Гайд CS:GO AutoHotkey Glow

20 Мар 2018
Обратите внимание, пользователь заблокирован на форуме. Не рекомендуется проводить сделки.
VAC Status: Неизвестно

Причина: слишком много противоречивых личных анекдотов. Используйте на свой страх и риск. Он читает / пишет память, так что будьте внимательны. Лично я до этого дня использовал старый AHK от Balto, и он читает и записывает память, но я еще не получил VAC, что странно. Он никогда не был скомпилирован в исполняемый файл и был в простом старом формате .ahk. Люди сказали, что они использовали .ahk и получили VAC, а другие сказали, что нет, независимо от того, есть сценарий для чтения / записи памяти или нет. Это причина для статуса VAC, поэтому используйте на свой страх и риск.

Features: 4 Glow Modes (Wall glow, Model glow, Static outline, Blinking outline), FOV Changer, and Bhop

Собственно инструкция
1. Устанавливаем AutoHotkey и выбираем ANSI 32 bit
2. Открываем CS:GO
3. Запускаем скрипт
4. Наслаждаемся
5. Обязательно выключаем NumLock, потому что все управление на Numpad.
При первом запуске, нажимаем Numpad5 чтобы спрятать текст, потом Numpad2 и опять Numpad5 чтобы бы меню появилось.
6. Нажимайте 8 и 2 чтобы управлять в меню вверх и вниз, и 4 и 6 чтобы вкл/выкл функции чита

На момент создания скрипта, он работал.Чтобы обновить оффсеты (ибо после обнов чит не работает), меняйте их в файле Settings.INI используя
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.



используем этот код для .ahk файла
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 99000000
#HotkeyInterval 99000000
#KeyHistory 0
ListLines Off
Process, Priority, , A
SetBatchLines, -1
SetKeyDelay, -1, -1
SetMouseDelay, -1
SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0
SetWinDelay, -1
SetControlDelay, -1
SendMode Input
DllName = client_panorama.dll
Process, Exist, csgo.exe
If (ErrorLevel = 0)
msgbox, Run "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive" then start the cheat =P BTW this is coded by INTENSECOW on the UC forms that is the safe download
Process, Exist, csgo.exe
PID = %ErrorLevel%
Client := GetDllBase(DllName, PID)
while (!Client){
Process, Exist, csgo.exe
PID = %ErrorLevel%
Client := GetDllBase(DllName, PID)
msgbox Error could not find CLIENT.DLL %Client%
xxy = csgo.exe
ProcessHandle := DllCall("OpenProcess", "int", 2035711, "char", 0, "UInt", PID, "UInt")
z := 1
xc := 0
r := 1
b := 1
g := 1
a := 1
bToggle := 1
bhoptoggle := 0
fovvalue := 90
glowtoggle := 0
radar := 0
IniRead, bToggle, Settings.INI, Settings, bToggle, 0
IniRead, a, Settings.INI, Settings, a, 0.8
IniRead, r, Settings.INI, Settings, r, 1
IniRead, b, Settings.INI, Settings, b, 0
IniRead, g, Settings.INI, Settings, g, 1
IniRead, bhoptoggle, Settings.INI, Settings, bhoptoggle, 0
IniRead, fovvalue, Settings.INI, Settings, fovvalue, 90
IniRead, glowtoggle, Settings.INI, Settings, glowtoggle, 0
IniRead, radar, Settings.INI, Settings, radar, 0
IniRead, LocalPlayer, Settings.INI, Offsets, LocalPlayer, 0xCBD6B4
IniRead, glowobjectmanger, Settings.INI, Offsets, glowobjectmanger, 0x520DAD8
IniRead, entitylist, Settings.INI, Offsets, entitylist, 0x4CCDCBC
IniRead, glowindexz, Settings.INI, Offsets, glowindexz, 0xA3F8
IniRead, spotted, Settings.INI, Offsets, spotted, 0x93D
IniRead, health, Settings.INI, Offsets, health, 0x100
IniRead, team, Settings.INI, Offsets, team, 0xF4
IniRead, fov, Settings.INI, Offsets, fov, 0x31E4
IniRead, flags, Settings.INI, Offsets, flags, 0x104
IniWrite, %LocalPlayer%, Settings.INI, Offsets, LocalPlayer
IniWrite, %glowobjectmanger%, Settings.INI, Offsets, glowobjectmanger
IniWrite, %entitylist%, Settings.INI, Offsets, entitylist
IniWrite, %glowindexz%, Settings.INI, Offsets, glowindexz
IniWrite, %fov%, Settings.INI, Offsets, fov
IniWrite, %spotted%, Settings.INI, Offsets, spotted
IniWrite, %health%, Settings.INI, Offsets, health
IniWrite, %team%, Settings.INI, Offsets, team
IniWrite, %flags%, Settings.INI, Offsets, flags
sleep 50
Gui, Color, 030003,
Gui, -caption +toolwindow +AlwaysOnTop
gui, font, s15 w800 Q3, Stika Banner
gui, Margin, 9, -0.42
Gui, add, text, Xtv CB100B1 vText8 TransColor, This cheat was made by Intensecow on UC forms
Gui, add, text, Xtv CB100B1 vText7 TransColor, This cheat was made by Intensecow on UC forms
Gui, add, text, Xtv CB100B1 vText6 TransColor, This cheat was made by Intensecow on UC forms
Gui, add, text, Xtv CB100B1 vText5 TransColor, This cheat was made by Intensecow on UC forms
Gui, add, text, Xtv CB100B1 vText4 TransColor, This cheat was made by Intensecow on UC forms
Gui, add, text, Xtv CB100B1 vText3 TransColor, This cheat was made by Intensecow on UC forms
Gui, add, text, Xtv CB100B1 vText2 TransColor, This cheat was made by Intensecow on UC forms
Gui, add, text, Xtv CB100B1 vText1 TransColor, This cheat was made by Intensecow on UC forms
Gui, Show, % "x" A_ScreenWidth-1910 " y" A_ScreenHeight-400 ,xex
WinSet, TransColor, 030003 160, xex
winget, proc, ProcessName, A
if (proc != xxy){
if (z = 64){
z:= 1
if(xc = 30000){
localadress :=ReadMemory( Client + LocalPlayer ,PID,ProcessHandle)
Ent :=ReadMemory(Client+entitylist + (z * 0x10 ),PID,ProcessHandle)
if (!localadress){
sleep 20
glowobj :=ReadMemory(client+glowobjectmanger,PID,ProcessHandle)
WriteMemoryUChar( localadress + fov, fovvalue, PID)
if (bhoptoggle){
if (GetKeyState("Space", "P") ){
player_flags:=ReadMemory(localadress + flags ,PID,ProcessHandle)
if (player_flags = 0x101 || player_flags = 0x107){
send, {Space}
if (Ent <> localadress){
ent_spotted :=ReadMemory(Ent + spotted ,PID,ProcessHandle)
ent_health:=ReadMemory(Ent + health ,PID,ProcessHandle)
entTeam :=ReadMemory(Ent + team,PID,ProcessHandle)
Myteam :=ReadMemory(localadress + team,PID,ProcessHandle)
if (glowobj && ent_health > 0 && entTeam<>Myteam){
if (glowtoggle){
glowindex :=ReadMemory(Ent+glowindexz,PID,ProcessHandle)
WriteMemoryfloat(r,glowobj + ((glowindex*0x38)+0x4),PID)
WriteMemoryfloat(g,glowobj + ((glowindex*0x38)+0x8),PID)
WriteMemoryfloat(b,glowobj + ((glowindex*0x38)+0xC) ,PID)
WriteMemoryfloat(a,glowobj + ((glowindex*0x38)+0x10) ,PID)
WriteMemoryUChar( glowobj + ((glowindex*0x38)+0x24), 1, PID)
WriteMemoryUChar( glowobj + ((glowindex*0x38)+0x25), 0, PID)
WriteMemoryUChar( glowobj + ((glowindex*0x38)+0x2C), bToggle, PID)
xc := xc + 1
z := z + 1
GuiControl, % (toggle8 := !toggle8 ) ? "Hide" : "Show", Text8
GuiControl, % (toggle7 := !toggle7 ) ? "Hide" : "Show", Text7
GuiControl, % (toggle6 := !toggle6 ) ? "Hide" : "Show", Text6
GuiControl, % (toggle5 := !toggle5 ) ? "Hide" : "Show", Text1
GuiControl, % (toggle1 := !toggle1 ) ? "Hide" : "Show", Text2
GuiControl, % (toggle2 := !toggle2 ) ? "Hide" : "Show", Text3
GuiControl, % (toggle3 := !toggle3 ) ? "Hide" : "Show", Text4
GuiControl, % (toggle4 := !toggle4 ) ? "Hide" : "Show", Text5
if(page > 7){
page := 7
page := page + 1
if(page = 9)
page:= 8
if (page = 1 ){
if (bhoptoggle){
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is on
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is off
GuiControl,,Text3,Fov Value is %fovvalue%
if (glowtoggle){
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is on
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is off
GuiControl,,Text1,<Glow Red is %r%>
GuiControl,,Text5,Glow Green is %g%
GuiControl,,Text6,Glow Blue is %b%
if(bToggle = 0){
GuiControl,,Text7,Wall glow
}else if (bToggle = 1){
GuiControl,,Text7,Model glow
}else if (bToggle = 2){
GuiControl,,Text7,Static Outline
GuiControl,,Text7,Blinking Outline
GuiControl,,Text8,Glow Alpha is %a%
else if (page = 2 )
if (bhoptoggle){
GuiControl,,Text2,<bhop is on>
GuiControl,,Text2,<bhop is off>
GuiControl,,Text3,Fov Value is %fovvalue%
if (glowtoggle){
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is on
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is off
GuiControl,,Text1,Glow Red is %r%
GuiControl,,Text5,Glow Green is %g%
GuiControl,,Text6,Glow Blue is %b%
if(bToggle = 0){
GuiControl,,Text7,Wall glow
}else if (bToggle = 1){
GuiControl,,Text7,Model glow
}else if (bToggle = 2){
GuiControl,,Text7,Static Outline
GuiControl,,Text7,Blinking Outline
GuiControl,,Text8,Glow Alpha is %a%
else if (page = 3 )
if (bhoptoggle){
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is on
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is off
GuiControl,,Text3,<Fov Value is %fovvalue%>
if (glowtoggle){
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is on
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is off
GuiControl,,Text1,Glow Red is %r%
GuiControl,,Text5,Glow Green is %g%
GuiControl,,Text6,Glow Blue is %b%
if(bToggle = 0){
GuiControl,,Text7,Wall glow
}else if (bToggle = 1){
GuiControl,,Text7,Model glow
}else if (bToggle = 2){
GuiControl,,Text7,Static Outline
GuiControl,,Text7,Blinking Outline
GuiControl,,Text8,Glow Alpha is %a%
else if (page = 4 )
if (bhoptoggle){
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is on
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is off
GuiControl,,Text3,Fov Value is %fovvalue%
if (glowtoggle){
GuiControl,,Text4,<Glow is on>
GuiControl,,Text4,<Glow is off>
GuiControl,,Text1,Glow Red is %r%
GuiControl,,Text5,Glow Green is %g%
GuiControl,,Text6,Glow Blue is %b%
if(bToggle = 0){
GuiControl,,Text7,Wall glow
}else if (bToggle = 1){
GuiControl,,Text7,Model glow
}else if (bToggle = 2){
GuiControl,,Text7,Static Outline
GuiControl,,Text7,Blinking Outline
GuiControl,,Text8,Glow Alpha is %a%
else if (page = 5 )
if (bhoptoggle){
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is on
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is off
GuiControl,,Text3,Fov Value is %fovvalue%
if (glowtoggle){
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is on
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is off
GuiControl,,Text1,Glow Red is %r%
GuiControl,,Text5,<Glow Green is %g%>
GuiControl,,Text6,Glow Blue is %b%
if(bToggle = 0){
GuiControl,,Text7,Wall glow
}else if (bToggle = 1){
GuiControl,,Text7,Model glow
}else if (bToggle = 2){
GuiControl,,Text7,Static Outline
GuiControl,,Text7,Blinking Outline
GuiControl,,Text8,Glow Alpha is %a%
else if (page = 6 )
if (bhoptoggle){
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is on
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is off
GuiControl,,Text3,Fov Value is %fovvalue%
if (glowtoggle){
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is on
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is off
GuiControl,,Text1,Glow Red is %r%
GuiControl,,Text5,Glow Green is %g%
GuiControl,,Text6,<Glow Blue is %b%>
if(bToggle = 0){
GuiControl,,Text7,Wall glow
}else if (bToggle = 1){
GuiControl,,Text7,Model glow
}else if (bToggle = 2){
GuiControl,,Text7,Static Outline
GuiControl,,Text7,Blinking Outline
GuiControl,,Text8,Glow Alpha is %a%
else if (page = 7 )
if (bhoptoggle){
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is on
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is off
GuiControl,,Text3,Fov Value is %fovvalue%
if (glowtoggle){
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is on
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is off
GuiControl,,Text1,Glow Red is %r%
GuiControl,,Text5,Glow Green is %g%
GuiControl,,Text6,Glow Blue is %b%
if(bToggle = 0){
GuiControl,,Text7,<Wall glow>
}else if (bToggle = 1){
GuiControl,,Text7,<Model glow>
}else if (bToggle = 2){
GuiControl,,Text7,<Static Outline>
GuiControl,,Text7,<Blinking Outline>
GuiControl,,Text8,Glow Alpha is %a%
else if (page = 8 )
if (bhoptoggle){
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is on
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is off
GuiControl,,Text3,Fov Value is %fovvalue%
if (glowtoggle){
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is on
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is off
GuiControl,,Text1,Glow Red is %r%
GuiControl,,Text5,Glow Green is %g%
GuiControl,,Text6,Glow Blue is %b%
if(bToggle = 0){
GuiControl,,Text7,Wall glow
}else if (bToggle = 1){
GuiControl,,Text7,Model glow
}else if (bToggle = 2){
GuiControl,,Text7,Static Outline
GuiControl,,Text7,Blinking Outline
GuiControl,,Text8,<Glow Alpha is %a%>
if(page < 1){
page := 1
page := page - 1
if(page = 0){
page:= 1
if (page = 1 ){
if (bhoptoggle){
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is on
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is off
GuiControl,,Text3,Fov Value is %fovvalue%
if (glowtoggle){
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is on
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is off
GuiControl,,Text1,<Glow Red is %r%>
GuiControl,,Text5,Glow Green is %g%
GuiControl,,Text6,Glow Blue is %b%
if(bToggle = 0){
GuiControl,,Text7,Wall glow
}else if (bToggle = 1){
GuiControl,,Text7,Model glow
}else if (bToggle = 2){
GuiControl,,Text7,Static Outline
GuiControl,,Text7,Blinking Outline
GuiControl,,Text8,Glow Alpha is %a%
else if (page = 2 )
if (bhoptoggle){
GuiControl,,Text2,<bhop is on>
GuiControl,,Text2,<bhop is off>
GuiControl,,Text3,Fov Value is %fovvalue%
if (glowtoggle){
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is on
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is off
GuiControl,,Text1,Glow Red is %r%
GuiControl,,Text5,Glow Green is %g%
GuiControl,,Text6,Glow Blue is %b%
if(bToggle = 0){
GuiControl,,Text7,Wall glow
}else if (bToggle = 1){
GuiControl,,Text7,Model glow
}else if (bToggle = 2){
GuiControl,,Text7,Static Outline
GuiControl,,Text7,Blinking Outline
GuiControl,,Text8,Glow Alpha is %a%
else if (page = 3 )
if (bhoptoggle){
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is on
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is off
GuiControl,,Text3,<Fov Value is %fovvalue%>
if (glowtoggle){
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is on
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is off
GuiControl,,Text1,Glow Red is %r%
GuiControl,,Text5,Glow Green is %g%
GuiControl,,Text6,Glow Blue is %b%
if(bToggle = 0){
GuiControl,,Text7,Wall glow
}else if (bToggle = 1){
GuiControl,,Text7,Model glow
}else if (bToggle = 2){
GuiControl,,Text7,Static Outline
GuiControl,,Text7,Blinking Outline
GuiControl,,Text8,Glow Alpha is %a%
else if (page = 4 )
if (bhoptoggle){
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is on
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is off
GuiControl,,Text3,Fov Value is %fovvalue%
if (glowtoggle){
GuiControl,,Text4,<Glow is on>
GuiControl,,Text4,<Glow is off>
GuiControl,,Text1,Glow Red is %r%
GuiControl,,Text5,Glow Green is %g%
GuiControl,,Text6,Glow Blue is %b%
if(bToggle = 0){
GuiControl,,Text7,Wall glow
}else if (bToggle = 1){
GuiControl,,Text7,Model glow
}else if (bToggle = 2){
GuiControl,,Text7,Static Outline
GuiControl,,Text7,Blinking Outline
GuiControl,,Text8,Glow Alpha is %a%
else if (page = 5 )
if (bhoptoggle){
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is on
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is off
GuiControl,,Text3,Fov Value is %fovvalue%
if (glowtoggle){
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is on
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is off
GuiControl,,Text1,Glow Red is %r%
GuiControl,,Text5,<Glow Green is %g%>
GuiControl,,Text6,Glow Blue is %b%
if(bToggle = 0){
GuiControl,,Text7,Wall glow
}else if (bToggle = 1){
GuiControl,,Text7,Model glow
}else if (bToggle = 2){
GuiControl,,Text7,Static Outline
GuiControl,,Text7,Blinking Outline
GuiControl,,Text8,Glow Alpha is %a%
else if (page = 6 )
if (bhoptoggle){
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is on
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is off
GuiControl,,Text3,Fov Value is %fovvalue%
if (glowtoggle){
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is on
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is off
GuiControl,,Text1,Glow Red is %r%
GuiControl,,Text5,Glow Green is %g%
GuiControl,,Text6,<Glow Blue is %b%>
if(bToggle = 0){
GuiControl,,Text7,Wall glow
}else if (bToggle = 1){
GuiControl,,Text7,Model glow
}else if (bToggle = 2){
GuiControl,,Text7,Static Outline
GuiControl,,Text7,Blinking Outline
GuiControl,,Text8,Glow Alpha is %a%
else if (page = 7 )
if (bhoptoggle){
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is on
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is off
GuiControl,,Text3,Fov Value is %fovvalue%
if (glowtoggle){
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is on
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is off
GuiControl,,Text1,Glow Red is %r%
GuiControl,,Text5,Glow Green is %g%
GuiControl,,Text6,Glow Blue is %b%
if(bToggle = 0){
GuiControl,,Text7,<Wall glow>
}else if (bToggle = 1){
GuiControl,,Text7,<Model glow>
}else if (bToggle = 2){
GuiControl,,Text7,<Static Outline>
GuiControl,,Text7,<Blinking Outline>
GuiControl,,Text8,Glow Alpha is %a%
else if (page = 8 )
if (bhoptoggle){
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is on
GuiControl,,Text2,bhop is off
GuiControl,,Text3,Fov Value is %fovvalue%
if (glowtoggle){
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is on
GuiControl,,Text4,Glow is off
GuiControl,,Text1,Glow Red is %r%
GuiControl,,Text5,Glow Green is %g%
GuiControl,,Text6,Glow Blue is %b%
if(bToggle = 0){
GuiControl,,Text7,Wall glow
}else if (bToggle = 1){
GuiControl,,Text7,Model glow
}else if (bToggle = 2){
GuiControl,,Text7,Static Outline
GuiControl,,Text7,Blinking Outline
GuiControl,,Text8,<Glow Alpha is %a%>
if(page = 1 ){
r := r + 0.05
if(r > 1)
{r:= 1
GuiControl,,Text1,<Glow Red is %r%>
IniWrite, %r%, Settings.INI, Settings, r
}else if (page = 2)
bhoptoggle := 1
GuiControl,,Text2,<bhop is on>
IniWrite, %bhoptoggle%, Settings.INI, Settings, bhoptoggle
}else if (page = 3)
fovvalue := fovvalue + 1
GuiControl,,Text3,<Fov Value is %fovvalue%>
IniWrite, %fovvalue%, Settings.INI, Settings, fovvalue
}else if (page = 4)
glowtoggle := 1
GuiControl,,Text4,<Glow is on>
IniWrite, %glowtoggle%, Settings.INI, Settings, glowtoggle
else if(page = 5 ){
g := g + 0.05
if(g > 1)
{g:= 1
GuiControl,,Text5,<Glow Red is %g%>
IniWrite, %g%, Settings.INI, Settings, g
} else if(page = 6 ){
b := b + 0.05
if(b > 1)
{b:= 1
GuiControl,,Text6,<Glow Red is %b%>
IniWrite, %b%, Settings.INI, Settings, b
else if(page = 7 ){
bToggle:= bToggle + 1
if (bToggle > 3){
bToggle = 3
if(bToggle = 0){
GuiControl,,Text7,<Wall glow>
}else if (bToggle = 1){
GuiControl,,Text7,<Model glow>
}else if (bToggle = 2){
GuiControl,,Text7,<Static Outline>
GuiControl,,Text7,<Blinking Outline>
IniWrite, %bToggle%, Settings.INI, Settings, bToggle
else if(page = 8 )
a := a + 0.05
if(a > 1)
{a:= 1
GuiControl,,Text8,<Glow Red is %a%>
IniWrite, %a%, Settings.INI, Settings, a
if(page = 1 ){
r := r - 0.05
if(r < 0)
{r:= 0
GuiControl,,Text1,<Glow Red is %r%>
IniWrite, %r%, Settings.INI, Settings, r
}else if (page = 2)
bhoptoggle := 0
GuiControl,,Text2,<bhop is off>
IniWrite, %bhoptoggle%, Settings.INI, Settings, bhoptoggle
}else if (page = 3)
fovvalue := fovvalue - 1
GuiControl,,Text3,<Fov Value is %fovvalue%>
IniWrite, %fovvalue%, Settings.INI, Settings, fovvalue
}else if (page = 4)
glowtoggle := 0
GuiControl,,Text4,<Glow is off>
IniWrite, %glowtoggle%, Settings.INI, Settings, glowtoggle
else if(page = 5 ){
g := g - 0.05
if(g < 0)
{g:= 0
GuiControl,,Text5,<Glow Red is %g%>
IniWrite, %g%, Settings.INI, Settings, g
} else if(page = 6 ){
b := b - 0.05
if(b < 0)
{b:= 0
GuiControl,,Text6,<Glow Red is %b%>
IniWrite, %b%, Settings.INI, Settings, b
else if(page = 7 ){
bToggle:= bToggle - 1
if (bToggle < 0){
bToggle = 0
if(bToggle = 0){
GuiControl,,Text7,<Wall glow>
}else if (bToggle = 1){
GuiControl,,Text7,<Model glow>
}else if (bToggle = 2){
GuiControl,,Text7,<Static Outline>
GuiControl,,Text7,<Blinking Outline>
IniWrite, %bToggle%, Settings.INI, Settings, bToggle
else if(page = 8 )
a := a - 0.05
if(a < 0)
{a:= 0
GuiControl,,Text8,<Glow Red is %a%>
IniWrite, %a%, Settings.INI, Settings, a
GetDllBase(DllName, PID = 0)
SetFormat, Integer, Hex
TH32CS_SNAPMODULE := 0x00000008
VarSetCapacity(me32, 548, 0)
NumPut(548, me32)
snapMod := DllCall("CreateToolhelp32Snapshot", "Uint", TH32CS_SNAPMODULE
, "Uint", PID)
SetFormat, Integer, D
Return 0
If (DllCall("Module32First", "Uint", snapMod, "Uint", &me32)){
while(DllCall("Module32Next", "Uint", snapMod, "UInt", &me32)) {
If !DllCall("lstrcmpi", "Str", DllName, "UInt", &me32 + 32) {
DllCall("CloseHandle", "UInt", snapMod)
SetFormat, Integer, D
Return NumGet(&me32 + 20)
DllCall("CloseHandle", "Uint", snapMod)
SetFormat, Integer, D
Return 0
WriteMemoryUChar( adress, value, PID = 0){
ProcessHandle := DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", 2035711, "char", 0, "UInt", PID, "Ptr")
DllCall("WriteProcessMemory", "Ptr", ProcessHandle, "Ptr", adress, "UChar*", value, "Ptr", 1, "Ptr", 0)
DllCall("CloseHandle", "Ptr", ProcessHandle)
ReadMemory(MADDRESS,PID = 0, ProcessHandle = -1)
DllCall("ReadProcessMemory","UInt",ProcessHandle,"UInt",MADDRESS,"Str",MVALUE,"UInt",4,"UInt *",0)
Loop 4
result += *(&MVALUE + A_Index-1) << 8*(A_Index-1)
SetFormat, Integer, D
return, result
WriteMemoryfloat(value, adress, PID = 0){
ProcessHandle := DllCall("OpenProcess", "int", 2035711, "char", 0, "UInt", PID, "UInt")
DllCall("WriteProcessMemory", "UInt", ProcessHandle, "UInt", adress, "float*", value, "Uint", 8, "Uint *", 0)
DllCall("CloseHandle", "int", ProcessHandle)

Также создаем файл Settings.INI в той же папке что скрипт, файл должен содержать сделующее


Вопрос: Чит и Settings.INI находятся в одном месте. Оффсеты в Settings.INI свежие, и у меня есть AutoHotkey ANSI 32-bit, но чит не работает.

Ответ: Убедитесь, что чит открывается с помощью AutoHotkey ANSI 32-bit, как показано здесь
20 Мар 2018
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