i wonder what the menus have to do with sales :DDD? i'd do better than this shit if I wanted to. average yougame pasterWhat you forgot is that if I were to do this, I could do it while I have the old version files.
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It is obvious who is looking to sell :D
разве в игре есть баллистика?Открывши сурс я понял две вещи, рейдж с Пандоры, а предикт с ксго. Теперь вопрос, в кс2 ничего почти не поменялось? или кодер курса пастерок
thats why you was ask me fix srci wonder what the menus have to do with sales :DDD? i'd do better than this shit if I wanted to. average yougame paster
i didnt ask anything to you :D? u re zany bro. please touch grassthats why you was ask me fix src
Отпиши в лс, скинуОру, я думал что в этом срц хук для найтмода найду, посмотрел и убился нахуй, он просто яркость меняет.... В очередной раз убежден в том что халявы тут нету и придется реверсить самому
Пожалуйста, зарегистрируйтесь или авторизуйтесь, чтобы увидеть содержимое.
Just cut out these 2 key bindings, and the schema dumper works. I do not advise using source, there is nothing normal there, even semi-rage will not killCan someone explain how to fix keybinds and dumper schema
есть у кого нибудь этот хук?Отпиши в лс, скину
Imagine making a p2c xD I only work on any CS game is for my benefit to learn and use.
you're same with him either. we'll probably see your sales topic soon
i just asked you for the source out of curiosity. this decision is up to you, whether you send it or not, but it's not nice for a third person to get involved in this situation.Imagine making a p2c xD I only work on any CS game is for my benefit to learn and use.
Delete this line and that's it
I need the thirdperson to workDelete this line and that's it
you fix?I need the thirdperson to work
yesyou fix?
I would like to take this cheat as a basis, but I couldn't fix the surses if it's not difficult, you can pour the surses on any side so that they are working, I'm a beginner
Проект предоставляет различный материал, относящийся к сфере киберспорта, программирования, ПО для игр, а также позволяет его участникам общаться на многие другие темы. Почта для жалоб: admin@yougame.biz