[*]Added rapid double fire mode with charge indicator.
[*]Implemented crosshair.
[*]Added crosshair color option.
[*]Added Planting flag.
[*]Added Reloading flag.
[*]Added Skin Changer.
[*]Added Model Changer.
[*]C4 Timer now shows on out of view indicator.
[*]Fixed autostrafer affecting wallbang damage position.
[*]Implemented console command lookup.
[*]Implemented console binds.
[*]Limit buffer of console log output.
[*]Fixed text edit elements auto scrolling.
[*]Added scrolling to Combobox with more than 8 options.
[*]Fixed font in Console not being affected by DPI scaling option.
[*]Added Open Settings Folder button.
[*]Lua Editor is now available and in testing phase.
[*]Switched to LuaJIT for better performance.
[*]Relaxed sandbox state to allow metatables and various other Lua APIs.
[*]Added all functions from V4 API. Report backward compatibility issues on forum.
[*]Added Vector3 and EulerAngles class for easier 3D math. (vector.* API is now marked as legacy)
[*]Various functions like Entity:GetAbsOrigin, client.WorldToScreen now use Vector3 instead of list of numbers.
[*]Added input.GetMouseWheelDelta for accumulated scroll.
[*]Added gui.Tab( parent, varname, name )
[*]Upgraded UserCmd class with direct read/write access fields. (ex. cmd.viewangles instead of cmd:Get/SetViewAngles )
[*]Added draw.AddFontResource( ttf ) for embedding font files.
[*]Added materials.Find( name )
[*]Added materials.Enumerate( callback( mat ) )
[*]Added materials.Create( name, vmt, type )
[*]Added Material:GetName()
[*]Added Material:GetTextureGroupName()
[*]Added Material:AlphaModulate( alpha )
[*]Added Material:ColorModulate( red, green, blue )
[*]Added Material:SetMaterialVarFlag( index, set )
[*]Added Material:SetShaderParam( name, value )
[*]Added DrawModel callback.
[*]Added DrawModelContext:GetEntity()
[*]Added DrawModelContext:ForcedMaterialOverride( mat )
[*]Added DrawModelContext:DrawExtraPass()
[*]Added panorama.RunScript( js )
[*]Added EspBuilder:AddTextLeft( text )
[*]Added EspBuilder:AddTextRight( text )
[*]Added EspBuilder:AddIconTop( texture )
[*]Added EspBuilder:AddIconBottom( texture )
[*]Added EspBuilder:AddIconLeft( texture )
[*]Added EspBuilder:AddIconRight( texture )
[*]Added GuiObject:SetOpenKey( key ) for Window toggling.