Заебумба пошел обновлять кфг :dОбнова:
-добавил recoil fov, smooth
-частично починил кнайфбот
You've added recoil fov and smooth features, but normal fov and smooth to aimbot doesn't work. Now it works alone recoil fov and smooth to everything, and the usual fov and smooth doesn't work at all, check it out.Обнова:
-добавил recoil fov, smooth
-частично починил кнайфбот
fixedYou've added recoil fov and smooth features, but normal fov and smooth to aimbot doesn't work. Now it works alone recoil fov and smooth to everything, and the usual fov and smooth doesn't work at all, check it out.
It doesn't matterDoes anyone know how it works? It is not in the hack functions, but in cfg it is ------> aim_spread_compenstation
so I'm looking forward to more updates to the aimbot and the psilentIt doesn't matter
noso I'm looking forward to more updates to the aimbot and the psilent
Why not? You can always find some new useful function for aimbot/psilent, because the hack has potential, unless it's not in your power, then okay. Good luck in creating and adding more and more new functions.
everything worksWhen I try to use it on nonsteam everything works fine but the menu doesnt show up, any fixes?
Oneshoot, please fix autoreload and real crosshair color...everything works
объясните чайнику, что эти функции делают, или дайте ссылку где можно почитать об этом)) буду благодаренОбнова:
-добавил recoil fov, smooth
-частично починил кнайфбот
чамсы странно робят, работают только на ближнем расстоянии, а через стены вообще ни-ни, как то можно фиксануть? thru wall поставилОбнова:
-добавил recoil fov, smooth
-частично починил кнайфбот
вхб блочитчамсы странно робят, работают только на ближнем расстоянии, а через стены вообще ни-ни, как то можно фиксануть? thru wall поставил
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