adding that atmGood Work Because IT'S Look A Simple. But also found shitt in code (don't care) it's a public. Detection?. Add TraceRay![]()
cant wait for some more updates and lagcomp example
Hello here a Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) base project that includes some basic features like bunny hopping (bhop), hit sounds, engine prediction, and some visual I've also added comments throughout the code to help you understand and learn from. i also tried keep stuff simple basic and clean
it also uses schema system get the offsets so no generation files needed
mostly everything is up to date / working
there is no config system at this stage, base is not fully completed, if you wanna do commits to it you can
credits to here for the menu, you can easily add your own or another in, i just used this for the imgui framework
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
the github link to the base, its a source
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I really love you man <3 thxHello here a Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) base project that includes some basic features like bunny hopping (bhop), hit sounds, engine prediction, and some visual I've also added comments throughout the code to help you understand and learn from. i also tried keep stuff simple basic and clean
it also uses schema system get the offsets so no generation files needed
mostly everything is up to date / working
there is no config system at this stage, base is not fully completed, if you wanna do commits to it you can
credits to here for the menu, you can easily add your own or another in, i just used this for the imgui framework
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
the github link to the base, its a source
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
random crashes when leaving and connectingupdate live took me long time i stuff up the imgui menu and restored the older imgui version had re update version again
basic lagcomp
engine trace setup
history skeletion and normal skeleton esp some fixes here and there
i change esp font next update and link menu items to stuff
not to sure whats making the crashes exactly but it do with the text for esprandom crashes when leaving and connecting
i fixed the imguicalctextsizea crash i might do some more stuff tomorrow thinking of setting up the unhooking and connecting menu to the featuresrandom crashes when leaving and connecting
You have also fixed the lag problem, but when the things in the player_log::run_log are deleted, problems occur in esp, while the menu is open and the mouse is moved, the same things occur that cause image pollution.i fixed the imguicalctextsizea crash i might do some more stuff tomorrow thinking of setting up the unhooking and connecting menu to the features
also more comments the crashing was cuz of the render_text parsing to imguicalctextsizea
the another crash part to i have alook when do other stuff
forgot comment back in, also idk why the pollution is happening, happens when the mouse moves and imgui menu is openedYou have also fixed the lag problem, but when the things in the player_log::run_log are deleted, problems occur in esp, while the menu is open and the mouse is moved, the same things occur that cause image pollution.
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Пожалуйста, зарегистрируйтесь или авторизуйтесь, чтобы увидеть содержимое.
Пожалуйста, зарегистрируйтесь или авторизуйтесь, чтобы увидеть содержимое.
void movement_t::lj(sdk::cuser_cmd* cmd){
if (!movementvars::lj)
if (!KEYBIND(movementvars::ljkeybind, movementvars::ljkey))
if (!(local_pawn->get_player_flags() & sdk::fl_onground)) {
cmd->nButtons.nValue |= ~sdk::IN_JUMP;
cmd->nButtons.nValue |= sdk::IN_DUCK;
That's for you to add :3When will you update it and add more features? i like it!
i just get side tracked with stuff or busy, i am gonna add more stuff but mostly just things start you offWhen will you update it and add more features? i like it!
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