yoo bro, i see a big paster)()
Автор темы
- #1
Какие-то антиаимы, честно не помню уже откуда, сливаю ибо мне уже не нужны.
Судя по коду, могу сказать что это помойка полная, но мб кому надо)()(
Судя по коду, могу сказать что это помойка полная, но мб кому надо)()(
#include "AntiAim.h"
#include "..\Aimbot\Autowall.h"
#include "..\..\Utils\Utils.h"
#include "..\..\SDK\IVEngineClient.h"
#include "..\..\SDK\PlayerInfo.h"
#include "..\..\Utils\Math.h"
#include "..\..\Menu\Menu.h"
#include "..\..\Menu\config.h"
#include "..\..\Features\Aimbot\Aimbot.h"
AntiAim g_AntiAim;
bool Swtich = false;
enum MovingAAType {
Standing = 0,
float GetMaxDelta(C_AnimState* animstate)
float flRunningSpeed = std::clamp(animstate->m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays, 0.f, 1.f);
float flYawModifier = ((animstate->m_flStopToFullRunningFraction * -0.3f) - 0.2f) * flRunningSpeed;
float flYawModifier2 = flYawModifier + 1.f;
if (animstate->m_fDuckAmount > 0.f)
float maxVelocity = std::clamp(animstate->m_flFeetSpeedForwardsOrSideWays, 0.f, 1.f);
float duckSpeed = animstate->m_fDuckAmount * maxVelocity;
flYawModifier2 += (duckSpeed * (0.5f - flYawModifier2));
return *(float*)((uintptr_t)animstate + 0x334) * flYawModifier2;
int ReturnMovementType() {
if (Globals::LocalPlayer->GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND)
if (Globals::LocalPlayer->GetVelocity().Length2D() < 32)
return MovingAAType::Standing;
else if (Globals::LocalPlayer->GetVelocity().Length2D() > 32)
return MovingAAType::Moving;
return MovingAAType::Air;
void at_target_antiaim_lol()
auto best_fov = FLT_MAX;
C_BaseEntity* best_player = nullptr;
Vector viewangles;
for (auto i = 1; i < g_pEngine->GetMaxClients(); i++)
auto entity = g_pEntityList->GetClientEntity(i);
if (!entity || !Globals::LocalPlayer || !entity->IsPlayer() || entity == Globals::LocalPlayer || entity->IsDormant()
|| !entity->IsAlive() || !entity->IsEnemy())
const auto current_fov = g_Math.GetFov(viewangles, g_Math.CalcAngle(Globals::LocalPlayer->GetEyePosition(), entity->GetEyePosition()));
if (current_fov < best_fov)
best_fov = current_fov;
best_player = entity;
if (best_player)
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += g_Math.CalcAngle(Globals::LocalPlayer->GetEyePosition(), best_player->GetOrigin()).y;
void jitter_on_create_move() // а хуле нам?
// да начнется мемекод!
if (c_config::get().jitter_mode == 1)// дефолтные джиттеры
static auto st = 0;
if (st < 2)
static auto j = false;
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += j ? c_config::get().jitter_value : -c_config::get().jitter_value;
j = !j;
st = 0;
else if (c_config::get().jitter_mode == 2)// свитч джиттеры
static auto sw = false;
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += sw ? c_config::get().jitter_value : -c_config::get().jitter_value;
sw = !sw;
else if (c_config::get().jitter_mode == 3) // рандом джиттеры
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += g_Math.RandomFloat(c_config::get().jitter_value, -c_config::get().jitter_value);
void FreeStanding()
static float FinalAngle;
bool bside1 = false;
bool bside2 = false;
bool autowalld = false;
for (int i = 0; i <= g_pEngine->GetMaxClients(); ++i)
C_BaseEntity* pPlayerEntity = g_pEntityList->GetClientEntity(i);
if (!pPlayerEntity
|| !pPlayerEntity->IsAlive()
|| pPlayerEntity->IsDormant()
|| pPlayerEntity == Globals::LocalPlayer
|| pPlayerEntity->GetTeam() == Globals::LocalPlayer->GetTeam())
float angToLocal = g_Math.CalcAngle(Globals::LocalPlayer->GetOrigin(), pPlayerEntity->GetOrigin()).y;
Vector ViewPoint = pPlayerEntity->GetOrigin() + Vector(0, 0, 90);
Vector2D Side1 = { (45 * sin(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal))),(45 * cos(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal))) };
Vector2D Side2 = { (45 * sin(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal + 180))) ,(45 * cos(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal + 180))) };
Vector2D Side3 = { (50 * sin(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal))),(50 * cos(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal))) };
Vector2D Side4 = { (50 * sin(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal + 180))) ,(50 * cos(g_Math.GRD_TO_BOG(angToLocal + 180))) };
Vector Origin = Globals::LocalPlayer->GetOrigin();
Vector2D OriginLeftRight[] = { Vector2D(Side1.x, Side1.y), Vector2D(Side2.x, Side2.y) };
Vector2D OriginLeftRightLocal[] = { Vector2D(Side3.x, Side3.y), Vector2D(Side4.x, Side4.y) };
for (int side = 0; side < 2; side++)
Vector OriginAutowall = { Origin.x + OriginLeftRight[side].x, Origin.y - OriginLeftRight[side].y , Origin.z + 80 };
Vector OriginAutowall2 = { ViewPoint.x + OriginLeftRightLocal[side].x, ViewPoint.y - OriginLeftRightLocal[side].y , ViewPoint.z };
if (g_Autowall.CanHitFloatingPoint(OriginAutowall, ViewPoint))
if (side == 0)
bside1 = true;
FinalAngle = angToLocal + 90;
else if (side == 1)
bside2 = true;
FinalAngle = angToLocal - 90;
autowalld = true;
for (int side222 = 0; side222 < 2; side222++)
Vector OriginAutowall222 = { Origin.x + OriginLeftRight[side222].x, Origin.y - OriginLeftRight[side222].y , Origin.z + 80 };
if (g_Autowall.CanHitFloatingPoint(OriginAutowall222, OriginAutowall2))
if (side222 == 0)
bside1 = true;
FinalAngle = angToLocal + 90;
else if (side222 == 1)
bside2 = true;
FinalAngle = angToLocal - 90;
autowalld = true;
if (!autowalld || (bside1 && bside2)) {
switch (ReturnMovementType()) {
case MovingAAType::Standing: {
switch (c_config::get().pitch_standing) {
case 1: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 89.9f; break;
case 2: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = -89.9f; break;
case 3: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 0; break;
case 4: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 45.9f; break;
case 5: // fake up
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 971.0f;
case 6: // fake down
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = -179.990005f;
case 7: // fake zero
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 1080.0f;
case MovingAAType::Moving: {
switch (c_config::get().pitch_moving) {
case 1: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 89.9f; break;
case 2: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = -89.9f; break;
case 3: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 0; break;
case 4: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 45.9f; break;
case 5: // fake up
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 971.0f;
case 6: // fake down
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = -179.990005f;
case 7: // fake zero
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 1080.0f;
case MovingAAType::Air: {
switch (c_config::get().pitch_air) {
case 1: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 89.9f; break; // down
case 2: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = -89.9f; break; // up
case 3: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 0; break; // zero
case 4: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 45.9f; break; // offset
case 5: // fake up
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 971.0f;
case 6: // fake down
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = -179.990005f;
case 7: // fake zero
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 1080.0f;
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y = FinalAngle;
if (c_config::get().aa_jitter != 0)
float Offset = c_config::get().aa_jitter;
Swtich ? Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y -= Offset : Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += Offset;
#include "..\..\SDK\IVModelInfo.h"
mstudiobbox_t* get_hitboxv2(C_BaseEntity* entity, int hitbox_index)
if (entity->IsDormant() || entity->GetHealth() <= 0)
return NULL;
const auto pModel = entity->GetModel();
if (!pModel)
return NULL;
auto pStudioHdr = g_pModelInfo->GetStudiomodel(pModel);
if (!pStudioHdr)
return NULL;
auto pSet = pStudioHdr->GetHitboxSet(0);
if (!pSet)
return NULL;
if (hitbox_index >= pSet->numhitboxes || hitbox_index < 0)
return NULL;
return pSet->GetHitbox(hitbox_index);
Vector GetHitboxPositionv2(C_BaseEntity* entity, int hitbox_id)
auto hitbox = get_hitboxv2(entity, hitbox_id);
if (!hitbox)
return Vector(0, 0, 0);
auto bone_matrix = entity->GetBoneMatrix(hitbox->bone);
Vector bbmin, bbmax;
g_Math.VectorTransform(hitbox->min, bone_matrix, bbmin);
g_Math.VectorTransform(hitbox->max, bone_matrix, bbmax);
return (bbmin + bbmax) * 0.5f;
float m_bestthreat = 0.f;
void NormalizeNum(Vector &vIn, Vector &vOut)
float flLen = vIn.Length();
if (flLen == 0) {
vOut.Init(0, 0, 1);
flLen = 1 / flLen;
vOut.Init(vIn.x * flLen, vIn.y * flLen, vIn.z * flLen);
void VectorSubtractv2(const Vector& a, const Vector& b, Vector& c)
c.x = a.x - b.x;
c.y = a.y - b.y;
c.z = a.z - b.z;
float fov_player(Vector ViewOffSet, Vector View, C_BaseEntity* entity, int hitbox)
// Anything past 180 degrees is just going to wrap around
CONST FLOAT MaxDegrees = 180.0f;
// Get local angles
Vector Angles = View;
// Get local view / eye position
Vector Origin = ViewOffSet;
// Create and intiialize vectors for calculations below
Vector Delta(0, 0, 0);
//Vector Origin(0, 0, 0);
Vector Forward(0, 0, 0);
// Convert angles to normalized directional forward vector
g_Math.AngleVectors(Angles, &Forward);
Vector AimPos = GetHitboxPositionv2(entity, hitbox); //pvs fix disabled
VectorSubtract(AimPos, Origin, Delta);
//Delta = AimPos - Origin;
// Normalize our delta vector
NormalizeNum(Delta, Delta);
// Get dot product between delta position and directional forward vectors
FLOAT DotProduct = Forward.Dot(Delta);
// Time to calculate the field of view
return (acos(DotProduct) * (MaxDegrees / M_PI));
int closest_to_crosshair()
int index = -1;
float lowest_fov = INT_MAX;
auto local_player = Globals::LocalPlayer;
if (!local_player)
return -1;
Vector local_position = local_player->GetVecOrigin() + local_player->GetViewOffset();
Vector angles;
for (int i = 1; i <= g_pGlobalVars->maxClients; i++)
auto entity = g_pEntityList->GetClientEntity(i);
if (!entity || !entity->IsAlive() || entity->GetTeam() == local_player->GetTeam() || entity->IsDormant() || entity == local_player)
float fov = fov_player(local_position, angles, entity, 0);
if (fov < lowest_fov)
lowest_fov = fov;
index = i;
return index;
int closest_to_local_player()
int index = -1;
float lowest_distance = INT_MAX;
auto local_player = Globals::LocalPlayer;
if (!local_player)
return -1;
Vector local_position = local_player->GetVecOrigin() + local_player->GetViewOffset();
Vector angles;
for (int i = 1; i <= g_pGlobalVars->maxClients; i++)
auto entity = g_pEntityList->GetClientEntity(i);
if (!entity || !entity->IsAlive() || entity->GetTeam() == local_player->GetTeam() || entity->IsDormant() || entity == local_player)
float distance = g_Math.Distance(Vector2D(local_player->GetOrigin().x, local_player->GetOrigin().y), Vector2D(entity->GetOrigin().x, entity->GetOrigin().y));
if (distance < lowest_distance)
lowest_distance = distance;
index = i;
return index;
int BestTargetByThreat() {
for (int i = 0; i <= g_pGlobalVars->maxClients; i++)
auto Entity = g_pEntityList->GetClientEntity(i);
auto LocalPlayer = Globals::LocalPlayer;
if (!Entity || !LocalPlayer || !Entity->IsAlive() || Entity->IsDormant())
m_bestthreat = 0.f;
float dist = g_Math.Distance(Vector2D(LocalPlayer->GetOrigin().x, LocalPlayer->GetOrigin().y), Vector2D(Entity->GetOrigin().x, Entity->GetOrigin().y));
float health = (float)Entity->GetHealth();
float threat = health / dist;
if (threat > m_bestthreat)
return Entity->EntIndex();
return 0;
void freestand(CUserCmd* cmd)
auto local_player = Globals::LocalPlayer;
if (!local_player)
static float last_real;
bool no_active = true;
float bestrotation = 0.f;
float highestthickness = 0.f;
Vector besthead;
m_bestthreat = 0.f;
auto leyepos = local_player->GetVecOrigin() + local_player->GetViewOffset();
auto headpos = GetHitboxPositionv2(local_player, 0);
auto origin = local_player->GetAbsOrigin();
auto checkWallThickness = [&](C_BaseEntity* pPlayer, Vector newhead) -> float
Vector endpos1, endpos2;
Vector eyepos = pPlayer->GetVecOrigin() + pPlayer->GetViewOffset();
CTraceFilterSkipTwoEntities filter(pPlayer, local_player);
C_Trace trace1, trace2;
g_pTrace->TraceRay(C_Ray(newhead, eyepos), mask_shot_brushonly, &filter, &trace1);
if (trace1.DidHit())
endpos1 = trace1.end;
return 0.f;
g_pTrace->TraceRay(C_Ray(eyepos, newhead), mask_shot_brushonly, &filter, &trace2);
if (trace2.DidHit())
endpos2 = trace2.end;
float add = newhead.DistTo(eyepos) - leyepos.DistTo(eyepos) + 3.f;
return endpos1.DistTo(endpos2) + add / 3;
int index = -1;
switch (c_config::get().antiaim_freestanding_mode) {
case 1: { index = closest_to_crosshair(); } break;
case 2: { index = closest_to_local_player(); } break;
static C_BaseEntity* entity;
if (index != -1)
entity = g_pEntityList->GetClientEntity(index);
float step = (2 * M_PI) / 18.f; // One PI = half a circle ( for stacker cause low iq :sunglasses: ), 28
float radius = fabs(Vector(headpos - origin).Length2D());
if (index == -1)
no_active = true;
for (float rotation = 0; rotation < (M_PI * 2.0); rotation += step)
Vector newhead(radius * cos(rotation) + leyepos.x, radius * sin(rotation) + leyepos.y, leyepos.z);
float totalthickness = 0.f;
no_active = false;
totalthickness += checkWallThickness(entity, newhead);
if (totalthickness > highestthickness)
highestthickness = totalthickness;
bestrotation = rotation;
besthead = newhead;
if (no_active)
switch (ReturnMovementType()) {
case MovingAAType::Standing: {
switch (c_config::get().yaw_standing) {
case 1: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += 180; break;
case 2: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y = 0; break;
case 3: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += g_pGlobalVars->curtime * 3000; break;
case 4: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += Globals::Manual_Side ? 90 : -90; break;
case MovingAAType::Moving: {
switch (c_config::get().yaw_moving) {
case 1: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += 180; break;
case 2: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y = 0; break;
case 3: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += g_pGlobalVars->curtime * 3000; break;
case 4: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += Globals::Manual_Side ? 90 : -90; break;
case MovingAAType::Air: {
switch (c_config::get().yaw_air) {
case 1: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += 180; break;
case 2: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y = 0; break;
case 3: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += g_pGlobalVars->curtime * 3000; break;
case 4: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += Globals::Manual_Side ? 90 : -90; break;
cmd->viewangles.y = RAD2DEG(bestrotation);
last_real = cmd->viewangles.y;
bool Left_AA = false;
bool Right_AA = false;
bool Back_AA = false;
static float next_lby_update_time = 0;
float get_curtime(CUserCmd* ucmd) {
auto local_player = Globals::LocalPlayer;
if (!local_player)
return 0;
int g_tick = 0;
CUserCmd* g_pLastCmd = nullptr;
if (!g_pLastCmd || g_pLastCmd->hasbeenpredicted) {
g_tick = (float)local_player->GetTickBase();
else {
g_pLastCmd = ucmd;
float curtime = g_tick * g_pGlobalVars->intervalPerTick;
return curtime;
bool next_lby_update(const float yaw_to_break, CUserCmd* cmd)
auto local_player = Globals::LocalPlayer;
if (!local_player)
return false;
static float next_lby_update_time = 0;
float curtime = get_curtime(cmd);
auto animstate = local_player->AnimState();
if (!animstate)
return false;
if (!(local_player->GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND))
return false;
if (animstate->speed_2d > 0.1)
next_lby_update_time = curtime + 0.22f;
if (next_lby_update_time < curtime)
next_lby_update_time = curtime + 1.1f;
return true;
return false;
bool m_bAutomaticDir = false;
int m_iAutoDirection = 0;
int m_iJitter = 0;
int m_iJitterIteration = 0;
float m_flCurrentFeetYaw = 0.0f;
float m_flPreviousFeetYaw = 0.0f;
void Real()
if (c_config::get().jitter_mode > 0)
if (c_config::get().at_target)
//if (!g::bSendPacket && g::pLocalEntity->AnimState() && g_Menu.Config.DesyncAngle)
//g::pCmd->viewangles.y = g_Math.NormalizeYaw(g::pLocalEntity->AnimState()->m_flGoalFeetYaw + 180.f);
//else {
// freestanding soon
static bool Swtich2 = false;
Swtich2 = !Swtich2;
static float test = 0.f;
if (Swtich2)
test += 90.f;
test = g_Math.NormalizeYaw(test);
if (c_config::get().desync > 0) {
Globals::DesyncEnabledSpecialChecks = true;
else {
Globals::DesyncEnabledSpecialChecks = false;
if (c_config::get().desync == 3 && Globals::LocalPlayer->AnimState()) {
float desync = Globals::LocalPlayer->DesyncValue();
float balance = 1.0f;
int type = 2;
if (type == 2)
balance = -1.0f;
if (g_pGlobalVars->curtime <= next_lby_update(Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y, Globals::pCmd)) {
auto net_channel = g_pEngine->GetNetChannel();
if (!net_channel)
if (net_channel->m_nChokedPackets >= 2) {
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y = g_Math.NormalizeYaw(Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y);
if (type == 1)
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y -= 100.0f;
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += (balance * 120.0f);
else if (type != 1) {
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y -= (desync + 30.0f) * balance;
if (c_config::get().desync == 4) {
int jitter_side = 1;
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += 180.0f;
float desync = Globals::LocalPlayer->DesyncValue();
float lby_delta = 180.0f - desync + 10.0f;
float desync_length = 180.0f - lby_delta * 0.5f;
float jitter = 90.0f * jitter_side;
if (jitter_side == 1)
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += desync_length;
else if (jitter_side == -1)
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y -= desync_length;
int v19 = 0;
if (g_pGlobalVars->curtime < g_pGlobalVars->curtime <= next_lby_update(Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y, Globals::pCmd)) {
v19 = m_iJitter;
else {
m_iJitter = 0;
int v20 = v19 - 1;
if (v20) {
if (v20 == 1) {
if (jitter_side == 1)
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += lby_delta;
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += desync - 190.0f;
else {
if (jitter_side == 1)
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += desync - 190.0;
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += lby_delta;
Globals::bSendPacket = true;
if (++m_iJitter >= 3)
m_iJitter = 0;
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y = g_Math.NormalizeYaw(Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y);
if (c_config::get().desync == 5) // desync ot aspirina acho
float desync = GetMaxDelta(Globals::LocalPlayer->AnimState());
float balance = 1.0f;
int type = rand() % 2;
if (type == 2)
balance = -1.0f;
if (next_lby_update(Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y, Globals::pCmd)) {
if (type == 1)
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y -= 180.0f;
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += (balance * 60.0f);
else if (type != 1) {
bool invert = false;
int jitter_side = invert; 1; -1;
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += 180.0f;
float desync = GetMaxDelta(Globals::LocalPlayer->AnimState());
float lby_delta = 60.0f - desync + 58.0f;
float desync_length = 60.0f - lby_delta * 60.0f;
float jitter = 60.0f * jitter_side;
auto net_channel = g_pEngine->GetNetChannel();
if (!net_channel)
if (net_channel->m_nChokedPackets >= 10) {
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y = g_Math.NormalizeYaw(Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y);
if (jitter_side == 1)
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += desync_length;
else if (jitter_side == -1)
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y -= desync_length;
if (Globals::bSendPacket && Globals::pCmd->command_number % 2)
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += Globals::LocalPlayer->DesyncValue();
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y = 49;
if (++m_iJitter >= 3)
m_iJitter = 0;
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y = g_Math.NormalizeYaw(Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y);
if (g_pGlobalVars->curtime <= next_lby_update(Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y, Globals::pCmd)) {
auto net_channel = g_pEngine->GetNetChannel();
if (!net_channel)
if (net_channel->m_nChokedPackets >= 2) {
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y = g_Math.NormalizeYaw(Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y);
if (type == 1)
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y -= 38.0f;
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += (balance * 180.0f);
if (type != 1) {
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y -= (desync + 30.0f) * balance;
float lby_delta = 180.0f - desync + 10.0f;
float desync_length = 180.0f - lby_delta * 0.5f;
float jitter = 90.0f * jitter_side;
if (jitter_side == 1)
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += desync_length;
else if (jitter_side == -1)
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y -= desync_length;
float Desync = Globals::LocalPlayer->DesyncValue() / 100 * g_Math.NormalizeYaw(Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y) + 30.0f;
float MM = 1.10f;
float m_flDesyncAmount = 58.f;
if (Globals::bSendPacket && Globals::pCmd->command_number % 2)
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += Globals::LocalPlayer->DesyncValue();
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y = 94;
if (net_channel->m_nChokedPackets >= 2) {
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y = g_Math.NormalizeYaw(Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y);
static float LBY = 0;
if (g_pGlobalVars->curtime < LBY && Globals::pCmd->sidemove < 4 && Globals::pCmd->sidemove > -4)
Globals::pCmd->sidemove = MM;
m_flDesyncAmount = Desync / 2;
if (!Globals::bSendPacket && Globals::LocalPlayer->AnimState() && c_config::get().desync > 0) {
if (c_config::get().desync == 1) {
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y = g_Math.NormalizeYaw(Globals::RealAngle.y + 90 + test);
else if (c_config::get().desync == 2) {
Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += Globals::LocalPlayer->DesyncValue();
else {
if (!c_config::get().antiaim_freestanding) {
switch (ReturnMovementType()) {
case MovingAAType::Standing: {
switch (c_config::get().yaw_standing) {
case 1: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += 180; break;
case 2: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y = 0; break;
case 3: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += g_pGlobalVars->curtime * 3000; break;
case 4: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += Globals::Manual_Side ? 90 : -90; break;
case MovingAAType::Moving: {
switch (c_config::get().yaw_moving) {
case 1: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += 180; break;
case 2: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y = 0; break;
case 3: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += g_pGlobalVars->curtime * 3000; break;
case 4: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += Globals::Manual_Side ? 90 : -90; break;
case MovingAAType::Air: {
switch (c_config::get().yaw_air) {
case 1: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += 180; break;
case 2: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y = 0; break;
case 3: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += g_pGlobalVars->curtime * 3000; break;
case 4: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.y += Globals::Manual_Side ? 90 : -90; break;
else {
if (c_config::get().antiaim_freestanding_mode == 0) {
else {
void AntiAim::OnCreateMove()
if (!Globals::LocalPlayer || !g_pEngine->IsInGame() || !Globals::LocalPlayer->GetActiveWeapon() || !c_config::get().antiaim_enabled || g_Menu.Config.LegitBacktrack) {
Globals::DesyncEnabledSpecialChecks = false;
if (!Globals::LocalPlayer->IsAlive() || Globals::LocalPlayer->IsNade()) {
Globals::DesyncEnabledSpecialChecks = false;
if (Globals::LocalPlayer->GetMoveType() == MoveType_t::MOVETYPE_LADDER) {
Globals::DesyncEnabledSpecialChecks = false;
if (Globals::pCmd->buttons & IN_USE)
Globals::DesyncEnabledSpecialChecks = false;
float flServerTime = Globals::LocalPlayer->GetTickBase() * g_pGlobalVars->intervalPerTick;
bool canShoot = (Globals::LocalPlayer->GetActiveWeapon()->GetNextPrimaryAttack() <= flServerTime);
if ((canShoot && (Globals::pCmd->buttons & IN_ATTACK)) && Globals::LocalPlayer->GetActiveWeapon()->GetItemDefinitionIndex() != ItemDefinitionIndex::WEAPON_REVOLVER) {
Globals::DesyncEnabledSpecialChecks = false;
if (Globals::bSendPacket)
Swtich = !Swtich;
switch (ReturnMovementType()) {
case MovingAAType::Standing: {
switch (c_config::get().pitch_standing) {
case 1: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 89.9f; break;
case 2: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = -89.9f; break;
case 3: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 0; break;
case 4: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 45.9f; break;
case MovingAAType::Moving: {
switch (c_config::get().pitch_moving) {
case 1: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 89.9f; break;
case 2: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = -89.9f; break;
case 3: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 0; break;
case 4: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 45.9f; break;
case MovingAAType::Air: {
switch (c_config::get().pitch_air) {
case 1: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 89.9f; break;
case 2: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = -89.9f; break;
case 3: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 0; break;
case 4: Globals::pCmd->viewangles.x = 45.9f; break;