Автор темы
- #1
В общем, учусь писать JS'ки, и... Да.
В целях практики пишу скрипты и выкладываю сюда, их список со временем будет пополняться.
Снизу можете писать какие скрипты на OTC v3 Вы хотите здесь увидеть, и я попробую их сделать.
Исходники также находятся ниже.
На данный момент есть следующие скрипты:
QIWI, если хотите сломать леща, дать колени и так далее...: qiwi.com/n/IDESYNC.
В общем, учусь писать JS'ки, и... Да.
В целях практики пишу скрипты и выкладываю сюда, их список со временем будет пополняться.
Снизу можете писать какие скрипты на OTC v3 Вы хотите здесь увидеть, и я попробую их сделать.
Исходники также находятся ниже.
На данный момент есть следующие скрипты:
- Override Mindamage — 1 keybind for all weapons. Including indicator;
- Aspect Ratio — Default Aspect Ratio.
- Jump Scout — Default Jump Scout with hitchance slider.
- Pitch 0 on Key — Disables AA on bind, including "E" too. Desync continues working.
- Velocity Display — Shows your velocity.
- Force Safety on Slow Walking Enemy — Force Safepoints if aimbot target uses Slow Walk. // YT HF,JNFTN ,KZNM YT PYF. JXTVE T,FYSQ Z GFCNTH
- Two-Taps Kill — Gets enemy's health and / it on 2 => you always can kill enemy by two shots. // NJ;T YT HF,JNFTN ,KZNM
// By iDesync, for YouGame.biz
const size = Render.GetScreenSize();
//-------------------------MENU STUFF-------------------------//
//---label & hotkey---//
UI.AddCheckbox("Enable Override Damage");
UI.AddSliderInt("SCOUT", 0, 120);
UI.AddSliderInt("AWP", 0, 120);
UI.AddSliderInt("AUTOSNIPER", 0, 120);
UI.AddSliderInt("PISTOL", 0, 120);
UI.AddSliderInt("HEAVY PISTOL", 0, 120);
UI.AddCheckbox("d_Custom position");
UI.AddLabel("d_Indicator Position:");
UI.AddSliderInt("d_Height:", 0, size[0]);
UI.AddSliderInt("d_Width:", 0, size[1]);
//--------------------------------------------SAMPLE FUNCTION------------------------------------------------------//
function SetValue(weapon, value) {
UI.SetValue("Rage", weapon, "Targeting", "Minimum damage", value);
//--------------------------------------------BACKUP VALUES------------------------------------------------------//
const cache = [ UI.GetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage"), // [0]
UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage"), // [1]
UI.GetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage"), // [2]
UI.GetValue("Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage"), // [3]
UI.GetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage") ]; // [4]
//------------------------------------------------WEAPONS CHECKS------------------------------------------------------//
//--------IS PISTOL--------//
function isPistol() {
if (weapon_name == "usp s" || weapon_name == "dual berettas" || weapon_name == "p250" || weapon_name == "cz75 auto" || weapon_name == "glock 18")
return true;
//--------IS HEAVY PISTOL--------//
function isHeavy() {
if (weapon_id == 64 /*revolver*/ || weapon_name == "desert eagle")
return true;
//--------IS AUTOSNIPER--------//
function isAuto() {
if (weapon_name == "g3sg1" || weapon_name == "scar 20")
return true;
//----------------------------------------------DO WORK-----------------------------------------------------//
function SetupValues()
weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())); // updates current weapon
weapon_id = Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer());
isKeyPressed = UI.IsHotkeyActive("MISC", "JAVASCRIPT", "SCRIPT ITEMS", "Key");
//-------------------------GET VALUES-------------------------//
var values = [ UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "AWP"), // [0]
UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "SCOUT"), // [1]
UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "PISTOL"), // [2]
UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "AUTOSNIPER"), // [3]
UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "HEAVY PISTOL") ]; // [4]
if (!isKeyPressed)
//-------------------------SETUP VALUES-------------------------//
if (weapon_name == "awp") // [0]
SetValue("AWP", values[0]);
SetValue("AWP", cache[0]);
if (weapon_name == "ssg 08") // [1]
SetValue("SCOUT", values[1]);
SetValue("SCOUT", cache[1]);
if (isAuto()) // [2]
SetValue("AUTOSNIPER", values[2]);
SetValue("AUTOSNIPER", cache[2]);
if (isPistol()) // [3]
SetValue("PISTOL", values[3]);
SetValue("PISTOL", cache[3]);
if (isHeavy()) // [4]
SetValue("HEAVY PISTOL", values[4]);
SetValue("HEAVY PISTOL", cache[4]);
function indicator()
if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))
var X = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "d_Height:"); // update values
var Y = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "d_Width:"); // from us sliders
//-----------------------------GET VALUES-------------------------------//
scout = "DMG: " + UI.GetValue("Rage", "SCOUT", "Targeting", "Minimum damage");
awp = "DMG: " + UI.GetValue("Rage", "AWP", "Targeting", "Minimum damage");
auto = "DMG: " + UI.GetValue("Rage", "AUTOSNIPER", "Targeting", "Minimum damage");
pistol = "DMG: " + UI.GetValue("Rage", "PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage");
heavy = "DMG: " + UI.GetValue("Rage", "HEAVY PISTOL", "Targeting", "Minimum damage");
//-------------------------WEAPONS CHECK-------------------------//
if (isHeavy())
string = heavy;
if (isAuto())
string = auto;
if (isPistol())
string = pistol;
if (weapon_name == "ssg 08")
string = scout;
if (weapon_name == "awp")
string = awp;
if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "d_Custom position"))
Render.String(X, Y, 0, string, [255, 255, 255, 255]);
Render.String(size[0] / 2, size[1] / 2 + 400, 0, string, [255, 255, 255, 255]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "SetupValues");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "indicator");
// By iDesync, for YouGame.biz
UI.AddSliderFloat("Aspect Ratio", 0.50, 2.00); // 0.50 - min value, 2.00 - max. You can set your numbers here.
var cache; // kostil'
//-------------------------------DO WORK-------------------------------//
function SetupValues()
value = UI.GetValue("MISC", "JAVASCRIPT", "SCRIPT ITEMS", "Aspect Ratio"); // get value from us slider
if (cache != value) { // for avoid command spam
cache = value;
Global.ExecuteCommand("r_aspectratio " + value); // because SetFloat doesn't work
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "SetupValues");
// By iDesync, for YouGame.biz
const size = Render.GetScreenSize();
UI.AddCheckbox("Enable Jump Scout");
UI.AddSliderInt("Scout Hitchance in Jump:", 0, 100);
UI.AddCheckbox("j_Enable indicator");
UI.AddCheckbox("j_Custom position");
UI.AddSliderInt("j_Height:", 0, size[0]);
UI.AddSliderInt("j_Width:", 0, size[1]);
//-------------------------------DO WORK-------------------------------//
function doWork()
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Scout Hitchance in Jump:", UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Enable Jump Scout") ? true : false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "j_Enable indicator", UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Enable Jump Scout") ? true : false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "j_Custom position", UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "j_Enable indicator") ? true : false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "j_Height:", UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "j_Custom position") ? true : false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "j_Width:", UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "j_Custom position") ? true : false);
if (Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) != "ssg 08") // if weapon != scout, exit
if (!UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Enable Jump Scout"))
value = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Scout Hitchance in Jump:"); // update value from us slider
if (Entity.GetProp(Entity.GetLocalPlayer(), "CBasePlayer", "m_hGroundEntity")) { // on player jump
Ragebot.ForceTargetHitchance(Ragebot.GetTarget(), value);
isActive = true;
isActive = false;
function indicator()
if (!UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "j_Enable indicator") || !isActive)
if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))
if (Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) != "ssg 08") // if weapon != scout, exit
X = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "j_Height:"); // update values
Y = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "j_Width:"); // from us sliders
if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "j_Custom position"))
Render.String(X, Y, 0, "Jump Scout", [255, 255, 255, 255]);
Render.String(size[0] / 2, size[1] / 2 + 400, 0, "Jump Scout", [255, 255, 255, 255]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "doWork");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "indicator");
// By iDesync, for YouGame.biz
const size = Render.GetScreenSize();
//-------------------------MENU STUFF-------------------------//
UI.AddCheckbox("Enable Zero Pitch on Key");
UI.AddCheckbox("p_Enable indicator");
UI.AddCheckbox("p_Custom position");
UI.AddSliderInt("p_Height:", 0, size[0]);
UI.AddSliderInt("p_Width:", 0, size[1]);
//---------------------CACHE VALUES---------------------//
var cache = [ UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset"), // [0]
UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch"), // [1]
UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "LBY mode") ]; // [2]
//-------------------------------DO WORK-------------------------------//
function doWork()
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "p_Bind", UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Enable Zero Pitch on Key") ? true : false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "p_Enable indicator", UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Enable Zero Pitch on Key") ? true : false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "p_Custom position", UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "p_Enable indicator") ? true : false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "p_Height:", UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "p_Custom position") ? true : false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "p_Width:", UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "p_Custom position") ? true : false);
if (!UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script tems", "Enable Zero Pitch on Key") || !UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script tems", "Zero Pitch On Key"))
if (update) { // if need update cache values
cache[0] = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset");
cache[1] = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch");
cache[2] = UI.GetValue("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "LBY mode");
update = false;
UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset", 180);
UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch", 3); // 3 == zero pitch
UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "LBY mode", 1); // 1 == opposites
if (!update) {
UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Rage Anti-Aim", "Yaw offset", cache[0]);
UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Extra", "Pitch", cache[1]);
UI.SetValue("Anti-Aim", "Fake angles", "LBY mode", cache[2]);
update = true;
function indicator()
if (!UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script tems", "p_Enable indicator") || !UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Zero Pitch On Key"))
if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))
X = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "p_Height:"); // update values
Y = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "p_Width:"); // from us sliders
if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "p_Custom position"))
Render.String(X, Y, 0, "Pitch 0", [255, 255, 255, 255]);
Render.String(size[0] / 2, size[1] / 2 + 400, 0, "Pitch 0", [255, 255, 255, 255]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "doWork");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "indicator");
// By iDesync, for YouGame.biz
const size = Render.GetScreenSize();
//-------------------------MENU STUFF-------------------------//
UI.AddCheckbox("Show velocity");
UI.AddCheckbox("v_Custom position");
UI.AddSliderInt("v_Height:", 0, size[0]);
UI.AddSliderInt("v_Width:", 0, size[1]);
//-------------------------VELOCITY GETTING-------------------------//
function getVelocity(entity)
if (!UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Show velocity"))
vel = Entity.GetProp(entity, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]");
return Math.round(Math.sqrt( vel[0] * vel[0] + vel[1] * vel[1] )); // round & math velocity. We need round because velocity - float.
//-------------------------VELOCITY DRAW-------------------------//
function draw()
player = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
vel_to_draw = getVelocity(player).toString();
// here's need sample func... soon
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "v_Custom position", UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Show velocity") ? true : false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "v_Height:", UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "v_Custom position") ? true : false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "v_Width:", UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "v_Custom position") ? true : false);
if (!Entity.IsAlive(player))
if (getVelocity(player) < 2) // because 1T uses desync on micromoves
X = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "v_Height:");
Y = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "v_Width:");
if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "v_Custom position"))
Render.String(X, Y, 0, vel_to_draw, [255, 255, 255, 255]);
Render.String(size[0] / 2, size[1] / 2 + 400, 0, vel_to_draw, [255, 255, 255, 255]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "draw");
// By iDesync, for YouGame.biz
//-------------------------MENU STUFF-------------------------//
UI.AddCheckbox("Force safety on Slow walking enemy");
//-------------------------VELOCITY GETTING-------------------------//
function getVelocity(player)
if (!UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Force safety on Slow Walking enemy"))
vel = Entity.GetProp(player, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]");
return Math.sqrt(vel[0] * vel[0] + vel[1] * vel[1]);
//-------------------------DO WORK-------------------------//
function doWork()
if (!UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Force safety on Slow Walking enemy"))
enemy = Aimbot.GetTarget();
velocity = getVelocity(enemy);
if (velocity < 85)
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "doWork");
// By iDesync, for yougame.biz
const size = Render.GetScreenSize();
//-------------------------MENU STUFF-------------------------//
UI.AddCheckbox("Enable Two-Tap");
UI.AddCheckbox("t_Only on Key");
UI.AddMultiDropdown("Two-Tap Selection", ["Autosniper", "Heavy Pistols", "SSG 08"]);
UI.AddCheckbox("t_Enable indicator");
UI.AddCheckbox("t_Custom position");
UI.AddSliderInt("t_Height:", 0, size[0]);
UI.AddSliderInt("t_Width:", 0, size[1]);
//-------------------------WEAPONS CHECK-------------------------//
//--------IS HEAVY PISTOL--------//
function isHeavy()
if (weapon_id == 64 /*revolver*/ || weapon_name == "desert eagle")
return true;
//--------IS AUTOSNIPER--------//
function isAuto()
if (weapon_name == "g3sg1" || weapon_name == "scar 20")
return true;
//-------------------------HEALTH GETTING-------------------------//
function getPlayerHealth(player) {
return Entity.GetProp(player, "CPlayerResource", "m_iHealth");
//-------------------------MAIN PART-------------------------//
function doWork()
weapon_name = Entity.GetName(Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())); // updates current weapon
weapon_id = Entity.GetWeapon(Entity.GetLocalPlayer());
//--------------MENU WORK--------------//
selection = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Two-Tap Selection");
// here's need sample func... soon
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Two-Tap Selection", UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Enable Two-Tap") ? true : false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "t_Only on Key", UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Enable Two-Tap") ? true : false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "t_Bind", UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "t_Only on Key") ? true : false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "t_Enable indicator", UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "t_Only on Key") ? true : false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "t_Custom position", UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "t_Enable indicator") ? true : false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "t_Height:", UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "t_Custom position") ? true : false);
UI.SetEnabled("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "t_Width:", UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "t_Custom position") ? true : false);
target = Ragebot.GetTarget();
health = getPlayerHealth(target);
isCharged = Exploit.GetCharge();
if (!UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "Enable Two-Tap"))
if (selection > 0) // if nothing selected - exit
if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "t_Only on Key") && !UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "t_Bind")) // if only on key enabled, but bind doesn't pressed - exit
if (!isCharged) // if d-tap uncharged - exit
//--------------MAIN CODE--------------//
if (selection & 1 << 0 && isAuto()) // if selected autosniper and it's our weapon
Ragebot.ForceTargetMinimumDamage(target, health / 2);
if (selection & 1 << 1 && isHeavy()) // if selected heavy pistol and it's our weapon
Ragebot.ForceTargetMinimumDamage(target, health / 2);
if (selection & 1 << 2 && weapon_name == "ssg 08") // if selected ssg and it's our weapon
Ragebot.ForceTargetMinimumDamage(target, health / 2);
function indicator()
if (!UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "t_Enable indicator") || !UI.IsHotkeyActive("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "t_Bind"))
if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()))
X = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "t_Height:"); // update values
Y = UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "t_Width:"); // from us sliders
if (UI.GetValue("Misc", "JAVASCRIPT", "Script items", "t_Custom position"))
Render.String(X, Y, 0, "Two-Tap Activated", [255, 255, 255, 255]);
Render.String(size[0] / 2, size[1] / 2 + 400, 0, "Two-Tap Activated", [255, 255, 255, 255]);
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "doWork");
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "indicator");
- All JS was reworked.
Added indicators to Jump Scout, Pitch 0 on Key, Two-Taps.
Set Enabled for most scripts
Added indicators to Jump Scout, Pitch 0 on Key, Two-Taps.
Set Enabled for most scripts
- Added Two-Taps Kill
- Fixed "Force Safety on Slow Walking Enemy" (thanks Hack3000).
- Added "Force Safety on Slow Walking Enemy"
- Strong code improvements in Override Mindamage, now you can select, uses indicator standart position, or custom.
- Added Velocity Display.
- Added Velocity Display.
- Reworked Jump Scout, now it really checks, in jump you or not.
- Added more code commentaries.
- Added more code commentaries.
1. Safety & Baim conditions
2. Trail behind localplayer;
3. Grenade Helper.
2. Trail behind localplayer;
3. Grenade Helper.
3a7adka — помогал! Крутой!
enQ_broken — давал советы.
Misini — помог с реализацией Jump Scout'a и получением велосити.
~ Кодер Weave и другие ребята из конфы беты, помогали с синтаксом, когда я только начинал писать скрипты.
enQ_broken — давал советы.
Misini — помог с реализацией Jump Scout'a и получением велосити.
~ Кодер Weave и другие ребята из конфы беты, помогали с синтаксом, когда я только начинал писать скрипты.
QIWI, если хотите сломать леща, дать колени и так далее...: qiwi.com/n/IDESYNC.
6.6 KB Просмотры: 1,179
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