std::optional<uint32_t> custom_ssn_parser( shadow::syscaller<NTSTATUS>& instance, shadow::address_t export_address ) {
if ( !export_address ) {
instance.set_last_error( shadow::errc::ssn_not_found );
return std::nullopt;
return *export_address.ptr<std::uint32_t>( 4 );
void execute_syscall_with_custom_ssn( shadow::hash64_t function_name ) {
shadow::syscaller<NTSTATUS> sc{ function_name };
sc.set_custom_ssn_parser( custom_ssn_parser );
auto current_process = reinterpret_cast<void*>( -1 );
std::uint32_t debug_port{ 0 };
auto [status, err] = sc( current_process, 7, &debug_port, sizeof( uint64_t ), nullptr );
if ( err )
std::cerr << "Syscall error occured: " << *err << '\n';
std::cout << "NtQueryInformationProcess status: " << status << ", debug port is: " << debug_port << "\n";
int main() {
execute_syscall_with_custom_ssn( "NtQueryInformationProcess" );
shadowcall( "LoadLibraryA", "user32.dll" );
shadowcall( { "MessageBoxA", "user32.dll" }, nullptr, "string 1", "string 2", MB_OK );
auto message_box = shadowcall<int>( "MessageBoxA", nullptr, "string 3", "string 4", MB_OK );
auto function_result = message_box;
std::wcout << "Result: " << function_result << ", DLL that contains MessageBoxA is: " << message_box.export_location().filepath() << '\n';
auto process = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>( -1 );
const auto current_process = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>( -1 );
auto start_routine = []( void* ) -> DWORD {
std::cout << "\nthread started!\n";
return 0;
auto [status, error] = shadowsyscall( "NtCreateThreadEx", &process, THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, current_process,
static_cast<LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE>( start_routine ), 0, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 );
if ( error )
std::cout << "NtCreateThreadEx error occured: " << *error << "\n";
std::cout << "NtCreateThreadEx call status: 0x" << std::hex << status << '\n';
auto simple_status = shadowsyscall( "NtTerminateProcess", reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>( -1 ), -6932 );
return 0;
int main() {
for ( const auto& dll : shadow::dlls() )
std::wcout << dll.filepath() << " : " << dll.native_handle() << "\n";
std::cout.put( '\n' );
auto ntdll = shadow::dll( "ntdll" );
std::wcout << "Current .exe filepath: " << shadow::current_module().filepath() << "\n\n";
std::cout << ntdll.base_address().ptr() << '\n';
std::cout << ntdll.native_handle() << '\n';
std::cout << ntdll.entry_point() << '\n';
std::wcout << << '\n';
std::wcout << ntdll.filepath() << '\n';
std::cout << ntdll.image()->get_nt_headers()->signature << '\n';
std::cout << ntdll.image()->get_optional_header()->size_image << "\n\n";
std::cout << "5 exports of ntdll.dll:\n";
for ( const auto& [name, address] : ntdll.exports() | std::views::take( 5 ) )
std::cout << name << " : " << address.raw() << '\n';
std::cout.put( '\n' );
auto it = ntdll.exports().find_if( []( auto export_data ) -> bool {
const auto& [name, address] = export_data;
constexpr auto compiletime_hash = shadow::hash64_t{ "NtQuerySystemInformation" };
const auto runtime_hash = shadow::hash64_t{}( name );
return compiletime_hash == runtime_hash;
} );
const auto& [name, address] = *it;
std::cout << "Found target export:\n" << name << " : " << address << "\n\n";
std::wcout << "DLL that contains Sleep export is: " << shadow::dll_export( "Sleep" ).location().name() << "\n\n";
auto shared = shadow::shared_data();
std::cout << shared.safe_boot_enabled() << '\n';
std::cout << shared.boot_id() << '\n';
std::cout << shared.physical_pages_num() << '\n';
std::cout << shared.kernel_debugger_present() << '\n';
std::wcout << shared.system_root() << '\n';
std::cout << shared.system().is_windows_11() << '\n';
std::cout << shared.system().is_windows_10() << '\n';
std::cout << shared.system().is_windows_7() << '\n';
std::cout << shared.system().build_number() << '\n';
std::cout << shared.system().formatted() << '\n';
std::cout << shared.unix_epoch_timestamp().utc().time_since_epoch() << '\n';
std::cout << shared.unix_epoch_timestamp().utc().format_iso8601() << '\n';
std::cout << shared.unix_epoch_timestamp().local().time_since_epoch() << '\n';
std::cout << shared.unix_epoch_timestamp().local().format_iso8601() << '\n';
std::cout << shared.timezone_offset<std::chrono::seconds>() << "\n\n";
static_assert( std::bidirectional_iterator<shadow::detail::export_enumerator::iterator> );
static_assert( std::bidirectional_iterator<shadow::detail::module_enumerator::iterator> );
return 0;
v1.2 readme update
v1.2 commit
external changes
& shadowcall
return type may not be specified since v1.2
- Added support for overriding the SSN parser for
. More details can be found in the new example.
- Added support for
for iterators
- Added
parser implementation
namespace shadow
- Added a handy wrapper above the address,
, allows you to briefly and clearly cast any address in the code.
- The
class has been moved from shadow::syscalls
to shadow
- The
class has been moved from shadow::syscalls
to shadow
- Namespace
- Implementations of DLL enumerators and exports moved to
namespace detail
- Added followed functions:
dll( hash64_t name )
- returns characteristics of the specified DLL if it is loaded into the process.
- returns the characteristics of the current .exe file which is the host process.
- returns module enumerator, range-based.
dll_exports( hash64_t module_name )
- returns export enumerator, range-based & iterator-based.
- returns shared_data parser object.
namespace shadow::detail
class basic_hash
- Renamed and redesigned the
class, instead it is now the basic_hash
class, whose implementation is now independent of the passed integral type.
- The constructor of the
class is clearly intended only for compile-time strings, the operator()
is overloaded to convert strings known only in runtime, same as std::hash
- The hash generation algorithm was changed to FNV1-a due to overhead of the previous algorithm
- The overridden
accepts any array that has bracket access and has a .size() function
class export_enumerator
- The Iterator is now
compatible, and falls under the conditions of the
class module_enumerator
- The Iterator is now
compatible, and falls under the conditions of the std::bidirectional_iterator
- Added method
class shared_data
- New class added in v1.2. Description:
shared_data parses kernel_user_shared_data filled by the operating system when the process starts. The structure contains a lot of useful information about the operating system. The class is a high-level wrapper for parsing, which will save you from direct work with raw addresses and can greatly simplify your coding process.
- The following methods have been added:
, - Raw pointer to
, - returns
that is listed below
- returns
that is listed below
class zoned_time
- New class added in v1.2.
, - returns
in UTC timezone
, - returns
in local system timezone
class time_formatter
- New class added in v1.2.
, - " hh:mm"
, - "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm"
, - "yyyy-mm-ddThh
, - Raw unix timestamp as integral
class operation_system
- New class added in v1.2.
- returns "Windows {}.{} (Build {})" via
class dynamic_link_library
- The following methods have been added:
, - Raw pointer to Win32 struct
, - Base address of current DLL
, - Pointer on base address of current
, - Address of entrypoint
, - Name of current DLL as
, - Filepath to current DLL as
- Exports range-enumerator of current DLL