove("Alternative NL icon") elseif icon_type:contains("Alternative NL icon") and is_nadoryha then icon_type:remove("Alternative NL icon") else icon_type:add(is_multicolored and "Multicolored" or is_unicolored and "Unicolored" or is_nadoryha and "Nado & Ryha" or "Multicolored") end is_nadoryha = icon_type:contains("Nado & Ryha") is_unicolored = icon_type:contains("Unicolored") is_multicolored = icon_type:contains("Multicolored") nl_path = not is_nadoryha and (icon_type:contains("Alternative NL icon") and "nl2" or "nl1") or "nl" images_path = "file://{images}/icons/revealer/" .. (is_multicolored and "multicolored" or is_unicolored and "unicolored" or is_nadoryha and "nadoryha") .. "/%s.png" for _, user in pairs(main_data_table.users) do user.icon_set = false end end) main_data_table.icon_type:add("Multicolored") local detection_storage_table = { nl = { sig_count = {}, found = {} }, nw = {}, pd = {}, ot = {}, ft = {}, pl = {}, ev = {}, r7 = {}, af = {}, gs = {} } local detector_table = { nl = function(packet, target) if packet.xuid_high == 0 then return end local sig = ("%.02X"):format(ffi.cast("uint16_t*", ffi.cast("uintptr_t", packet) + 22)[0]) if sig == detection_storage_table.current_signature then detection_storage_table.nl.sig_count[target] = (detection_storage_table.nl.sig_count[target] or 0) + 1 if detection_storage_table.nl.sig_count[target] > 24 then detection_storage_table.nl.found[target] = 1 return true else detection_storage_table.nl.sig_count[target] = nil end end if #detection_storage_table.nl.found > 3 then return false end if not detection_storage_table.nl[target] then detection_storage_table.nl[target] = {} end detection_storage_table.nl[target][#detection_storage_table.nl[target] + 1] = packet.xuid_high if #detection_storage_table.nl[target] > 24 then if find_duplicate_element(detection_storage_table.nl[target], 4) and packet.xuid_high ~= 0 then detection_storage_table.current_signature = sig detection_storage_table.nl[target] = {} return true end table.remove(detection_storage_table.nl[target], 1) end return false end, nw = function(packet, target) if not detection_storage_table.nw[target] then detection_storage_table.nw[target] = 0 end if detection_storage_table.nw[target] > 34 then detection_storage_table.nw[target] = nil return true elseif packet.xuid_high == 0 then detection_storage_table.nw[target] = detection_storage_table.nw[target] + 1 else detection_storage_table.nw[target] = 0 end return false end, pd = function(packet, target) if not detection_storage_table.pd[target] then detection_storage_table.pd[target] = 0 end local sig = ("%.02X"):format(ffi.cast("uint16_t*", ffi.cast("uintptr_t", packet) + 16)[0]) if detection_storage_table.pd[target] > 24 then return true elseif sig == "695B" or sig == "1B39" then detection_storage_table.pd[target] = detection_storage_table.pd[target] + 1 else detection_storage_table.pd[target] = 0 end return false end, ot = function(packet, target) if not detection_storage_table.ot[target] then detection_storage_table.ot[target] = {} end detection_storage_table.ot[target][#detection_storage_table.ot[target] + 1] = { sequence_bytes = packet.sequence_bytes, xuid_low = packet.xuid_low, section_number = packet.section_number, umcompressed_sample_offset = packet.uncompressed_sample_offset } if #detection_storage_table.ot[target] > 16 then local oldest_packet = detection_storage_table.ot[target][1] for i = 2, #detection_storage_table.ot[target] do local loop_packet = detection_storage_table.ot[target][i] if loop_packet.xuid_low ~= oldest_packet.xuid_low or loop_packet.section_number ~= oldest_packet.section_number or loop_packet.uncompressed_sample_offset ~= oldest_packet.uncompressed_sample_offset then table.remove(detection_storage_table.ot[target], 1) return false end end table.remove(detection_storage_table.ot[target], 1) return true end return false end, ft = function(packet, target) if not detection_storage_table.ft[target] then detection_storage_table.ft[target] = 0 end local sig = ("%.02X"):format(ffi.cast("uint16_t*", ffi.cast("uintptr_t", packet) + 16)[0]) if detection_storage_table.ft[target] > 36 then return true elseif sig == "7FFA" or sig == "7FFB" then detection_storage_table.ft[target] = detection_storage_table.ft[target] + 1 end return false end, pl = function(packet, target) if not detection_storage_table.pl[target] then detection_storage_table.pl[target] = 0 end if detection_storage_table.pl[target] > 24 then return true elseif ("%.02X"):format(ffi.cast("uint16_t*", ffi.cast("uintptr_t", packet) + 44)[0]) == "7275" then detection_storage_table.pl[target] = detection_storage_table.pl[target] + 1 else detection_storage_table.pl[target] = 0 end return false end, ev = function(packet, target) if not detection_storage_table.ev[target] then detection_storage_table.ev[target] = {} end detection_storage_table.ev[target][#detection_storage_table.ev[target] + 1] = packet.xuid_high if #detection_storage_table.ev[target] > 44 then for i = 1, #detection_storage_table.ev[target] - 4 do local loop_info = detection_storage_table.ev[target][i] if detection_storage_table.ev[target][i + 1] + detection_storage_table.ev[target][i + 2] == detection_storage_table.ev[target][i] * 2 and detection_storage_table.ev[target][i + 4] == loop_info + 1 then detection_storage_table.ev[target] = {} return true end end table.remove(detection_storage_table.ev[target], 1) end return false end, r7 = function(packet, target) if not detection_storage_table.r7[target] then detection_storage_table.r7[target] = 0 end local sig = ("%.02X"):format(ffi.cast("uint16_t*", ffi.cast("uintptr_t", packet) + 16)[0]) if detection_storage_table.r7[target] > 24 then return true elseif sig == "234" or sig == "134" then detection_storage_table.r7[target] = detection_storage_table.r7[target] + 1 else detection_storage_table.r7[target] = 0 end return false end, af = function(packet, target) if not detection_storage_table.af[target] then detection_storage_table.af[target] = 0 end if detection_storage_table.af[target] > 24 then return true elseif ("%.02X"):format(ffi.cast("uint16_t*", ffi.cast("uintptr_t", packet) + 16)[0]) == "AFF1" then detection_storage_table.af[target] = detection_storage_table.af[target] + 1 else detection_storage_table.af[target] = 0 end return false end, gs = function(packet, target) local sig = ("%.02X"):format(ffi.cast("uint16_t*", ffi.cast("uintptr_t", packet) + 22)[0]) local sequence_bytes = string.sub(packet.sequence_bytes, 1, 4) if not detection_storage_table.gs[target] then detection_storage_table.gs[target] = { repeated = 0, packet = sig, bytes = sequence_bytes } end if sequence_bytes ~= detection_storage_table.gs[target].bytes and sig ~= detection_storage_table.gs[target].packet then detection_storage_table.gs[target].packet = sig detection_storage_table.gs[target].bytes = sequence_bytes detection_storage_table.gs[target].repeated = detection_storage_table.gs[target].repeated + 1 else detection_storage_table.gs[target].repeated = 0 end if detection_storage_table.gs[target].repeated >= 36 then detection_storage_table.gs[target] = { repeated = 0, packet = sig, bytes = sequence_bytes } return true end return false end } client.register_esp_flag("", 220, 220, 220, function(target) if not main_data_table.main.value then return false end if not main_data_table.users[target] or not main_data_table.users[target].cheat then return false end local cheat = main_data_table.users[target].cheat or "wh" if not esp_flag_enabled or not cheat or cheat == "wh" then return false end return true, (entity.is_dormant(target) and cheat or main_data_table.yeah.colored_names[cheat].short or ""):upper() end) local function info_update_callback() main_data_table.icon_type.vis = main_data_table.main.value main_data_table.display_method.vis = main_data_table.main.value scoreboard_icon_enabled = main_data_table.display_method:contains("Scoreboard icon") and main_data_table.main.value esp_flag_enabled = main_data_table.display_method:contains("Flag") and main_data_table.main.value if icon_changed then icon_changed = false for _, user in pairs(main_data_table.users) do user.icon_set = false end end if scoreboard_icon_enabled and not last_scoreboard_icon_enabled then last_scoreboard_icon_enabled = true js.create() elseif not scoreboard_icon_enabled and last_scoreboard_icon_enabled then last_scoreboard_icon_enabled = false for _, user in pairs(main_data_table.users) do user.icon_set = false end js.destroy() end end main_data_table.main:add_event_callback("paint", function() if not scoreboard_icon_enabled then return end if (not is_multicolored) and (not is_unicolored) and (not is_nadoryha) then return end for _, target in pairs(get_players()) do local user = main_data_table.users[target] if user then if not user.icon_set then js.update(target, images_path:format(user.cheat and (user.cheat == "nl" and nl_path or user.cheat) or target == entity.get_local_player() and "gs" or "wh")) user.icon_set = true end else main_data_table.users[target] = {} end end end) main_data_table.main:add_event_callback("voice", function(event) local packet = ffi.cast(voice_data_t, event.data) local target = (ffi.cast("char*", packet) + 8)[0] + 1 if not main_data_table.users[target] then main_data_table.users[target] = {} end local user = main_data_table.users[target] for cheat_identifier, cheat_detection_function in pairs(detector_table) do repeat local cheat = user.cheat if user.cheat ~= cheat_identifier and (cheat_identifier ~= "nl" or user.cheat ~= "ev" and user.cheat ~= "gs" and user.cheat ~= "pl" and user.cheat ~= "pd" and user.cheat ~= "r7" and user.cheat ~= "af" and user.cheat ~= "ft") and (cheat_identifier ~= "nw" or user.cheat ~= "nl") and (cheat_identifier ~= "ev" or user.cheat ~= "pd" and user.cheat ~= "nl" and user.cheat ~= "ft") and (cheat_identifier ~= "gs" or user.cheat ~= "ev" and user.cheat ~= "ot" and user.cheat ~= "pl" and user.cheat ~= "pd" and user.cheat ~= "r7" and user.cheat ~= "ft") and (cheat_identifier ~= "ot" or user.cheat ~= "nw" and user.cheat ~= "ft" and user.cheat ~= "pd" and user.cheat ~= "pl") then if cheat_identifier == "ft" and (user.cheat == "nw" or user.cheat == "pd") then break end if cheat_detection_function(packet, target) then user.cheat = cheat_identifier user.icon_set = false main_data_table.plist_handler:set_state(main_data_table.list_label, target, ("Cheat: %s"):format(main_data_table.yeah.colored_names[cheat_identifier].long) or main_data_table.yeah.colored_names.wh.long) if (user.cheat or "wh") == "wh" or cheat ~= cheat_identifier then client.fire_event("cheat_detected", { player = target, cheat_id = cheat_identifier, cheat_long = main_data_table.yeah.names[cheat_identifier].long, cheat_color = main_data_table.yeah.names[cheat_identifier].color }) end end end until true end end) main_data_table.main:add_event_callback("player_connect_full", function(event) local target = client.userid_to_entindex(event.userid) if target == entity.get_local_player() then main_data_table.users = {} js.clear() js.destroy() client.delay_call(0.5, function() js.create() end) else for _, user in pairs(main_data_table.users) do user[target] = {} end end end) main_data_table.main:add_event_callback("game_start", function() for _, user in pairs(main_data_table.users) do user.icon_set = false end end) main_data_table.main:add_callback(info_update_callback) main_data_table.display_method:add_callback(info_update_callback) main_data_table.icon_type:add_callback(info_update_callback) main_data_table.main:invoke() client.set_event_callback("shutdown", function() js.clear() js.destroy() end) package.preload["gamesense/cheat_revealer"] = function() return { get_cheat = function(target) local cheat = main_data_table.users[target].cheat or "wh" return { cheat_id = cheat, cheat_long = main_data_table.yeah.names[cheat].long or "unknown", cheat_color = main_data_table.yeah.names[cheat].color or color.hex("9F9F9FFF") } end, has_data = function(target) return main_data_table.users[target] ~= nil end, clear_data = function(target) if main_data_table.users[target] == nil then return false end main_data_table.users[target] = nil for _, detection in pairs(detection_storage_table) do detection[target] = nil end return true end } end
idk, it works for mewhy error
u need this librarieswhy error
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