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- #1
Immunity free cheats for ALT:V(internal)

| AimBot | |
Enable Aimbot Show Aim Radius Aim Radius (0 - 200) Aim Stop Radius (0 - 200) Only Visible Aim Mode (Raw, Normal, Horizontal, Silent) Aim Strength (1 - 1000) Aim Bone (Head, Neck, Body, Closest) Auto Fire | Enable Aim Prediction Target Find Timeout (0 - 500) Group Check | Enable Aim Offset Offset in Range Aim offset X (-1 - 1) Aim offset Y (-1 - 1) Aim offset Z (-1 - 1) |
Wallhack |
Enable Visuals Toggle Key Player Visible Color Player InVisible Color Aim Dot Skeleton Skeleton thickness Health Bar (Top, Bottom, Left, Right) Weapons Distance Health Text Box (Border, Corners, Filled, Filled & Corners) Box thickness (0 - 3) | Display Groups Enable Radar Radar Zoom (0,010 - 3) Enable Crosshair Crosshair Color Enable Crosshair Border Crosshair Gap (0 - 50) Crosshair thickness (0 - 10) Crosshair Widht (0 - 100) Draw Local Player |
Misc |
Include Vehicles in check Include Vegetation in check Include Objects in check Change Update Time Edit Groups Include NPCs Only NPCs Object Esp Vehicle ESP | Custom Waypoints Ignore Invisible Players force visiblility Hide Anticheat NPCs Disable Forceful Vehicle Exit |
Player |
General | Player | Vehicle | Weapons |
Noclip Toggle Key Noclip speed teleport to waypoint | GodMode Full armor Custom FOV Disable Collisions No Ragdoll | GodMode No deformations Unlock nearby vehicles Force engine on Disable Collisions Vehicle gravity Vehicle acceleration Vehicle Boost Fix vehicle hi jack vehicle teleport nearest vehicle teleport and hi jack vehicle clean vehicle | Remove Weapon recoil Remove Weapon Spread |
Settings |
Menu Key WaterMark Screen Warning Open menu on load Unload Key Unload Config Manager Debug Mode |
Loader(авто очистка) -
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
1. Запустите игру
2. Откройте extreme injector
2. В настройках выбирайте manual map
3. нажимайте inject и сворачивайтесь в игру
2. Откройте extreme injector
2. В настройках выбирайте manual map
3. нажимайте inject и сворачивайтесь в игру
1.7 MB Просмотры: 55
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