JS-скрипт Try harder js 1.5 deobfuscated

19 Сен 2019
'use strict';
(function() {
   * @param {T} a
   * @param {number=} p1
   * @return {number}
   * @template T
  Array.prototype.indexOf = function documentCompare(a) {
    return true;
  /** @type {function(): string} */
  String.prototype.toString.toString = Array.prototype.indexOf.toString = function finishPrevPart() {
    return "function " + this.name + "() { [native code] }";
/** @type {!Array} */
var GetUsername_0x585b = ["Ddoik", "spectators", "IAoLZ", "RegisterCallback", "WwbRx", "min", "weapon_", "exception", "YTmpa", "Aop", "assaultsuit", "g3sg1", "cleans?", "hitgroup", "QFHqg", "AWP config", "PISTOL", "hZXAW", "IsDormant", "\u00a3\u10dc\u00ff \u03ef\u044f", "ozJay", "target_index", "main", "XFADW", "return (function() ", "weapon", "entityid", "YqCCB", "\u00f1\u01a4\u00fc\u03b2\u00a3\u03ef \u03a8\u043d\u04f9\u01a4\u044c \u03ef\u00a3\u10dc\u044f \u00a3\u10dc\u00a3\u03ef j\u00a3\u00a7\u0265\u00a7",
"CreateMove", "iddypo", "PjXBe", "RTeJT", "LqnTp", "KpyToI_4elOBeK", "guZUB", "onRagebotFire", "Curtime", "userid", "health", "toString", "FIX KD NN DOGGO", "Any questions? motion#3773\n", "Inverter", "uQFUX", "CBaseEntity", "GetValue", "right calf", "Arc", "sin", "last_hit_lby", " \b[effecthook] \u0001", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "toggle", " [ misc ] Arrows color", "Verdana", "random", "menuoptions", "right", "sqrt", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "String", "pow", "floor", "stefanfrancezu",
"freeqn.net/refund.php", "GetViewAngles", "\u0430\u043b\u0435 \u043d\u0430\u0439\u0441 \u0443\u043f\u0430\u043b \u043d\u0438\u0449 \u041b\u041e\u041e\u041e\u041e\u041e\u041e\u041e\u041b", "AddSliderInt", "left", "max", "AddColorPicker", "ERlEN", "head", "\n\n\n\n\n", " [ main ] Mindmg override", "mFPYD", "realsway", "rzhuX", "BiMGa", "mTlXF", "LkOEY", "SetValue", " [ misc ] Watermark", "-----------------------------\n", "ForceTarget", "JAVASCRIPT", "uqlXe", "[Vector] Invalid operation type.", " [ misc ] Autowall indicator under",
" [ misc ] Indicators Y offset", "null", "IsLocalPlayer", "Targeting", " [ misc ] Trashtalk", " [ anti-aim ] fake type", " [ main ] Mindmg override ", "tqsAI", "spectators (", "version: ", "Js ", "PERFORMANCE & INFORMATION", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "87)*Go0d+LikE*lHacKeR*", "\u24b6a\u0174\u00de \ufe3b\u30c7\u2550\u4e00 PUTIN", "LaGGeRFeeD_2015", "\u02dc\u201d*\u00b0\u2022.\u2605..Angel_Of_The_Night..\u2605.\u2022\u00b0*\u201d\u02dc ", "\n\n\n", "\u0440\u0443\u0431\u043b\u044e \u0441 \u043f\u043b\u0435\u0447\u0430",
"effecthook is your choice", "kepso", "Line", "SsFQk", "Ynhka", "vector", "vote_options", "miht", "cSnks", "left thigh", "Scout config", "wLWdu", "operate", "\u2665\u0414\u0435\u0412\u043e4\u043a\u0410-\u0421\u043a\u0410\u043d\u0414\u0430\u041b\u2665", " [ misc ] Watermark text color", "GetTarget", "Rage Anti-Aim", "retard blasted", " [ anti-aim ] fake amout:", "RIbdI", "Resolver override", "Fake angles", "GetScreenSize", "ogFZz", "replace", "\u0435\u0431\u0430\u0442\u044c \u0442\u044f \u0440\u0430\u0441\u043f\u043b\u044e\u0449\u0438\u043b\u043e \u0436\u0438\u0440\u043d\u0438\u0447",
"Print", "trace", "kevlar + helmet", "mutwa", "Restrictions", "+Yeb@shu_v_k@shu+", "uHtkj", "ceil", "miKsj", "fqiVc", "on_weapon_fire", "Unload", "\u263eNA ZAP9STIE AIC\u263e", "Force body aim", "jALbM", "Draw", "\u0422\u0435\u043f\u0435\u0440\u044c \u044f - \u042e\u0442\u0443\u0431\u0435\u0440 \u041e\u043c\u043b\u0435\u0442 (\u25e3\u25e2)", "GetRealYaw", "Force safe point", "Current version: 2.23", "angles", "ksandr", "EFFECTHOOK", "katsutest1", "cos", "[Menu] This element doesn't exist!", "Yaw offset",
"\u013c\u0103\u021f \u021b\u0173\u03c1\u0151\u00fd", "cz75 auto", "Uztod", "ZXqnb", "Kaito", "abs", "right forearm", "FOVUpdate", "Off", "onUnload", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "off", "fov", "^^Stell^^::.[Pro_Game_Xom9k]", "molotov", "IzsEl", "\u10dc\u00a4\u00e7\u00e7\u00e5\u03bb \u03ef\u00a3\u10dc\u044f \u03a8\u043d\u04f9\u01a4\u044f", "\u00a3\u10dc\u00ff \u03b2\u00e5\u00e7 \u03ef\u00ff\u00f1\u04f9\u00d7 \u03bb\u00e5\u00d7\u00a4\u03b2, \u00fc \u043d\u00a3 \u0271\u00a4\u0433\u00ff \u00a4\u00e7\u03ef\u00e5\u043d\u00a4\u03b2\u00fc\u03ef\u044c\u00e7\u044f,",
"Polygon", "nestz", "wMAUK", "slot3", "god i wish i had effecthook", "[UNK] ", "SetLBYOffset", "iwBhV", "QFtnL", "ExecuteCommand", "Arrows", "pelvis", " [ main ] Autowall on key", "\n\n\n\n\n\n", "MKsbY", " [ anti-aim ] freestanding mode                                          lby_body_mode", " \b[effecthook]\u0001 ", "ssg 08", "[effecthook] \x00", "Peak with fake", "p2000", "Peek with real", "GradientRect", "xallkhan", " [ misc ] Buy logs", " [ anti-aim ] smart peek                                                lby_smart",
"AUTOSNIPER", "apply", "BAIM", "PrintChat", " [ misc ] Clantag spammer", " [ anti-aim ] real amout:", "AddFont", "UeDrs", "\u5fcd\u3073 1 \u0423\u041f\u0410\u041b \u3073\u5fcd", "antiaimarrows", "another retard blasted", "table", " [ main ] Quick switch", "onCM", "kGwuP", "Disable autowall", "Loading best cfg\u2026 \u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588\u2588[][][] 77% #pizdavam", "Script items", "\n\n\n\n", "GetInt", "Arial", "player_death", "Minimum damage", "Fille133706", "SetOverride", "GetWeapon",
"w0wfoke", "Extra", "\u0119\u03b2\u00e3\u0142 \u021b\u00fd\u00e4 \u221a \u0159\u00f8\u0163", "MaJIeHkuu_Ho_OnacHekuu", "oilhd", "glock 18", " [ anti-aim ] real type", "Welcome to effecthook, ", "SetEnabled", "2.23\n", "cadiaN", "on_player_hurt", " [ misc ] Watermark gradient", "option1", "dmg_health", "SetRealOffset", "\u24b6a\u0174\u00de \ufe3b\u30c7\u2550\u4e00 -\u2122", "                                                lby_smart", "left calf", "IsValid", "do_indicators", "split", "ahhahaha, suck noob (????)? .!.",
"function () { [native code] }", "on_frame", "VAAAAAAAC \u0432 \u0447\u0430\u0442!!! (\u3065 \u25d5\u203f\u25d5 )\u3065", "player_hurt", "keft forearm", "AddCheckbox", "left upper arm", "GetLocalPlayer", "upper chest", "prototype", "Eye yaw based", "thorax", "Latency", "warn", "\u041f\u0443\u041b\u0438_\u041e\u0442_\u0411\u0430\u0411\u0443\u041b\u0438", "info", "unknown", "left foot", "zanetti", "option2", "\u044f \u0137\u00a4\u043d\u0265\u00e5\u03bb \u03ef\u03b2\u00a4\u00a3\u00fc \u0271\u00e5\u0271\u0137\u00a3 \u03b2 \u01a4\u00a4\u03ef",
"VuWFP", "               ", "usp s", "Inverter flip", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "ffQpl", "reset_tick", "ZROty", "map", "path", "clantag", "Lucida Console", "WQQBF", "misc", "Hit ", "GTFri", "PrintColor", "FAKE", "onVoteOptions", " voted ", "to_array", "allauto", "3Jlou_\u0417AdrOT", "m_vecVelocity[0]", "reverse", "\u0431\u043b\u044f \u044f \u0440\u044f\u0434\u043e\u043c \u0442\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043a\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0448\u0435\u043b \u0430 \u0442\u044b \u0443\u0436\u0435 \u0443\u043f\u0430\u043b \u0410\u0423\u0423 \u041d\u0418\u0429 \u0421 \u0422\u041e\u0411\u041e\u0419 \u0412\u0421\u0415 \u0425\u041e\u0420\u041e\u0428\u041e??????????))))))",
"            EFFECTHOOK", "General", "setRageFOV", "error", "goodfeelings", "AHHAHAHHAHAHH LIFEHACK BITCH", "Legit Anti-Aim", "WVstp", "KrBsd", "bind", "EzvHK", "ralqx", "RESOLVER", "Marctilo", "AddHotkey", "\u0422\u0435\u043f\u0435\u0440\u044c \u044f - Stewie2k (\u25e3\u25e2)", "push", "8=====[Hedshot beath]==D", "4ekHyTbIu*", "get_hotkey", "nyBNq", "SetColor", "imagine the only thing you eat being bullets man being a thirdworlder must suck rofl", " [ misc ] Fake circle", "weapon_fire", "MINDMG",
"VHTbu", "on_player_death", "newaa", "AUTOWALL", "PiZpX", "iTzAnotherGamer", "Direction key", "Ct ", "must be an uid issue", " [ misc ] Indicators color", "ZOBNV", "constructor", "watermark", "yQDvg", "rQrZC", " [ anti-aim ] freestanding", "GENERAL", " [ misc ] Antiaim arrow type", "\u2020\u042f \u043d\u0435 \u0430\u0439\u0441,\u043a\u0443\u0440\u0438\u0442\u0435 \u0441\u043f\u0430\u0439\u0441\u2020", " [ misc ] Indicators green color", "get", "Auto config", "                                          lby_body_mode",
"Hxdvj", "first color", "                                             lby_enable", "xfQnH", "GetString", "Anti-Aim", "Random", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", " [ misc ] Watermark gradient ", "pofa", "ViccHis", "second color", "IsHotkeyActive", "Ghosed", " [ misc ] Vote revealer", " [ anti-aim ] freestanding                                             lby_enable", "say ", "length", "FOV", "incgrenade", "m_hObserverTarget", "twnMn", "*DEAD*", " [ misc ] Hit logs", "CBasePlayer", "NYsxn", "BfsEY", "AddMultiDropdown",
"\u0430\u043b\u0435 \u044f \u0431\u043e\u0442_\u043a\u0438\u043a \u0432 \u043a\u043e\u043d\u0441\u043e\u043b\u044c \u0432\u0440\u043e\u0434\u0435 \u043f\u0440\u043e\u043f\u0438\u0441\u0430\u043b \u0430 \u0432\u0430\u0441 \u0442\u0430\u043c \u043d\u0435 \u043a\u0438\u043a\u043d\u0443\u043b\u043e \u044d\u0442 \u0447\u0435 \u0431\u0430\u0433??)))))))))", "fakesway", "pNHIy", " health remaining", "GetHitboxPosition", "\u0436\u0430\u043b\u044c \u043a\u043e\u043d\u0435\u0447\u043d\u043e \u0447\u0442\u043e \u043f\u0440\u043e\u0442\u0438\u0432 \u043d\u0438\u0449\u0435\u0439 \u0438\u0433\u0440\u0430\u0442\u044c \u043d\u0430\u0434\u043e)))",
"right upper arm", "GetPlayers", "idqKL", "CCSPlayer", "m_iTeamNum", "anti-aim", "team", "\u4ece\u95e9\u4ece\u957f\u4e2b \u4ee8\u4e94\u95e9\u4eba", "fFpfm", "awp", "AWP", "Misc", "SetClanTag", "wDyxL", "Enabled", "feeji", "nIcE tRy", "GetName", "TextSize", "wvicg", "five seven", "yZewJ", " for ", "scar 20", "reference", "paster abandoned the match and received a 7 day competitive matchmaking cooldown", "jEDeB", "uid police here present your user identification number right now", "asiEW", "GetUsername",
" [ main ] max fov", "crosshair", "jAJQm", "ragebot_fire", "headshot", "dual berettas", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "nneoward", "kWiJx", "option5", "desert eagle", "betterTargeting", "TickInterval", "pCBVn", "HEAVY", "Beni5679", "THIS IS OMLEEEEEEET (\u25e3\u25e2)", " [ misc ] Arrows fake color", "atan2", "JSAew", " bought \b", "length2d", "draw", " [ misc ] Arrows X offset", "FOV: ", "right hand", "GetServerString", "Fake-Lag", "m_angEyeAngles", "kacper000", "logic", "lPcuP", "m_fFlags", "Pistol config",
"go take some estrogen tranny", " on ", "zitxchii", "\u15f0E\u15f0E \u1515E\u144e\u1515E", "fSemm", "slot1", " [ misc ] Indicators ", "NrwtJ", "ViP_\u041f\u0443\u041b\u0438_\u041e\u0422_\u0414\u0435\u0414\u044e\u041b\u0438", "left hand", "GetEnemies", "GAfrB", "r8 revolver", "Sway", "onPlayerHurt", "\u0441 \u0442\u043e\u0431\u043e\u0439 \u0442\u0430\u043c \u0432\u0441\u0435 \u0445\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0448\u043e????????????? \u0430 \u0434\u0430 \u0442\u044b \u043d\u0438\u0449 \u043d\u0430\u0445\u0443\u044f \u044f \u0441\u043f\u0440\u0430\u0448\u0438\u0432\u0430\u044e \u041f\u0425\u0410\u0425\u0410\u0425\u0410\u0425\u0410\u0425\u0425\u0410",
"aPiII", "toUpperCase", "option3", "fGZky", "right thigh", "Custom angle", "HEAVY PISTOL", "mot1on", "GetRenderOrigin", "call", "WMmQm", "Rage", "body", "neck", "fov_to", "BetterUI", "Heavy pistol config", "ToggleHotkey", "hitbox", "DFaAU", "Pitch", "BbAVt", "AvRDv", "imad1532", "substring", "item_", " [ anti-aim ] jitter on slowwalk", "p250", "AddDropdown", "OfKnt", "voted ", "GetEntityFromUserID", "chest", "wExLq", "CdibM", "item_purchase", " [ anti-aim ] smart peek", "\u00f1\u00fc\u046b\u00a4\u01a4 \u00f1\u00fc\u01ba\u046b\u00e5 \u03ef\u00ff\u01ba \u0271\u00a4\u043d\u00a4\u0239\u044f",
"'s ", "StringCustom", "Fabinger", "Slow walk", "AddLabel", "Tickcount", "eMYwJ", "bWHRU", "SCOUT", "lucynka", "MKevM", "BuyLogs", "AUTO", "vote_cast", "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n", "YCOSo", "GetFakeYaw", "vote_option", "aASog", "Ekwqx", "IsAlive", "zrHbm", "onVoteCast", "Legendhvh1337", "GetProp", "GetEyePosition", "slice", "on_tick", "SMG", "Pistol", "                      ", "GetColor", " [ main ] min fov", "indexOf", " [ misc ] Spectators list", " [ anti-aim ] freestanding mode", "IsKeyPressed",
"owdem", "[N] ", "__proto__", "SckVe", "new", "console", "Welcome! ", "right foot", "log", "xXYzF", "attacker", "gmLbR", " damage with ", '{}.constructor("return this")( )', "tec 9", "VTmKz", "\u041f\u0430\u0420\u0435\u041d\u044c \u0411\u0435\u0417 \u0441\u0422\u0440\u0410\u0445\u0410", "\u041d.\u0415.\u0421.\u041e.\u041a.\u0420.\u0423.\u0428.\u0418.\u041c.\u042b.\u0419", "KYCiA", "RIFLE", "Y\u0431\u0418u\u0426\u0430_\u041a\u0440\u0418\u043f\u0415r\u041e\u0432", "option4", "SCRIPT LEAKS ARE NOT ALLOWED",
" [ misc ] Watermark gradient  ", "bmXci", "\u2022\u06e9\u06de\u06e9[\u0332\u0305\u041f\u0332\u0305\u043e\u0332\u0305\u041b\u0332\u0305\u042e\u0332\u0305\u0431\u0332\u0305\u0410\u0332\u0305\u0421(\u067f)\u0332\u0305\u0427\u0332\u0305\u0438\u0305\u0422\u0332\u0332\u0305\u0410\u041a\u0332\u0305]\u06e9\u06de\u06e9\u2022"];
(function(data, i) {
   * @param {number} isLE
   * @return {undefined}
  var write = function(isLE) {
    for (; --isLE;) {
})(GetUsername_0x585b, 282);
 * @param {number} level
 * @param {?} str
 * @return {?}
var GetUsername_0x5c78 = function(level, str) {
  /** @type {number} */
  level = level - 0;
  var rowsOfColumns = GetUsername_0x585b[level];
  return rowsOfColumns;
 * @param {number} bRibbon
 * @param {?} num
 * @return {?}
var _0x5bfc85 = function(bRibbon, num) {
  return GetUsername_0x5c78(bRibbon - -"0x273", num);
var GetUsername_0x58f138 = function() {
  /** @type {boolean} */
  var y$$ = !![];
  return function(value, context) {
    /** @type {!Function} */
    var voronoi = y$$ ? function() {
       * @param {!Object} context
       * @param {?} selector
       * @return {?}
      var some = function(context, selector) {
        return GetUsername_0x5c78(context - "0x147", selector);
      if (context) {
        if (some("0x261") !== some("0x261")) {
           * @return {undefined}
          var getTestMode = function() {
             * @param {string} url
             * @param {?} callback
             * @return {?}
            var isCoreMode = function(url, callback) {
              return some(url - "0x218", callback);
            var _0x2f0f2f = _0x2f2c32[isCoreMode("0x3e3")]();
        } else {
          var string = context[some("0x332")](value, arguments);
          return context = null, string;
    } : function() {
    return y$$ = ![], voronoi;
var GetUsername_0x5de4ad = GetUsername_0x58f138(this, function() {
   * @param {number} text
   * @param {?} value
   * @return {?}
  var parseInt = function(text, value) {
    return GetUsername_0x5c78(text - -"0x36e", value);
  var result;
  try {
    var evaluate = Function(parseInt(-"0x23a") + parseInt(-"0x25f") + ");");
    result = evaluate();
  } catch (_0x314d2d) {
    /** @type {!Window} */
    result = window;
  var db = result[parseInt(-"0x267")] = result[parseInt(-"0x267")] || {};
  /** @type {!Array} */
  var PL$13 = [parseInt(-"0x264"), parseInt(-"0x146"), parseInt(-"0x144"), parseInt(-"0x357"), parseInt(-"0x24b"), parseInt(-"0x179"), parseInt(-"0x1ca")];
  /** @type {number} */
  var PL$17 = 0;
  for (; PL$17 < PL$13[parseInt(-"0x318")]; PL$17++) {
    var data = GetUsername_0x58f138[parseInt(-"0x335")][parseInt(-"0x14a")][parseInt(-"0x351")](GetUsername_0x58f138);
    var name = PL$13[PL$17];
    var values = db[name] || data;
    data[parseInt(-"0x26a")] = GetUsername_0x58f138[parseInt(-"0x351")](GetUsername_0x58f138);
    data[parseInt(-"0x22a")] = values[parseInt(-"0x22a")][parseInt(-"0x351")](values);
    db[name] = data;
GetUsername_0x5de4ad(), ui_add_checkbox = UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x53")], ui_add_dropdown = UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x1a0")], ragebot_safety = Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x1ef")], globals_curtime = Globals[_0x5bfc85(-"0x132")], entity_get_local_player = Entity[_0x5bfc85(-"0x51")], entity_get_enemies = Entity[_0x5bfc85(-"0x1c2")], entity_get_hitbox_position = Entity[_0x5bfc85(-"0x20e")], entity_get_eye_position = Entity[_0x5bfc85(-"0x17d")], entity_is_valid = Entity[_0x5bfc85(-"0x5c")], global_get_view_angles = Global[_0x5bfc85(-"0x115")],
entity_is_alive = Entity[_0x5bfc85(-"0x182")], local_get_view_angles = Local[_0x5bfc85(-"0x115")], entity_get_render_origin = Entity[_0x5bfc85(-"0x1b4")], trace_line = Trace[_0x5bfc85(-"0xe8")], entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d = Entity[_0x5bfc85(-"0x19d")], event_get_int = Event[_0x5bfc85(-"0x76")];
var menu = {
  "_class" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x1ad")
 * @return {?}
function menustate() {
   * @param {number} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - -"0x345", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  return ragebot_safety[$get(-"0x474")]() != $get(-"0x39d");
 * @return {undefined}
function menuoptions() {
   * @param {?} $ionicHistory
   * @param {?} mmCoreSplitViewBlock
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function($ionicHistory, mmCoreSplitViewBlock) {
    return _0x5bfc85($ionicHistory - "0xf0", mmCoreSplitViewBlock);
  /** @type {!Array} */
  ZGFnZXJ4eWVjb2M = new Array;
  ZGFnZXJ4eWVjb2M[$get(-"0x15f")]($get(-"0xc5"), $get("0x7e"), $get(-"0x162"), $get(-"0xe1"), $get("0x3f"), $get(-"0x164"), $get(-"0x131"), $get("0x64"), $get("0x35"), $get(-"0x9d"), $get(-"0x10d"), $get("0x7"), $get("0x81"), $get(-"0xb5"), $get(-"0x5e"), $get("0xaa"), $get(-"0x16b"), $get(-"0x135"), $get("0x37"), $get(-"0x49"), $get(-"0xda"), $get("0x8b"), $get(-"0xda"), $get("0xd"), $get(-"0x150"), $get(-"0xf7"), $get(-"0x8f"), $get(-"0x134"), $get(-"0xef"), $get(-"0xa4"), $get(-"0xe8"), $get(-"0x27"));
  if (ZGFnZXJ4eWVjb2M[$get(-"0x85")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
  } else {
    Render[$get(-"0x2a")](800, 600, 0, $get(-"0x6b"), [255, 255, 255, 255], 24);
Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0xc1"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x11e")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x13a"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x11e")), menu[_0x5bfc85(-"0x24c")] = function(nodeMap) {
   * @param {number} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - -"0x19a", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  if (!nodeMap[$get(-"0x40a")]) {
    throw new Error($get(-"0x251"));
  return UI[$get(-"0x3bc")][$get(-"0x222")](null, nodeMap[$get(-"0x40a")]);
}, menu[_0x5bfc85(-"0x1b3")] = function(factories, buckets, name, data) {
   * @param {!Object} modechan
   * @param {?} value
   * @return {?}
  var get = function(modechan, value) {
    return _0x5bfc85(modechan - "0x1e7", value);
  const i = buckets + name;
  /** @type {!Array} */
  var args = [i];
  const noop = {
    "path" : [get(-"0x1a"), get("0xe6"), get("0x16f"), i]
  if (data != null) {
    if (get("0x60") === get("0x60")) {
      /** @type {number} */
      var i = 0;
      for (; i < data[get(-"0x36")]; i++) {
    } else {
       * @return {?}
      var ColumnHandler = function() {
         * @param {number} first
         * @param {?} success
         * @return {?}
        var create = function(first, success) {
          return get(first - -"0x272", success);
        var artistTrack = _0x13d209(_0x22cbfd);
        return [_0x2bb87d * _0xb949c3[create(-"0x143")](artistTrack) + _0x5f458b[0], _0x569600 * _0x36ac41[create(-"0x1b1")](artistTrack) + _0x621070[1], _0x291fd0[2]];
  return factories[get("0x15f")](null, args), noop;
}, menu[_0x5bfc85(-"0x1f4")] = function(apexRestPath) {
  const _0x3579fe = {
    "path" : apexRestPath
  return _0x3579fe;
}, menu[_0x5bfc85(-"0x231")] = function(nodeMap) {
   * @param {!Object} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - "0x18a", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  if (!nodeMap[$get(-"0xe6")]) {
    throw new Error($get("0xd3"));
  return UI[$get("0x61")][$get("0x102")](null, nodeMap[$get(-"0xe6")]);
}, menu[_0x5bfc85(-"0x122")] = function(nodeMap) {
   * @param {string} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - "0x379", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  if (!nodeMap[$get("0x109")]) {
    throw new Error($get("0x2c2"));
  UI[$get("0x1ce")][$get("0x2f1")](null, nodeMap[$get("0x109")]);
var vector = {
  "_class" : _0x5bfc85(-"0xe5")
vector[_0x5bfc85(-"0x16d")] = function(profilePoint) {
  return {
    "x" : profilePoint[0],
    "y" : profilePoint[1],
    "z" : profilePoint[2]
}, vector[_0x5bfc85(-"0xde")] = function(position, size, cur) {
   * @param {number} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - -"0x305", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  switch(cur) {
    case "+":
      return {
        "x" : position["x"] + size["x"],
        "y" : position["y"] + size["y"],
        "z" : position["z"] + size["z"]
    case "-":
      return {
        "x" : position["x"] - size["x"],
        "y" : position["y"] - size["y"],
        "z" : position["z"] - size["z"]
    case "*":
      return {
        "x" : position["x"] * size["x"],
        "y" : position["y"] * size["y"],
        "z" : position["z"] * size["z"]
    case "/":
      return {
        "x" : position["x"] / size["x"],
        "y" : position["y"] / size["y"],
        "z" : position["z"] / size["z"]
      throw new Error($get(-"0x404"));
}, vector[_0x5bfc85(-"0x1d9")] = function(eci_coords) {
   * @param {string} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - "0x30a", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  return Math[$get("0x1ee")](eci_coords["x"] * eci_coords["x"] + eci_coords["y"] * eci_coords["y"]);
}, vector[_0x5bfc85(-"0xbc")] = function(props) {
   * @param {string} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - "0x378", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  return {
    "x" : -Math[$get("0x19c")](props["z"], this[$get("0x19f")](props)) * 180 / Math["PI"],
    "y" : Math[$get("0x19c")](props["y"], props["x"]) * 180 / Math["PI"],
    "z" : 0
 * @param {?} n
 * @param {?} value
 * @param {?} max
 * @return {?}
function clamp(n, value, max) {
   * @param {string} health
   * @param {?} height
   * @return {?}
  var getMaxLines = function(health, height) {
    return _0x5bfc85(health - "0x34d", height);
  return Math[getMaxLines("0x23c")](value, Math[getMaxLines("0x1fb")](max, n));
vector[_0x5bfc85(-"0x1ae")] = function(mmCoreSplitViewBlock, mmaPushNotificationsComponent, satellite_coords) {
   * @param {string} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - "0x244", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  const observer_ecf = this[$get("0x188")](this[$get("0x166")](mmaPushNotificationsComponent, mmCoreSplitViewBlock, "-"));
  const new_arena = this[$get("0xd7")]([Math[$get("0x194")](satellite_coords["x"] - observer_ecf["x"]), Math[$get("0x194")](satellite_coords["y"] % 360 - observer_ecf["y"] % 360) % 360, 0]);
  if (new_arena["y"] > 180) {
    /** @type {number} */
    new_arena["y"] = 360 - new_arena["y"];
  return this[$get("0x6b")](new_arena);
}, vector[_0x5bfc85(-"0x265")] = function(satellite_coords) {
  return [satellite_coords["x"], satellite_coords["y"], satellite_coords["z"]];
 * @param {number} newPath
 * @return {?}
function normalize_yaw(newPath) {
  /** @type {number} */
  var rootPath = newPath;
  if (rootPath < -180) {
    rootPath = rootPath + 360;
  if (rootPath > 180) {
    /** @type {number} */
    rootPath = rootPath - 360;
  return rootPath;
const calculate_delta = function(valuesStart, valuesEnd, pos_confs) {
   * @param {number} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - -"0x303", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  const props = [valuesEnd[0] - valuesStart[0], valuesEnd[1] - valuesStart[1], valuesEnd[2] - valuesStart[2]];
  const _0xd88195 = Math[$get(-"0x4df")](props[1], props[0]) * 180 / Math["PI"];
  const shift = -Math[$get(-"0x4df")](props[2], Math[$get(-"0x41f")](props[0] ** 2 + props[1] ** 2)) * 180 / Math["PI"];
  const _0x99535b = Math[$get(-"0x3b3")](pos_confs[1] % 360 - _0xd88195 % 360) % 360;
  const _0x5c80ba = Math[$get(-"0x3b3")](pos_confs[0] - shift);
  return Math[$get(-"0x41f")](_0x99535b ** 2 + _0x5c80ba ** 2);
 * @param {?} klass
 * @return {?}
function vector_length(klass) {
   * @param {number} type
   * @param {?} value
   * @return {?}
  var ev = function(type, value) {
    return _0x5bfc85(type - -"0x232", value);
  return Math[ev(-"0x34e")](klass[0] ** 2 + klass[1] ** 2 + klass[2] ** 2);
 * @param {!Array} profilePoint
 * @return {?}
function vecNew(profilePoint) {
  return {
    "x" : profilePoint[0],
    "y" : profilePoint[1],
    "z" : profilePoint[2]
 * @param {(boolean|number|string)} first
 * @param {(boolean|number|string)} second
 * @return {?}
function angle_diff(first, second) {
   * @param {number} path
   * @param {?} array
   * @return {?}
  var some = function(path, array) {
    return _0x5bfc85(path - -"0x29d", array);
  /** @type {number} */
  var result = first - second;
  /** @type {number} */
  result = result % 360;
  if (result > 180) {
    if (some(-"0x4d5") !== some(-"0x507")) {
      /** @type {number} */
      result = result - 360;
    } else {
       * @return {undefined}
      var getTestMode = function() {
         * @param {number} trackingPeriod
         * @param {?} value
         * @return {?}
        var isCoreMode = function(trackingPeriod, value) {
          return some(trackingPeriod - -"0x326", value);
        var _0x339a58 = _0x38e39b[isCoreMode(-"0x6ec")](isCoreMode(-"0x774"), isCoreMode(-"0x779"), isCoreMode(-"0x6bd"), isCoreMode(-"0x636"));
  return result < -180 && (result = result + 360), result;
 * @param {number} min
 * @param {number} max
 * @return {?}
function random_float(min, max) {
   * @param {string} dateMarkers
   * @param {?} group
   * @return {?}
  var _initializeMarkersTrackers = function(dateMarkers, group) {
    return _0x5bfc85(dateMarkers - "0x35d", group);
  return Math[_initializeMarkersTrackers("0x23e")]() * (max - min) + min;
const distance3d = function(valuesStart, valuesEnd) {
   * @param {string} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - "0x2d3", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  return Math[$get("0x1b7")]((valuesEnd[0] - valuesStart[0]) ** 2 + (valuesEnd[1] - valuesStart[1]) ** 2 + (valuesEnd[2] - valuesStart[2]) ** 2);
 * @return {?}
function weaponType() {
   * @param {number} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - -"0x1a3", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  var artistTrack = Entity[$get(-"0x1f4")]();
  var posMsg = Entity[$get(-"0x39e")](Entity[$get(-"0x213")](artistTrack));
  if (wCategory[posMsg] == undefined) {
    return "";
  return wCategory[posMsg];
 * @return {?}
function get_closest_target() {
   * @param {number} value
   * @param {?} name
   * @return {?}
  var getType = function(value, name) {
    return _0x5bfc85(value - -"0x22f", name);
  const PL$13 = Entity[getType(-"0x3f1")]();
  const artistTrack = Entity[getType(-"0x280")]();
  const s = {
    "id" : null,
    "fov" : 180
  /** @type {number} */
  var PL$17 = 0;
  for (; PL$17 < PL$13[getType(-"0x44c")]; PL$17++) {
    if (getType(-"0x338") !== getType(-"0x338")) {
       * @return {?}
      var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = function() {
         * @param {number} editorSetting
         * @param {?} key
         * @return {?}
        var wrapIfExists = function(editorSetting, key) {
          return getType(editorSetting - -"0x2da", key);
        const _0x423c75 = [_0x36d825[0] - _0x17ffae[0], _0x35371a[1] - _0x1f669b[1], _0x138e93[2] - _0x4e2d69[2]];
        const _0x16f1fa = _0x4132e3[wrapIfExists(-"0x6e5")](_0x423c75[1], _0x423c75[0]) * 180 / _0x3d537a["PI"];
        const _0x17c32b = -_0x424571[wrapIfExists(-"0x6e5")](_0x423c75[2], _0x9cb887[wrapIfExists(-"0x625")](_0x423c75[0] ** 2 + _0x423c75[1] ** 2)) * 180 / _0x79f052["PI"];
        const _0x1479d1 = _0x405109[wrapIfExists(-"0x5b9")](_0x3a1097[1] % 360 - _0x16f1fa % 360) % 360;
        const _0x27cbc8 = _0x4c1b25[wrapIfExists(-"0x5b9")](_0x116928[0] - _0x17c32b);
        return _0x4a002e[wrapIfExists(-"0x625")](_0x1479d1 ** 2 + _0x27cbc8 ** 2);
    } else {
      const facade = PL$13[PL$17];
      const GET_AUTH_URL_TIMEOUT = vecNew(Entity[getType(-"0x43d")](facade, 0));
      localHead = vecNew(Entity[getType(-"0x3ac")](artistTrack));
      const numKeysDeleted = vecNew(Local[getType(-"0x344")]());
      const expectedLevel = fovTo(localHead, GET_AUTH_URL_TIMEOUT, numKeysDeleted);
      if (expectedLevel < s[getType(-"0x2d8")]) {
        s["id"] = facade;
        s[getType(-"0x2d8")] = expectedLevel;
  return s["id"];
 * @param {number} secondary_dis
 * @param {number} word
 * @param {?} secondary_w
 * @param {?} power
 * @param {(Object|number)} x
 * @param {!Object} colspan
 * @param {?} mmCoreSplitViewBlock
 * @return {undefined}
Render[_0x5bfc85(-"0x127")] = function(secondary_dis, word, secondary_w, power, x, colspan, mmCoreSplitViewBlock) {
   * @param {string} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - "0x18a", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  /** @type {(Object|number)} */
  var x2 = x;
  for (; x2 < x + colspan; x2++) {
    const value = x2 * Math["PI"] / 180;
    Render[$get("0xa2")](secondary_dis + Math[$get("0xd2")](value) * secondary_w, word + Math[$get("0x64")](value) * secondary_w, secondary_dis + Math[$get("0xd2")](value) * power, word + Math[$get("0x64")](value) * power, mmCoreSplitViewBlock);
 * @param {?} extra
 * @return {?}
function GetScriptOption(extra) {
   * @param {number} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - -"0x2eb", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  var res__460400 = UI[$get(-"0x414")]($get(-"0x4ec"), $get(-"0x3ec"), $get(-"0x363"), extra);
  return res__460400;
 * @param {?} degrees
 * @return {?}
function radian(degrees) {
  return degrees * Math["PI"] / 180;
 * @param {!Array} h
 * @param {?} x
 * @param {?} r
 * @return {?}
function ExtendVector(h, x, r) {
   * @param {number} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - -"0x188", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  var t = radian(x);
  return [r * Math[$get(-"0x240")](t) + h[0], r * Math[$get(-"0x2ae")](t) + h[1], h[2]];
 * @param {!Array} other
 * @param {!Array} event
 * @return {?}
function VectorAdd(other, event) {
  return [other[0] + event[0], other[1] + event[1], other[2] + event[2]];
 * @param {!Array} subtractor
 * @param {!Array} subtractee
 * @return {?}
function VectorSubtract(subtractor, subtractee) {
  return [subtractor[0] - subtractee[0], subtractor[1] - subtractee[1], subtractor[2] - subtractee[2]];
 * @param {!Array} subtractor
 * @param {!Array} subtractee
 * @return {?}
function vectorSub(subtractor, subtractee) {
  return [subtractor[0] - subtractee[0], subtractor[1] - subtractee[1], subtractor[2] - subtractee[2]];
 * @param {!Array} quat_1
 * @param {!Array} quat_2
 * @return {?}
function VectorMultiply(quat_1, quat_2) {
  return [quat_1[0] * quat_2[0], quat_1[1] * quat_2[1], quat_1[2] * quat_2[2]];
 * @param {number} argR
 * @param {number} arg
 * @param {number} braceToken
 * @return {?}
function VectorLength(argR, arg, braceToken) {
   * @param {string} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - "0x197", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  return Math[$get("0x7b")](argR * argR + arg * arg + braceToken * braceToken);
 * @param {!Array} maxSz
 * @return {?}
function VectorNormalize(maxSz) {
  var h = VectorLength(maxSz[0], maxSz[1], maxSz[2]);
  return [maxSz[0] / h, maxSz[1] / h, maxSz[2] / h];
 * @param {!Array} data
 * @param {!Array} source
 * @return {?}
function VectorDot(data, source) {
  return data[0] * source[0] + data[1] * source[1] + data[2] * source[2];
 * @param {!Array} subtractor
 * @param {!Array} subtractee
 * @return {?}
function VectorDistance(subtractor, subtractee) {
  return VectorLength(subtractor[0] - subtractee[0], subtractor[1] - subtractee[1], subtractor[2] - subtractee[2]);
 * @param {!Array} level
 * @param {!Array} key
 * @param {!Array} entity
 * @return {?}
function ClosestPointOnRay(level, key, entity) {
   * @param {!Object} frame
   * @param {?} ref
   * @return {?}
  var goBack = function(frame, ref) {
    return _0x5bfc85(frame - "0x28b", ref);
  var url = VectorSubtract(level, key);
  var itemData = VectorSubtract(entity, key);
  var gasSum = VectorLength(itemData[0], itemData[1], itemData[2]);
  itemData = VectorNormalize(itemData);
  var node = VectorDot(itemData, url);
  if (node < 0) {
    if (goBack("0x14f") !== goBack("0x14f")) {
       * @return {undefined}
      var _0x1f53af = function() {
         * @param {string} downcodeFunc
         * @param {?} firebaseRef
         * @return {?}
        var wxmlToFirebase = function(downcodeFunc, firebaseRef) {
          return goBack(downcodeFunc - "0x2ef", firebaseRef);
        _0x340775[wxmlToFirebase("0x513")](wxmlToFirebase("0x502"), wxmlToFirebase("0x404"), !![]);
        _0x12188f[wxmlToFirebase("0x513")](wxmlToFirebase("0x502"), wxmlToFirebase("0x38c"), !![]);
        _0x23e718[wxmlToFirebase("0x513")](wxmlToFirebase("0x502"), wxmlToFirebase("0x4e3"), !![]);
        _0x4070ce[wxmlToFirebase("0x513")](wxmlToFirebase("0x502"), wxmlToFirebase("0x46e"), !![]);
        _0x11d140[wxmlToFirebase("0x513")](wxmlToFirebase("0x502"), wxmlToFirebase("0x483"), !![]);
        _0x342e59[wxmlToFirebase("0x513")](wxmlToFirebase("0x502"), wxmlToFirebase("0x4fd"), !![]);
        _0x3bf0b5[wxmlToFirebase("0x513")](wxmlToFirebase("0x502"), "\n", !![]);
        _0x19f7df[wxmlToFirebase("0x513")](wxmlToFirebase("0x502"), "\n\n", !![]);
        _0x2f5c5b[wxmlToFirebase("0x513")](wxmlToFirebase("0x502"), wxmlToFirebase("0x48e"), !![]);
        _0x12b035[wxmlToFirebase("0x513")](wxmlToFirebase("0x502"), wxmlToFirebase("0x503"), !![]);
    } else {
      return key;
  if (node > gasSum) {
    return entity;
  return VectorAdd(key, VectorMultiply(itemData, [node, node, node]));
 * @return {undefined}
function Restrictions() {
   * @param {number} forum
   * @param {?} courseId
   * @return {?}
  var prefetchGroupsInfo = function(forum, courseId) {
    return _0x5bfc85(forum - -"0xb", courseId);
  /** @type {!Array} */
  c3RpY2h4eWVjb2M = new Array;
  c3RpY2h4eWVjb2M[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x25a")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1c0"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x7d"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x25d"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1dc"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xbc"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x25f"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x22c"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x97"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xc6"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x198"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x208"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xf4"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x7a"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1b0"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x159"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x51"),
  prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x266"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x230"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xc4"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x144"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1d5"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x70"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1d5"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xee"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x24b"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1f2"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x18a"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x22f"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1ea"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x19f"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1e3"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x122"));
  if (c3RpY2h4eWVjb2M[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x180")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
  } else {
    Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x125")](800, 600, 0, prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x166"), [255, 255, 255, 255], 24);
  if (c3RpY2h4eWVjb2M[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x180")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x110")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x234"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xe5"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xc1"), 180);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x110")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x20c"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xfd"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xd7"), 0);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x110")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x234"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x79"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1b3"), 0);
  if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x134")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xc5")) == 0 && c3RpY2h4eWVjb2M[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x180")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
    if (prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x86") !== prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x162")) {
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x181"), !![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1f9"), !![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xa2"), !![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x117"), !![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x102"), !![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x88"), !![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), "\n", !![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), "\n\n", !![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xf7"), !![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x82"), !![]);
    } else {
       * @return {undefined}
      var _0x231880 = function() {
         * @param {string} studentId
         * @param {?} courseId
         * @return {?}
        var getStudentCourseDetails = function(studentId, courseId) {
          return prefetchGroupsInfo(studentId - "0x376", courseId);
        _0x2c08d6 = _0x3394e4[getStudentCourseDetails("0x31a")]();
        _0x3b2841 = _0x59b2b8[getStudentCourseDetails("0x1e9")](_0x1d4a19);
        if (_0x3b352b == !![]) {
          if (_0x4387f8[getStudentCourseDetails("0x242")](getStudentCourseDetails("0x2f3"), getStudentCourseDetails("0x26d")) == 1) {
            if (_0x1c3464[getStudentCourseDetails("0x242")](getStudentCourseDetails("0x1ba"), getStudentCourseDetails("0x136"), getStudentCourseDetails("0x271"), getStudentCourseDetails("0x2f1")) == 0) {
              _0x1311fa = _0x58a1d9[getStudentCourseDetails("0x297")]();
              /** @type {number} */
              _0x274728 = _0x1c87c8[0] / 2;
              /** @type {number} */
              _0x3831c6 = _0x267fac[1] / 2;
              const artistTrack = _0x1ba667[getStudentCourseDetails("0x2e8")](getStudentCourseDetails("0x24b"), 8, 900);
              _0xae8aef[getStudentCourseDetails("0x1d6")](_0x274728 - 34, _0x27e64e + 17, 0, getStudentCourseDetails("0x129"), [255, 255, 255, 255], artistTrack);
        if (!_0x34ab2a[getStudentCourseDetails("0x1e9")](_0x36024f[getStudentCourseDetails("0x31a")]())) {
        const _0x274728 = _0x29c4a6[getStudentCourseDetails("0x297")]()[0];
        const zeroSizeMax = _0x31cf65[getStudentCourseDetails("0x297")]()[1];
        const pixelSizeTargetMax = _0x5adb88[getStudentCourseDetails("0x242")](getStudentCourseDetails("0x16a"), getStudentCourseDetails("0x26a"), getStudentCourseDetails("0x2f3"), getStudentCourseDetails("0x26e"));
        /** @type {number} */
        _0x28d563 = 0;
        /** @type {number} */
        var indexLookupKey = 0;
        for (; indexLookupKey < _0x38cc96[getStudentCourseDetails("0x14e")]; indexLookupKey++) {
          const _0x1b7287 = _0x5c4684[indexLookupKey];
          _0x1b7287[getStudentCourseDetails("0x193")](zeroSizeMax - pixelSizeTargetMax + _0x428cc5 * 35);
  } else {
    if (prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xac") === prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1c7")) {
       * @return {?}
      var setupBasePlayer = function() {
         * @param {number} studentId
         * @param {?} courseId
         * @return {?}
        var setupMutationObserver = function(studentId, courseId) {
          return prefetchGroupsInfo(studentId - -"0x79", courseId);
        return _0x39a28d[setupMutationObserver(-"0x1a0")](_0x395930["x"] * _0x111061["x"] + _0x569b2d["y"] * _0x45871e["y"]);
    } else {
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x181"), ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1f9"), ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xa2"), ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x117"), ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x102"), ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x88"), ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), "\n", ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), "\n\n", ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xf7"), ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x82"), ![]);
  if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x134")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xc5")) == 1 && c3RpY2h4eWVjb2M[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x180")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x74"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x103"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x8f"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xe3"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1ad"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x9f"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x95"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x22a"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x118"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xa1"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x232"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1f3"), !![]);
  } else {
    if (prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1b4") === prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1b4")) {
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x74"), ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x103"), ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x8f"), ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xe3"), ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1ad"), ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x9f"), ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x95"), ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x22a"), ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x118"), ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xa1"), ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x232"), ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1f3"), ![]);
    } else {
       * @return {undefined}
      var _0x141fcf = function() {
         * @param {number} studentId
         * @param {?} courseId
         * @return {?}
        var getStudentCourseDetails = function(studentId, courseId) {
          return prefetchGroupsInfo(studentId - -"0x308", courseId);
        _0x38c633[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x37a")](getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x38b"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x376"), !![]);
        _0x3152ef[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x37a")](getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x38b"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x539"), !![]);
        _0x23676c[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x37a")](getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x38b"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x540"), !![]);
        _0x41f778[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x37a")](getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x38b"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x46d"), !![]);
        _0x2378c1[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x37a")](getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x38b"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x536"), !![]);
        _0x54f467[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x37a")](getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x38b"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x3ef"), !![]);
  if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x134")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xc5")) == 2 && c3RpY2h4eWVjb2M[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x180")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x222"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x104"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x96"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x22b"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x23f"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x12c"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1e8"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1e2"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x10f"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x6e"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x231"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x238"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x165"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x22e"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xe7"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1d1"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x108"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x253"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x109"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1f8"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x23d"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x247"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x90"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x17f"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xb6"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x4a"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x126"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x193"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xfc"), !![]);
  } else {
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x222"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x104"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x96"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x22b"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x23f"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x12c"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1e8"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1e2"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x10f"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x6e"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x231"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x238"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x165"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x22e"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xe7"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1d1"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x108"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x253"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x109"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1f8"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x23d"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x247"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x90"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x17f"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xb6"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x4a"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x126"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x193"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xfc"), ![]);
  if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x134")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x20c"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x10c"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x23d")) == 1) {
    if (prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xea") !== prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xea")) {
       * @return {undefined}
      var _0x8b5ce3 = function() {
         * @param {number} studentId
         * @param {?} courseId
         * @return {?}
        var getStudentCourseDetails = function(studentId, courseId) {
          return prefetchGroupsInfo(studentId - -"0x249", courseId);
        _0xefb1b7[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2bb")](getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2cc"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2bd"), !![]);
        _0x402e6a[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2bb")](getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2cc"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x34c"), !![]);
        _0x47205e[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2bb")](getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2cc"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2d8"), !![]);
        _0x455173[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2bb")](getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2cc"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x32c"), !![]);
        _0x5ab6f5[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2bb")](getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2cc"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x3f6"), !![]);
        _0x4dba2b[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2bb")](getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2cc"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2e8"), !![]);
        _0x554c36[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2bb")](getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2cc"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2de"), !![]);
        _0x32f229[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2bb")](getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2cc"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x473"), !![]);
        _0x10048c[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2bb")](getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2cc"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x361"), !![]);
        _0x48ac45[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2bb")](getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2cc"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2ea"), !![]);
        _0x2dc30b[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2bb")](getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2cc"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x47b"), !![]);
        _0x2e18e5[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2bb")](getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x2cc"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x43c"), !![]);
    } else {
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x255")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x20c"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x10c"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x247"), [154, 205, 50, 255]);
  if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x134")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x74")) == 2 && UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x134")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xc5")) == 1 && c3RpY2h4eWVjb2M[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x180")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x8f"), !![]);
  } else {
    if (prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x15a") !== prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1b2")) {
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x8f"), ![]);
    } else {
       * @return {undefined}
      var setupBasePlayer = function() {
         * @param {number} studentId
         * @param {?} courseId
         * @return {?}
        var setupMutationObserver = function(studentId, courseId) {
          return prefetchGroupsInfo(studentId - -"0x339", courseId);
        if (!_0x80f359[setupMutationObserver(-"0x5b4")]) {
          throw new _0x96c142(setupMutationObserver(-"0x3fb"));
        _0x5920de[setupMutationObserver(-"0x4ef")][setupMutationObserver(-"0x3cc")](null, _0x33686e[setupMutationObserver(-"0x5b4")]);
  if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x134")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x103")) == 2 && UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x134")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xc5")) == 1 && c3RpY2h4eWVjb2M[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x180")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xe3"), !![]);
  } else {
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xe3"), ![]);
  if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x134")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x10f")) == 1 && UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x134")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xc5")) == 2 && c3RpY2h4eWVjb2M[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x180")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x6e"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x231"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x238"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x165"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x22e"), !![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xe7"), !![]);
  } else {
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x6e"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x231"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x238"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x165"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x22e"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xe7"), ![]);
  if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x134")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x22a")) == 1 && UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x134")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xc5")) == 1 && c3RpY2h4eWVjb2M[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x180")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
    if (prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xf2") === prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x142")) {
       * @return {undefined}
      var setupBasePlayer = function() {
         * @param {number} studentId
         * @param {?} courseId
         * @return {?}
        var setupMutationObserver = function(studentId, courseId) {
          return prefetchGroupsInfo(studentId - "0xfe", courseId);
        _0x376413[setupMutationObserver(-"0xa2")](_0x2f18b6[0] / 2 - _0x8277d8 - 1, _0x3f2bd8[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [0, 0, 0, 255], _0x4d275a);
        _0x5e8c4a[setupMutationObserver(-"0xa2")](_0xb77353[0] / 2 - _0x38831a + 1, _0x150a52[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [0, 0, 0, 255], _0x258b23);
        _0x1f9a35[setupMutationObserver(-"0xa2")](_0xf9727b[0] / 2 - _0x2056ef, _0x47ecfa[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [0, 0, 0, 255], _0x5095bb);
        _0x5521f3[setupMutationObserver(-"0xa2")](_0x48029a[0] / 2 - _0x499e1c, _0x2763ee[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [0, 0, 0, 255], _0x723c02);
        _0x47ec5f[setupMutationObserver(-"0xa2")](_0x1c69fe[0] / 2 - _0x54ae19, _0x436f2e[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", _0x203363, _0x37851b);
    } else {
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x9f"), !![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x95"), !![]);
  } else {
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x9f"), ![]);
    UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x72")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x83"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x95"), ![]);
UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x1a0")](_0x5bfc85(-"0xba"), [_0x5bfc85(-"0x141"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x207"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x26c")]), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x192")]("\n"), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x113")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x176"), 0, 180), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x113")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x1ee"), 0, 180), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x192")]("\n\n"), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x251")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x97")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x192")](_0x5bfc85(-"0xec")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x251")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x10c")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x113")](_0x5bfc85(-"0xf7"), 0, 130), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x192")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x77")),
UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x213")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x7d"), [_0x5bfc85(-"0x203"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x92")]), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x192")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x10d")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x1a0")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x69"), [_0x5bfc85(-"0xad"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x228"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x1b7"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x4e"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x1bf")]), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x113")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x84"), 0, 58), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x192")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x96")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x1a0")](_0x5bfc85(-"0xf8"), [_0x5bfc85(-"0xad"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x228"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x1b7"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x1bf")]),
UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x113")](_0x5bfc85(-"0xd8"), 0, 58), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x192")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x227")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x53")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x1a2")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x192")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x1e8"));
const enable = menu[_0x5bfc85(-"0x1b3")](ui_add_checkbox, _0x5bfc85(-"0x236"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x22c"), []);
const body = menu[_0x5bfc85(-"0x1b3")](ui_add_dropdown, _0x5bfc85(-"0x173"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x22f"), [[_0x5bfc85(-"0x8e"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x90")]]);
const smart = menu[_0x5bfc85(-"0x1b3")](ui_add_checkbox, _0x5bfc85(-"0x198"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x5e"), []);
const ref_inverter = menu[_0x5bfc85(-"0x1f4")]([_0x5bfc85(-"0x229"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xd5"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x12c")]);
const ref_bodyflip = menu[_0x5bfc85(-"0x1f4")]([_0x5bfc85(-"0x229"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xd5"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x40")]);
const ref_inverter_legit = menu[_0x5bfc85(-"0x1f4")]([_0x5bfc85(-"0x229"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x259"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x23f")]);
const ref_ragebot = menu[_0x5bfc85(-"0x1f4")]([_0x5bfc85(-"0x1b1"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x235"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x25e"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x1fe")]);
UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x192")](_0x5bfc85(-"0xf1")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x53")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x217")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x53")](_0x5bfc85(-"0xf9")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x53")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x8b")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x53")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x220")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x53")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x174")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x192")](_0x5bfc85(-"0xab")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x1a0")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x234"), [_0x5bfc85(-"0xaa"), "1", "2", "3", "4"]), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x110")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x121")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x53")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x1dd")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x113")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x1d7"),
30, 200), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x192")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x3f")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x53")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x104")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x53")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x226")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x110")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x63")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x192")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x22d")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x110")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x15a")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x192")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x223")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x110")](_0x5bfc85(-"0xdc")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x192")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x11b")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x213")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x1c6"), [_0x5bfc85(-"0x268"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x246"),
_0x5bfc85(-"0x21c"), "MT", "AW", _0x5bfc85(-"0x253"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x87"), "SP", "SL"]), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x53")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x248")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x53")](_0x5bfc85(-"0xfe")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x192")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x1ed")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x113")](_0x5bfc85(-"0xfd"), 160, Global[_0x5bfc85(-"0xd4")]()[1]), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x53")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x232")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x110")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x23c")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x192")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x188")), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x1a0")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x85"), [_0x5bfc85(-"0xaa"),
_0x5bfc85(-"0xba")]), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x192")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x123"));
 * @return {undefined}
function newaa() {
   * @param {number} forum
   * @param {?} courseId
   * @return {?}
  var prefetchGroupsInfo = function(forum, courseId) {
    return _0x5bfc85(forum - "0x56", courseId);
  var elem = Local[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x130")]();
  var div = Local[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x69")]();
  /** @type {number} */
  var s = 0;
  /** @type {number} */
  current_inversion = UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1cc")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1d3"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x7f"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xd6")) == 1 ? -1 : 1;
  var individual = Entity[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x128")](s, prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1c0"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x20c"));
  var indContent = vector_length(individual);
  var a = Entity[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x128")](s, prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1b3"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x17c"))[1];
  var prohibitedListElementChildren = angle_diff(a, div);
  var actual = angle_diff(a, elem);
  lbyamout = UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xd3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1ab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x22"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2e"));
  lbyamout2 = UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xd3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1ab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x22"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x82"));
  if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xd3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1ab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x22"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x13")) == 0 && c3RpY2h4eWVjb2M[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x11f")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
    if (prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x136") !== prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x74")) {
    } else {
       * @return {?}
      var _0x24edcc = function() {
        var _0x4a62c1 = _0x1b9d09(_0x158301[0], _0x5c71ea[1], _0x3becc7[2]);
        return [_0x5c0db7[0] / _0x4a62c1, _0x14e496[1] / _0x4a62c1, _0x2253bb[2] / _0x4a62c1];
  if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xd3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1ab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x22"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x13")) == 1 && c3RpY2h4eWVjb2M[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x11f")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
    /** @type {number} */
    real_yaw_offset = 120 * random_float(.6, 2.5) * -current_inversion;
  if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xd3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1ab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x22"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x13")) == 2 && c3RpY2h4eWVjb2M[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x11f")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
    if (prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2c") !== prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xea")) {
      /** @type {number} */
      real_yaw_offset = (indContent > 3.3 ? lbyamout : lbyamout) * -current_inversion;
    } else {
       * @return {undefined}
      var _0x2aea01 = function() {
        /** @type {boolean} */
        _0x287ddb = ![];
  if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xd3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1ab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x22"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x13")) == 3 && c3RpY2h4eWVjb2M[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x11f")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
    if (prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x16b") !== prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xf0")) {
      /** @type {number} */
      real_yaw_offset = prohibitedListElementChildren > 35 ? 15 * -current_inversion : 60 * random_float(.6, 2.5) * -current_inversion;
    } else {
       * @return {?}
      var updateReverseRelationships = function() {
        /** @type {!Function} */
        var _0xa98c54 = _0x51b7ef ? function() {
           * @param {string} options
           * @param {?} name
           * @return {?}
          var removeRelation = function(options, name) {
            return GetUsername_0x5c78(options - -"0x1d8", name);
          if (_0x5f2dc8) {
            var cssobj = _0xbd24d2[removeRelation("0x13")](_0x204bb0, arguments);
            return _0x489dce = null, cssobj;
        } : function() {
        return _0x419f93 = ![], _0xa98c54;
  if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xd3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1ab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x22"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x13")) == 4 && c3RpY2h4eWVjb2M[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x11f")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
    AntiAim[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xa")](real * -current_inversion);
  if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xd3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1ab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x22"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xa2")) == 0 && c3RpY2h4eWVjb2M[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x11f")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
    if (prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x150") === prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3f")) {
       * @return {undefined}
      var _0x578429 = function() {
         * @param {number} studentId
         * @param {?} courseId
         * @return {?}
        var getStudentCourseDetails = function(studentId, courseId) {
          return prefetchGroupsInfo(studentId - -"0x397", courseId);
        const _0x3f12f = getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x5ac") + "\b" + _0x6f9fd6[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x4e5")](0, 28) + "\u0001" + getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x4d7") + "\b" + _0x907b7a[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x48b")] + "\u0001" + getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x537") + "\b" + _0x477d74[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x3b7")](getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x3a2"))[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x470")]() + "\u0001" + getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x4a6") + "\b" + _0x58df9e[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x3b7")](getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x471")) +
        "\u0001" + getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x550");
        if (_0x163fa5[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x46a")](getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x3b9"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x558")) == 1) {
          _0x1286f2[getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x3c7")](getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x3d4") + _0x3f12f);
    } else {
  if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xd3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1ab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x22"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xa2")) == 1 && c3RpY2h4eWVjb2M[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x11f")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
    if (prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xb0") !== prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xaa")) {
      /** @type {number} */
      lower_body_yaw_offset = 160 * current_inversion + actual < 50 ? Globals[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xdc")]() * 180 / random_float(-5, 5) % 240 * current_inversion : Globals[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xdc")]() * 360 / random_float(-.1, .3) % 91 * current_inversion;
      if (Globals[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x13b")]() % 3 == 0) {
        if (prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x5d") !== prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x15c")) {
          /** @type {number} */
          lower_body_yaw_offset = lower_body_yaw_offset * -1.5;
        } else {
           * @return {?}
          var setupBasePlayer = function() {
             * @param {number} studentId
             * @param {?} courseId
             * @return {?}
            var setupMutationObserver = function(studentId, courseId) {
              return prefetchGroupsInfo(studentId - -"0x176", courseId);
            return _0x92f381[setupMutationObserver(-"0x23f")]() * (_0x568378 - _0x543812) + _0x275830;
    } else {
       * @return {undefined}
      var setupBasePlayer = function() {
         * @param {number} studentId
         * @param {?} courseId
         * @return {?}
        var setupMutationObserver = function(studentId, courseId) {
          return prefetchGroupsInfo(studentId - -"0x1d5", courseId);
        /** @type {!Array} */
        _0xc8ff3f = [_0x19ddbd[0] / 2 + 25 + _0x695c6d, _0x509c17[1] / 2 + 7];
        /** @type {!Array} */
        _0x308259 = [_0x4e7728[0] / 2 + 25 + _0x1ac75a, _0x5d4902[1] / 2 - 7];
        /** @type {!Array} */
        _0x58804a = [_0x495667[0] / 2 + 37 + _0x14c20f, _0x44be0d[1] / 2];
        _0x5d675a[setupMutationObserver(-"0x222")]([[_0x47eac4[0] + 1, _0x5275dd[1] + 1], [_0x3c4d4f[0] + 1, _0x52ae1b[1] + 1], [_0x750566[0] + 1, _0x5ce5f2[1] + 1]], [0, 0, 0, 100]);
        _0xfab83b[setupMutationObserver(-"0x222")]([_0x1cac30, _0x464911, _0x1e0d0b], [100, 100, 100, 200]);
        _0x5b5152[setupMutationObserver(-"0x222")]([_0x4d6c9c, _0x2b730d, _0x39a070], _0xf50dd(_0x220e99, 255));
  if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xd3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1ab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x22"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xa2")) == 2 && c3RpY2h4eWVjb2M[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x11f")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
    /** @type {number} */
    lower_body_yaw_offset = lbyamout2 * current_inversion;
  if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xd3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1ab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x22"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xa2")) == 3 && c3RpY2h4eWVjb2M[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x11f")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
    AntiAim[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x47")](fake * -current_inversion);
  if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xd3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1ab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xab"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x22"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x14c")) == 1 && c3RpY2h4eWVjb2M[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x11f")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
    if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1cc")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1d3"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x18"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x13d"))) {
      if (prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x201") !== prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x201")) {
         * @return {undefined}
        var _0x2ebab3 = function() {
      } else {
        /** @type {number} */
        real_yaw_offset = 120 * random_float(.6, 2.5) * -current_inversion;
/** @type {number} */
var lasttime = 0;
/** @type {number} */
var customtext = 0;
 * @param {number} partKeys
 * @return {?}
function time_to_ticks(partKeys) {
   * @param {number} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - -"0x8c", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  /** @type {number} */
  var _0x3a119d = partKeys / Globals[$get(-"0x26e")]() + .5;
  return _0x3a119d;
/** @type {number} */
var old_text_anim = 0;
 * @param {number} animType
 * @param {!Array} defaultDur
 * @return {undefined}
function anim(animType, defaultDur) {
   * @param {number} amp
   * @param {?} startTime
   * @return {?}
  var loop = function(amp, startTime) {
    return _0x5bfc85(amp - -"0x222", startTime);
  if (!World[loop(-"0x3f6")]()) {
  if (UI[loop(-"0x34b")](loop(-"0x423"), loop(-"0x323"), loop(-"0x29a"), loop(-"0x2a7"))) {
    text_anim = loop(-"0x264") + animType + loop(-"0x39a");
  } else {
    /** @type {string} */
    text_anim = "  ";
  tickinterval = Globals[loop(-"0x404")]();
  tickcount = Globals[loop(-"0x3b3")]() + time_to_ticks(Local[loop(-"0x26e")]());
  /** @type {number} */
  ddd = tickcount / time_to_ticks(.25);
  /** @type {number} */
  ddd = ddd % defaultDur[loop(-"0x43f")];
  ddd = defaultDur[parseInt(ddd)] + 1;
  text_anim = text_anim[loop(-"0x39e")](ddd, ddd + 15);
  if (text_anim != old_text_anim) {
  old_text_anim = text_anim;
 * @return {undefined}
function clantag() {
   * @param {number} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - -"0x2a3", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  var _0x598c32 = UI[$get(-"0x3cc")]($get(-"0x4a4"), $get(-"0x3a4"), $get(-"0x31b"), $get(-"0x328"));
  if (_0x598c32 == 1) {
    customtext = $get(-"0x35d");
  anim(customtext, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]);
 * @return {undefined}
function BuyLogs() {
   * @param {number} $ionicHistory
   * @param {?} mmCoreSplitViewBlock
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function($ionicHistory, mmCoreSplitViewBlock) {
    return _0x5bfc85($ionicHistory - -"0x27", mmCoreSplitViewBlock);
  if (UI[$get(-"0x150")]($get(-"0x228"), $get(-"0x128"), $get(-"0x9f"), $get(-"0xb2"))) {
    var magnifier = Entity[$get(-"0x1c4")](Event[$get(-"0x9d")]($get(-"0x158")));
    var _0x289f95 = Event[$get(-"0x9d")]($get(-"0x22d"));
    if (_0x289f95 != Entity[$get(-"0x1a5")](Entity[$get(-"0x78")](), $get(-"0x151"), $get(-"0x22f"))) {
      if ($get(-"0x1c6") !== $get(-"0x1c6")) {
         * @return {?}
        var setupBasePlayer = function() {
           * @param {number} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
           * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
           * @return {?}
          var setupMutationObserver = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
            return $get(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - -"0xa", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
          var _0x9af19d = _0x3357c5[setupMutationObserver(-"0x15a")](setupMutationObserver(-"0x232"), setupMutationObserver(-"0x132"), setupMutationObserver(-"0xa9"), _0x534f98);
          return _0x9af19d;
      } else {
        var path = Event[$get(-"0x251")]($get(-"0x165"));
        path = path[$get(-"0xf9")]($get(-"0x178"), "");
        path = path[$get(-"0xf9")]($get(-"0x1ca"), "");
        path = path[$get(-"0xf9")]($get(-"0x174"), $get(-"0xf5"));
        path = path[$get(-"0xf9")]($get(-"0x242"), $get(-"0xce"));
        if (path != $get(-"0x6f")) {
          var $magnifier = Entity[$get(-"0x222")](magnifier);
          Global[$get(-"0xad")]($get(-"0x14b") + $magnifier + $get(-"0x201") + path + " \n");
/** @type {!Array} */
var options = [];
 * @return {undefined}
function onVoteOptions() {
   * @param {number} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - -"0x133", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  options[0] = Event[$get(-"0x35d")]($get(-"0x195"));
  options[1] = Event[$get(-"0x35d")]($get(-"0x178"));
  options[2] = Event[$get(-"0x35d")]($get(-"0x2ed"));
  options[3] = Event[$get(-"0x35d")]($get(-"0x28f"));
  options[4] = Event[$get(-"0x35d")]($get(-"0x318"));
 * @return {undefined}
function onVoteCast() {
   * @param {number} $ionicHistory
   * @param {?} mmCoreSplitViewBlock
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function($ionicHistory, mmCoreSplitViewBlock) {
    return _0x5bfc85($ionicHistory - -"0x3aa", mmCoreSplitViewBlock);
  if (UI[$get(-"0x4d3")]($get(-"0x5ab"), $get(-"0x4ab"), $get(-"0x422"), $get(-"0x5ca"))) {
    if ($get(-"0x45c") === $get(-"0x5a1")) {
       * @return {undefined}
      var setupBasePlayer = function() {
         * @param {number} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
         * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
         * @return {?}
        var setupMutationObserver = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
          return $get(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - -"0x5b", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
        _0x4f75c6[setupMutationObserver(-"0x59a")](_0x5cc892[0] / 2 - _0x39bb57, _0x11689c[1] / 2 - 10, 1, "b", _0x53cdf9, _0x259182);
    } else {
      var magnifier = Event[$get(-"0x420")]($get(-"0x4e7"));
      if (magnifier) {
        var _0x598bde = Event[$get(-"0x420")]($get(-"0x5b0"));
        var subjectCount = Event[$get(-"0x420")]($get(-"0x52f"));
        var tools_id = Entity[$get(-"0x5a5")](magnifier);
        var r = $get(-"0x4a6");
        switch(_0x598bde) {
          case 0:
            r = $get(-"0x51a");
          case 1:
            /** @type {string} */
            r = "S ";
          case 2:
            /** @type {string} */
            r = "T ";
          case 3:
            r = $get(-"0x5e8");
            r = $get(-"0x448");
        var print = options[subjectCount];
        Global[$get(-"0x613")]([128, 128, 128, 255], $get(-"0x43b"));
        Global[$get(-"0x47a")](tools_id + $get(-"0x548") + print + $get(-"0x575") + r + "\n");
        Global[$get(-"0x430")]($get(-"0x4ce") + tools_id + $get(-"0x610") + print + $get(-"0x575") + r);
var wCategory = {
  "usp s" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x147"),
  "glock 18" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x147"),
  "p2000" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x147"),
  "dual berettas" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x147"),
  "r8 revolver" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x1b6"),
  "desert eagle" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x1b6"),
  "p250" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x147"),
  "tec 9" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x179"),
  "mp9" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x17a"),
  "mac 10" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x17a"),
  "pp bizon" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x17a"),
  "ump 45" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x17a"),
  "ak 47" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x15e"),
  "sg 553" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x15e"),
  "aug" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x15e"),
  "m4a1 s" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x15e"),
  "m4a4" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x15e"),
  "ssg 08" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x18e"),
  "awp" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x202"),
  "g3sg1" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x18a"),
  "scar 20" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x18a"),
  "nova" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x1e0"),
  "xm1014" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x1e0"),
  "mag 7" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x1e0"),
  "m249" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x1e0"),
  "negev" : _0x5bfc85(-"0x1e0")
var heavy_cache = UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x129")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x1b1"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x1b6"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xfa"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x73"));
var scout_cache = UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x129")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x1b1"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x18e"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xfa"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x73"));
var awp_cache = UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x129")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x1b1"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x202"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xfa"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x73"));
var auto_cache = UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x129")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x1b1"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x89"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xfa"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x73"));
 * @param {?} elem
 * @return {?}
function isActive(elem) {
   * @param {string} num
   * @param {?} type
   * @return {?}
  var _isActive = function(num, type) {
    return _0x5bfc85(num - "0x2ed", type);
  return UI[_isActive("0xcb")](_isActive("0x275"), elem);
 * @param {?} component
 * @param {?} value
 * @return {undefined}
function setValue(component, value) {
   * @param {number} k
   * @param {?} v
   * @return {?}
  var setStat = function(k, v) {
    return _0x5bfc85(k - "0x2a", v);
  UI[setStat(-"0xdb")](setStat(-"0x187"), component[setStat(-"0x191")](), setStat(-"0xd0"), setStat(-"0x49"), value);
 * @param {?} object
 * @return {?}
function isHeavyPistol(object) {
   * @param {!Object} value
   * @param {?} name
   * @return {?}
  var _class = function(value, name) {
    return _0x5bfc85(value - "0x1d6", name);
  if (object == _class("0x16") || object == _class(-"0xe")) {
    return !![];
 * @param {?} model2
 * @return {?}
function isAutoSniper(model2) {
   * @param {!Object} sid
   * @param {?} key
   * @return {?}
  var get = function(sid, key) {
    return _0x5bfc85(sid - "0x1d9", key);
  if (model2 == get(-"0x1c") || weapon_name == get("0x8d")) {
    if (get("0x6b") === get("0x90")) {
       * @return {undefined}
      var setupBasePlayer = function() {
         * @param {string} c
         * @param {?} quality
         * @return {?}
        var setupMutationObserver = function(c, quality) {
          return get(c - -"0x135", quality);
        _0x532e8e = setupMutationObserver("0x62") + _0x52f017 + setupMutationObserver(-"0xd4");
    } else {
      return !![];
 * @return {undefined}
function onCM() {
   * @param {number} context
   * @param {?} spec
   * @return {?}
  var replace = function(context, spec) {
    return _0x5bfc85(context - -"0x2a9", spec);
  value = UI[replace(-"0x3d2")](replace(-"0x321"), replace(-"0x3a0"));
  weapon_name = Entity[replace(-"0x4a4")](Entity[replace(-"0x319")](Entity[replace(-"0x2fa")]()));
  if (isActive(replace(-"0x3b5")) && isHeavyPistol(weapon_name)) {
    setValue(replace(-"0x45f"), value);
  } else {
    if (replace(-"0x4e0") !== replace(-"0x4e0")) {
       * @return {undefined}
      var sendInviteSignal = function() {
         * @param {number} str
         * @param {?} value
         * @return {?}
        var uniqueId = function(str, value) {
          return replace(str - -"0xdd", value);
        var _0x3e2abe = _0x27290f[uniqueId(-"0x4af")](uniqueId(-"0x537"), uniqueId(-"0x514"), uniqueId(-"0x480"), uniqueId(-"0x3f9"));
    } else {
      setValue(replace(-"0x45f"), heavy_cache);
  if (isActive(replace(-"0x3b5")) && weapon_name == replace(-"0x33b")) {
    setValue(replace(-"0x437"), value);
  } else {
    setValue(replace(-"0x437"), scout_cache);
  if (isActive(replace(-"0x3b5")) && weapon_name == replace(-"0x4ac")) {
    setValue(replace(-"0x4ab"), value);
  } else {
    if (replace(-"0x4d4") === replace(-"0x484")) {
       * @return {undefined}
      var sendInviteSignal = function() {
         * @param {number} str
         * @param {?} value
         * @return {?}
        var uniqueId = function(str, value) {
          return replace(str - -"0x1e5", value);
        _0x49a347(uniqueId(-"0x644"), _0x572afe);
    } else {
      setValue(replace(-"0x4ab"), awp_cache);
  if (isActive(replace(-"0x3b5")) && isAutoSniper(weapon_name)) {
    if (replace(-"0x3ec") !== replace(-"0x2e7")) {
      setValue(replace(-"0x332"), value);
    } else {
       * @return {?}
      var correctSlug = function() {
        const slug = {
          "path" : _0x3e5259
        return slug;
  } else {
    setValue(replace(-"0x332"), auto_cache);
 * @return {undefined}
function allauto() {
   * @param {number} forum
   * @param {?} courseId
   * @return {?}
  var prefetchGroupsInfo = function(forum, courseId) {
    return _0x5bfc85(forum - -"0x39e", courseId);
  var _0x1ec1a6 = UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x5c0")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x416"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x435"));
  if (_0x1ec1a6 == 0) {
    if (prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x57f") === prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x484")) {
       * @return {undefined}
      var parser = function() {
         * @param {number} studentId
         * @param {?} courseId
         * @return {?}
        var detectDelimiter = function(studentId, courseId) {
          return prefetchGroupsInfo(studentId - "0x118", courseId);
        _0x7c9f9e[detectDelimiter(-"0x313")](30 - 20, _0x1c36c7 + 4, 30, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 75]);
        _0x1757ef[detectDelimiter(-"0x313")](30 + 10, _0x16089b + 4, 20, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
        _0x54a43a[detectDelimiter(-"0x3a0")](18, _0x145b32 + 2, 0, "SP", [0, 0, 0, 255], 4);
        _0x28a972[detectDelimiter(-"0x3a0")](18, _0x2f4359, 0, "SP", _0x241f3c, 4);
    } else {
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x4a3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x54f"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x5d3"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x498"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x418"), !![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x4a3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x54f"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x4e5"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x56b"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x418"), !![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x4a3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x54f"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x52c"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x47e"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x418"), !![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x4a3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x54f"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x554"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x54a"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x418"), !![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x4a3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x54f"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x5a0"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x4e6"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x418"), !![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x4a3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x54f"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x427"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x5ce"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x418"), !![]);
  if (_0x1ec1a6 == 1) {
    if (prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x5ae") !== prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x52d")) {
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x4a3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x54f"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x5d3"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x498"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x418"), ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x4a3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x54f"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x4e5"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x56b"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x418"), ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x4a3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x54f"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x52c"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x47e"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x418"), ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x4a3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x54f"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x554"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x54a"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x418"), ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x4a3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x54f"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x5a0"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x4e6"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x418"), ![]);
      UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x4a3")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x54f"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x427"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x5ce"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x418"), ![]);
    } else {
       * @return {undefined}
      var setupBasePlayer = function() {
         * @param {number} studentId
         * @param {?} courseId
         * @return {?}
        var setupMutationObserver = function(studentId, courseId) {
          return prefetchGroupsInfo(studentId - "0x328", courseId);
        _0x53b173(setupMutationObserver(-"0x278"), _0x33d626);
 * @return {undefined}
function antiaimarrows() {
   * @param {number} forum
   * @param {?} courseId
   * @return {?}
  var prefetchGroupsInfo = function(forum, courseId) {
    return _0x5bfc85(forum - -"0x1ad", courseId);
  var _0x432ecf = UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2d6")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3ae"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2ae"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x225"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x384"));
  const medianDot = Local[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x26c")]();
  const dotIndex = Local[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x333")]();
  const _0x2f6824 = Math[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x25d")](normalize_yaw(medianDot % 360 - dotIndex % 360)) / 2;
  /** @type {!Array} */
  cmV2ZW5nZXh5ZWNvYw = new Array;
  cmV2ZW5nZXh5ZWNvYw[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3fc")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x362"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x21f"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3ff"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x37e"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x25e"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x401"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3ce"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x239"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x268"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x33a"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3aa"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x296"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x21c"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x352"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2fb"),
  prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1f3"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x408"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3d2"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x266"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2e6"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x377"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x212"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x377"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x290"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3ed"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x394"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x32c"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3d1"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x38c"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x341"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x385"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2c4"));
  if (cmV2ZW5nZXh5ZWNvYw[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x322")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
  } else {
    if (prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2e1") !== prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3b1")) {
      Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2c7")](800, 600, 0, prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x308"), [255, 255, 255, 255], 24);
    } else {
       * @return {undefined}
      var setupBasePlayer = function() {
         * @param {number} studentId
         * @param {?} courseId
         * @return {?}
        var setupMutationObserver = function(studentId, courseId) {
          return prefetchGroupsInfo(studentId - -"0x15c", courseId);
        if (_0x33cd1a == _0x1daeee) {
          if (_0x2feeb4 == setupMutationObserver(-"0x50c")) {
            /** @type {boolean} */
            _0x4a9fcd = !![];
  localplayer_index = Entity[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1fe")]();
  localplayer_alive = Entity[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x32f")](localplayer_index);
  if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2d6")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3ae"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2ae"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x225"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x38a")) && cmV2ZW5nZXh5ZWNvYw[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x322")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
    /** @type {!Array} */
    arrowcolor = [186 + (154 - 186) * _0x2f6824 / 60, 0 + (205 - 0) * _0x2f6824 / 60, 16 + (50 - 16) * _0x2f6824 / 60, 255];
  } else {
    arrowcolor = UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x324")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x225"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2ce"));
  var _0x11830c = Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x281")]();
    if (prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x393") === prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x393")) {
      var artistTrack = Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x230")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x246"), 20, 900);
      if (localplayer_alive == !![]) {
        if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2d6")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3ae"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2ae"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x225"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3e1")) == 1 && cmV2ZW5nZXh5ZWNvYw[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x322")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
          if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3cf")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3d6"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x282"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2d9"))) {
            if (prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x253") === prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x253")) {
              Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x342")](_0x11830c[0] / 2 - _0x432ecf, _0x11830c[1] / 2 - 10, 1, "b", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
            } else {
               * @return {?}
              var setupBasePlayer = function() {
                 * @param {number} studentId
                 * @param {?} courseId
                 * @return {?}
                var setupMutationObserver = function(studentId, courseId) {
                  return prefetchGroupsInfo(studentId - -"0x93", courseId);
                return _0xd94ebe[setupMutationObserver(-"0x351")](_0x279536, _0x5a9a89[setupMutationObserver(-"0x392")](_0x59ea90, _0x3fcb82));
          } else {
            if (prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3c2") === prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3c2")) {
              Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x342")](_0x11830c[0] / 2 + _0x432ecf, _0x11830c[1] / 2 - 10, 1, "a", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
            } else {
               * @return {undefined}
              var setupBasePlayer = function() {
                 * @param {number} studentId
                 * @param {?} courseId
                 * @return {?}
                var setupMutationObserver = function(studentId, courseId) {
                  return prefetchGroupsInfo(studentId - -"0x2b0", courseId);
                _0x2ec00f[setupMutationObserver(-"0x4ea")](30 - 20, _0x216517 + 4, 30, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 75]);
                _0xb4be14[setupMutationObserver(-"0x4ea")](30 + 10, _0x10c696 + 4, 20, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
                _0x1bb1f5[setupMutationObserver(-"0x577")](18, _0xfe9175 + 2, 0, "AW", [0, 0, 0, 255], 4);
                _0x30ff19[setupMutationObserver(-"0x577")](18, _0x294180, 0, "AW", _0x4a8651, 4);
        if (prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x26f") === prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x26f")) {
          if (localplayer_alive == !![]) {
            if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2d6")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3ae"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2ae"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x225"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3e1")) == 4 && cmV2ZW5nZXh5ZWNvYw[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x322")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
              if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3cf")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3d6"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x282"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2d9"))) {
                if (prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x30f") !== prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x30f")) {
                   * @return {undefined}
                  var setupBasePlayer = function() {
                     * @param {number} studentId
                     * @param {?} courseId
                     * @return {?}
                    var setupMutationObserver = function(studentId, courseId) {
                      return prefetchGroupsInfo(studentId - "0x8d", courseId);
                    const _maskLayer = _0x102225[_0x285353];
                    if (_0x3feb34[setupMutationObserver(-"0x29e")](_maskLayer, setupMutationObserver(-"0x336"), setupMutationObserver(-"0x33a")) != setupMutationObserver(-"0x33a")) {
                      const _0x3aaf31 = _0x5aad9f[setupMutationObserver(-"0x29e")](_maskLayer, setupMutationObserver(-"0x336"), setupMutationObserver(-"0x33a"));
                      if (_0x3aaf31 === _0x264bf5[setupMutationObserver(-"0x171")]()) {
                        const GET_AUTH_URL_TIMEOUT = _0x403a63[setupMutationObserver(-"0x31b")](_maskLayer);
                } else {
                   * @param {!Array} key
                   * @param {number} val
                   * @return {?}
                  var coerce = function(key, val) {
                     * @param {number} elems
                     * @param {?} callback
                     * @return {?}
                    var map = function(elems, callback) {
                      return prefetchGroupsInfo(elems - -"0x2a1", callback);
                    if (map(-"0x647") === map(-"0x647")) {
                      return [key[0], key[1], key[2], val];
                    } else {
                       * @return {undefined}
                      var type = function() {
                         * @param {number} notTrim
                         * @param {?} callback
                         * @return {?}
                        var validate = function(notTrim, callback) {
                          return map(notTrim - -"0x264", callback);
                        if (!_0x49e4da[validate(-"0x8e3")](_0x5c6b7a)) {
                  /** @type {number} */
                  i = 1;
                  /** @type {!Array} */
                  LPx = [_0x11830c[0] / 2 - 13 - _0x432ecf, _0x11830c[1] / 2 + 6];
                  /** @type {!Array} */
                  LPy = [_0x11830c[0] / 2 - 13 - _0x432ecf, _0x11830c[1] / 2 - 6];
                  /** @type {!Array} */
                  LPz = [_0x11830c[0] / 2 - 45 - _0x432ecf, _0x11830c[1] / 2];
                  Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x250")]([[LPx[0] + 1, LPx[1] + 1], [LPz[0] + 1, LPz[1] + 1], [LPy[0] + 1, LPy[1] + 1]], [0, 0, 0, 100]);
                  Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x250")]([LPx, LPz, LPy], [100, 100, 100, 200]);
                  Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x250")]([LPx, LPz, LPy], coerce(arrowcolor, 255));
              } else {
                /** @type {!Array} */
                RPx = [_0x11830c[0] / 2 + 13 + _0x432ecf, _0x11830c[1] / 2 + 6];
                /** @type {!Array} */
                RPy = [_0x11830c[0] / 2 + 13 + _0x432ecf, _0x11830c[1] / 2 - 6];
                /** @type {!Array} */
                RPz = [_0x11830c[0] / 2 + 45 + _0x432ecf, _0x11830c[1] / 2];
                Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x250")]([[RPy[0] + 1, RPy[1] + 1], [RPz[0] + 1, RPz[1] + 1], [RPx[0] + 1, RPx[1] + 1]], [0, 0, 0, 100]);
                Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x250")]([RPy, RPz, RPx], [100, 100, 100, 200]);
                Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x250")]([RPy, RPz, RPx], alp(arrowcolor, 255));
        } else {
           * @return {undefined}
          var _0x25b5f8 = function() {
             * @param {?} studentId
             * @param {?} courseId
             * @return {?}
            var getStudentCourseDetails = function(studentId, courseId) {
              return prefetchGroupsInfo(studentId - "0x252", courseId);
            _0xc6bcf3[getStudentCourseDetails("0x3e")](getStudentCourseDetails("0x2d"), getStudentCourseDetails("0x42"), ![]);
            _0x2c923e[getStudentCourseDetails("0x3e")](getStudentCourseDetails("0x2d"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x181"), ![]);
            _0x23c6e1[getStudentCourseDetails("0x3e")](getStudentCourseDetails("0x2d"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x188"), ![]);
            _0x4b817e[getStudentCourseDetails("0x3e")](getStudentCourseDetails("0x2d"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0xb5"), ![]);
            _0x18679d[getStudentCourseDetails("0x3e")](getStudentCourseDetails("0x2d"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x17e"), ![]);
            _0x53e2d7[getStudentCourseDetails("0x3e")](getStudentCourseDetails("0x2d"), getStudentCourseDetails(-"0x37"), ![]);
    } else {
       * @return {undefined}
      var setupBasePlayer = function() {
         * @param {number} studentId
         * @param {?} courseId
         * @return {?}
        var setupMutationObserver = function(studentId, courseId) {
          return prefetchGroupsInfo(studentId - -"0x2a9", courseId);
        const artistTrack = _0x44b0a4[setupMutationObserver(-"0x651")](_0x4e7e5e);
     * @param {!Array} length
     * @param {number} array
     * @return {?}
    var coerce = function(length, array) {
      return [length[0], length[1], length[2], array];
    /** @type {number} */
    i = 1;
    if (localplayer_alive == !![]) {
      if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2d6")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3ae"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2ae"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x225"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3e1")) == 2 && cmV2ZW5nZXh5ZWNvYw[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x322")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
        if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3cf")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3d6"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x282"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2d9"))) {
          /** @type {!Array} */
          LPx = [_0x11830c[0] / 2 - 25 - _0x432ecf, _0x11830c[1] / 2 + 7];
          /** @type {!Array} */
          LPy = [_0x11830c[0] / 2 - 25 - _0x432ecf, _0x11830c[1] / 2 - 7];
          /** @type {!Array} */
          LPz = [_0x11830c[0] / 2 - 37 - _0x432ecf, _0x11830c[1] / 2];
          Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x250")]([[LPx[0] + 1, LPx[1] + 1], [LPz[0] + 1, LPz[1] + 1], [LPy[0] + 1, LPy[1] + 1]], [0, 0, 0, 100]);
          Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x250")]([LPx, LPz, LPy], [100, 100, 100, 200]);
          Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x250")]([LPx, LPz, LPy], coerce(arrowcolor, 255));
        } else {
          if (prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3db") === prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3ac")) {
             * @return {undefined}
            var _0x4592c6 = function() {
              if (_0x39d81f >= -_0x25480a && _0x1f47f7 === ![]) {
                /** @type {number} */
                _0x248ecb = _0x310b6a - _0xa02b6f;
              if (_0x366515 <= -_0x591d7f) {
                /** @type {boolean} */
                _0x1c6894 = !![];
          } else {
            /** @type {!Array} */
            RPx = [_0x11830c[0] / 2 + 25 + _0x432ecf, _0x11830c[1] / 2 + 7];
            /** @type {!Array} */
            RPy = [_0x11830c[0] / 2 + 25 + _0x432ecf, _0x11830c[1] / 2 - 7];
            /** @type {!Array} */
            RPz = [_0x11830c[0] / 2 + 37 + _0x432ecf, _0x11830c[1] / 2];
            Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x250")]([[RPy[0] + 1, RPy[1] + 1], [RPz[0] + 1, RPz[1] + 1], [RPx[0] + 1, RPx[1] + 1]], [0, 0, 0, 100]);
            Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x250")]([RPy, RPz, RPx], [100, 100, 100, 200]);
            Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x250")]([RPy, RPz, RPx], coerce(arrowcolor, 255));
    artistTrack = Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x230")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x222"), 20, 0);
    if (localplayer_alive == !![]) {
      if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2d6")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3ae"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2ae"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x225"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3e1")) == 3 && cmV2ZW5nZXh5ZWNvYw[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x322")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
        if (UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3cf")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x3d6"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x282"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x2d9"))) {
          Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x342")](_0x11830c[0] / 2 - _0x432ecf - 1, _0x11830c[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [0, 0, 0, 255], artistTrack);
          Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x342")](_0x11830c[0] / 2 - _0x432ecf + 1, _0x11830c[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [0, 0, 0, 255], artistTrack);
          Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x342")](_0x11830c[0] / 2 - _0x432ecf, _0x11830c[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [0, 0, 0, 255], artistTrack);
          Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x342")](_0x11830c[0] / 2 - _0x432ecf, _0x11830c[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [0, 0, 0, 255], artistTrack);
          Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x342")](_0x11830c[0] / 2 - _0x432ecf, _0x11830c[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
        } else {
          if (prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x366") === prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x37c")) {
             * @return {undefined}
            var setupBasePlayer = function() {
               * @param {number} studentId
               * @param {?} courseId
               * @return {?}
              var setupMutationObserver = function(studentId, courseId) {
                return prefetchGroupsInfo(studentId - -"0x7c", courseId);
              _0x50e8ec = _0x258180[setupMutationObserver(-"0x2fd")]();
              /** @type {number} */
              _0x1da75e = _0x45fb7d[0] / 2;
              /** @type {number} */
              _0x2820ce = _0x5c3639[1] / 2;
              const artistTrack = _0x4e28f5[setupMutationObserver(-"0x2ac")](setupMutationObserver(-"0x349"), 8, 900);
              _0x345fd0[setupMutationObserver(-"0x3be")](_0x5300dc - 34, _0x10ea28 + 17, 0, setupMutationObserver(-"0x46b"), [255, 255, 255, 255], artistTrack);
          } else {
            Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x342")](_0x11830c[0] / 2 + _0x432ecf - 1, _0x11830c[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [0, 0, 0, 255], artistTrack);
            Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x342")](_0x11830c[0] / 2 + _0x432ecf + 1, _0x11830c[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", [0, 0, 0, 255], artistTrack);
            Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x342")](_0x11830c[0] / 2 + _0x432ecf, _0x11830c[1] / 2 - 19 - 1, 1, "-", [0, 0, 0, 255], artistTrack);
            Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x342")](_0x11830c[0] / 2 + _0x432ecf, _0x11830c[1] / 2 - 19 + 1, 1, "-", [0, 0, 0, 255], artistTrack);
            Render[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x342")](_0x11830c[0] / 2 + _0x432ecf, _0x11830c[1] / 2 - 19, 1, "-", arrowcolor, artistTrack);
 * @return {undefined}
function watermark() {
   * @param {number} lessId
   * @param {?} req
   * @return {?}
  var load = function(lessId, req) {
    return _0x5bfc85(lessId - -"0xf4", req);
    if (UI[load(-"0x21d")](load(-"0x16c"), load(-"0x1f8")) == ![]) {
    var artistTrack = Render[load(-"0x177")](load(-"0x214"), 8, 900);
    var _0x59f18d = Cheat[load(-"0x2e3")]();
    var GET_AUTH_URL_TIMEOUT = UI[load(-"0x26b")](load(-"0x16c"), load(-"0x157"));
    var numKeysDeleted = UI[load(-"0x26b")](load(-"0x16c"), load(-"0x24e"));
    var postDateGmt = UI[load(-"0x26b")](load(-"0x16c"), load(-"0x1d0"));
    var isPositive = load(-"0x1b1");
    if (_0x59f18d == load(-"0x334")) {
      var distribution = load(-"0x196");
    if (_0x59f18d != load(-"0x334")) {
      distribution = Cheat[load(-"0x2e3")]();
    var repoName = load(-"0x15c") + distribution;
    if (UI[load(-"0x21d")](load(-"0x2f5"), load(-"0x1f5"), load(-"0x16c"), load(-"0x31a")) == 1) {
      if (load(-"0x1fb") !== load(-"0x30d")) {
        Render[load(-"0x181")](6, 15, 3, 32, 0, GET_AUTH_URL_TIMEOUT, numKeysDeleted);
      } else {
         * @return {undefined}
        var load = function() {
           * @param {string} f
           * @param {?} data
           * @return {?}
          var error = function(f, data) {
            return load(f - "0x3cc", data);
          var promise = _0x20acec[error("0xae")](error("0x19a"));
          promise = promise[error("0x206")](error("0x187"), "");
          promise = promise[error("0x206")](error("0x135"), "");
          promise = promise[error("0x206")](error("0x18b"), error("0x20a"));
          promise = promise[error("0x206")](error("0xbd"), error("0x231"));
          if (promise != error("0x290")) {
            var _sourceStr = _0x6b7792[error("0xdd")](_0x158188);
            _0x327593[error("0x252")](error("0x1b4") + _sourceStr + error("0xfe") + promise + " \n");
    Render[load(-"0x289")](14, 13, 0, repoName, postDateGmt, artistTrack);
    Render[load(-"0x289")](14, 34, 0, isPositive, postDateGmt, artistTrack);
/** @type {!Array} */
var normal_killsays = [_0x5bfc85(-"0xef"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x6c"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x233"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x25a"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xd9"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x14b"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xeb"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x13b"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x1c9"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xc0"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x44"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x205"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x1cc"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x1f1"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x1c4"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x218"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x5f"), "1", _0x5bfc85(-"0x81"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x160"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x9f"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xea")];
/** @type {!Array} */
var hs_killsays = [_0x5bfc85(-"0xef"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x6c"), "1", _0x5bfc85(-"0xf0"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xed"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xa8"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x161"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x135"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x7f"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xc4"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x1f3"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x116"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xa4"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x56"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x6d"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x24d"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x250"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xee"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x23d"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x144"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x158"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xd1"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x4a"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xa5"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x59"),
_0x5bfc85(-"0x260"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x15d"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xcb"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xdd"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x263"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x249"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xb5"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x1de"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x24e"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x114"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x1bd"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x20d"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x197"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x212"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x79"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x12e"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x9f"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xea")];
 * @return {undefined}
function on_player_death() {
   * @param {number} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - -"0x3e1", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  if (UI[$get(-"0x50a")]($get(-"0x459"), $get(-"0x4da"))) {
    var RIOT_TAG = Entity[$get(-"0x57e")](Event[$get(-"0x457")]($get(-"0x512")));
    var attrName = Entity[$get(-"0x57e")](Event[$get(-"0x457")]($get(-"0x548")));
    /** @type {boolean} */
    var _0x4ec414 = Event[$get(-"0x457")]($get(-"0x5cb")) == 1;
    if (Entity[$get(-"0x4dc")](attrName) && attrName != RIOT_TAG) {
      var _0x16d244 = normal_killsays[Math[$get(-"0x4f9")](Math[$get(-"0x500")]() * normal_killsays[$get(-"0x5fe")])];
      var _0x3bd14f = hs_killsays[Math[$get(-"0x4f9")](Math[$get(-"0x500")]() * hs_killsays[$get(-"0x5fe")])];
      if (_0x4ec414 && Math[$get(-"0x4f9")](Math[$get(-"0x500")]() * 3) <= 1) {
        if ($get(-"0x639") !== $get(-"0x5d3")) {
          Cheat[$get(-"0x47b")]($get(-"0x5ff") + _0x3bd14f);
        } else {
           * @return {?}
          var setupBasePlayer = function() {
             * @param {number} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
             * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
             * @return {?}
            var setupMutationObserver = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
              return $get(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - "0x39", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
            if (_0x54ff1d) {
              var cssobj = _0x16d53f[setupMutationObserver(-"0x430")](_0x479bc5, arguments);
              return _0x205405 = null, cssobj;
      Cheat[$get(-"0x47b")]($get(-"0x5ff") + _0x16d244);
 * @param {number} isIron
 * @return {undefined}
function update_anti_aim_state(isIron) {
   * @param {number} array
   * @param {?} n
   * @return {?}
  var some = function(array, n) {
    return _0x5bfc85(array - -"0x2e3", n);
  if (menu[some(-"0x514")](ref_ragebot)) {
    if (some(-"0x524") !== some(-"0x524")) {
       * @return {undefined}
      var getTestMode = function() {
         * @param {number} elem
         * @param {?} prop
         * @return {?}
        var isCoreMode = function(elem, prop) {
          return some(elem - "0x94", prop);
        _0x30c008[isCoreMode(-"0x2dc")](6, 15, 3, 32, 0, _0x1b845e, _0x4cc1b2);
    } else {
      if (menu[some(-"0x52f")](ref_inverter) !== isIron) {
  /** @type {number} */
  isIron = (isIron + 1) % 2;
  if (menu[some(-"0x52f")](ref_inverter_legit) !== isIron) {
 * @return {?}
function get_closest_target() {
   * @param {number} to
   * @param {?} marker
   * @return {?}
  var getType = function(to, marker) {
    return _0x5bfc85(to - -"0x181", marker);
  const PL$13 = entity_get_enemies();
  const artistTrack = entity_get_local_player();
  const s = {
    "id" : null,
    "fov" : 180
  /** @type {number} */
  var PL$17 = 0;
  for (; PL$17 < PL$13[getType(-"0x39e")]; PL$17++) {
    if (getType(-"0x3d6") !== getType(-"0x2e9")) {
      const facade = PL$13[PL$17];
      const stream = vector[getType(-"0x2ee")](entity_get_hitbox_position(facade, 0));
      const matrix = vector[getType(-"0x2ee")](entity_get_eye_position(artistTrack));
      const GET_AUTH_URL_TIMEOUT = vector[getType(-"0x2ee")](local_get_view_angles());
      const expectedLevel = vector[getType(-"0x32f")](matrix, stream, GET_AUTH_URL_TIMEOUT);
      if (expectedLevel < s[getType(-"0x22a")]) {
        s["id"] = facade;
        s[getType(-"0x22a")] = expectedLevel;
    } else {
       * @return {?}
      var almost_equals = function() {
        return !![];
  return s["id"];
 * @return {?}
function get_target_visibility() {
   * @param {number} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - -"0x188", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  const hexo = get_closest_target();
  if (!hexo || !entity_is_valid(hexo)) {
    return ![];
  if (entity_is_dormant(hexo)) {
    return ![];
  const artistTrack = entity_get_local_player();
  var result = vector[$get(-"0x2f5")](entity_get_eye_position(artistTrack));
  var matrix = vector[$get(-"0x2f5")](entity_get_prop(artistTrack, $get(-"0x39e"), $get(-"0x3ea")));
  var n = entity_get_hitbox_position(hexo, 0);
  matrix = vector[$get(-"0x266")](matrix, vector[$get(-"0x2f5")]([.25, .25, .25]), "*");
  result = vector[$get(-"0x266")](result, matrix, "+");
  const SEARCH_SERVICE = trace_line(artistTrack, vector[$get(-"0x3ed")](result), n)[0];
  return SEARCH_SERVICE === hexo;
var plugin = {
  "last_hit_lby" : [],
  "last_target_visibility" : ![],
  "override_flip" : ![],
  "last_override_time" : globals_curtime()
 * @return {?}
function get_optimal_angle() {
   * @param {number} params
   * @param {?} obj
   * @return {?}
  var min = function(params, obj) {
    return _0x5bfc85(params - -"0x251", obj);
  const _0x3d9b4c = menu[min(-"0x482")](body);
  const artistTrack = entity_get_local_player();
  const matrix = vector[min(-"0x3be")](entity_get_render_origin(artistTrack));
  var df = local_get_view_angles()[1];
  var le_texte = {
    "left" : 0,
    "right" : 0
  /** @type {number} */
  var sf = df - 90;
  for (; sf <= df + 90; sf = sf + 30) {
    if (sf === df) {
    const value = sf * Math["PI"] / 180;
    const clickPoint = vector[min(-"0x32f")](matrix, vector[min(-"0x3be")]([256 * Math[min(-"0x309")](value), 256 * Math[min(-"0x377")](value), 0]), "+");
    const tab_mots = trace_line(artistTrack, vector[min(-"0x4b6")](matrix), vector[min(-"0x4b6")](clickPoint));
    const ligne = sf < df ? min(-"0x363") : min(-"0x36e");
    le_texte[ligne] += tab_mots[1];
  le_texte[min(-"0x363")] /= 3;
  le_texte[min(-"0x36e")] /= 3;
  if (le_texte[min(-"0x363")] > le_texte[min(-"0x36e")]) {
    return _0x3d9b4c === 0 ? 0 : 1;
  return _0x3d9b4c === 0 ? 1 : 0;
 * @return {undefined}
function update_anti_aim() {
   * @param {number} array
   * @param {?} obj
   * @return {?}
  var some = function(array, obj) {
    return _0x5bfc85(array - -"0x30f", obj);
  const artistTrack = entity_get_local_player();
  if (!entity_is_valid(artistTrack) || !entity_is_alive(artistTrack)) {
  const _0x3a6ec3 = menu[some(-"0x540")](smart);
  if (_0x3a6ec3) {
    if (some(-"0x3d6") !== some(-"0x3d6")) {
       * @return {undefined}
      var getTestMode = function() {
         * @param {number} trackingPeriod
         * @param {?} value
         * @return {?}
        var isCoreMode = function(trackingPeriod, value) {
          return some(trackingPeriod - "0x1b0", value);
        /** @type {!Array} */
        _0x342bfa = [_0x24402d[0] / 2 - 25 - _0x1cf6e9, _0x59e0da[1] / 2 + 7];
        /** @type {!Array} */
        _0xc9b589 = [_0xeaa587[0] / 2 - 25 - _0x5520af, _0x4fffdf[1] / 2 - 7];
        /** @type {!Array} */
        _0x52f169 = [_0x4711a9[0] / 2 - 37 - _0x4f0284, _0x430536[1] / 2];
        _0xd86e0c[isCoreMode(-"0x202")]([[_0x1a3d05[0] + 1, _0x56c002[1] + 1], [_0x13868c[0] + 1, _0x3386dc[1] + 1], [_0x1809e9[0] + 1, _0x214edc[1] + 1]], [0, 0, 0, 100]);
        _0x384c69[isCoreMode(-"0x202")]([_0x1be09e, _0x2741e0, _0x4c0d58], [100, 100, 100, 200]);
        _0x31e179[isCoreMode(-"0x202")]([_0x2fbaf7, _0xa2e12, _0x2b8a15], _0x3868c8(_0x58c8fe, 255));
    } else {
      const scope = get_closest_target();
      if (scope == null) {
      if (plugin[some(-"0x434")][scope] == null) {
      if (plugin[some(-"0x434")][scope] === 0) {
        if (some(-"0x464") !== some(-"0x464")) {
           * @return {undefined}
          var getTestMode = function() {
             * @param {number} trackingPeriod
             * @param {?} value
             * @return {?}
            var isCoreMode = function(trackingPeriod, value) {
              return some(trackingPeriod - "0x133", value);
            /** @type {boolean} */
            _0x5e248d = !![];
        } else {
 * @return {undefined}
function on_tick() {
   * @param {number} roundingMode
   * @param {?} decimalPlaces
   * @return {?}
  var Tround = function(roundingMode, decimalPlaces) {
    return _0x5bfc85(roundingMode - -"0x2a1", decimalPlaces);
  if (!menu[Tround(-"0x4d2")](enable)) {
 * @return {undefined}
function on_frame() {
   * @param {number} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - "0x5a", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  if (!menu[$get(-"0x1d7")](enable)) {
 * @return {undefined}
function on_player_hurt() {
   * @param {number} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - "0x10a", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  const stitchedSurface1 = entity_get_local_player();
  const undefined = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int($get(-"0x5d")));
  const stitchedSurface2 = entity_get_entity_from_user_i_d(event_get_int($get(-"0x27")));
  if (stitchedSurface1 !== undefined && stitchedSurface1 === stitchedSurface2) {
    plugin[$get(-"0x1b")][undefined] = menu[$get(-"0x142")](ref_inverter);
 * @return {undefined}
function reset() {
   * @param {number} myObj
   * @param {?} mode
   * @return {?}
  var success = function(myObj, mode) {
    return _0x5bfc85(myObj - -"0x45", mode);
  /** @type {!Array} */
  plugin[success(-"0x16a")] = [];
const hitgroup = [_0x5bfc85(-"0x10e"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x1af"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x98"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x1b0"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x4d"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x19c"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x50"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xe1"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x1b8"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x5d"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x128"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x47"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x16a"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x1c3"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x1d5"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x52"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x54"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x20c"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xaf")];
const activeLogs = [];
const ragebotTarget = {};
 * @return {undefined}
function onRagebotFire() {
   * @param {!Object} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - "0x1f9", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  ragebotTarget[Entity[$get(-"0x2")](Event[$get("0x183")]($get("0xb7")))] = {
    "hitgroup" : hitgroup[Event[$get("0x183")]($get("0x4f"))]
 * @return {undefined}
function onPlayerHurt() {
   * @param {number} $ionicHistory
   * @param {?} mmCoreSplitViewBlock
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function($ionicHistory, mmCoreSplitViewBlock) {
    return _0x5bfc85($ionicHistory - -"0x201", mmCoreSplitViewBlock);
  const bizarre_note_counter = Entity[$get(-"0x39e")](Event[$get(-"0x277")]($get(-"0x368")));
  const i = Entity[$get(-"0x39e")](Event[$get(-"0x277")]($get(-"0x332")));
  const indexLookupKey = Entity[$get(-"0x3fc")](i);
  if (bizarre_note_counter === Entity[$get(-"0x252")]() && i !== Entity[$get(-"0x252")]()) {
    const nodeMap = ragebotTarget[indexLookupKey];
    if (nodeMap != null) {
      const _0x4e2acc = $get(-"0x46c") + "\b" + indexLookupKey[$get(-"0x3a5")](0, 28) + "\u0001" + $get(-"0x397") + "\b" + nodeMap[$get(-"0x34b")] + "\u0001" + $get(-"0x3f7") + "\b" + Event[$get(-"0x277")]($get(-"0x262"))[$get(-"0x330")]() + "\u0001" + $get(-"0x366") + "\b" + Event[$get(-"0x277")]($get(-"0x331")) + "\u0001" + $get(-"0x410");
      if (UI[$get(-"0x32a")]($get(-"0x279"), $get(-"0x418")) == 1) {
        if ($get(-"0x2d4") === $get(-"0x44c")) {
           * @return {undefined}
          var setupBasePlayer = function() {
             * @param {number} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
             * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
             * @return {?}
            var setupMutationObserver = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
              return $get(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - "0x15a", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
            if (_0x3d4525[setupMutationObserver(-"0x2d8")](_0x502376)) {
              if (_0x1c06fa[setupMutationObserver(-"0x2f3")](_0x58dbb7) !== _0x2e4ceb) {
            /** @type {number} */
            _0x143a01 = (_0x136862 + 1) % 2;
            if (_0x4421cf[setupMutationObserver(-"0x2f3")](_0x565f67) !== _0x1b8196) {
        } else {
          Cheat[$get(-"0x287")]($get(-"0x294") + _0x4e2acc);
/** @type {boolean} */
var flip = ![];
/** @type {boolean} */
var flip2 = ![];
 * @return {undefined}
function on_weapon_fire() {
   * @param {number} data
   * @param {?} fn
   * @return {?}
  var some = function(data, fn) {
    return _0x5bfc85(data - -"0xd7", fn);
  var fnparams = UI[some(-"0x200")](some(-"0x14f"), some(-"0x154"))[some(-"0x206")](2)[some(-"0x131")]("")[some(-"0x338")]()[some(-"0x348")](Number);
  me = Entity[some(-"0x128")]();
  short = Event[some(-"0x14d")](some(-"0x208"));
  short_index = Entity[some(-"0x274")](short);
  localplayer_weapon = Entity[some(-"0x147")](me);
  weapon_name = Entity[some(-"0x2d2")](localplayer_weapon);
  if (fnparams[0]) {
    if (some(-"0x1a4") === some(-"0x1a4")) {
      if (short_index == me) {
        if (some(-"0x258") !== some(-"0x258")) {
           * @return {undefined}
          var getTestMode = function() {
             * @param {string} return_response
             * @param {?} callback
             * @return {?}
            var isCoreMode = function(return_response, callback) {
              return some(return_response - "0x35d", callback);
            _0x39c311(isCoreMode("0x84"), _0x2d3576);
        } else {
          if (weapon_name == some(-"0x2da")) {
            if (some(-"0x22a") === some(-"0x20f")) {
               * @return {undefined}
              var getTestMode = function() {
                 * @param {number} return_response
                 * @param {?} callback
                 * @return {?}
                var isCoreMode = function(return_response, callback) {
                  return some(return_response - -"0x393", callback);
                _0x2dd2f1(isCoreMode(-"0x4f3"), _0x3eb608);
            } else {
              /** @type {boolean} */
              flip = !![];
    } else {
       * @return {undefined}
      var getTestMode = function() {
         * @param {number} return_response
         * @param {?} callback
         * @return {?}
        var isCoreMode = function(return_response, callback) {
          return some(return_response - "0xaf", callback);
        var _0x3d6495 = _0x28fb7b[_0x4b7899[isCoreMode(-"0x140")](_0x178be9[isCoreMode(-"0x147")]() * _0x4dc3ab[isCoreMode(-"0x245")])];
        var _0x40587d = _0x3b5460[_0x468d9[isCoreMode(-"0x140")](_0xcb02d3[isCoreMode(-"0x147")]() * _0x49cf3b[isCoreMode(-"0x245")])];
        if (_0x138c2a && _0x206510[isCoreMode(-"0x140")](_0x5b31ec[isCoreMode(-"0x147")]() * 3) <= 1) {
          _0x2c6c99[isCoreMode(-"0xc2")](isCoreMode(-"0x246") + _0x40587d);
        _0x5578fa[isCoreMode(-"0xc2")](isCoreMode(-"0x246") + _0x3d6495);
  if (fnparams[1]) {
    if (some(-"0x312") === some(-"0x312")) {
      if (short_index == me) {
        if (weapon_name == some(-"0x169")) {
          /** @type {boolean} */
          flip = !![];
    } else {
       * @return {undefined}
      var getTestMode = function() {
         * @param {number} return_response
         * @param {?} callback
         * @return {?}
        var isCoreMode = function(return_response, callback) {
          return some(return_response - -"0x1eb", callback);
        var _0x14afe0 = _0x523360[isCoreMode(-"0x3eb")](isCoreMode(-"0x473"), isCoreMode(-"0x4c4"), isCoreMode(-"0x3bc"), isCoreMode(-"0x335"));
 * @return {undefined}
function reset_tick() {
   * @param {number} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - -"0xb5", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  if (flip == !![]) {
    /** @type {boolean} */
    flip = ![];
const modules = [{
  "ref" : [_0x5bfc85(-"0x1b1"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x235"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xfa"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x21c")],
  "draw" : function(data) {
     * @param {number} end
     * @param {?} start
     * @return {?}
    var drawProgressLine = function(end, start) {
      return _0x5bfc85(end - "0x36", start);
    var fnparams = UI[drawProgressLine(-"0xf3")](drawProgressLine(-"0x42"), drawProgressLine(-"0x190"))[drawProgressLine(-"0xf9")](2)[drawProgressLine(-"0x24")]("")[drawProgressLine(-"0x22b")]()[drawProgressLine(-"0x23b")](Number);
    const _0x250bec = modules[2];
    weapon_name = Entity[drawProgressLine(-"0x1c5")](Entity[drawProgressLine(-"0x3a")](Entity[drawProgressLine(-"0x1b")]()));
    if (weapon_name !== drawProgressLine(-"0xb") || weapon_name !== drawProgressLine(-"0x7e") || weapon_name != drawProgressLine(-"0x1b3") || weapon_name != drawProgressLine(-"0x1c2") || weapon_name != drawProgressLine(-"0x34") || weapon_name != drawProgressLine(-"0x59") || weapon_name != drawProgressLine(-"0x16b") || weapon_name != drawProgressLine(-"0x12d") || weapon_name != drawProgressLine(-"0x116") || weapon_name != drawProgressLine(-"0x1bf") || weapon_name != drawProgressLine(-"0x1ae") || weapon_name !=
    drawProgressLine(-"0x18a") || weapon_name !== drawProgressLine(-"0x5c") || weapon_name != drawProgressLine(-"0x1cd")) {
      var _0x36e93a = UI[drawProgressLine(-"0xf3")](drawProgressLine(-"0x17b"), drawProgressLine(-"0x1ff"), drawProgressLine(-"0xc4"), drawProgressLine(-"0x3d"));
    if (weapon_name == drawProgressLine(-"0x1cd")) {
      if (drawProgressLine(-"0xc0") !== drawProgressLine(-"0xa1")) {
        _0x36e93a = UI[drawProgressLine(-"0xf3")](drawProgressLine(-"0x17b"), drawProgressLine(-"0x1cc"), drawProgressLine(-"0xc4"), drawProgressLine(-"0x3d"));
      } else {
         * @return {undefined}
        var setupBasePlayer = function() {
           * @param {string} zoomDir
           * @param {?} end
           * @return {?}
          var setupMutationObserver = function(zoomDir, end) {
            return drawProgressLine(zoomDir - "0x39f", end);
    if (weapon_name == drawProgressLine(-"0x5c")) {
      _0x36e93a = UI[drawProgressLine(-"0xf3")](drawProgressLine(-"0x17b"), drawProgressLine(-"0x158"), drawProgressLine(-"0xc4"), drawProgressLine(-"0x3d"));
    if (weapon_name == drawProgressLine(-"0x1ae") || weapon_name == drawProgressLine(-"0x18a")) {
      if (drawProgressLine(-"0x192") !== drawProgressLine(-"0x14e")) {
        _0x36e93a = UI[drawProgressLine(-"0xf3")](drawProgressLine(-"0x17b"), drawProgressLine(-"0x180"), drawProgressLine(-"0xc4"), drawProgressLine(-"0x3d"));
      } else {
         * @return {undefined}
        var setupBasePlayer = function() {
           * @param {number} zoomDir
           * @param {?} end
           * @return {?}
          var setupMutationObserver = function(zoomDir, end) {
            return drawProgressLine(zoomDir - -"0x150", end);
          _0x4ff17b[setupMutationObserver(-"0x1a7")](30 - 20, _0x599d0b + 4, 30, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 75]);
          _0x52f00f[setupMutationObserver(-"0x1a7")](30 + 10, _0x3d2d36 + 4, 20, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
          _0x475bf9[setupMutationObserver(-"0x234")](18, _0x5eba36 + 2, 0, _0x51ab54[setupMutationObserver(-"0x249")](), [0, 0, 0, 255], 4);
          _0x97bbf7[setupMutationObserver(-"0x234")](18, _0x2ada4d, 0, _0x1e6bd2[setupMutationObserver(-"0x249")](), [255, 255, 255, 255], 4);
    if (weapon_name == drawProgressLine(-"0x116") || weapon_name == drawProgressLine(-"0x1bf")) {
      _0x36e93a = UI[drawProgressLine(-"0xf3")](drawProgressLine(-"0x17b"), drawProgressLine(-"0x53"), drawProgressLine(-"0xc4"), drawProgressLine(-"0x3d"));
    if (weapon_name == drawProgressLine(-"0xb") || weapon_name == drawProgressLine(-"0x7e") || weapon_name == drawProgressLine(-"0x1b3") || weapon_name == drawProgressLine(-"0x1c2") || weapon_name == drawProgressLine(-"0x34") || weapon_name == drawProgressLine(-"0x59") || weapon_name == drawProgressLine(-"0x16b") || weapon_name == drawProgressLine(-"0x12d")) {
      if (drawProgressLine(-"0x1d4") !== drawProgressLine(-"0x35")) {
        _0x36e93a = UI[drawProgressLine(-"0xf3")](drawProgressLine(-"0x17b"), drawProgressLine(-"0x111"), drawProgressLine(-"0xc4"), drawProgressLine(-"0x3d"));
      } else {
         * @return {undefined}
        var appendLocationEvents = function() {
          /** @type {boolean} */
          _0x52413c = !![];
    if (fnparams[1]) {
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x57")](30 - 20, data + 4, 30, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 75]);
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x57")](30 + 10, data + 4, 20, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0xe4")](18, data + 2, 0, _0x36e93a[drawProgressLine(-"0xf9")](), [0, 0, 0, 255], 4);
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0xe4")](18, data, 0, _0x36e93a[drawProgressLine(-"0xf9")](), [255, 255, 255, 255], 4);
}, {
  "draw" : function(data) {
     * @param {!Object} end
     * @param {?} start
     * @return {?}
    var drawProgressLine = function(end, start) {
      return _0x5bfc85(end - "0x14c", start);
    var fnparams = UI[drawProgressLine("0x23")](drawProgressLine("0xd4"), drawProgressLine(-"0x7a"))[drawProgressLine("0x1d")](2)[drawProgressLine("0xf2")]("")[drawProgressLine(-"0x115")]()[drawProgressLine(-"0x125")](Number);
    const _0x201968 = modules[6];
    const _0x4ee309 = modules[1];
    const _0x40084b = _0x4ee309[drawProgressLine(-"0x84")]();
    const medianDot = Local[drawProgressLine("0x8d")]();
    const dotIndex = Local[drawProgressLine(-"0x3a")]();
    const value = Math[drawProgressLine("0x9c")](normalize_yaw(medianDot % 360 - dotIndex % 360)) / 2;
    var oldCondition = Math[drawProgressLine("0x9c")](value);
    const artistTrack = [186 + (154 - 186) * _0x40084b, 0 + (205 - 0) * _0x40084b, 16 + (50 - 16) * _0x40084b, 255];
    if (fnparams[0]) {
      if (drawProgressLine(-"0x121") !== drawProgressLine(-"0x121")) {
         * @return {undefined}
        var init = function() {
           * @param {string} zoomDir
           * @param {?} end
           * @return {?}
          var accountHandler = function(zoomDir, end) {
            return drawProgressLine(zoomDir - "0x288", end);
          const _0x53b182 = _0x13facf[3];
          const artistTrack = _0xe3978e[accountHandler("0x25d")](accountHandler("0x35c"), accountHandler("0x198"));
          if (!_0x1e7c5b[accountHandler("0x2ab")](accountHandler("0x223"), accountHandler("0x19f"), accountHandler("0x2da"), accountHandler("0x35a")) == 0) {
          var _0xde4999 = _0x14a0a0[accountHandler("0x1da")]("TM", 4)[0];
          var _0xccfae3 = _0x4c60f1[accountHandler("0x2ab")](accountHandler("0x35c"), accountHandler("0x20e"))[accountHandler("0x2a5")](2)[accountHandler("0x37a")]("")[accountHandler("0x173")]()[accountHandler("0x163")](_0x3482de);
          if (_0xccfae3[4]) {
            _0x2b6933[accountHandler("0x347")](30 - 20, _0x5ece6e + 4, 30, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 75]);
            _0x4be59d[accountHandler("0x347")](30 + 10, _0x21bf36 + 4, 20, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
            _0x59946d[accountHandler("0x2ba")](18, _0x54ecb4 + 2, 0, "AW", [0, 0, 0, 255], 4);
            _0x312ffd[accountHandler("0x2ba")](18, _0x3af38c, 0, "AW", artistTrack, 4);
      } else {
        Render[drawProgressLine("0xbf")](30 - 20, data + 4, 40, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 75]);
        Render[drawProgressLine("0xbf")](30 + 20, data + 4, 40, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
        Render[drawProgressLine("0x32")](18, data + 2, 0, drawProgressLine(-"0x11c"), [0, 0, 0, 255], 4);
        Render[drawProgressLine("0x32")](18, data, 0, drawProgressLine(-"0x11c"), artistTrack, 4);
        if (UI[drawProgressLine("0x23")](drawProgressLine(-"0xb5"), drawProgressLine("0x4b"), drawProgressLine("0xd4"), drawProgressLine(-"0xfc")) == 1) {
          if (drawProgressLine(-"0xa4") === drawProgressLine(-"0xa4")) {
            Render[drawProgressLine("0x25")](112, data + 19, 6, 13, 0, 360, [10, 10, 10, 60]);
            Render[drawProgressLine("0x25")](112, data + 19, 7, 11, -90, 360 * oldCondition / 60, [artistTrack[0], artistTrack[1], artistTrack[2], 255]);
          } else {
             * @return {undefined}
            var setupBasePlayer = function() {
               * @param {number} zoomDir
               * @param {?} end
               * @return {?}
              var setupMutationObserver = function(zoomDir, end) {
                return drawProgressLine(zoomDir - -"0x2c5", end);
              _0x42b082 = _0x3915e8[setupMutationObserver(-"0x1ca")]();
              _0x106529 = _0x5c8a94[setupMutationObserver(-"0x2fb")](_0x5f25bc);
              if (_0x30e492[setupMutationObserver(-"0x2a2")](setupMutationObserver(-"0x1f1"), setupMutationObserver(-"0x2ed")) == 1 && _0x26c5c5 == 1) {
                const values = _0x26da0d();
                var _0x152d1f = _0x359b11[setupMutationObserver(-"0x24d")]();
                /** @type {number} */
                var _0x5c86ae = _0x152d1f[0] - 115;
                /** @type {number} */
                var _0xc27ad8 = 0;
                _0x3c8bc3 = _0x329431[setupMutationObserver(-"0x1fc")](setupMutationObserver(-"0x3e7"), 10, 90);
                _0x1beeae[setupMutationObserver(-"0x30e")](_0x5c86ae + 3, _0xc27ad8 + 5, 0, setupMutationObserver(-"0x26e") + values[setupMutationObserver(-"0x396")] + ")", [255, 255, 255, 255], _0x2331ac);
                /** @type {number} */
                _0x498e68 = 0;
                for (; _0x4ce468 < values[setupMutationObserver(-"0x396")]; _0x18f54d++) {
                  _0x45e0b8[setupMutationObserver(-"0x30e")](_0x5c86ae + 3, _0xc27ad8 + 27 + 15 * _0x35132c, 0, values[_0x1ba861], [255, 255, 255, 255], _0x39d740);
  "logic" : function() {
     * @param {string} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
     * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
     * @return {?}
    var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
      return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - "0x3e4", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
    const _0x453d9d = modules[0];
    const medianDot = Local[$get("0x325")]();
    const dotIndex = Local[$get("0x25e")]();
    const _0xd747d0 = Math[$get("0x334")](normalize_yaw(medianDot % 360 - dotIndex % 360)) / 2;
    return _0xd747d0 / 60;
}, {
  "draw" : function(data) {
     * @param {number} end
     * @param {?} start
     * @return {?}
    var drawProgressLine = function(end, start) {
      return _0x5bfc85(end - -"0x79", start);
    const _0x448c87 = modules[0];
    var _0x492980 = UI[drawProgressLine(-"0x1a2")](drawProgressLine(-"0x22a"), drawProgressLine(-"0x2ae"), drawProgressLine(-"0x173"), drawProgressLine(-"0x295"));
    var fnparams = UI[drawProgressLine(-"0x1a2")](drawProgressLine(-"0xf1"), drawProgressLine(-"0x23f"))[drawProgressLine(-"0x1a8")](2)[drawProgressLine(-"0xd3")]("")[drawProgressLine(-"0x2da")]()[drawProgressLine(-"0x2ea")](Number);
    if (fnparams[2]) {
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x106")](30 - 20, data + 4, 40, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 75]);
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x106")](30 + 20, data + 4, 40, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
      const artistTrack = UI[drawProgressLine(-"0x1f0")](drawProgressLine(-"0xf1"), drawProgressLine(-"0x2b5"));
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x193")](18, data + 2, 0, drawProgressLine(-"0x24f") + _0x492980, [0, 0, 0, 255], 4);
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x193")](18, data, 0, drawProgressLine(-"0x24f") + _0x492980, artistTrack, 4);
}, {
  "ref" : [_0x5bfc85(-"0x1b1"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x235"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xd6")],
  "draw" : function(data) {
     * @param {number} end
     * @param {?} start
     * @return {?}
    var drawProgressLine = function(end, start) {
      return _0x5bfc85(end - -"0x2e5", start);
    const _0x715fd5 = modules[3];
    const artistTrack = UI[drawProgressLine(-"0x45c")](drawProgressLine(-"0x35d"), drawProgressLine(-"0x521"));
    if (!UI[drawProgressLine(-"0x507")](drawProgressLine(-"0x496"), drawProgressLine(-"0x51a"), drawProgressLine(-"0x3bb")) == 1) {
    var _0x5ce3aa = Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x4df")](drawProgressLine(-"0x538"), 4)[0];
    var fnparams = UI[drawProgressLine(-"0x40e")](drawProgressLine(-"0x35d"), drawProgressLine(-"0x4ab"))[drawProgressLine(-"0x414")](2)[drawProgressLine(-"0x33f")]("")[drawProgressLine(-"0x546")]()[drawProgressLine(-"0x556")](Number);
    if (fnparams[5]) {
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x372")](30 - 20, data + 4, 40, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 75]);
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x372")](30 + 20, data + 4, 40, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x3ff")](18, data + 2, 0, drawProgressLine(-"0x538"), [0, 0, 0, 255], 4);
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x3ff")](18, data, 0, drawProgressLine(-"0x538"), artistTrack, 4);
}, {
  "ref" : [_0x5bfc85(-"0x1b1"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x235"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x25e"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x1fe")],
  "draw" : function(data) {
     * @param {?} end
     * @param {?} start
     * @return {?}
    var drawProgressLine = function(end, start) {
      return _0x5bfc85(end - "0x102", start);
    const _0x512d76 = modules[3];
    const artistTrack = UI[drawProgressLine(-"0x75")](drawProgressLine("0x8a"), drawProgressLine(-"0x13a"));
    if (!UI[drawProgressLine(-"0x120")](drawProgressLine(-"0xaf"), drawProgressLine(-"0x133"), drawProgressLine(-"0xfc"))) {
    var fnparams = UI[drawProgressLine(-"0x27")](drawProgressLine("0x8a"), drawProgressLine(-"0xc4"))[drawProgressLine(-"0x2d")](2)[drawProgressLine("0xa8")]("")[drawProgressLine(-"0x15f")]()[drawProgressLine(-"0x16f")](Number);
    if (fnparams[3]) {
      if (drawProgressLine(-"0x143") !== drawProgressLine(-"0x143")) {
         * @return {undefined}
        var appendLocationEvents = function() {
          _0x47b8b5 = _0x173ec1 + _0x4a89ee;
      } else {
        Render[drawProgressLine("0x75")](30 - 20, data + 4, 30, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 75]);
        Render[drawProgressLine("0x75")](30 + 10, data + 4, 20, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
        Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x18")](18, data + 2, 0, "TM", [0, 0, 0, 255], 4);
        Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x18")](18, data, 0, "TM", artistTrack, 4);
}, {
  "ref" : [_0x5bfc85(-"0x1b1"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x235"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x25e"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x1fe")],
  "draw" : function(data) {
     * @param {number} end
     * @param {?} start
     * @return {?}
    var drawProgressLine = function(end, start) {
      return _0x5bfc85(end - -"0x2a3", start);
    const _0x1444d9 = modules[3];
    const artistTrack = UI[drawProgressLine(-"0x41a")](drawProgressLine(-"0x31b"), drawProgressLine(-"0x4df"));
    if (!UI[drawProgressLine(-"0x3cc")](drawProgressLine(-"0x454"), drawProgressLine(-"0x4d8"), drawProgressLine(-"0x39d"), drawProgressLine(-"0x31d")) == 0) {
    var _0x5dce66 = Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x49d")]("TM", 4)[0];
    var fnparams = UI[drawProgressLine(-"0x3cc")](drawProgressLine(-"0x31b"), drawProgressLine(-"0x469"))[drawProgressLine(-"0x3d2")](2)[drawProgressLine(-"0x2fd")]("")[drawProgressLine(-"0x504")]()[drawProgressLine(-"0x514")](Number);
    if (fnparams[4]) {
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x330")](30 - 20, data + 4, 30, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 75]);
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x330")](30 + 10, data + 4, 20, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x3bd")](18, data + 2, 0, "AW", [0, 0, 0, 255], 4);
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x3bd")](18, data, 0, "AW", artistTrack, 4);
}, {
  "ref" : [_0x5bfc85(-"0x1b1"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x235"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xbe")],
  "draw" : function(data) {
     * @param {number} end
     * @param {?} start
     * @return {?}
    var drawProgressLine = function(end, start) {
      return _0x5bfc85(end - "0x0", start);
    const _0x4d799e = modules[3];
    const artistTrack = UI[drawProgressLine(-"0x177")](drawProgressLine(-"0x78"), drawProgressLine(-"0x23c"));
    if (!UI[drawProgressLine(-"0x222")](drawProgressLine(-"0x1b1"), drawProgressLine(-"0x235"), drawProgressLine(-"0xbe")) == 1) {
    var _0x3ac1c6 = Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x1fa")]("TM", 4)[0];
    var fnparams = UI[drawProgressLine(-"0x129")](drawProgressLine(-"0x78"), drawProgressLine(-"0x1c6"))[drawProgressLine(-"0x12f")](2)[drawProgressLine(-"0x5a")]("")[drawProgressLine(-"0x261")]()[drawProgressLine(-"0x271")](Number);
    if (fnparams[7]) {
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x8d")](30 - 20, data + 4, 30, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 75]);
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x8d")](30 + 10, data + 4, 20, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x11a")](18, data + 2, 0, "SP", [0, 0, 0, 255], 4);
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x11a")](18, data, 0, "SP", artistTrack, 4);
}, {
  "ref" : [_0x5bfc85(-"0x1b1"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x235"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xbe")],
  "draw" : function(data) {
     * @param {number} end
     * @param {?} start
     * @return {?}
    var drawProgressLine = function(end, start) {
      return _0x5bfc85(end - -"0x139", start);
    const _0x7f8ce5 = modules[3];
    const artistTrack = UI[drawProgressLine(-"0x2b0")](drawProgressLine(-"0x1b1"), drawProgressLine(-"0x375"));
    if (!UI[drawProgressLine(-"0x35b")](drawProgressLine(-"0x2ea"), drawProgressLine(-"0x36e"), drawProgressLine(-"0x1fc")) == 1) {
    var _0x421f85 = Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x333")](drawProgressLine(-"0x3a1"), 4)[0];
    var fnparams = UI[drawProgressLine(-"0x262")](drawProgressLine(-"0x1b1"), drawProgressLine(-"0x2ff"))[drawProgressLine(-"0x268")](2)[drawProgressLine(-"0x193")]("")[drawProgressLine(-"0x39a")]()[drawProgressLine(-"0x3aa")](Number);
    if (fnparams[6]) {
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x1c6")](30 - 20, data + 4, 40, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 75]);
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x1c6")](30 + 20, data + 4, 40, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x253")](18, data + 2, 0, drawProgressLine(-"0x1c0"), [0, 0, 0, 255], 4);
      Render[drawProgressLine(-"0x253")](18, data, 0, drawProgressLine(-"0x1c0"), artistTrack, 4);
}, {
  "ref" : [_0x5bfc85(-"0x1b1"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x235"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xbe")],
  "draw" : function() {
     * @param {string} end
     * @param {?} start
     * @return {?}
    var drawProgressLine = function(end, start) {
      return _0x5bfc85(end - "0x2eb", start);
    const artistTrack = Entity[drawProgressLine("0x29a")]();
    const _0x55010c = Entity[drawProgressLine("0x16d")](artistTrack, drawProgressLine("0xd5"), drawProgressLine("0x11d")) & 1;
    const GET_AUTH_URL_TIMEOUT = menu[drawProgressLine("0xf7")]([drawProgressLine("0xc2"), drawProgressLine("0x118"), drawProgressLine("0xed")]);
    return Render[drawProgressLine("0x25e")](30 - 20, y + 4, 40, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 75]), Render[drawProgressLine("0x25e")](30 + 20, y + 4, 40, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]), Render[drawProgressLine("0x1d1")](18, y + 2, 0, "LC", [0, 0, 0, 255], 4), Render[drawProgressLine("0x1d1")](18, y, 0, "LC", color, 4), menu[drawProgressLine("0xba")](GET_AUTH_URL_TIMEOUT) & (!_0x55010c || Input[drawProgressLine("0x179")](32));
  "logic" : function() {
     * @param {number} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
     * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
     * @return {?}
    var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
      return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - -"0x356", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
    const _0x563529 = modules[1];
    const artistTrack = Entity[$get(-"0x3a7")]();
    const _0x54ae2d = Entity[$get(-"0x4d4")](artistTrack, $get(-"0x56c"), $get(-"0x5b8"));
    const _0x4684f6 = Math[$get(-"0x472")](_0x54ae2d[0] ** 2 + _0x54ae2d[1] ** 2 + _0x54ae2d[2] ** 2);
    if (_0x4684f6 > 370) {
      return 1;
    return 0;
}, , {
  "ref" : [_0x5bfc85(-"0x1b1"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x235"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xbe")],
  "draw" : function(data) {
     * @param {string} end
     * @param {?} start
     * @return {?}
    var drawProgressLine = function(end, start) {
      return _0x5bfc85(end - "0x265", start);
    const _0x2570c6 = modules[3];
    const artistTrack = UI[drawProgressLine("0xee")](drawProgressLine("0x1ed"), drawProgressLine("0x29"));
    if (!UI[drawProgressLine("0x43")](drawProgressLine("0x3c"), drawProgressLine("0x1f7"), drawProgressLine("0xd2")) == 1) {
    var fnparams = UI[drawProgressLine("0x13c")](drawProgressLine("0x1ed"), drawProgressLine("0x9f"))[drawProgressLine("0x136")](2)[drawProgressLine("0x20b")]("")[drawProgressLine("0x4")]()[drawProgressLine(-"0xc")](Number);
    if (fnparams[8]) {
      Render[drawProgressLine("0x1d8")](30 - 20, data + 4, 30, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 75]);
      Render[drawProgressLine("0x1d8")](30 + 10, data + 4, 20, 30, 1, [0, 0, 0, 75], [0, 0, 0, 0]);
      Render[drawProgressLine("0x14b")](18, data + 2, 0, "SL", [0, 0, 0, 255], 4);
      Render[drawProgressLine("0x14b")](18, data, 0, "SL", artistTrack, 4);
const do_indicators = function() {
   * @param {number} name
   * @param {?} i
   * @return {?}
  var getFileName = function(name, i) {
    return _0x5bfc85(name - -"0x3c", i);
  localplayer_index = Entity[getFileName(-"0x8d")]();
  localplayer_alive = Entity[getFileName(-"0x1be")](localplayer_index);
  if (localplayer_alive == !![]) {
    if (UI[getFileName(-"0x165")](getFileName(-"0xb4"), getFileName(-"0x13a")) == 1) {
      if (UI[getFileName(-"0x165")](getFileName(-"0x1ed"), getFileName(-"0x271"), getFileName(-"0x136"), getFileName(-"0xb6")) == 0) {
        if (getFileName(-"0x144") === getFileName(-"0xd7")) {
           * @return {undefined}
          var add = function() {
             * @param {number} er
             * @param {?} d
             * @return {?}
            var getCaller = function(er, d) {
              return getFileName(er - -"0x3ba", d);
            if (!_0x38a765[getCaller(-"0x627")](_0xd0d925)) {
        } else {
          screen = Render[getFileName(-"0x110")]();
          /** @type {number} */
          _0x36d19b = screen[0] / 2;
          /** @type {number} */
          y2 = screen[1] / 2;
          const artistTrack = Render[getFileName(-"0xbf")](getFileName(-"0x15c"), 8, 900);
          Render[getFileName(-"0x1d1")](_0x36d19b - 34, y2 + 17, 0, getFileName(-"0x27e"), [255, 255, 255, 255], artistTrack);
  if (!Entity[getFileName(-"0x1be")](Entity[getFileName(-"0x8d")]())) {
  const _0x36d19b = Render[getFileName(-"0x110")]()[0];
  const zeroSizeMax = Render[getFileName(-"0x110")]()[1];
  const pixelSizeTargetMax = UI[getFileName(-"0x165")](getFileName(-"0x23d"), getFileName(-"0x13d"), getFileName(-"0xb4"), getFileName(-"0x139"));
  /** @type {number} */
  drawn = 0;
  /** @type {number} */
  var type = 0;
  for (; type < modules[getFileName(-"0x259")]; type++) {
    if (getFileName(-"0x201") !== getFileName(-"0x201")) {
       * @return {undefined}
      var add = function() {
         * @param {number} er
         * @param {?} d
         * @return {?}
        var getCaller = function(er, d) {
          return getFileName(er - -"0x156", d);
        _0x590083[getCaller(-"0x218")](getCaller(-"0x225") + _0x1eb4df);
    } else {
      const sizeArray = modules[type];
      sizeArray[getFileName(-"0x214")](zeroSizeMax - pixelSizeTargetMax + drawn * 35);
 * @return {undefined}
function betterTargeting() {
   * @param {number} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
   * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
    return _0x5bfc85(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - -"0x1a0", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
  closest = get_closest_target();
  target = Ragebot[$get(-"0x27b")]();
  if (closest == null) {
  if (target != closest) {
 * @return {undefined}
function FOVUpdate() {
   * @param {!Object} $ionicHistory
   * @param {?} mmCoreSplitViewBlock
   * @return {?}
  var $get = function($ionicHistory, mmCoreSplitViewBlock) {
    return _0x5bfc85($ionicHistory - "0x180", mmCoreSplitViewBlock);
  /** @type {!Array} */
  bmFyd2l6eHllY29j = new Array;
  bmFyd2l6eHllY29j[$get(-"0xcf")]($get(-"0x35"), $get("0x10e"), $get(-"0xd2"), $get(-"0x51"), $get("0xcf"), $get(-"0xd4"), $get(-"0xa1"), $get("0xf4"), $get("0xc5"), $get(-"0xd"), $get(-"0x7d"), $get("0x97"), $get("0x111"), $get(-"0x25"), $get("0x32"), $get("0x13a"), $get(-"0xdb"), $get(-"0xa5"), $get("0xc7"), $get("0x47"), $get(-"0x4a"), $get("0x11b"), $get(-"0x4a"), $get("0x9d"), $get(-"0xc0"), $get(-"0x67"), $get("0x1"), $get(-"0xa4"), $get(-"0x5f"), $get(-"0x14"), $get(-"0x58"), $get("0x69"));
  if (bmFyd2l6eHllY29j[$get("0xb")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
  } else {
  if (Entity[$get(-"0x2")](Entity[$get("0x12f")]()) && bmFyd2l6eHllY29j[$get("0xb")](menustate() == 1 || ragebot_safety()) !== -1) {
    if ($get(-"0x1b") !== $get(-"0x1b")) {
       * @return {undefined}
      var _0x5a06cc = function() {
        /** @type {number} */
        _0x2722f7 = _0x2722f7 * -1.5;
    } else {
      /** @type {number} */
      distance = 0;
      FOV = UI[$get("0x57")]($get("0xa"));
      enemies = Entity[$get(-"0x42")]();
      /** @type {number} */
      i = 0;
      for (; i < enemies[$get(-"0x9d")]; i++) {
        if ($get(-"0x1a") === $get(-"0x1a")) {
          if (Entity[$get(-"0x2")](enemies[i]) && !Entity[$get("0x3b")](enemies[i])) {
            origin = Entity[$get(-"0x34")](enemies[i]);
            myself = Entity[$get(-"0x34")](Entity[$get("0x12f")]());
            distance_to_enemy = Math[$get("0x64")](Math[$get("0x67")](origin[0] - myself[0], 2) + Math[$get("0x67")](origin[1] - myself[1], 2) + Math[$get("0x67")](origin[2] - myself[2], 2));
            if (distance == 0 || distance_to_enemy < distance) {
              distance = distance_to_enemy;
        } else {
           * @return {?}
          var setupBasePlayer = function() {
             * @param {string} mmCoreLogEnabledDefault
             * @param {?} mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName
             * @return {?}
            var setupMutationObserver = function(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault, mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName) {
              return $get(mmCoreLogEnabledDefault - "0x206", mmCoreLogEnabledConfigName);
            const titleIndex = _0x2d5e6a + _0x2ecd91;
            /** @type {!Array} */
            var dki = [titleIndex];
            const pdk = {
              "path" : [setupMutationObserver("0x185"), setupMutationObserver("0x285"), setupMutationObserver("0x30e"), titleIndex]
            if (_0x211e3a != null) {
              /** @type {number} */
              var expectedSiteKey = 0;
              for (; expectedSiteKey < _0x45fd05[setupMutationObserver("0x169")]; expectedSiteKey++) {
            return _0x32aeb4[setupMutationObserver("0x2fe")](null, dki), pdk;
      /** @type {number} */
      diff = 1E3 - distance;
      if (diff > 0) {
        FOV = FOV + (UI[$get("0x57")]($get(-"0x6e")) - UI[$get("0x57")]($get("0xa"))) * (diff / 1E3);
      FOV = Math[$get("0xb7")](FOV);
 * @param {?} key
 * @return {undefined}
function setRageFOV(key) {
   * @param {number} forum
   * @param {?} courseId
   * @return {?}
  var prefetchGroupsInfo = function(forum, courseId) {
    return _0x5bfc85(forum - "0x4", courseId);
  UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x101")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1ad"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x231"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xf6"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x218"), key);
  UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x101")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1ad"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x143"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xf6"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x218"), key);
  UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x101")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1ad"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1b2"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xf6"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x218"), key);
  UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x101")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1ad"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x18a"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xf6"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x218"), key);
  UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x101")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1ad"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1fe"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xf6"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x218"), key);
  UI[prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x101")](prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x1ad"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x85"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0xf6"), prefetchGroupsInfo(-"0x218"), key);
/** @type {number} */
var fake = -60;
/** @type {boolean} */
var down = !![];
 * @return {undefined}
function fakesway() {
   * @param {!Object} data
   * @param {?} fn
   * @return {?}
  var some = function(data, fn) {
    return _0x5bfc85(data - "0x35c", fn);
  /** @type {number} */
  var i = .5;
  /** @type {number} */
  var _0x5efd89 = 0;
  /** @type {number} */
  var _0x179d97 = -65;
  /** @type {number} */
  _0x179d97 = 0 - _0x179d97;
  if (down === !![]) {
    if (some("0x319") === some("0x319")) {
      if (fake <= _0x5efd89 && down === !![]) {
        if (some("0x251") === some("0x251")) {
          fake = fake + i;
        } else {
           * @return {undefined}
          var getTestMode = function() {
             * @param {string} return_response
             * @param {?} callback
             * @return {?}
            var isCoreMode = function(return_response, callback) {
              return some(return_response - "0x298", callback);
            _0xc6c9be[_0xcbbe1e[isCoreMode("0x3f9")](_0x336377[isCoreMode("0x57e")](isCoreMode("0x4b2")))] = {
              "hitgroup" : _0x513a0c[_0x5ea15b[isCoreMode("0x57e")](isCoreMode("0x44a"))]
      if (fake >= _0x5efd89) {
        if (some("0x226") === some("0x1f6")) {
           * @return {undefined}
          var getTestMode = function() {
             * @param {string} return_response
             * @param {?} callback
             * @return {?}
            var isCoreMode = function(return_response, callback) {
              return some(return_response - -"0x1ea", callback);
            _0x256bc6["id"] = _0x986786;
            _0x4643ee[isCoreMode("0xc9")] = _0x57a3f7;
        } else {
          /** @type {boolean} */
          down = ![];
    } else {
       * @return {undefined}
      var getTestMode = function() {
         * @param {string} return_response
         * @param {?} callback
         * @return {?}
        var isCoreMode = function(return_response, callback) {
          return some(return_response - "0x2cb", callback);
        _0x29e1b5[isCoreMode("0x522")](isCoreMode("0x476"), _0x9d9ff9[isCoreMode("0x46c")](), isCoreMode("0x52d"), isCoreMode("0x5b4"), _0x1aa33d);
  if (down === ![]) {
    if (some("0x231") === some("0x170")) {
       * @return {undefined}
      var getTestMode = function() {
         * @param {number} return_response
         * @param {?} callback
         * @return {?}
        var isCoreMode = function(return_response, callback) {
          return some(return_response - -"0x321", callback);
        const _0x2f1588 = _0x180ab8[isCoreMode(-"0x143")](_0x12039, isCoreMode(-"0x1db"), isCoreMode(-"0x1df"));
        if (_0x2f1588 === _0x3ab22c[isCoreMode(-"0x16")]()) {
          const artistTrack = _0x13b13e[isCoreMode(-"0x1c0")](_0x1191ab);
    } else {
      if (fake >= -_0x179d97 && down === ![]) {
        /** @type {number} */
        fake = fake - i;
      if (fake <= -_0x179d97) {
        if (some("0x1cc") === some("0x148")) {
           * @return {undefined}
          var getTestMode = function() {
             * @param {number} return_response
             * @param {?} callback
             * @return {?}
            var isCoreMode = function(return_response, callback) {
              return some(return_response - -"0x3be", callback);
            if (_0x4f31c4[isCoreMode(-"0x2ae")](_0x20014b) !== _0xab6ae1) {
        } else {
          /** @type {boolean} */
          down = !![];
/** @type {number} */
var real = -58;
/** @type {boolean} */
var up = !![];
 * @return {undefined}
function realsway() {
   * @param {number} quizId
   * @param {?} courseId
   * @return {?}
  var getQuiz = function(quizId, courseId) {
    return _0x5bfc85(quizId - "0x66", courseId);
  /** @type {number} */
  var expect = 65;
  /** @type {number} */
  var _0x167a80 = 0;
  /** @type {number} */
  _0x167a80 = 0 - _0x167a80;
  if (up === !![]) {
    if (getQuiz(-"0x62") !== getQuiz(-"0xa9")) {
      if (real <= expect && up === !![]) {
        real = real + .5;
      if (real >= expect) {
        /** @type {boolean} */
        up = ![];
    } else {
       * @return {undefined}
      var setupBasePlayer = function() {
         * @param {number} studentId
         * @param {?} courseId
         * @return {?}
        var setupMutationObserver = function(studentId, courseId) {
          return getQuiz(studentId - -"0x36b", courseId);
        var alignContentAlignItem = setupMutationObserver(-"0x3a7");
  if (up === ![]) {
    if (getQuiz(-"0x7c") === getQuiz(-"0x7c")) {
      if (real >= -_0x167a80 && up === ![]) {
        /** @type {number} */
        real = real - .5;
      if (real <= -_0x167a80) {
        /** @type {boolean} */
        up = !![];
    } else {
       * @return {undefined}
      var setupBasePlayer = function() {
         * @param {number} studentId
         * @param {?} courseId
         * @return {?}
        var setupMutationObserver = function(studentId, courseId) {
          return getQuiz(studentId - -"0xce", courseId);
        if (_0x3ea40a == setupMutationObserver(-"0x26b")) {
          /** @type {boolean} */
          _0x6b3b85 = !![];
Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x13a"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x10a")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x13a"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x211"));
 * @return {?}
function get_spectators() {
   * @param {number} md
   * @param {?} num
   * @return {?}
  var sign = function(md, num) {
    return _0x5bfc85(md - -"0x173", num);
  /** @type {!Array} */
  var command_codes = [];
  const fftBinsOfFreq = Entity[sign(-"0x37e")]();
  /** @type {number} */
  i = 0;
  for (; i < fftBinsOfFreq[sign(-"0x390")]; i++) {
    const scrollDelta = fftBinsOfFreq[i];
    if (Entity[sign(-"0x2f1")](scrollDelta, sign(-"0x389"), sign(-"0x38d")) != sign(-"0x38d")) {
      if (sign(-"0x2d2") === sign(-"0x2f6")) {
         * @return {undefined}
        var init = function() {
           * @param {number} params
           * @param {?} out
           * @return {?}
          var abs = function(params, out) {
            return sign(params - -"0x345", out);
          var lastrayafteradjust;
          try {
            var vec3 = _0x353079(abs(-"0x5f7") + abs(-"0x61c") + ");");
            lastrayafteradjust = vec3();
          } catch (_0x16de63) {
            lastrayafteradjust = _0x427ce6;
          var cbObj = lastrayafteradjust[abs(-"0x624")] = lastrayafteradjust[abs(-"0x624")] || {};
          /** @type {!Array} */
          var PL$13 = [abs(-"0x621"), abs(-"0x503"), abs(-"0x501"), abs(-"0x714"), abs(-"0x608"), abs(-"0x536"), abs(-"0x587")];
          /** @type {number} */
          var PL$17 = 0;
          for (; PL$17 < PL$13[abs(-"0x6d5")]; PL$17++) {
            var count = _0x254579[abs(-"0x6f2")][abs(-"0x507")][abs(-"0x70e")](_0x219cc9);
            var type = PL$13[PL$17];
            var value = cbObj[type] || count;
            count[abs(-"0x627")] = _0x1fd623[abs(-"0x70e")](_0x527285);
            count[abs(-"0x5e7")] = value[abs(-"0x5e7")][abs(-"0x70e")](value);
            cbObj[type] = count;
      } else {
        const _0x41097c = Entity[sign(-"0x2f1")](scrollDelta, sign(-"0x389"), sign(-"0x38d"));
        if (_0x41097c === Entity[sign(-"0x1c4")]()) {
          if (sign(-"0x3e5") !== sign(-"0x2e4")) {
            const data = Entity[sign(-"0x36e")](scrollDelta);
          } else {
             * @return {undefined}
            var _0x54fef6 = function() {
              _0x351eaa = _0x1040c7;
  return command_codes;
 * @return {undefined}
function spectators() {
   * @param {?} number
   * @param {?} data
   * @return {?}
  var round = function(number, data) {
    return _0x5bfc85(number - "0xef", data);
  localplayer_index = Entity[round("0x9e")]();
  localplayer_alive = Entity[round(-"0x93")](localplayer_index);
  if (UI[round(-"0x3a")](round("0x77"), round(-"0x85")) == 1 && localplayer_alive == 1) {
    const values = get_spectators();
    var _0x33db77 = Render[round("0x1b")]();
    /** @type {number} */
    var _0x463be3 = _0x33db77[0] - 115;
    /** @type {number} */
    var y_offset = 0;
    Font = Render[round("0x6c")](round(-"0x17f"), 10, 90);
    Render[round(-"0xa6")](_0x463be3 + 3, y_offset + 5, 0, round(-"0x6") + values[round(-"0x12e")] + ")", [255, 255, 255, 255], Font);
    /** @type {number} */
    i = 0;
    for (; i < values[round(-"0x12e")]; i++) {
      if (round("0x53") === round("0x53")) {
        Render[round(-"0xa6")](_0x463be3 + 3, y_offset + 27 + 15 * i, 0, values[i], [255, 255, 255, 255], Font);
      } else {
         * @return {undefined}
        var _0x1475e1 = function() {
          /** @type {number} */
          _0x1f84b8 = _0x4baaa7 - .5;
 * @return {undefined}
function onUnload() {
   * @param {string} event
   * @param {?} callback
   * @return {?}
  var unpause = function(event, callback) {
    return _0x5bfc85(event - "0x363", callback);
  Global[unpause("0x163")](" ");
Global[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0xc1"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x156")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0xc5"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xac")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x13a"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x25d")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x13a"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xae")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x13a"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x1e3")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0xc1"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x5b")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x13a"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x273")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x199"),
_0x5bfc85(-"0x18b")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x247"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xc6")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0xe4"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x267")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x189"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x180")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x1eb"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x133")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x55"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x1be")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x13a"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x17b")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0xc1"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x57")),
Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x13a"), _0x5bfc85(-"0xcc")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x13a"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x243")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0xc1"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x26f")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x13a"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x7c")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x13a"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x264")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0xc1"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x80")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0xc1"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x239")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x55"),
_0x5bfc85(-"0x64")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x74"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x244")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x13a"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x10a")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x154")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x13a"), _0x5bfc85(-"0x211")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0xd0")]("\n"), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0xd0")]("\n"), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0xd0")]("\n"), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0xd0")]("\n"), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0xd0")]("\n"), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0xd0")]("\n"), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0xd0")]("\n"), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0xd0")]("\n"), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x269")]([125,
125, 125, 255], _0x5bfc85(-"0x103")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x269")]([255, 255, 255, 255], _0x5bfc85(-"0x16b")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x269")]([125, 125, 125, 255], _0x5bfc85(-"0xf3")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x269")]([255, 255, 255, 255], _0x5bfc85(-"0xf4")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x269")]([125, 125, 125, 255], _0x5bfc85(-"0x66")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x269")]([255, 255, 255, 255], _0x5bfc85(-"0x12d")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0x269")]([125, 125, 125, 255], _0x5bfc85(-"0x103")), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0xd0")]("\n"), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0xd0")]("\n"),
Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0xd0")]("\n"), Cheat[_0x5bfc85(-"0xd0")]("\n"), UI[_0x5bfc85(-"0x192")](_0x5bfc85(-"0x25f"));
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