Вопрос Runcommand crash

3 Окт 2021
I crash after selecting a weapon

debug pic:
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.

my runcommand index is 19

class IPrediction:
class IPrediction
    void Update(int startframe,    // World update ( un-modded ) most recently received
        bool validframe,           // Is frame data valid
        int incoming_acknowledged, // Last command acknowledged to have been run by server (un-modded)
        int outgoing_command       // Last command (most recent) sent to server (un-modded)
        typedef void(__thiscall * Fn)(void*, int, bool, int, int);
        return ((Fn)Memory::VCall<Fn>(this, 3))(this, startframe, validframe, incoming_acknowledged, outgoing_command);

     void    PreEntityPacketReceived(int commands_acknowledged, int current_world_update_packet, int server_ticks_elapsed) {
         typedef void(__thiscall* Fn)(void*, int, int, int);
         return ((Fn)Memory::VCall<Fn>(this, 4))(this, commands_acknowledged, current_world_update_packet, server_ticks_elapsed);
     void    PostEntityPacketReceived(void) {
         typedef void(__thiscall* Fn)(void*);
         return ((Fn)Memory::VCall<Fn>(this, 5))(this);
     void    PostNetworkDataReceived(int commands_acknowledged) {
         typedef void(__thiscall* Fn)(void*, int);
         return ((Fn)Memory::VCall<Fn>(this, 6))(this, commands_acknowledged);
    void SetLocalViewAngles(QAngle& Angles)
        typedef void(__thiscall * Fn)(void*, QAngle&);
        return ((Fn)Memory::VCall<Fn>(this, 13))(this, Angles);

    void GetLocalViewAngles(QAngle& angle)
        typedef void(__thiscall * Fn)(void*, QAngle&);
        return ((Fn)Memory::VCall<Fn>(this, 12))(this, angle);

    void SetLocalViewAngles(Vector& Angles)
        typedef void(__thiscall * Fn)(void*, Vector&);
        return ((Fn)Memory::VCall<Fn>(this, 13))(this, Angles);

    void GetLocalViewAngles(Vector& angle)
        typedef void(__thiscall * Fn)(void*, Vector&);
        return ((Fn)Memory::VCall<Fn>(this, 12))(this, angle);

    void RunCommand(C_BasePlayer* player, CUserCmd* ucmd, IMoveHelper* moveHelper)
        typedef void(__thiscall * oRunCommand)(void*, C_BasePlayer*, CUserCmd*, IMoveHelper*);
        Memory::VCall<oRunCommand>(this, 19)(this, player, ucmd, moveHelper);
    void CheckMovingGround(C_BasePlayer* player, double time)
        typedef void(__thiscall * oFn)(void*, C_BasePlayer*, double);
        Memory::VCall<oFn>(this, 18)(this, player, time);

    void SetupMove(C_BasePlayer* player, CUserCmd* ucmd, IMoveHelper* moveHelper, void* pMoveData)
        typedef void(__thiscall * oSetupMove)(void*, C_BasePlayer*, CUserCmd*, IMoveHelper*, void*);
        Memory::VCall<oSetupMove>(this, 20)(this, player, ucmd, moveHelper, pMoveData);

    void FinishMove(C_BasePlayer* player, CUserCmd* ucmd, void* pMoveData)
        typedef void(__thiscall * oFinishMove)(void*, C_BasePlayer*, CUserCmd*, void*);
        Memory::VCall<oFinishMove>(this, 21)(this, player, ucmd, pMoveData);

    bool InPrediction()
        typedef bool(__thiscall * oInPrediction)(void*);
        return Memory::VCall<oInPrediction>(this, 14)(this);

    void force_repredict()
        //m_bPreviousAckHadErrors = 1;
        m_nCommandsPredicted = 0;
        m_previous_startframe = -1;
    //char pad_0x0000[0x4]; //0x0000
    //int m_hLastGround; //0x0004
    //bool m_bInPrediction; //0x0008
    //bool N0000008F; //0x0009 hz che eto
    //bool m_bEnginePaused; //0x000A
    //char pad_0x000B[0xD]; //0x000B
    int32_t m_last_ground;                // 0x0004
    bool    m_in_prediction;            // 0x0008
    bool    m_first_time_predicted;        // 0x0009
    bool    m_engine_paused;            // 0x000A
    bool    m_old_cl_predict_value;        // 0x000B
    int32_t m_previous_startframe;        // 0x000C
    int32_t m_commands_predicted;        // 0x0010
    PAD(1);                        // 0x0014
    int m_nServerCommandsAcknowledged; //0x0018
    int m_nCommandsPredicted; //0x001C
    char pad_0x0020[13]; //0x0020
    bool m_bPreviousAckHadErrors; //0x0024
    float m_flIdealPitch;
    int m_nLastCommandAcknowledged;
    bool m_bPreviousAckErrorTriggersFullLatchReset;
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