Автор темы
- #1
had do a schema system for base im working on for release just figured i share this separate
can be pasted into fatality
did a simple flash test
can be pasted into fatality
did a simple flash test
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
SCHEMA(float, flash_duration, "C_CSPlayerPawnBase", "m_flFlashDuration");
if (local_controller)
auto pawn = local_controller->get_pawn2();
if (pawn)
pawn->get_flash_duration() = 0.f;
using namespace utils;
using namespace sdk;
static constexpr const char* schema_modules[]{
int schema_t::find_feild(const char* class_name, const char* field) {
// Attempt to find the field in the global type scope.
int offset = find_field_type_scope(manager->schema_system->global_type_scope(), class_name, field);
// If the field was found in the global scope, return its offset.
if (offset)
return offset;
// If the field was not found in the global scope, iterate through schema modules.
for (auto module : schema_modules) {
// Retrieve the type scope for the current module.
CSchemaSystemTypeScope* typescope = manager->schema_system->find_type_scope_for_module(module);
// If the type scope is null, skip this module.
if (!typescope)
// Attempt to find the field in the current module's type scope.
int offset = find_field_type_scope(typescope, class_name, field);
// If the field was found, return its offset.
if (offset)
return offset;
// If the field was not found in any type scope, return 0.
return 0;
int schema_t::find_field_type_scope(CSchemaSystemTypeScope* typescope, const char* class_name, const char* field_name) {
// Pointer to hold the class information.
SchemaClassInfoData_t* class_info = nullptr;
// Use the FindDeclaredClass function to populate class_info.
typescope->find_declared_class(&class_info, class_name);
// If class_info is null, the class wasn't found; return 0.
if (!class_info)
return 0;
// Retrieve the fields and the number of fields in the class.
auto fields_size = class_info->nFieldSize;
SchemaClassFieldData_t* fields = class_info->pFields;
// Iterate over the fields to find the one matching the given field_name.
for (int i = 0; i < fields_size; i++) {
SchemaClassFieldData_t& field = fields[i];
// Compare field names and return the offset if a match is found.
if (!strcmp(field.szName, field_name))
return field.nSingleInheritanceOffset;
// If no field was found, return 0.
return 0;
// SCHEMA Macros
#define SCHEMA(type, name, class_name, field) \
type& get_##name() { \
/* Find the field offset using schema_dump */ \
static auto offset = schema_dump->find_feild(class_name, field); \
return *reinterpret_cast<type*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) + offset); \
#define SCHEMA_OFFSET(type, name, class_name, field, eoffset) \
type& get_##name() { \
/* Find the field offset and add the extra offset */ \
static auto offset = schema_dump->find_feild(class_name, field); \
return *reinterpret_cast<type*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) + offset + eoffset); \
#define SCHEMA_P(type, name, class_name, field) \
type* get_##name() { \
/* Find the field offset using schema_dump */ \
static auto offset = schema_dump->find_feild(class_name, field); \
return reinterpret_cast<type*>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(this) + offset); \
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