его комменты... чертовка !
Посмотреть вложение 192970
Посмотреть вложение 192971
Посмотреть вложение 192972
насчёт этого кстати
В теории это может быть даже быстрее чем getn(getentities()), но это не точнонасчёт этого кстати
код повторяется 64 раза когда на сервере 6 человек, зачем?
мдааа, код конечно не очень красивый...Credits: Hellfish#9343
дормант аимбот поломан немног, но кому надо, тот пофиксит
Код:-- local variables for API functions. any changes to the line below will be lost on re-generation local AntiAim_GetCurrentRealRotation, AntiAim_GetInverterState, AntiAim_GetMaxDesyncDelta, AntiAim_GetMinDesyncDelta, AntiAim_OverrideInverter, AntiAim_OverrideLimit, AntiAim_OverrideYawOffset, bit_band, bit_bnot, bit_bor, bit_lshift, cheat_AddEvent, Cheat_AddNotify, cheat_AngleToForward, Cheat_AngleToForward, cheat_FireBullet, Cheat_GetBinds, Cheat_GetCheatUserName, Cheat_GetMousePos, Cheat_IsKeyDown, Cheat_IsMenuVisible, cheat_RegisterCallback, cheat_SetThirdPersonAnim, cheat_VectorToAngle, Cheat_VectorToAngle, Color_new, Color_RGBA, CVar_FindVar, EngineClient_GetScreenSize, EntityList_GetClientEntity, EntityList_GetLocalPlayer, EntityList_GetPlayer, EntityList_GetPlayerResource, ffi_cast, ffi_cdef, ffi_new, ffi_typeof, math_abs, math_ceil, math_clamp, math_cos, math_floor, math_lerp, math_max, math_min, math_normalize, math_rad, math_round, Menu_Combo, Menu_FindVar, Menu_SliderInt, Menu_Switch, print, pairs, RageBot_OverrideHitchance, Render_InitFont, string_format, table_insert, table_reference_condition, Utils_CreateInterface, Utils_CreateInterface, Utils_PatternScan, utils_RandomFloat, Vector_new, Vector2_new, fn, type, tonumber, error, condition, EngineClient_GetLocalPlayer, EngineClient_GetViewAngles, EngineClient_IsConnected, EngineClient_IsInGame, EngineTrace_TraceRay, EntityList_GetEntitiesByName, EntityList_GetPlayerForUserID, exploits_GetCharge, Exploits_OverrideDoubleTapSpeed, math_closest_point_on_ray, math_percent_to_pix, math_sin, math_vector_lerp, MatSystem_FirstMaterial, MatSystem_GetMaterial, MatSystem_NextMaterial, Menu_Button, Menu_ColorEdit, Menu_ComboColor, Menu_DestroyItem, Menu_MultiCombo, menu_SliderInt, menu_SwitchColor, Menu_SwitchColor, QAngle_new, Render_BoxFilled, Render_CalcTextSize, Render_Circle, Render_CircleFilled, Render_GradientBoxFilled, Render_Line, Render_PolyFilled, Render_Text, Render_WorldToScreen, table_remove, table_sort, unpack, Utils_RandomFloat, Utils_RandomInt, ipairs, pcall, tostring = AntiAim.GetCurrentRealRotation, AntiAim.GetInverterState, AntiAim.GetMaxDesyncDelta, AntiAim.GetMinDesyncDelta, AntiAim.OverrideInverter, AntiAim.OverrideLimit, AntiAim.OverrideYawOffset, bit.band, bit.bnot, bit.bor, bit.lshift, Cheat.AddEvent, Cheat.AddNotify, Cheat.AngleToForward, Cheat.AngleToForward, Cheat.FireBullet, Cheat.GetBinds, Cheat.GetCheatUserName, Cheat.GetMousePos, Cheat.IsKeyDown, Cheat.IsMenuVisible, Cheat.RegisterCallback, Cheat.SetThirdPersonAnim, Cheat.VectorToAngle, Cheat.VectorToAngle, Color.new, Color.RGBA, CVar.FindVar, EngineClient.GetScreenSize, EntityList.GetClientEntity, EntityList.GetLocalPlayer, EntityList.GetPlayer, EntityList.GetPlayerResource, ffi.cast, ffi.cdef, ffi.new, ffi.typeof, math.abs, math.ceil, math.clamp, math.cos, math.floor, math.lerp, math.max, math.min, math.normalize, math.rad, math.round, Menu.Combo, Menu.FindVar, Menu.SliderInt, Menu.Switch, print, pairs, RageBot.OverrideHitchance, Render.InitFont, string.format, table.insert, table.reference_condition, Utils.CreateInterface, Utils.CreateInterface, Utils.PatternScan, Utils.RandomFloat, Vector.new, Vector2.new, fn, type, tonumber, error, condition, EngineClient.GetLocalPlayer, EngineClient.GetViewAngles, EngineClient.IsConnected, EngineClient.IsInGame, EngineTrace.TraceRay, EntityList.GetEntitiesByName, EntityList.GetPlayerForUserID, Exploits.GetCharge, Exploits.OverrideDoubleTapSpeed, math.closest_point_on_ray, math.percent_to_pix, math.sin, math.vector_lerp, MatSystem.FirstMaterial, MatSystem.GetMaterial, MatSystem.NextMaterial, Menu.Button, Menu.ColorEdit, Menu.ComboColor, Menu.DestroyItem, Menu.MultiCombo, Menu.SliderInt, Menu.SwitchColor, Menu.SwitchColor, QAngle.new, Render.BoxFilled, Render.CalcTextSize, Render.Circle, Render.CircleFilled, Render.GradientBoxFilled, Render.Line, Render.PolyFilled, Render.Text, Render.WorldToScreen, table.remove, table.sort, unpack, Utils.RandomFloat, Utils.RandomInt, ipairs, pcall, tostring local Render_GetMenuPos = Render.GetMenuPos local Render_GetMenuSize = Render.GetMenuSize local ui_handler = {} local conditional_hitchance = {} local handlers = {} local font = {} local entity_helpers = {} local dormant_aimbot = {} local ffi_handler = {} local AntiAim_on_use = {} local doubletap_speed_controller = {} local defines = {} local viewmodel_in_scope = {} local visual_controller = {} local bind_system = {} local conditional_AntiAims = {} local neverlose_refs = {} local edge_yaw = {} local animation_breaker = {} local anti_bruteforce = {} local hitlogs = {} local console_color = {} local menu_effects = {} local custom_scope = {} local hitsound = {} local manual_arrows = {} local damage_marker = {} local configs = {} local kill_say = {} local hitlog = {} configs.default_link = "https://hastebin.com/raw/oqapofoxoq" configs.validation_key = "3805ca8ff0dc26a4a236a8f26d6bd51a" kill_say.phrases = { "1 пидорасина ебаная спи", "круто вчера туалет помыла шлюха", "игрок?", "парашыч ебаный", "1 животно ебаное ", "оттарабанен 100 сантиметровым фалосом", "обоссан", "by SANCHEZj hvh boss", "але уебище химера яв гетни потом вырыгивай что то", "ебать ты на хуек присел нихуева", "заглотнул коки яки", "в сон нахуй", "уебашил дилдом по ебалу", "сбил пидораса обоссаного", "глотай овца", "трахнут", "поспи хуйсоска", "лови припиздок немощный", "слишком сочный для Chimera.technologies ", "sleep", "изи упал нищий", "посажен на хуй", "GLhf.exe Activated", "what you do dog??", "!medic НЮХАЙ БЭБРУ я полечился", "1 week lou doggo ovnet", "l2p bot", "why you sleep dog???", "лови тапыча мусор", "1 мусор учись играть", "$$$ 1 TAP UFF YA $$$ ∩ ( ͡⚆ ͜ʖ ͡⚆) ∩", "че, пососал глупый даун?", "я ķ¤нɥåλ ϯ⤣ü ɱåɱķ£ β Ƥ¤ϯ", "улетаешь со своего ванвея хуесос", "0 iq", "сразу видно кфг иссуе мб конфиг у витмы прикупишь ?", "iq ? HAHAHA", "Best and cheap configurations for gamesense, ot and neverlose waiting for your order at ---> vk.com/id498406374", "ХАХАХАХАХХАХА НИЩИЙ УЛЕТЕЛ (◣_◢)", "земля те землей хуйло чиста еденицей отлетел))", "Создатель JS REZOLVER", } local json = Panorama.LoadString([[ return { stringify: JSON.stringify, parse: JSON.parse }; ]])() local base64 = {} extract = function(v, from, width) return bit.band(bit.rshift(v, from), bit.lshift(1, width) - 1) end function base64.makeencoder(alphabet) local encoder = {} local t_alphabet = {} for i = 1, #alphabet do t_alphabet[i - 1] = alphabet:sub(i, i) end for b64code, char in pairs(t_alphabet) do encoder[b64code] = char:byte() end return encoder end function base64.makedecoder(alphabet) local decoder = {} for b64code, charcode in pairs(base64.makeencoder(alphabet)) do decoder[charcode] = b64code end return decoder end DEFAULT_ENCODER = base64.makeencoder("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=") DEFAULT_DECODER = base64.makedecoder("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=") CUSTOM_ENCODER = base64.makeencoder("KmAWpuFBOhdbI1orP2UN5vnSJcxVRgazk97ZfQqL0yHCl84wTj3eYXiD6stEGM+/=") CUSTOM_DECODER = base64.makedecoder("KmAWpuFBOhdbI1orP2UN5vnSJcxVRgazk97ZfQqL0yHCl84wTj3eYXiD6stEGM+/=") function base64.encode(str, encoder, usecaching) str = tostring(str) encoder = encoder or DEFAULT_ENCODER local t, k, n = {}, 1, #str local lastn = n % 3 local cache = {} for i = 1, n - lastn, 3 do local a, b, c = str:byte(i, i + 2) local v = a * 0x10000 + b * 0x100 + c local s if usecaching then s = cache[v] if not s then s = string.char(encoder[extract(v, 18, 6)], encoder[extract(v, 12, 6)], encoder[extract(v, 6, 6)], encoder[extract(v, 0, 6)]) cache[v] = s end else s = string.char(encoder[extract(v, 18, 6)], encoder[extract(v, 12, 6)], encoder[extract(v, 6, 6)], encoder[extract(v, 0, 6)]) end t[k] = s k = k + 1 end if lastn == 2 then local a, b = str:byte(n - 1, n) local v = a * 0x10000 + b * 0x100 t[k] = string.char(encoder[extract(v, 18, 6)], encoder[extract(v, 12, 6)], encoder[extract(v, 6, 6)], encoder[64]) elseif lastn == 1 then local v = str:byte(n) * 0x10000 t[k] = string.char(encoder[extract(v, 18, 6)], encoder[extract(v, 12, 6)], encoder[64], encoder[64]) end return table.concat(t) end function base64.decode(b64, decoder, usecaching) decoder = decoder or DEFAULT_DECODER local pattern = "[^%w%+%/%=]" if decoder then local s62, s63 for charcode, b64code in pairs(decoder) do if b64code == 62 then s62 = charcode elseif b64code == 63 then s63 = charcode end end pattern = ("[^%%w%%%s%%%s%%=]"):format(string.char(s62), string.char(s63)) end b64 = b64:gsub(pattern, "") local cache = usecaching and {} local t, k = {}, 1 local n = #b64 local padding = b64:sub(-2) == "==" and 2 or b64:sub(-1) == "=" and 1 or 0 for i = 1, padding > 0 and n - 4 or n, 4 do local a, b, c, d = b64:byte(i, i + 3) local s if usecaching then local v0 = a * 0x1000000 + b * 0x10000 + c * 0x100 + d s = cache[v0] if not s then local v = decoder[a] * 0x40000 + decoder[b] * 0x1000 + decoder[c] * 0x40 + decoder[d] s = string.char(extract(v, 16, 8), extract(v, 8, 8), extract(v, 0, 8)) cache[v0] = s end else local v = decoder[a] * 0x40000 + decoder[b] * 0x1000 + decoder[c] * 0x40 + decoder[d] s = string.char(extract(v, 16, 8), extract(v, 8, 8), extract(v, 0, 8)) end t[k] = s k = k + 1 end if padding == 1 then local a, b, c = b64:byte(n - 3, n - 1) local v = decoder[a] * 0x40000 + decoder[b] * 0x1000 + decoder[c] * 0x40 t[k] = string.char(extract(v, 16, 8), extract(v, 8, 8)) elseif padding == 2 then local a, b = b64:byte(n - 3, n - 2) local v = decoder[a] * 0x40000 + decoder[b] * 0x1000 t[k] = string.char(extract(v, 16, 8)) end return table.concat(t) end -- TODO: СДЕЛАТЬ НОРМАЛЬНО ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО!!!!!!!!!!!!! local ref_dt = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Ragebot", "Exploits", "Double Tap") local ref_hs = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Ragebot", "Exploits", "Hide Shots") local debug = function(...) --return print(...) end -- TODO: переместить эти переменные в какую нибудь таблицу что бы избежать лимита локалов в 200 в будущем. local IN_ATTACK = bit_lshift(1, 0) -- Fire weapon local IN_JUMP = bit_lshift(1, 1) -- Jump local IN_DUCK = bit_lshift(1, 2) -- Crouch local IN_FORWARD = bit_lshift(1, 3) -- Walk forward local IN_BACK = bit_lshift(1, 4) -- Walk backwards local IN_USE = bit_lshift(1, 5) -- Use (Defuse bomb, etc...) local IN_CANCEL = bit_lshift(1, 6) -- ?? local IN_LEFT = bit_lshift(1, 7) -- Walk left local IN_RIGHT = bit_lshift(1, 8) -- Walk right local IN_MOVELEFT = bit_lshift(1, 9) -- Alias? (not sure) local IN_MOVERIGHT = bit_lshift(1, 10) -- Alias? (not sure) local IN_ATTACK2 = bit_lshift(1, 11) -- Secondary fire (Revolver, Glock change fire mode, Famas change fire mode) (not sure) local IN_RUN = bit_lshift(1, 12) local IN_RELOAD = bit_lshift(1, 13) -- Reload weapon local IN_ALT1 = bit_lshift(1, 14) local IN_ALT2 = bit_lshift(1, 15) local IN_SCORE = bit_lshift(1, 16) local IN_SPEED = bit_lshift(1, 17) local IN_WALK = bit_lshift(1, 18) -- Shift local IN_ZOOM = bit_lshift(1, 19) -- Zoom weapon (not sure) local IN_WEAPON1 = bit_lshift(1, 20) local IN_WEAPON2 = bit_lshift(1, 21) local IN_BULLRUSH = bit_lshift(1, 22) local FL_ONGROUND = bit_lshift(1, 0) local FL_DUCKING = bit_lshift(1, 1) local FL_WATERJUMP = bit_lshift(1, 3) local FL_ONTRAIN = bit_lshift(1, 4) local FL_INRAIN = bit_lshift(1, 5) local FL_FROZEN = bit_lshift(1, 6) local FL_ATCONTROLS = bit_lshift(1, 7) local FL_CLIENT = bit_lshift(1, 8) local FL_FAKECLIENT = bit_lshift(1, 9) local FL_INWATER = bit_lshift(1, 10) neverlose_refs.scope = Menu_FindVar("Visuals", "View", "Camera", "Remove Scope") neverlose_refs.pitch = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Main", "Pitch") neverlose_refs.yaw_base = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Main", "Yaw Base") local yaw_base_list = neverlose_refs.yaw_base:GetList() --table_remove(yaw_base_list, 1) neverlose_refs.yaw_add = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Main", "Yaw Add") neverlose_refs.yaw_modifier = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Main", "Yaw Modifier") neverlose_refs.modifier_degree = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Main", "Modifier Degree") neverlose_refs.enable_fake_angle = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Angle", "Enable Fake Angle") neverlose_refs.left_limit = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Angle", "Left Limit") neverlose_refs.right_limit = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Angle", "Right Limit") neverlose_refs.fake_options = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Angle", "Fake Options") neverlose_refs.lby_mode = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Angle", "LBY Mode") neverlose_refs.freestanding_desync = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Angle", "Freestanding Desync") neverlose_refs.desync_on_shot = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Angle", "Desync On Shot") neverlose_refs.enable_fakelag = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Lag", "Enable Fake Lag") neverlose_refs.fakelag_limit = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Lag", "Limit") neverlose_refs.fakelag_random = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Lag", "Randomization") neverlose_refs.slow_walk = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Misc", "Slow Walk") defines.noscope_weapons = { [261] = true, [242] = true, [233] = true, [267] = true } defines.colors = {} defines.colors.white = Color_new(1, 1, 1, 1) defines.colors.green = Color_RGBA(155, 200, 21, 255) defines.colors.red = Color_new(0.7, 0.2, 0.2, 1) defines.colors.black = Color_new(0, 0, 0, 1) defines.colors.blue = Color_new(0, 0.67, 1, 1) for k, v in pairs(defines.colors) do defines.colors[k .. "_transparent"] = Color_new(defines.colors[k].r, defines.colors[k].g, defines.colors[k].b, 0) end defines.colors.equals = function(a, b) return a.r == b.r and a.g == b.g and a.b == b.b and a.a == b.a end defines.colors.copy = function(color) return Color_new(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a) end defines.vector_copy = function(vector) if vector.z then return Vector_new(vector.x, vector.y, vector.z) end return Vector2_new(vector.x, vector.y) end defines.miss_reasons = { [0] = "hit", [1] = "resolver", [2] = "spread", [3] = "occlusion", [4] = "pred. error", } defines.hitgroups = { [0] = "generic", [1] = "head", [2] = "chest", [3] = "stomach", [4] = "left arm", [5] = "right arm", [6] = "left leg", [7] = "right leg", [10] = "gear" } defines.hitgroup_to_hitbox = {0, 5, 2, 13, 14, 7, 8} defines.username = Cheat_GetCheatUserName() defines.screen_size = EngineClient_GetScreenSize() defines.cvars = {} defines.cvars.sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks = CVar_FindVar("sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks") defines.cvars.fov_cs_debug = CVar_FindVar("fov_cs_debug") ffi_cdef[[ typedef struct { uint8_t r; uint8_t g; uint8_t b; uint8_t a; } color_struct_t; typedef void (__cdecl* console_color_print)(void*,const color_struct_t&, const char*, ...); typedef float*(__thiscall* bound)(void*); typedef void*(__thiscall* c_entity_list_get_client_entity_t)(void*, int); typedef void*(__thiscall* c_entity_list_get_client_entity_from_handle_t)(void*, uintptr_t); struct pose_params_t { char pad[8]; float m_flStart; float m_flEnd; float m_flState; }; bool PlaySound(const char *pszSound, void *hmod, uint32_t fdwSound); ]] ffi_handler.bind_argument = function(fn, arg) return function(...) return fn(arg, ...) end end ffi_handler.animstate_offset = 0x9960 ffi_handler.interface_type = ffi_typeof("uintptr_t**") ffi_handler.vgui_system = ffi_cast(ffi_handler.interface_type, Utils.CreateInterface("vgui2.dll", "VGUI_System010")) ffi_handler.get_clipboard_text_count = ffi_handler.bind_argument(ffi.cast("int(__thiscall*)(void*)", ffi_handler.vgui_system[0][7]), ffi_handler.vgui_system) ffi_handler.set_clipboard_text = ffi_handler.bind_argument(ffi.cast("void(__thiscall*)(void*, const char*, int)", ffi_handler.vgui_system[0][9]), ffi_handler.vgui_system) ffi_handler.get_clipboard_text_fn = ffi_handler.bind_argument(ffi.cast("void(__thiscall*)(void*, int, const char*, int)", ffi_handler.vgui_system[0][11]), ffi_handler.vgui_system) ffi_handler.get_clipboard_text = function() local clipboard_text_length = ffi_handler.get_clipboard_text_count() if clipboard_text_length > 0 then local buffer = ffi.new("char[?]", clipboard_text_length) local size = clipboard_text_length * ffi.sizeof("char[?]", clipboard_text_length) ffi_handler.get_clipboard_text_fn(0, buffer, size ) return ffi.string( buffer, clipboard_text_length-1) end return "" end ffi_handler.engine_client = ffi_cast(ffi_handler.interface_type, Utils_CreateInterface("engine.dll", "VEngineClient014")) ffi_handler.is_console_visible = ffi_handler.bind_argument(ffi_cast("bool(__thiscall*)(void*)", ffi_handler.engine_client[0][11]), ffi_handler.engine_client) ffi_handler.engine_sound_client = ffi_cast(ffi_handler.interface_type, Utils_CreateInterface("engine.dll", "IEngineSoundClient003")) ffi_handler.play_sound = ffi_handler.bind_argument(ffi_cast("void*(__thiscall*)(void*, const char*, float, int, int, float)", ffi_handler.engine_sound_client[0][12]), ffi_handler.engine_sound_client) local pose_parameter_pattern = "55 8B EC 8B 45 08 57 8B F9 8B 4F 04 85 C9 75 15" ffi_handler.get_pose_parameters = ffi_cast( "struct pose_params_t*(__thiscall* )( void*, int )", Utils_PatternScan( "client.dll", pose_parameter_pattern)) ffi_handler.i_client_entity_list = ffi_cast(ffi_handler.interface_type, Utils_CreateInterface("client.dll", "VClientEntityList003")) ffi_handler.get_client_entity = ffi_handler.bind_argument(ffi_cast("c_entity_list_get_client_entity_t", ffi_handler.i_client_entity_list[0][3]), ffi_handler.i_client_entity_list) ffi_handler.cvar_interface = ffi_cast(ffi_handler.interface_type, Utils_CreateInterface("vstdlib.dll", "VEngineCvar007")) ffi_handler.print = ffi_cast("console_color_print", ffi_handler.cvar_interface[0][25]) ffi_handler.color_print = function(color, text) if color == nil then return end local col = ffi_new("color_struct_t") col.r = color.r * 255 col.g = color.g * 255 col.b = color.b * 255 col.a = color.a * 255 ffi_handler.print(ffi_handler.cvar_interface, col, text) end math_in_bounds = function(a1, a2, b) return b.x >= a1.x and b.y >= a1.y and b.x <= a2.x and b.y <= a2.y end math_round = function(value) return math_floor(value + 0.5) end math_clamp = function(value, min, max) return math_min(max, math_max(min, value)) end math_percent_to_pix = function(percent, axis) if axis:lower() == "x" then return Vector2_new((defines.screen_size.x / 100) * percent, 0) end if axis:lower() == "y" then return Vector2_new(0, (defines.screen_size.y / 100) * percent) end return Vector2_new((defines.screen_size.x / 100) * percent, (defines.screen_size.y / 100) * percent) end math_lerp = function(start, end_pos, time) if time == nil then time = 0.095 end time = math_clamp(GlobalVars.frametime * (time * 175), 0, 1) if type(start) == "userdata" then local r, g, b, a = start.r, start.g, start.b, start.a local e_r, e_g, e_b, e_a = end_pos.r, end_pos.g, end_pos.b, end_pos.a r = math_lerp(r, e_r, time) g = math_lerp(g, e_g, time) b = math_lerp(b, e_b, time) a = math_lerp(a, e_a, time) return Color_new(r, g, b, a) end local delta = end_pos - start delta = delta * time delta = delta + start if end_pos == 0 and delta < 0.01 and delta > -0.01 then delta = 0 elseif end_pos == 1 and delta < 1.01 and delta > 0.99 then delta = 1 end return delta end math_vector_lerp = function(vecSource, vecDestination, flPercentage) return vecSource + (vecDestination - vecSource) * flPercentage end math_normalize = function(ang) while (ang > 180.0) do ang = ang - 360.0 end while (ang < -180.0) do ang = ang + 360.0 end return ang end math_closest_point_on_ray = function(ray_from, ray_to, desired_point) -- функция получает ближайшее расстояние линии (ray_from - ray_to) до desired_point точки local to = desired_point - ray_from local direction = ray_to - ray_from local ray_length = direction:Length() direction.x = direction.x / ray_length direction.y = direction.y / ray_length direction.z = direction.z / ray_length local direction_along = direction.x * to.x + direction.y * to.y + direction.z * to.z if direction_along < 0 then return ray_from end if direction_along > ray_length then return ray_to end return Vector_new(ray_from.x + direction.x * direction_along, ray_from.y + direction.y * direction_along, ray_from.z + direction.z * direction_along) end bind_system.list = {} bind_system._list = {} bind_system.get = function(name) if bind_system.list[name] == nil then return {value = 0, state = 0} end return bind_system.list[name] end bind_system.parse = function() bind_system._list = {} local binds = Cheat_GetBinds() for i = 1, #binds do if binds[i]:IsActive() then bind_system._list[binds[i]:GetName()] = binds[i]:GetValue() end end for k, v in pairs(bind_system._list) do if bind_system.list[k] == nil then bind_system.list[k] = {value = v, state = 0} end end for k, v in pairs(bind_system.list) do bind_system.list[k].state = visual_controller.new_animation("bind_system." .. k, bind_system._list[k] == nil and 0 or 1) if bind_system.list[k].state == 0 then bind_system.list[k] = nil end end end font.list = {} font.get = function(font_name, size, antialiasing, bold, italic) local array_index = string_format("name[%s]size[%d]flags[%d%d%d]", font_name, size, antialiasing and 1 or 0, bold and 1 or 0, italic and 1 or 0) if font.list[array_index] then return font.list[array_index] end local flags = {} if antialiasing then table_insert(flags, "r") end if bold then table_insert(flags, "b") end if italic then table_insert(flags, "i") end local final_font = Render_InitFont(font_name, size, flags) font.list[array_index] = final_font debug("Init new font", font_name, size, string_format("%s|%s|%s", antialiasing, bold, italic)) return final_font end handlers.callbacks = {} handlers.update = function() for i = 1, #handlers.callbacks do local function run(...) for j = 1, #handlers.callbacks[i].functions do --handlers.callbacks[i].functions[j].fn(...) local status, message = pcall(handlers.callbacks[i].functions[j].fn, ...) if not status then print(string_format("\n\n\n\t[%s] -\n\t\t%s\n\n\n", handlers.callbacks[i].functions[j].name, message)) _G["fatal script error"]() end end end cheat_RegisterCallback(handlers.callbacks[i].callback, run) end end handlers.subscribe = function(callback, name, funct) if funct == nil then debug("Failed to create callback", callback, name) return false end name = name and name or "unknown" local isExists = false for i = 1, #handlers.callbacks do if handlers.callbacks[i].callback == callback then isExists = true break end end if not isExists then table_insert(handlers.callbacks, {callback = callback, functions = {}}) isExists = true end for i = 1, #handlers.callbacks do if handlers.callbacks[i].callback == callback then table_insert(handlers.callbacks[i].functions, {fn = funct, name = name}) break end end debug("Init new callbacked function", callback, name) handlers.update() return true end entity_helpers.local_player = {} entity_helpers.local_player.last_time = -1 entity_helpers.local_player.cached = {ptr = nil, index = -1} entity_helpers.local_player.pointer = function() if entity_helpers.local_player.last_time == GlobalVars.tickcount then return entity_helpers.local_player.cached.ptr end entity_helpers.local_player.cached.ptr = EntityList_GetLocalPlayer() if entity_helpers.local_player.cached.ptr then entity_helpers.local_player.cached.index = entity_helpers.local_player.cached.ptr:EntIndex() else entity_helpers.local_player.cached.index = -1 end entity_helpers.local_player.last_time = GlobalVars.tickcount return entity_helpers.local_player.cached.ptr end entity_helpers.local_player.index = function() entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() return entity_helpers.local_player.cached.index end entity_helpers.local_player.desync_angle = function(round) local ptr = entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() if not ptr then return 0 end local degree = math_normalize(AntiAim_GetCurrentRealRotation() - ptr:GetProp("m_angEyeAngles[1]")) if not round then return tonumber(string_format("%.2f", (math_clamp(degree, AntiAim_GetMinDesyncDelta(), AntiAim_GetMaxDesyncDelta())))) end return math_abs(math_round(tonumber(string_format("%.2f", (math_clamp(degree, AntiAim_GetMinDesyncDelta(), AntiAim_GetMaxDesyncDelta())))))) end ui_handler.combo_controller = Menu_Combo("Chimera", "Tab Selection", {"Loading..."}, 0) ui_handler.tab_list = {} ui_handler.current_tab = "string" ui_handler.elements = {} ui_handler.refs = {} ui_handler.global_update_callback = function() for _, tab in pairs(ui_handler.refs) do for name, table_reference in pairs(tab) do if table_reference ~= nil then table_reference.ref:SetVisible(table_reference.condition()) end end end end ui_handler.new_element = function(tab, name, is_color, cheat_var, condition) if type(is_color) ~= "boolean" then print("Cannot create", tab, name, "is_color is", type(is_color)) return end if is_color then cheat_var:GetColor() end if condition == nil then condition = function() return true end end if ui_handler.refs[tab] == nil then ui_handler.refs[tab] = {} ui_handler.elements[tab] = {} table_insert(ui_handler.tab_list, tab) ui_handler.combo_controller:UpdateList(ui_handler.tab_list) debug("Added new tab:", tab) end debug("Creating new item", tab, name) if ui_handler.refs[tab][name] ~= nil then debug("Element", name, "already exists in", tab, "tab") error("error") end ui_handler.refs[tab][name] = { ref = cheat_var, is_color = is_color, condition = function() return ui_handler.current_tab == tab and condition() end } local update_value = function(new_value) ui_handler.elements[tab][name] = new_value ui_handler.global_update_callback() end cheat_var:RegisterCallback(update_value) update_value(cheat_var:Get()) ui_handler.current_tab = ui_handler.tab_list[ui_handler.combo_controller:Get() + 1] ui_handler.global_update_callback() return cheat_var end ui_handler.combo_controller:RegisterCallback(function(new_value) ui_handler.current_tab = ui_handler.tab_list[new_value + 1] ui_handler.global_update_callback() end) ui_handler.new_element("Global", "global_switch", false, Menu_Switch("Global", "Enable", false)) ui_handler.new_element("Global", "noscope_hitchance", false, Menu_Switch("Global", "Custom Noscope Hitchance", false), function() return ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Global", "noscope_hitchance_value", false, Menu_SliderInt("Global", "Noscope Hitchance ", 50, 1, 100), function() return ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] and ui_handler.elements["Global"]["noscope_hitchance"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Global", "air_hitchance", false, Menu_Switch("Global", "Custom Air Hitchance", false), function() return ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Global", "air_hitchance_value", false, Menu_SliderInt("Global", "Air Hitchance", 50, 1, 100), function() return ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] and ui_handler.elements["Global"]["air_hitchance"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Global", "dormant_aimbot", false, Menu_Switch("Global", "Dormant Aimbot", false), function() return ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Global", "dormant_aimbot_damage", false, Menu_SliderInt("Global", "Dormant Damage", 5, 1, 100), function() return ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] and ui_handler.elements["Global"]["dormant_aimbot"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Global", "doubletap_speed", false, Menu_Switch("Global", "Change DT Speed", false), function() return ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Global", "doubletap_speed_value", false, Menu_SliderInt("Global", "DT Speed ", 14, 4, 16), function() -- говно тупого говна которое нахуй не нужно return ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] and ui_handler.elements["Global"]["doubletap_speed"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "global_switch", false, Menu_Switch("Visuals", "Enable", false)) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "scope_model", false, Menu_Switch("Visuals", "Viewmodel in scope", false), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "indicators", false, Menu_Combo("Visuals", "Indicators", {"Disabled", "Default", "Alternative"}, 0), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "indicators_logo_color", false, Menu_ColorEdit("Visuals", "Logo Color", Color_new(1, 1, 1, 1)), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] and ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["indicators"] == 2 end) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "indicators_desync_color", false, Menu_ColorEdit("Visuals", "Logo Desync Color", Color_new(1, 1, 1, 1)), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] and ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["indicators"] == 2 end) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "indicators_bar_color", false, Menu_ColorEdit("Visuals", "Desync Bar Color", Color_new(1, 1, 1, 1)), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] and ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["indicators"] == 2 end) conditional_hitchance.air = function(cmd) if not ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] or not ui_handler.elements["Global"]["air_hitchance"] then return end local player = entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() if player == nil then return end local flags = player:GetProp("m_fFlags") local is_on_ground = bit_band(flags, FL_ONGROUND) == 0 if not is_on_ground then return end for i = 1, 64 do -- хз стоит ли проводить именно по игрокам, скорее всего просто 64 цикл будет менее прожорлив RageBot_OverrideHitchance(i, ui_handler.elements["Global"]["air_hitchance_value"]) end end conditional_hitchance.no_scope = function(cmd) if not ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] or not ui_handler.elements["Global"]["noscope_hitchance"] then return end local player = entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() if player == nil then return end local is_scoped = player:GetProp("m_bIsScoped") if is_scoped then return end local weapon = player:GetActiveWeapon() if weapon == nil then return end if not defines.noscope_weapons[weapon:GetClassId()] then return end for i = 1, 64 do -- хз стоит ли проводить именно по игрокам, скорее всего просто 64 цикл будет менее прожорлив RageBot_OverrideHitchance(i, ui_handler.elements["Global"]["noscope_hitchance_value"]) end end dormant_aimbot.hitchance = 88 dormant_aimbot.work_time = 0.5 -- милисекунды dormant_aimbot.info = {} for i = 1, 64 do dormant_aimbot.info[i] = { origin = Vector_new(0, 0, 0), tick = 0, velocity = Vector_new(0, 0, 0) } end dormant_aimbot.autoscope = function(localplayer, weapon, cmd) local flags = localplayer:GetProp("m_fFlags") local scoped = localplayer:GetProp("m_bIsScoped") if(weapon:IsSniper() == true and scoped == false and bit_band(flags, 1) == 1) then check = false cmd.buttons = bit_bor(cmd.buttons, 2048) return false end return true end dormant_aimbot.hitchance = function(localplayer, weapon, angle, entity_idx, distance) local pentity = ffi_handler.get_client_entity(entity_idx) local entity = EntityList_GetClientEntity(entity_idx) local inaccuracy = (weapon:GetInaccuracy(weapon) + weapon:GetSpread(weapon)) local eyepos = localplayer:GetEyePosition() local rays = 128 local hit = 0 for i = 1, rays do local forward = cheat_AngleToForward(angle) forward.x = forward.x + utils_RandomFloat(-inaccuracy, inaccuracy) forward.y = forward.y + utils_RandomFloat(-inaccuracy, inaccuracy) forward.z = forward.z + utils_RandomFloat(-inaccuracy, inaccuracy) forward = forward * distance ffi_cast("bool*", ffi_cast("unsigned int", pentity) + 0xED)[0] = 0 local data = cheat_FireBullet(localplayer, eyepos, eyepos + forward) ffi_cast("bool*", ffi_cast("unsigned int", pentity) + 0xED)[0] = 1 if (data.damage > 0) then hit = hit + 1 end end local chance = math_ceil((hit / rays) * 100) return chance >= 82 end dormant_aimbot.handle = function(cmd) if not ui_handler.elements["Global"]["dormant_aimbot"] or not ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] then return end local targetposition = nil local maxdamage = ui_handler.elements["Global"]["dormant_damage"] local bestentity_idx = nil local localplayer = entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() if localplayer == nil then return end local weapon = localplayer:GetActiveWeapon() if weapon == nil then return end if weapon:IsKnife() then return end local eyepos = localplayer:GetEyePosition() local player_resource = EntityList_GetPlayerResource() local checkticks = math_floor(dormant_aimbot.work_time / GlobalVars.interval_per_tick + 0.5) for i = 1, 64 do local entity = EntityList_GetPlayer(i) if entity and not entity:IsTeamMate() then local health = entity:GetProp("m_iHealth") local pentity = ffi_handler.get_client_entity(i) local state = entity:GetNetworkState() if health > 0 and state ~= -1 then local origin = entity:GetProp("m_vecOrigin") local vecdelta = origin - dormant_aimbot.info[i].origin if(#vecdelta > 0.0) then dormant_aimbot.info[i].velocity = vecdelta * GlobalVars.interval_per_tick dormant_aimbot.info[i].tick = cmd.tick_count end dormant_aimbot.info[i].origin = origin if(cmd.tick_count - dormant_aimbot.info[i].tick < checkticks) then local collision = ffi_cast("void*", ffi_cast("uintptr_t", pentity) + 0x320) local collisionvftable = ffi_cast(ffi_handler.interface_type, collision)[0] local bbmin = ffi_cast("bound", collisionvftable[1])(collision) local bbmax = ffi_cast("bound", collisionvftable[2])(collision) local angtotarget = math_rad(cheat_VectorToAngle(entity:GetEyePosition() - eyepos).yaw - 90) ffi_cast("bool*", ffi_cast("uintptr_t", pentity) + 0xED)[0] = 0 for k = 1, 16, 4 do local maxdamage = 0 for j = -4, 4, 4 do local center_x = origin.x + dormant_aimbot.info[i].velocity.x + bbmin[0] + (bbmax[0] - bbmin[0]) / 2 + j * math_cos(angtotarget) local center_y = origin.y + dormant_aimbot.info[i].velocity.y + bbmin[1] + (bbmax[1] - bbmin[1]) / 2 + j * math_sin(angtotarget) local center_z = origin.z + dormant_aimbot.info[i].velocity.z + 32 + k local center = Vector_new(center_x, center_y, center_z) local fire_bullet = cheat_FireBullet(localplayer, eyepos, center) if(fire_bullet.trace.hit_entity == nil and fire_bullet.damage > maxdamage) then maxdamage = fire_bullet.damage targetposition = center bestentity_idx = i end end end dormant_aimbot.info[i].tick = cmd.tick_count ffi_cast("bool*", ffi_cast("uintptr_t", pentity) + 0xED)[0] = 1 end else dormant_aimbot.info[i].tick = cmd.tick_count end end end local hs_fix = ref_hs:Get() and 0.3 or 0 local nextattack = localplayer:GetProp("m_flNextAttack") + hs_fix local nextprimaryattack = weapon:GetProp("m_flNextPrimaryAttack") + hs_fix if(bestentity_idx and targetposition) then if(nextattack <= GlobalVars.curtime and nextprimaryattack <= GlobalVars.curtime) then local vecdelta = targetposition - eyepos local angles = Cheat_VectorToAngle(vecdelta) local hitchance_check = dormant_aimbot.hitchance(localplayer, weapon, angles, bestentity_idx, #vecdelta) local autoscope_check = dormant_aimbot.autoscope(localplayer, weapon, cmd) local check = autoscope_check and hitchance_check if check then angles.yaw = math_normalize(angles.yaw) angles.pitch = math_normalize(angles.pitch) cmd.viewangles = angles cmd.buttons = bit_bor(cmd.buttons, 1) end end end end AntiAim_on_use.enabled = false AntiAim_on_use.handle = function(cmd) AntiAim_on_use.enabled = false if not ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["aa_on_use"] or not ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] then return end local is_holding_use = bit_band(cmd.buttons, IN_USE) > 0 local me = entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() if me == nil then return end local active_weapon = me:GetActiveWeapon() local is_bomb_in_hand = false if active_weapon then is_bomb_in_hand = active_weapon:GetClassName() == "CC4" end local is_in_bombzone = me:GetProp("m_bInBombZone") local is_planting = is_in_bombzone and is_bomb_in_hand local planted_c4_table = EntityList_GetEntitiesByName("CPlantedC4") local is_c4_planted = #planted_c4_table > 0 local bomb_distance = 100 if is_c4_planted then local c4_entity = planted_c4_table[#planted_c4_table] local c4_origin = c4_entity:GetRenderOrigin() local my_origin = me:GetRenderOrigin() bomb_distance = my_origin:DistTo(c4_origin) end local is_defusing = bomb_distance < 62 and me:GetProp("m_iTeamNum") == 3 if is_defusing then return end local camera_angles = EngineClient_GetViewAngles() local eye_position = me:GetEyePosition() local forward_vector = cheat_AngleToForward(camera_angles) local trace_end = eye_position + forward_vector * 8192 local trace = EngineTrace_TraceRay(eye_position, trace_end, me, 0x4600400B) local is_using = is_holding_use if trace and trace.fraction < 1 and trace.hit_entity then local class_name = trace.hit_entity:GetClassName() is_using = class_name ~= "CWorld" and class_name ~= "CFuncBrush" and class_name ~= "CCSPlayer" end if not is_using and not is_planting then cmd.buttons = bit_band(cmd.buttons, bit_bnot(IN_USE)) AntiAim_on_use.enabled = true end end doubletap_speed_controller.handle = function(cmd) if not ui_handler.elements["Global"]["doubletap_speed"] or not ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] then return end defines.cvars.sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks:SetInt(ui_handler.elements["Global"]["doubletap_speed_value"] + 2) Exploits_OverrideDoubleTapSpeed(ui_handler.elements["Global"]["doubletap_speed_value"]) end viewmodel_in_scope.cache = nil viewmodel_in_scope.render_start = function(stage) if stage ~= 5 then return end if not ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["scope_model"] or not ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] then defines.cvars.fov_cs_debug:SetInt(0) return end local player = entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() if player == nil then return end viewmodel_in_scope.cache = player:GetProp("m_bIsScoped") if viewmodel_in_scope.cache then defines.cvars.fov_cs_debug:SetInt(90) else defines.cvars.fov_cs_debug:SetInt(0) end end viewmodel_in_scope.destroy = function() defines.cvars.fov_cs_debug:SetInt(0) end visual_controller.start_offset = 15 visual_controller.non_lerp_offset = visual_controller.start_offset visual_controller.animation_speed = 0.095 visual_controller.item_list = {} visual_controller.font = font.get("Verdana", 12, false, false, false) visual_controller.text_size = 12 visual_controller.is_rendering = false visual_controller.animation_controller_items = {} visual_controller.update_animations = function() for k, v in pairs(visual_controller.animation_controller_items) do if not visual_controller.animation_controller_items[k].called_this_frame then if type(visual_controller.get_animation(k).number) == "userdata" then if defines.colors.equals(visual_controller.new_animation(k, defines.colors.black_transparent, true), defines.colors.black_transparent) then visual_controller.animation_controller_items[k] = nil end else if visual_controller.new_animation(k, 0, true) == 0 then visual_controller.animation_controller_items[k] = nil end end goto skip end visual_controller.animation_controller_items[k].called_this_frame = false ::skip:: end end visual_controller.new_animation = function(name, new_value, removing) if visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name] == nil then visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name] = {} visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name].color = Color_new(0, 0, 0, 0) visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name].number = 0 visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name].called_this_frame = true end if removing == nil then visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name].called_this_frame = true end if type(new_value) == "userdata" then local lerping = math_lerp(visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name].color, new_value, visual_controller.animation_speed) visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name].color = lerping return lerping end local lerping = math_lerp(visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name].number, new_value, visual_controller.animation_speed) visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name].number = lerping return lerping end visual_controller.get_animation = function(name) return visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name] == nil and {number = 0, color = defines.colors.white_transparent, called_this_frame = false} or visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name] end visual_controller.extend = function(value) if type(value) ~= "number" then return visual_controller.non_lerp_offset end visual_controller.non_lerp_offset = visual_controller.non_lerp_offset + value return visual_controller.non_lerp_offset end visual_controller.start_render = function() if not ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] then return end if not EngineClient_IsInGame() then return end local localPlayer_ptr = entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() if not localPlayer_ptr or localPlayer_ptr:GetProp("m_iHealth") < 1 then return end visual_controller.is_rendering = true end visual_controller.gradient_colors = {defines.colors.white_transparent, defines.colors.white, defines.colors.white_transparent, defines.colors.white} visual_controller.default_indicators = function() if ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["indicators"] ~= 1 then return end local center = defines.screen_size/2 visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.text_size + 15) local chimera_yaw_colors = defines.colors.white local chimera_yaw_text = conditional_AntiAims.is_manual_enabled() and "FAKE YAW" or "CHIMERA YAW" if chimera_yaw_text == "CHIMERA YAW" then local is_brute_active = math_clamp((anti_bruteforce.reset_time - GlobalVars.realtime) / anti_bruteforce.timer, 0, 1) > 0 if is_brute_active then chimera_yaw_colors = visual_controller.new_animation("chimera_yaw_colors", Color_new(0.15, 0.45, 0.15, 1)) else chimera_yaw_colors = visual_controller.new_animation("chimera_yaw_colors", Color_RGBA(218, 118, 0, 255)) end else chimera_yaw_colors = visual_controller.new_animation("chimera_yaw_colors", Color_RGBA(177, 151, 255, 255)) end Render_Text(chimera_yaw_text, center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, 1), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) Render_Text(chimera_yaw_text, center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()), chimera_yaw_colors, visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.text_size) local yaw_base = neverlose_refs.yaw_base:Get() local dynamic_aa_text = (yaw_base == 4 or yaw_base == 5) and "DYNAMIC" or "DEFAULT" local dynamic_aa_color = defines.colors.white if dynamic_aa_text == "DYNAMIC" then dynamic_aa_color = visual_controller.new_animation("dynamic_aa_color", Color_RGBA(209, 139, 230, 255)) else dynamic_aa_color = visual_controller.new_animation("dynamic_aa_color", Color_new(1, 0, 0, 1)) end Render_Text(dynamic_aa_text, center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, 1), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) Render_Text(dynamic_aa_text, center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()), dynamic_aa_color, visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.text_size) local is_hide_shots = ref_hs:Get() local is_double_tap = ref_dt:Get() local doubletap_animation = visual_controller.new_animation("doubletap_ind", is_double_tap and 1 or 0) local hideshot_animation = visual_controller.new_animation("hideshot_ind", (is_hide_shots and not is_double_tap) and 1 or 0) if doubletap_animation ~= 0 then local charge = exploits_GetCharge() Render_Text("DT", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, doubletap_animation), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) Render_Text("DT", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()), Color_new(1 - charge, charge, 0, doubletap_animation), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.text_size * doubletap_animation) end if hideshot_animation ~= 0 then local charge = exploits_GetCharge() Render_Text("AA", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, hideshot_animation), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) Render_Text("AA", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()), Color_RGBA(209, 139, 230, math_round(hideshot_animation * 255)), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.text_size * hideshot_animation) end end visual_controller.alternative_indicators = function() if ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["indicators"] ~= 2 then return end local indicators_logo_color = ui_handler.refs["Visuals"]["indicators_logo_color"].ref:GetColor() local indicators_desync_color = ui_handler.refs["Visuals"]["indicators_desync_color"].ref:GetColor() local indicators_bar_color = visual_controller.new_animation("indicators_bar_color", ui_handler.refs["Visuals"]["indicators_bar_color"].ref:GetColor()) local indicators_bar_color_transparent = visual_controller.new_animation("indicators_bar_color_transparent", Color.new(indicators_bar_color.r, indicators_bar_color.g, indicators_bar_color.b, 0)) local offset = 0 local center = defines.screen_size/2 -- desync bar rendering visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.new_animation("desync_angle", 15)) local desync_angle = entity_helpers.local_player.desync_angle() Render_Text(math_abs(math_round(desync_angle)) .. "°", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, 1), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) Render_Text(math_abs(math_round(desync_angle)) .. "°", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()), defines.colors.white, visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.new_animation("desync_bar", 10)) offset = Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) visual_controller.gradient_colors = { indicators_bar_color_transparent, indicators_bar_color, indicators_bar_color_transparent, indicators_bar_color } Render_GradientBoxFilled(center - Vector2_new(desync_angle, 1 - offset.y), center + offset, unpack(visual_controller.gradient_colors)) Render_GradientBoxFilled(center - Vector2_new(-desync_angle, 1 - offset.y), center + offset, unpack(visual_controller.gradient_colors)) -- desync bar rendering end visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.new_animation("chimera_yaw_text", 10)) local chimera_text = conditional_AntiAims.is_manual_enabled() and "MANUAL AA" or "CHIMERA YAW" if conditional_AntiAims.is_legit_aa() then chimera_text = "LEGIT AA" end if chimera_text == "CHIMERA YAW" then local current_inverter = AntiAim.GetInverterState() local chimera_sz = Render_CalcTextSize("CHIMERA YAW", visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font) / 2 local non_active_color = indicators_logo_color local active_color = indicators_desync_color local current_color = non_active_color if current_inverter then current_color = active_color else current_color = non_active_color end local chimera_color = visual_controller.new_animation("chimera_color", current_color) Render_Text("CHIMERA", center + 1 - Vector2_new(chimera_sz.x, 0) + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend() - chimera_sz.y), Color_new(0, 0, 0, chimera_color.a), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font) Render_Text("CHIMERA", center - Vector2_new(chimera_sz.x, 0) + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend() - chimera_sz.y), chimera_color, visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font) if not current_inverter then current_color = active_color else current_color = non_active_color end local yaw_color = visual_controller.new_animation("yaw_color", current_color) Render_Text("YAW", center + 1 + Vector2_new(chimera_sz.x / 3, 0) + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend() - chimera_sz.y), Color_new(0, 0, 0, chimera_color.a), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font) Render_Text("YAW", center + Vector2_new(chimera_sz.x / 3, 0) + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend() - chimera_sz.y), yaw_color, visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font) else Render_Text(chimera_text, center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, 1), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) Render_Text(chimera_text, center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()), Color_new(1, 1, 1, 1), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) end local brute_time_remains = math_clamp((anti_bruteforce.reset_time - GlobalVars.realtime) / anti_bruteforce.timer, 0, 1) if brute_time_remains > 0 then visual_controller.new_animation("antibrute_line", 8) end local brute_anim = visual_controller.get_animation("antibrute_line").number local is_brute_available = brute_anim > 0 if is_brute_available then visual_controller.extend(brute_anim) local offseter = Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) local vec1 = Vector2_new(center.x - 30, center.y + offseter.y) local vec2 = Vector2_new(vec1.x + 60, center.y + offseter.y + 1) Render_BoxFilled(vec1 + (-1), vec2 + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, 0.5 * brute_anim / 8)) Render_BoxFilled(vec1, vec2 - Vector2_new(60 - (60 * brute_time_remains), 0), Color_new(1, 1, 1, brute_anim / 8)) end visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.text_size) local is_hide_shots = ref_hs:Get() local is_double_tap = ref_dt:Get() local doubletap_animation = visual_controller.new_animation("doubletap_ind", is_double_tap and 1 or 0) local hideshot_animation = visual_controller.new_animation("hideshot_ind", (is_hide_shots and not is_double_tap) and 1 or 0) if doubletap_animation ~= 0 then local charge = exploits_GetCharge() local text_size = Render_CalcTextSize("DT", visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font).x Render_Circle(center + Vector2_new(-text_size, visual_controller.extend()), 4.0, 10, Color_new(1 - charge, charge, 0, doubletap_animation), 1.5, 0, (charge * 360) / doubletap_animation) Render_Text("DT", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, doubletap_animation), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) Render_Text("DT", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()), Color_new(1 - charge, charge, 0, doubletap_animation), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.text_size * doubletap_animation) end if hideshot_animation ~= 0 then local charge = exploits_GetCharge() Render_Text("ON-SHOT", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, hideshot_animation), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) Render_Text("ON-SHOT", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()), Color_new(1 - charge, charge, 0, hideshot_animation), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.text_size * hideshot_animation) end -- minimum damage local min_damage_state = bind_system.get("Minimum Damage").state if min_damage_state ~= 0 then Render_Text("DMG", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, min_damage_state), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) Render_Text("DMG", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()), Color_new(0, 1, 0, min_damage_state), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) end visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.text_size * min_damage_state) end visual_controller.end_render = function() --visual_controller.new_animation("visual_controller.offset", visual_controller.non_lerp_offset) visual_controller.update_animations() visual_controller.non_lerp_offset = visual_controller.start_offset visual_controller.is_rendering = false end conditional_AntiAims.conditions = {} conditional_AntiAims.is_legit_aa = function() return AntiAim_on_use.enabled and ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["aa_on_use"] and Cheat_IsKeyDown(0x45) end conditional_AntiAims.is_manual_enabled = function() local default_manual_check = not ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["conditional_separator"] and (ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["default_yaw_base"] == 3 or ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["default_yaw_base"] == 2) local conditions_check = ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["conditional_separator"] and (ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["conditional_manuals"] ~= 0) return not conditional_AntiAims.is_legit_aa() and (default_manual_check or conditions_check) end ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "aa_on_use", false, Menu_Switch("Anti Aim Settings", "Allow AntiAim on Use", false)) edge_yaw.is_enabled = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "edge_yaw", false, Menu_Switch("Anti Aim Settings", "Edge Yaw", false)) conditional_AntiAims.separator = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "conditional_separator", false, Menu_Switch("Anti Aim Settings", "Conditions", false)) conditional_AntiAims.manual = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "conditional_manuals", false, Menu_Combo("Anti Aim Settings", "Manual Yaw Base", {"Disabled", unpack(yaw_base_list)}, 0), function() return ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["conditional_separator"] end) conditional_AntiAims.condition_list = {} conditional_AntiAims.current_condition = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "conditional_current", false, Menu_Combo("Anti Aim Settings", "Current Condition", {"loading..."}, 0), function() return ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["conditional_separator"] end) conditional_AntiAims.default = {} conditional_AntiAims.default.condition = function() return not ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["conditional_separator"] end conditional_AntiAims.default.yaw_base = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "default_yaw_base", false, Menu_Combo("Anti Aim Preset", neverlose_refs.yaw_base:GetName(), yaw_base_list, 0), conditional_AntiAims.default.condition) conditional_AntiAims.default.yaw_add_left = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "default_yaw_add_left", false, Menu_SliderInt("Anti Aim Preset", neverlose_refs.yaw_add:GetName() .. " Left", 0, -180, 180), conditional_AntiAims.default.condition) conditional_AntiAims.default.yaw_add_right = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "default_yaw_add_right", false, Menu_SliderInt("Anti Aim Preset", neverlose_refs.yaw_add:GetName() .. " Right", 0, -180, 180), conditional_AntiAims.default.condition) conditional_AntiAims.default.yaw_modifier = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "default_yaw_modifier", false, Menu_Combo("Anti Aim Preset", neverlose_refs.yaw_modifier:GetName(), neverlose_refs.yaw_modifier:GetList(), 0), conditional_AntiAims.default.condition) conditional_AntiAims.default.modifier_degree = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "default_yaw_degree", false, Menu_SliderInt("Anti Aim Preset", neverlose_refs.modifier_degree:GetName(), 0, -180, 180), conditional_AntiAims.default.condition) conditional_AntiAims.default.fake_limit_combo = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "default_fake_limit_combo", false, Menu_Combo("Anti Aim Preset", "Body Yaw", {"Static", "Jitter"}, 0), conditional_AntiAims.default.condition) conditional_AntiAims.default.fake_limit = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "default_fake_limit", false, Menu_SliderInt("Anti Aim Preset", "Fake Yaw limit", 60, 0, 60), conditional_AntiAims.default.condition) conditional_AntiAims.default.lby_mode = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "default_lby_mode", false, Menu_Combo("Anti Aim Preset", "Lower Body Yaw", neverlose_refs.lby_mode:GetList(), 0), conditional_AntiAims.default.condition) conditional_AntiAims.default.desync_on_shot = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "default__desync_on_shot", false, Menu_Combo("Anti Aim Preset", neverlose_refs.desync_on_shot:GetName(), neverlose_refs.desync_on_shot:GetList(), 0), conditional_AntiAims.default.condition) conditional_AntiAims.default.freestanding_desync = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "default_freestanding_desync", false, Menu_Combo("Anti Aim Preset", "Body freestanding", neverlose_refs.freestanding_desync:GetList(), 0), conditional_AntiAims.default.condition) conditional_AntiAims.default.slowmotion_limit = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "default_slowwalk_fake_limit", false, Menu_SliderInt("Anti Aim Preset", "Slow motion limit", 30, 0, 45), conditional_AntiAims.default.condition) conditional_AntiAims.default_type = function() if ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["conditional_separator"] then return end local yaw_base = 0 for k, v in pairs(conditional_AntiAims.default) do if neverlose_refs[k] ~= nil then if k ~= "yaw_base" then neverlose_refs[k]:Set(v:Get()) else yaw_base = v:Get() end end end local is_slow_walk = neverlose_refs.slow_walk:Get() if ClientState.m_choked_commands == 0 then if not is_slow_walk then if ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["default_fake_limit_combo"] == 0 then neverlose_refs.right_limit:Set(ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["default_fake_limit"]) neverlose_refs.left_limit:Set(ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["default_fake_limit"]) else neverlose_refs.right_limit:Set(conditional_AntiAims.fake_jitter and 18 or ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["default_fake_limit"]) neverlose_refs.left_limit:Set(conditional_AntiAims.fake_jitter and 18 or ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["default_fake_limit"]) conditional_AntiAims.fake_jitter = not conditional_AntiAims.fake_jitter end else local limit_tmp = ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["default_slowwalk_fake_limit"] local random = math_abs(Utils_RandomInt(limit_tmp - 5, limit_tmp + 5)) neverlose_refs.right_limit:Set(random) neverlose_refs.left_limit:Set(random) end end local inverter = AntiAim_GetInverterState() if inverter then neverlose_refs.yaw_add:Set(ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["default_yaw_add_left"]) else neverlose_refs.yaw_add:Set(ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["default_yaw_add_right"]) end local is_legit_aa = conditional_AntiAims.is_legit_aa() neverlose_refs.pitch:Set(is_legit_aa and 0 or 1) neverlose_refs.yaw_base:Set(is_legit_aa and 0 or yaw_base) if conditional_AntiAims.is_manual_enabled() then AntiAim_OverrideLimit(58) end end conditional_AntiAims.new_condition = function(name, fn) local id = #conditional_AntiAims.conditions + 1 conditional_AntiAims.conditions[id] = {} local current_condition = {} local show_condition = function() return ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["conditional_separator"] and conditional_AntiAims.condition_list[ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["conditional_current"] + 1] == name end if name ~= "Shared" then current_condition.is_override = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_override", false, Menu_Switch("Anti Aim Settings", "Override " .. name, false), show_condition) end current_condition.yaw_base = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_yaw_base", false, Menu_Combo(name, neverlose_refs.yaw_base:GetName(), yaw_base_list, 0), show_condition) current_condition.yaw_add_left = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_yaw_add_left", false, Menu_SliderInt(name, neverlose_refs.yaw_add:GetName() .. " Left", 0, -180, 180), show_condition) current_condition.yaw_add_right = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_yaw_add_right", false, Menu_SliderInt(name, neverlose_refs.yaw_add:GetName() .. " Right", 0, -180, 180), show_condition) current_condition.yaw_modifier = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_yaw_modifier", false, Menu_Combo(name, neverlose_refs.yaw_modifier:GetName(), neverlose_refs.yaw_modifier:GetList(), 0), show_condition) current_condition.modifier_degree = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_modifier_degree", false, Menu_SliderInt(name, neverlose_refs.modifier_degree:GetName(), 0, -180, 180), show_condition) current_condition.fake_limit_combo = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_fake_limit_combo", false, Menu_Combo(name, "Fake Limit Type", {"Static", "Jitter"}, 0), show_condition) current_condition.fake_limit_right = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_fake_limit_right", false, Menu_SliderInt(name, "Fake Limit Right", 60, 0, 60), show_condition) current_condition.fake_limit_left = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_fake_limit_left", false, Menu_SliderInt(name, "Fake Limit Left", 60, 0, 60), show_condition) if name == "Slowwalk" then current_condition.slowwalk_custom = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_custom_slowwalk_switch", false, Menu_Switch(name, "Custom Slowwalk Fake Limit", false), show_condition) current_condition.slowwalk_limit = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_custom_slowwalk", false, Menu_SliderInt(name, "Slowwalk Fake Limit", 45, 5, 45), function() return show_condition() and ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_custom_slowwalk_switch"] end) end local fake_options_list = neverlose_refs.fake_options:GetList() table_remove(fake_options_list, 4) current_condition.fake_options = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_fake_options", false, Menu_MultiCombo(name, neverlose_refs.fake_options:GetName(), fake_options_list, 0), show_condition) current_condition.lby_mode = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_lby_mode", false, Menu_Combo(name, neverlose_refs.lby_mode:GetName(), neverlose_refs.lby_mode:GetList(), 0), show_condition) current_condition.freestanding_desync = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_freestanding_desync", false, Menu_Combo(name, neverlose_refs.freestanding_desync:GetName(), neverlose_refs.freestanding_desync:GetList(), 0), show_condition) current_condition.desync_on_shot = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_desync_on_shot", false, Menu_Combo(name, neverlose_refs.desync_on_shot:GetName(), neverlose_refs.desync_on_shot:GetList(), 0), show_condition) conditional_AntiAims.conditions[id] = {conditions = current_condition, fn = fn} table_insert(conditional_AntiAims.condition_list, name) conditional_AntiAims.current_condition:UpdateList(conditional_AntiAims.condition_list) return true, conditional_AntiAims.conditions[id] end conditional_AntiAims.fake_jitter = true conditional_AntiAims.apply_condition = function(name, conditional_AntiAims) local yaw_base = 0 for key_, value_ in pairs(conditional_AntiAims) do if neverlose_refs[key_] ~= nil then if key_ == "yaw_base" then yaw_base = ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_yaw_base"]--value_:Get() else neverlose_refs[key_]:Set(ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_" .. key_]) end end end if ClientState.m_choked_commands == 0 then if name == "Slowwalk" and ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_custom_slowwalk_switch"] and neverlose_refs.slow_walk:Get() then local angle = ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_custom_slowwalk"] angle = Utils_RandomInt(angle - 5, angle + 5) neverlose_refs.right_limit:Set(angle) neverlose_refs.left_limit:Set(angle) else if ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_fake_limit_combo"] == 0 then neverlose_refs.right_limit:Set(ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_fake_limit_right"]) neverlose_refs.left_limit:Set(ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_fake_limit_left"]) else neverlose_refs.right_limit:Set(conditional_AntiAims.fake_jitter and 18 or ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_fake_limit_right"]) neverlose_refs.left_limit:Set(conditional_AntiAims.fake_jitter and 18 or ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_fake_limit_left"]) conditional_AntiAims.fake_jitter = not conditional_AntiAims.fake_jitter end end end local inverter = AntiAim_GetInverterState() if inverter then neverlose_refs.yaw_add:Set(ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_yaw_add_left"]) else neverlose_refs.yaw_add:Set(ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_yaw_add_right"]) end neverlose_refs.pitch:Set(name == "On Use" and 0 or 1) if edge_yaw.is_edging then yaw_base = 3 end neverlose_refs.enable_fake_angle:Set(true) return true, yaw_base end conditional_AntiAims.update_conditions = function(cmd) if not conditional_AntiAims.separator:Get() then return end local is_applied = false local localplayer = entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() if localplayer == nil then return end local localplayer_flags = localplayer:GetProp("m_fFlags") if localplayer_flags == nil then -- бля они вроде вообще почти не могут быть нил, не? return end local yaw_base = 0 for key, value in ipairs(conditional_AntiAims.conditions) do if key == 1 then goto skip end local state = value.fn(ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][conditional_AntiAims.condition_list[key] .. "_override"], cmd, localplayer_flags) if state then is_applied, yaw_base = conditional_AntiAims.apply_condition(conditional_AntiAims.condition_list[key], value.conditions) break end ::skip:: end if not is_applied then is_applied, yaw_base = conditional_AntiAims.apply_condition("Shared", conditional_AntiAims.conditions[1].conditions) end local manual = ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["conditional_manuals"] - 1 manual = (manual == -1 or conditional_AntiAims.is_legit_aa() ) and yaw_base or manual if manual == nil then return end neverlose_refs.yaw_base:Set(manual) if conditional_AntiAims.is_manual_enabled() then AntiAim_OverrideLimit(58) end end conditional_AntiAims.new_condition("Shared", function(key, cmd, flags) return true end) conditional_AntiAims.new_condition("On Use", function(key, cmd, flags) if not ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] then return false end return conditional_AntiAims.is_legit_aa() end) conditional_AntiAims.new_condition("Standing", function(key, cmd, flags) if not key then return false end local is_crouching = bit_band(flags, FL_DUCKING) ~= 0 local on_ground = bit_band(flags, FL_ONGROUND) ~= 0 return on_ground and not is_crouching and cmd.sidemove == 0 and cmd.forwardmove == 0 and cmd.upmove == 0 end) conditional_AntiAims.new_condition("Crouching", function(key, cmd, flags) if not key then return false end local is_crouching = bit_band(flags, FL_DUCKING) ~= 0 local on_ground = bit_band(flags, FL_ONGROUND) ~= 0 return on_ground and is_crouching end) conditional_AntiAims.new_condition("Slowwalk", function(key, cmd, flags) if not key then return false end local on_ground = bit_band(flags, FL_ONGROUND) ~= 0 return on_ground and neverlose_refs.slow_walk:Get() end) conditional_AntiAims.new_condition("Moving", function(key, cmd, flags) if not key then return false end local is_crouching = bit_band(flags, FL_DUCKING) ~= 0 local on_ground = bit_band(flags, FL_ONGROUND) ~= 0 return not is_crouching and on_ground and (cmd.sidemove ~= 0 or cmd.forwardmove ~= 0) and not Cheat_IsKeyDown(0x20) and not neverlose_refs.slow_walk:Get() end) conditional_AntiAims.new_condition("Air", function(key, cmd, flags) if not key then return false end local on_ground = bit_band(flags, FL_ONGROUND) ~= 0 return not on_ground end) edge_yaw.is_edging = false edge_yaw.vecTraceStart = Vector_new() edge_yaw.cache_value = 0 edge_yaw.restored = true edge_yaw.cache = function() if edge_yaw.is_edging then neverlose_refs.yaw_base:Set(1) edge_yaw.restored = false elseif not edge_yaw.is_edging and not edge_yaw.restored then neverlose_refs.yaw_base:Set(edge_yaw.cache_value) edge_yaw.restored = true end end edge_yaw.on_edge = function(cmd) local pLocalPlayer = EntityList_GetLocalPlayer() if pLocalPlayer == nil then return end local flags = pLocalPlayer:GetProp("m_fFlags") local is_on_ground = bit_band(flags, FL_ONGROUND) ~= 0 if not is_on_ground then return end if ClientState.m_choked_commands == 0 then edge_yaw.vecTraceStart = pLocalPlayer:GetEyePosition() end local aTraceEnd = {} local angViewAngles = EngineClient_GetViewAngles() local distances = {} for flYaw = 18, 360, 18 do flYaw = math_normalize(flYaw) local angEdge = QAngle_new(0, flYaw, 0) local vecTraceEnd = edge_yaw.vecTraceStart + Cheat_AngleToForward(angEdge) * 198 local traceInfo = EngineTrace_TraceRay(edge_yaw.vecTraceStart, vecTraceEnd, pLocalPlayer, 0x46004003) table_insert(distances, edge_yaw.vecTraceStart:DistTo(traceInfo.endpos)) local flFraction = traceInfo.fraction local pEntity = traceInfo.hit_entity if pEntity and pEntity:GetClassName() == 'CWorld' and flFraction < 0.3 then aTraceEnd[#aTraceEnd+1] = { vecTraceEnd = vecTraceEnd, flYaw = flYaw } end end table_sort(distances) if distances[1] > 30 then return end table_sort(aTraceEnd, function(a, b) return a.flYaw < b.flYaw end) table_remove(aTraceEnd, #aTraceEnd) local angEdge if #aTraceEnd >= 3 then local vecTraceCenter = math_vector_lerp(aTraceEnd[1].vecTraceEnd, aTraceEnd[#aTraceEnd].vecTraceEnd, 0.5) angEdge = Cheat_VectorToAngle(edge_yaw.vecTraceStart - vecTraceCenter) end if angEdge then local flYaw = angViewAngles.yaw local flEdgeYaw = angEdge.yaw local flDiff = math_normalize(flEdgeYaw - flYaw) if math_abs(flDiff) < 90 then flDiff = 0 flYaw = math_normalize(flEdgeYaw + 180) end -- Static yaw local flNewYaw = -flYaw -- Apply edge yaw flNewYaw = math_normalize(flNewYaw + flEdgeYaw) flNewYaw = math_normalize(flNewYaw + flDiff + 180) AntiAim_OverrideYawOffset(flNewYaw) edge_yaw.is_edging = true end end edge_yaw.handle = function(cmd) edge_yaw.is_edging = false if edge_yaw.restored then edge_yaw.cache_value = neverlose_refs.yaw_base:Get() end if not ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["edge_yaw"] then return end if neverlose_refs.slow_walk:Get() then return end if conditional_AntiAims.is_manual_enabled() then return end if conditional_AntiAims.is_legit_aa() then return end edge_yaw.on_edge(cmd) edge_yaw.cache(cmd) end edge_yaw.on_destroy = function() if not edge_yaw.restored then neverlose_refs.yaw_base:Set(edge_yaw.cache_value) end end ui_handler.new_element("Global", "anim_breaker", false, Menu_MultiCombo("Global", "Animation Breaker", {"Ground", "Air", "Zero Pitch on Land"}, 0), function() return ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] end) animation_breaker.cache = {} animation_breaker.set_params = function(player_ptr, layer, start_val, end_val) player_ptr = ffi_cast("unsigned int", player_ptr) if player_ptr == 0x0 then return false end local studio_hdr = ffi_cast("void**", player_ptr + 0x2950)[0] if studio_hdr == nil then return false end local pose_params = ffi_handler.get_pose_parameters(studio_hdr, layer) if pose_params == nil or pose_params == 0x0 then return end if animation_breaker.cache[layer] == nil then animation_breaker.cache[layer] = {} animation_breaker.cache[layer].m_flStart = pose_params.m_flStart animation_breaker.cache[layer].m_flEnd = pose_params.m_flEnd animation_breaker.cache[layer].m_flState = pose_params.m_flState animation_breaker.cache[layer].installed = false return true end if start_val ~= nil and not animation_breaker.cache[layer].installed then pose_params.m_flStart = start_val pose_params.m_flEnd = end_val pose_params.m_flState = (pose_params.m_flStart + pose_params.m_flEnd) / 2 animation_breaker.cache[layer].installed = true return true end if animation_breaker.cache[layer].installed then pose_params.m_flStart = animation_breaker.cache[layer].m_flStart pose_params.m_flEnd = animation_breaker.cache[layer].m_flEnd pose_params.m_flState = animation_breaker.cache[layer].m_flState animation_breaker.cache[layer].installed = false return true end return false end animation_breaker.handle_prediction = function(cmd) local local_player = ffi_handler.get_client_entity(entity_helpers.local_player.index()) if local_player == nil then return end local local_player_addr = ffi_cast("unsigned int", local_player) if local_player_addr == 0x0 then return end local animstate = ffi_cast( "void**", local_player_addr + ffi_handler.animstate_offset)[0] if animstate == nil then return end animstate = ffi_cast("unsigned int", animstate) if animstate == 0x0 then return end local landing_anim = ffi_cast("bool*", animstate + 0x109)[0] if landing_anim == nil then return end local combo = ui_handler.elements["Global"]["anim_breaker"] if bit_band(combo, bit_lshift(1, 0)) ~= 0 then animation_breaker.set_params(local_player, 0, -180, -179) end if bit_band(combo, bit_lshift(1, 1)) ~= 0 then animation_breaker.set_params(local_player, 6, 0.9, 1) end if bit_band(combo, bit_lshift(1, 2)) ~= 0 and landing_anim and bit_band(cmd.buttons, 2) == 0 then animation_breaker.set_params(local_player, 12, 0.999, 1) end end animation_breaker.handle_cmove = function() local local_player = ffi_handler.get_client_entity(entity_helpers.local_player.index()) if local_player == nil then return end for k, v in pairs(animation_breaker.cache) do animation_breaker.set_params(local_player, k) end end animation_breaker.on_destroy = function() local local_player = ffi_handler.get_client_entity(entity_helpers.local_player.index()) if local_player == nil then return end for k, v in pairs(animation_breaker.cache) do animation_breaker.set_params(local_player, k) end end anti_bruteforce.menu_elements = {} anti_bruteforce.global_switch = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Bruteforce", "global_switch", false, Menu_Switch("Anti Brute", "Enable", false)) anti_bruteforce.ui_condition = function() return ui_handler.elements["Anti Bruteforce"]["global_switch"] end anti_bruteforce.hidden_value = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Bruteforce", "slider_antibrute_value", false, Menu_SliderInt("Anti Brute", "nigga_slider", 2, 2, 20), function() return false end) anti_bruteforce.new_button = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Bruteforce", "Create New Phase", false, Menu_Button("Anti Brute", "Add"), anti_bruteforce.ui_condition) anti_bruteforce.remove_button = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Bruteforce", "Remove Phase", false, Menu_Button("Anti Brute", "Remove"), anti_bruteforce.ui_condition) anti_bruteforce.create_new_phase = function() if #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements > 11 then Cheat_AddNotify("Chimera Yaw", "Нельзя создать больше " .. #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements .. " фаз!") return end local element = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Bruteforce", "abphase" .. (#anti_bruteforce.menu_elements + 1), false, Menu_SliderInt("Anti Brute", "[Phase " .. (#anti_bruteforce.menu_elements + 1) .. "] Fake Limit", 0, -60, 60), anti_bruteforce.ui_condition) table_insert(anti_bruteforce.menu_elements, element) anti_bruteforce.hidden_value:Set(#anti_bruteforce.menu_elements) end anti_bruteforce.remove_phase = function() if #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements <= 2 or type(anti_bruteforce.menu_elements[#anti_bruteforce.menu_elements]) ~= "userdata" then Cheat_AddNotify("Chimera Yaw", "Должно остаться не менее 2х фаз!") return end ui_handler.elements["Anti Bruteforce"]["abphase" .. #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements] = nil ui_handler.refs["Anti Bruteforce"]["abphase" .. #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements] = nil Menu_DestroyItem(anti_bruteforce.menu_elements[#anti_bruteforce.menu_elements]) table_remove(anti_bruteforce.menu_elements, #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements) anti_bruteforce.hidden_value:Set(#anti_bruteforce.menu_elements) end anti_bruteforce.new_button:RegisterCallback(anti_bruteforce.create_new_phase) anti_bruteforce.remove_button:RegisterCallback(anti_bruteforce.remove_phase) for i = 1, anti_bruteforce.hidden_value:Get() do anti_bruteforce.create_new_phase() end anti_bruteforce.state = false anti_bruteforce.reset_time = 0 anti_bruteforce.last_tick_triggered = 0 anti_bruteforce.work_distance = 75 anti_bruteforce.timer = 5 anti_bruteforce.current_phase = 0 anti_bruteforce.angle = 0 anti_bruteforce.side = false anti_bruteforce.bullet_impact = function(...) local args = {...} -- честно, я в душе не ебу зачем так я сделала, просто в голову это почему то пришло и мне захотелось такое сделать local local_pos = args[3] local distance = math_closest_point_on_ray(...):DistTo(local_pos) if distance > anti_bruteforce.work_distance then return end local inverter_state = AntiAim_GetInverterState() if anti_bruteforce.reset_time < GlobalVars.realtime then for i = 1, #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements do if inverter_state and ui_handler.elements["Anti Bruteforce"]["abphase" .. i] >= 0 then anti_bruteforce.current_phase = i break elseif not inverter_state and ui_handler.elements["Anti Bruteforce"]["abphase" .. i] < 0 then -- как по идеи можно просто else оставить хз anti_bruteforce.current_phase = i break end end else anti_bruteforce.current_phase = 1 + (anti_bruteforce.current_phase % #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements) end anti_bruteforce.reset_time = GlobalVars.realtime + anti_bruteforce.timer anti_bruteforce.angle = ui_handler.elements["Anti Bruteforce"]["abphase" .. anti_bruteforce.current_phase] while anti_bruteforce.angle == nil do anti_bruteforce.current_phase = 1 + (anti_bruteforce.current_phase % #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements) anti_bruteforce.angle = ui_handler.elements["Anti Bruteforce"]["abphase" .. anti_bruteforce.current_phase] end anti_bruteforce.last_tick_triggered = GlobalVars.tickcount end anti_bruteforce.pre_bullet_impact = function(ev) if ev:GetName() ~= "bullet_impact" then return end if anti_bruteforce.last_tick_triggered == GlobalVars.tickcount then return end -- о да, давайте нахуярим 3 километра проверок -- в теории, на Custom серверах может вызываться этот каллбек и без переменных в ней, что вызовет отключение скрипта блинба local me = entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() if not me or me:GetProp("m_iHealth") <= 0 then return end local userid = ev:GetInt("userid", -1) if userid == -1 then return end local player_object = EntityList_GetPlayerForUserID(userid) if not player_object or player_object:IsDormant() or player_object:IsTeamMate() then return end local eye_position = me:GetEyePosition() if not eye_position then return end local enemy_eye_position = player_object:GetEyePosition() if not enemy_eye_position then return end local x = ev:GetFloat("x", -99999) local y = ev:GetFloat("y", -99999) local z = ev:GetFloat("z", -99999) if x == -99999 or y == -99999 or z == -99999 then return end local impact_vector = Vector_new(x, y, z) return anti_bruteforce.bullet_impact(impact_vector, enemy_eye_position, eye_position) end anti_bruteforce.prediction_handle = function() if anti_bruteforce.reset_time < GlobalVars.realtime then return end AntiAim_OverrideInverter(anti_bruteforce.angle < 0) AntiAim_OverrideLimit(math_abs(anti_bruteforce.angle)) end ui_handler.new_element("Misc", "enabled", false, Menu_Switch("Misc", "Enable Misc", false)) ui_handler.new_element("Misc", "miss_logger", false, Menu_Switch("Misc", "Miss Logger", false), function() return ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["enabled"] end) for k, v in pairs(defines.miss_reasons) do if v ~= "hit" and v ~= defines.miss_reasons[3] then ui_handler.new_element("Misc", "logs_miss_" .. v, false, Menu_ColorEdit("Misc", string_format("%s Color", v:sub(1, 1):upper() .. v:sub(2, #v)), Color_new(1, 1, 1, 1)), function() return ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["miss_logger"] and ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["enabled"] end) end end hitlogs.aim_fire = function(event) local target = { name = "undefined", pointer = EntityList_GetPlayer(event.index), } if target.pointer then target.name = target.pointer:GetName() end print(string_format("[neverlose.cc] fired at [%s] | [%s] bt [%d] dmg [%d] hc [%d]", target.name, defines.hitgroups[event.hitgroup], event.backtrack, event.damage, event.hitchance)) end hitlogs.aim_miss = function(event) if not ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["miss_logger"] or not ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["enabled"] then return end local miss_reason = defines.miss_reasons[event.reason] if miss_reason == nil or miss_reason == defines.miss_reasons[0] then return end if miss_reason == defines.miss_reasons[3] then miss_reason = defines.miss_reasons[2] end local target = { name = "undefined", pointer = EntityList_GetPlayer(event.target_index), } if target.pointer then target.name = target.pointer:GetName() end ffi_handler.color_print(defines.colors.white, "[neverlose.cc] missed shot due to ") local color = ui_handler.refs["Misc"]["logs_miss_" .. miss_reason].ref:GetColor() ffi_handler.color_print(color, miss_reason) if miss_reason == defines.miss_reasons[2] then ffi_handler.color_print(color, string_format(" [%.2f]", event.spread_degree)) cheat_AddEvent(string_format("Missed shot due to %s [%.2f]", miss_reason, event.spread_degree)) else cheat_AddEvent("Missed shot due to " .. miss_reason) end ffi_handler.color_print(defines.colors.white, "\n") end console_color.overrided = false console_color.materials_count = 0 console_color.material_names = {["vgui_white"] = true, ["vgui/hud/800corner1"] = true, ["vgui/hud/800corner2"] = true, ["vgui/hud/800corner3"] = true, ["vgui/hud/800corner4"] = true} for k, v in pairs(console_color.material_names) do console_color.materials_count = console_color.materials_count + 1 -- в луа #table не дает размер если там не интовые end console_color.materials = {} console_color.scan_materials = function() console_color.materials = {} local material = MatSystem_FirstMaterial() local table_size = 0 -- пиздец луа говно ебанное я ебу этот мусор невозможный while console_color.materials_count ~= table_size do local mat = MatSystem_GetMaterial(material) local name = mat:GetName() if console_color.material_names[name] then console_color.materials[name] = mat table_size = table_size + 1 end material = MatSystem_NextMaterial(material) end end console_color.scan_materials() console_color.color = visual_controller.new_animation("console_color", Color_new(0, 0, 0, 0)) console_color.latest_color = Color_RGBA(27, 228, 1337, 1488) console_color.color_change = function(color) if defines.colors.equals(color, console_color.latest_color) then return end for k, v in pairs(console_color.materials) do if v:IsErrorMaterial() then error("error material") return false end v:ColorModulate(color.r, color.g, color.b) v:AlphaModulate(color.a) end console_color.latest_color = defines.colors.copy(color) end ui_handler.new_element("Misc", "console_color", true, Menu_SwitchColor("Misc", "Console Color", false, Color_new(1, 1, 1, 1)), function() return ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["enabled"] end) console_color.handle = function() console_color.color = (ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["enabled"] and ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["console_color"] and ffi_handler.is_console_visible()) and ui_handler.refs["Misc"]["console_color"].ref:GetColor() or defines.colors.white console_color.color_change(console_color.color) end ui_handler.new_element("Misc", "menu_effects", true, Menu_SwitchColor("Misc", "Menu Effects", false, Color_new(1, 1, 1, 1)), function() return ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["enabled"] end) menu_effects.number_of_dots = 150 menu_effects.connection_distance = 150 menu_effects.speed = 25 -- рандом menu_effects.alpha = Vector2_new(0.75, 1) menu_effects.size = Vector2_new(1, 2) menu_effects.velocity = Vector2_new(-2, 2) menu_effects.global_alpha = 0 menu_effects.dots = ffi.new("float[" .. menu_effects.number_of_dots .. "][6]") menu_effects.generate = function(value) menu_effects.dots = {} for i = 0, value-1 do -- ФПС ГОВОРИШЬ ХАВАЕШЬ ДА? НУ Я ТЕБЕ СЕЙЧАС НАХУЙ ПОКАЖУ ЧТО ТАКОЕ ОПТИМИЗАЦИЯ БЛЯЯЯТЬ -- 0, 1 - position vector -- 2 - alpha -- 3 - size -- 4, 5 - velocity local particle_settings = ffi.new("float[?]", 6) particle_settings[0] = Utils_RandomInt(0, defines.screen_size.x) particle_settings[1] = Utils_RandomInt(0, defines.screen_size.y) -- alpha particle_settings[2] = Utils_RandomFloat(menu_effects.alpha.x, menu_effects.alpha.y) -- size particle_settings[3] = Utils_RandomFloat(menu_effects.size.y, menu_effects.size.y) -- velocity particle_settings[4] = Utils_RandomFloat(menu_effects.velocity.x, menu_effects.velocity.y) * menu_effects.speed particle_settings[5] = Utils_RandomFloat(menu_effects.velocity.x, menu_effects.velocity.y) * menu_effects.speed menu_effects.dots[i] = particle_settings end end menu_effects.color = defines.colors.copy(defines.colors.white) menu_effects.c_velocity = ffi.new("float[?]", 2) menu_effects.c_connections = ffi.new("float[?]", 10) menu_effects.screen_size = ffi.new("float[?]", 2) menu_effects.screen_size[0] = defines.screen_size.x menu_effects.screen_size[1] = defines.screen_size.y --- УРААААА ТОТАЛЬНЫЙ ВШИЗ УРААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААА menu_effects.handle = function() if not ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["menu_effects"] or not Cheat_IsMenuVisible() then return end local menu_pos = Render_GetMenuPos() local menu_size = Render_GetMenuSize() local mouse_pos = Cheat_GetMousePos() menu_effects.c_connections[0] = mouse_pos.x menu_effects.c_connections[1] = mouse_pos.y menu_effects.c_connections[2] = menu_pos.x menu_effects.c_connections[3] = menu_pos.y menu_effects.c_connections[4] = menu_pos.x + menu_size.x menu_effects.c_connections[5] = menu_pos.y menu_effects.c_connections[6] = menu_pos.x + menu_size.x menu_effects.c_connections[7] = menu_pos.y + menu_size.y menu_effects.c_connections[8] = menu_pos.x menu_effects.c_connections[9] = menu_pos.y + menu_size.y local frame_time = GlobalVars.frametime local color = menu_effects.color for i = 0, menu_effects.number_of_dots-1 do local current_element = menu_effects.dots[i] menu_effects.c_velocity[0] = current_element[4] * frame_time menu_effects.c_velocity[1] = current_element[5] * frame_time if current_element[0] + menu_effects.c_velocity[0] > menu_effects.screen_size[0] or current_element[0] + menu_effects.c_velocity[0] < 0 then menu_effects.dots[i][4] = -current_element[4] menu_effects.c_velocity[0] = -menu_effects.c_velocity[0] end if current_element[1] + menu_effects.c_velocity[1] > menu_effects.screen_size[1] or current_element[1] + menu_effects.c_velocity[1] < 0 then menu_effects.dots[i][5] = -current_element[5] menu_effects.c_velocity[1] = -menu_effects.c_velocity[1] end menu_effects.dots[i][0] = current_element[0] + menu_effects.c_velocity[0] menu_effects.dots[i][1] = current_element[1] + menu_effects.c_velocity[1] color.a = current_element[2] Render_CircleFilled(Vector2_new(current_element[0], current_element[1]), current_element[3], 7, color) for i = 0, 9, 2 do local current_distance = math_abs(current_element[0] - menu_effects.c_connections[i]) + math_abs(current_element[1] - menu_effects.c_connections[i+1]) if current_distance < menu_effects.connection_distance then color.a = 1 - (current_distance / menu_effects.connection_distance) Render_Line(Vector2_new(menu_effects.c_connections[i], menu_effects.c_connections[i+1]), Vector2_new(current_element[0], current_element[1]), color) break end end end end menu_effects.generate(menu_effects.number_of_dots) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "custom_scope", true, Menu_SwitchColor("Visuals", "Custom Scope", false, Color_new(1, 1, 1, 1)), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "custom_scope_size", false, Menu_SliderInt("Visuals", "Custom Scope Size", 50, 50, defines.screen_size.y / 2), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] and ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["custom_scope"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "custom_scope_gap", false, Menu_SliderInt("Visuals", "Custom Scope Gap", 15, 0, defines.screen_size.y / 2), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] and ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["custom_scope"] end) custom_scope.animation_state = 0 custom_scope.positions = {} custom_scope.hash = 0 custom_scope.old_hash = 0 custom_scope.cache = -1 custom_scope.restored = true custom_scope.generate_positions = function(center_offset, length, color) local full_color, transp_color = Color_new(color.r, color.g, color.b, math_min(color.a, custom_scope.animation_state)), Color_new(color.r, color.g, color.b, 0) custom_scope.positions.lower = { -- временно тут пусть полежит, todo: вынести из каллбека vec_start = Vector2_new(defines.screen_size.x / 2 + 1, defines.screen_size.y / 2 + center_offset), vec_end = Vector2_new(defines.screen_size.x / 2, defines.screen_size.y / 2 + length), colors = { full_color, full_color, transp_color, transp_color } } custom_scope.positions.upper = { -- временно тут пусть полежит, todo: вынести из каллбека vec_start = Vector2_new(defines.screen_size.x / 2 + 1, defines.screen_size.y / 2 - center_offset + 1), vec_end = Vector2_new(defines.screen_size.x / 2, defines.screen_size.y / 2 - length), colors = { full_color, full_color, transp_color, transp_color } } custom_scope.positions.right = { -- временно тут пусть полежит, todo: вынести из каллбека vec_start = Vector2_new(defines.screen_size.x / 2 + center_offset, defines.screen_size.y / 2 + 1), vec_end = Vector2_new(defines.screen_size.x / 2 + length, defines.screen_size.y / 2), colors = { full_color, transp_color, full_color, transp_color } } custom_scope.positions.left = { -- временно тут пусть полежит, todo: вынести из каллбека vec_start = Vector2_new(defines.screen_size.x / 2 - center_offset + 1, defines.screen_size.y / 2 + 1), vec_end = Vector2_new(defines.screen_size.x / 2 - length, defines.screen_size.y / 2), colors = { full_color, transp_color, full_color, transp_color } } end custom_scope.handle_cache = function() if custom_scope.cache == -1 then custom_scope.cache = neverlose_refs.scope:Get() end if ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["custom_scope"] then neverlose_refs.scope:Set(2) custom_scope.restored = false elseif not ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["custom_scope"] and not custom_scope.restored and custom_scope.cache ~= -1 then neverlose_refs.scope:Set(custom_scope.cache) custom_scope.restored = true end end custom_scope.destroy = function() if custom_scope.cache ~= -1 then neverlose_refs.scope:Set(custom_scope.cache) end end custom_scope.render = function() local local_player = entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() if not EngineClient_IsConnected() or local_player == nil or local_player:GetProp("m_iHealth") < 1 then return end custom_scope.handle_cache() local is_enabled = ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["custom_scope"] and local_player:GetProp("m_bIsScoped") if is_enabled then custom_scope.animation_state = visual_controller.new_animation("custom_scope.animation_state", 1) else custom_scope.animation_state = visual_controller.get_animation("custom_scope.animation_state").number end if custom_scope.animation_state == 0 then return end local center_offset = ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["custom_scope_gap"] * custom_scope.animation_state local length = math_max(center_offset + 25, ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["custom_scope_size"] * custom_scope.animation_state) local color = ui_handler.refs["Visuals"]["custom_scope"].ref:GetColor() custom_scope.hash = string_format("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", center_offset, length, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a, custom_scope.animation_state) if custom_scope.old_hash ~= custom_scope.hash then custom_scope.generate_positions(center_offset, length, color) end custom_scope.old_hash = custom_scope.hash for _, value in pairs(custom_scope.positions) do Render_GradientBoxFilled(value.vec_start, value.vec_end, unpack(value.colors)) end end ui_handler.new_element("Misc", "hitsound", false, Menu_Switch("Misc", "Skeet Hitsound", false), function() return ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["enabled"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Misc", "hitsound_volume", false, Menu_SliderInt("Misc", "Hitsound Volume", 50, 1, 100), function() return ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["enabled"] and ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["hitsound"] end) hitsound.handle = function(event) if event:GetName() ~= "player_hurt" then return end if not ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["hitsound"] then return end local victim = event:GetInt("userid", -1) local attacker = event:GetInt("attacker", -1) if victim == -1 or attacker == -1 or victim == attacker then return end attacker = EntityList_GetPlayerForUserID(attacker) if attacker == nil then return end if attacker:EntIndex() ~= EngineClient_GetLocalPlayer() then return end ffi_handler.play_sound("buttons/arena_switch_press_02.wav", ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["hitsound_volume"] / 100, 100, 0, 0) end manual_arrows.generate_arrows_polygons = function() local percents = 4.3 local x_offset = math_percent_to_pix(percents / 2, "x") local poses = { ["left"] = Vector2_new(defines.screen_size.x / 2, defines.screen_size.y / 2) - x_offset, ["right"] = Vector2_new(defines.screen_size.x / 2, defines.screen_size.y / 2) + x_offset, ["backward"] = Vector2_new(defines.screen_size.x / 2, defines.screen_size.y / 2) + Vector2_new(0, math_percent_to_pix(percents, "x").x), } local offsets = { ["left"] = { Vector2_new(0, -10), Vector2_new(-15, 0), Vector2_new(0, 10), }, ["right"] = { Vector2_new(0, -10), Vector2_new(15, 0), Vector2_new(0, 10), }, ["backward"] = { Vector2_new(-10, 0), Vector2_new(0, 15), Vector2_new(10, 0), } } for k, v in pairs(offsets) do for j, l in ipairs(v) do offsets[k][j] = l + poses[k] end end return offsets, poses end manual_arrows.generated_arrow_poly, manual_arrows.arrows_base_pos = manual_arrows.generate_arrows_polygons() manual_arrows.arrow_offset = 0 manual_arrows.dirs = { ["v"] = 0, [">"] = 0, ["<"] = 0 } ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "manual_arrows", true, Menu_ComboColor("Visuals", "Manual Arrows", {"Disabled", "Default", "Alternative"}, 0, Color_new(1, 1, 1, 1)), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "manual_arrows_color", false, Menu_ColorEdit("Visuals", "Manual Line", Color_new(1, 1, 1, 1)), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] and ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["manual_arrows"] == 2 end) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "manual_arrows_size", false, Menu_SliderInt("Visuals", "Manual Arrows Size", 12, 6, 24), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] and ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["manual_arrows"] == 1 end) manual_arrows.font = font.get("Tahoma", 24, false, true, false) manual_arrows.default = function(current_direction, color) local direction = ((current_direction == 3 and ">") or (current_direction == 4 and "<") or (current_direction == 2 and "v")) or "no" local center_pos = defines.screen_size / 2 local offset = 4.3 / 2 local arrow_offset = visual_controller.new_animation("arrow_offset", offset) local screen_percentage_offset = math_percent_to_pix(arrow_offset, "x") local size = ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["manual_arrows_size"] for _, v in pairs(manual_arrows.dirs) do local temp_color = Color_new(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a) if direction == _ then visual_controller.new_animation("manual_arrows" .. _, 1) end manual_arrows.dirs[_] = visual_controller.get_animation("manual_arrows" .. _).number local render_pos = (_ == ">" and center_pos + screen_percentage_offset) or (_ == "<" and center_pos - screen_percentage_offset) or -- синкаем кароче их размер (_ == "v" and center_pos + Vector2_new(0, screen_percentage_offset.x)) temp_color.a = math_min(color.a, v) if temp_color.a > 0.1 then Render_Text(_, render_pos + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, temp_color.a), size, manual_arrows.font, false, true) Render_Text(_, render_pos, temp_color, size, manual_arrows.font, false, true) end end end manual_arrows.alternative = function(current_direction, color) local direction = ((current_direction == 3 and "right") or (current_direction == 4 and "left") or (current_direction == 2 and "backward")) or "no" local side = AntiAim_GetInverterState() and "left" or "right" local line_color = ui_handler.refs["Visuals"]["manual_arrows_color"].ref:GetColor() for key, poly in pairs(manual_arrows.generated_arrow_poly) do if key == "backward" then goto arrow_skip end Render_PolyFilled(Color_new(key == direction and color.r or 0, key == direction and color.g or 0, key == direction and color.b or 0, key == direction and color.a or 0.35), unpack(poly)) local side_based = key == "right" and -1 or 1 Render_BoxFilled(manual_arrows.arrows_base_pos[key] + Vector2_new(1 * side_based, -10), manual_arrows.arrows_base_pos[key] + Vector2_new(3 * side_based , 10), Color_new(key == side and line_color.r or 0, key == side and line_color.g or 0, key == side and line_color.b or 0, key == side and line_color.a or 0.35)) ::arrow_skip:: end end manual_arrows.handle = function() if ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["manual_arrows"] == 0 or not ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] then return end local direction = neverlose_refs.yaw_base:Get() + 1 if ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["manual_arrows"] == 1 then manual_arrows.default(direction, ui_handler.refs["Visuals"]["manual_arrows"].ref:GetColor()) elseif ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["manual_arrows"] == 2 then manual_arrows.alternative(direction, ui_handler.refs["Visuals"]["manual_arrows"].ref:GetColor()) end end ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "3rd_pers_anim", false, Menu_Switch("Visuals", "Disable 3rd Person Animation", false), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "damage_marker", false, Menu_Switch("Visuals", "Damage Marker", false), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] end) damage_marker.array = {} damage_marker.show_time = 2 damage_marker.event = function(event) if event:GetName() ~= "player_hurt" then return end local victim = event:GetInt("userid", -1) local attacker = event:GetInt("attacker", -1) attacker = EntityList_GetPlayerForUserID(attacker) victim = EntityList_GetPlayerForUserID(victim) if attacker == nil or victim == nil then return end if attacker:EntIndex() ~= EngineClient_GetLocalPlayer() then return end local hitgroup = event:GetInt("hitgroup") local hitbox = defines.hitgroup_to_hitbox[hitgroup] if hitbox == nil then hitbox = 5 end local position = victim:GetHitboxCenter(hitbox) local targetName = victim:GetName() if #targetName > 10 then targetName = targetName:sub(0, 10) targetName = targetName .. "..." end table_insert(hitlog.array, { name = targetName, time = GlobalVars.realtime + hitlog.show_time, damage = event:GetInt("dmg_health", -1), remains = event:GetInt("health"), state = 0.01, position = position, hitgroup = defines.hitgroups[hitgroup] }) table_insert(damage_marker.array, { name = targetName, time = GlobalVars.realtime + damage_marker.show_time, damage = event:GetInt("dmg_health", -1), remains = event:GetInt("health"), state = 0.01, position = position, hitgroup = defines.hitgroups[hitgroup] }) end damage_marker.font = font.get("Verdana", 13, false, false, false) damage_marker.render = function() if not ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["damage_marker"] then return end local realtime = GlobalVars.realtime local frametime = GlobalVars.frametime for k, v in ipairs(damage_marker.array) do if realtime < v.time then v.state = visual_controller.new_animation(v.name .. v.time, 1) else v.state = visual_controller.get_animation(v.name .. v.time).number end if v.state == 0 then table_remove(damage_marker.array, k) end v.position.z = v.position.z + 50 * frametime local color = defines.colors.copy(defines.colors.white) if v.remains <= 0 then color = defines.colors.copy(defines.colors.green) end color.a = v.state Render_Text("-" .. v.damage, Render_WorldToScreen(v.position) + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, v.state), math_round(v.state * 13), damage_marker.font, false, true) Render_Text("-" .. v.damage, Render_WorldToScreen(v.position), color, math_round(v.state * 13), damage_marker.font, false, true) ::skip:: end end ui_handler.new_element("Configs", "export_config", false, Menu_Button("Config System", "Copy config to clipboard", "Copy config to clipboard", function() configs.parse() Cheat.AddNotify("Chimera Yaw", "Config copied!") end)) ui_handler.new_element("Configs", "import_config", false, Menu_Button("Config System", "Import config from clipboard", "Copy config to clipboard", function() configs.load() end)) ui_handler.new_element("Configs", "default_config", false, Menu_Button("Config System", "Load Default Config", "Load Default Config", function() Http.GetAsync(configs.default_link, function(url_content) configs.load(url_content) end) end)) configs.convert_color = function(color) return { r = math_round(color.r * 255), g = math_round(color.g * 255), b = math_round(color.b * 255), a = math_round(color.a * 255), } end configs.parse = function() local menu_items = {} for k, v in pairs(ui_handler.refs) do local temp_table_tab = {} for j, l in pairs(v) do local temp_table_element = {} temp_table_element.value = l.ref:Get() if type(temp_table_element.value) == "userdata" then temp_table_element.color = configs.convert_color(temp_table_element.value) temp_table_element.value = nil else temp_table_element.color = l.is_color and configs.convert_color(l.ref:GetColor()) or false end if not temp_table_element.color and temp_table_element.value == nil then goto skip end temp_table_tab[j] = temp_table_element ::skip:: end menu_items[k] = temp_table_tab end menu_items[configs.validation_key] = true local json_config = json.stringify(menu_items) json_config = base64.encode(json_config, CUSTOM_ENCODER) --json_config = base64.decode(json_config, CUSTOM_DECODER) ffi_handler.set_clipboard_text(json_config, #json_config) end configs.load = function(text) local protected = function() local clipboard = text == nil and ffi_handler.get_clipboard_text() or text local json_config = base64.decode(clipboard, CUSTOM_DECODER) if json_config:match(configs.validation_key) == nil then error("cannot_find_validation_key") return end json_config = json.parse(json_config) if json_config == nil then error("wrong_json") return end local antibrute_phases = -1 for k, v in pairs(json_config) do if k == configs.validation_key then goto skip end for j, l in pairs(v) do if j:find("^abphase") ~= nil then local ab_value = tonumber(j:sub(#"abphase" + 1, #j)) antibrute_phases = math_max(ab_value, antibrute_phases) end if ui_handler.refs[k][j] then if l.value ~= nil then ui_handler.refs[k][j].ref:Set(l.value) ui_handler.elements[k][j] = l.value end if l.color ~= false then ui_handler.refs[k][j].ref:SetColor(Color.RGBA(l.color.r, l.color.g, l.color.b, l.color.a)) end end end ::skip:: end if #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements > antibrute_phases then while #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements > antibrute_phases do anti_bruteforce.remove_phase() end else while #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements < antibrute_phases do anti_bruteforce.create_new_phase() end end for i = 1, antibrute_phases do ui_handler.refs["Anti Bruteforce"]["abphase" .. i].ref:Set(json_config["Anti Bruteforce"]["abphase" .. i].value) ui_handler.elements["Anti Bruteforce"]["abphase" .. i] = json_config["Anti Bruteforce"]["abphase" .. i].value end ui_handler.global_update_callback() Cheat.AddNotify("Chimera Yaw", "Config loaded!") end local status, message = pcall(protected) if not status then print("Failed to load config:", message) Cheat.AddNotify("Chimera Yaw", "Failed to load config!") return end end kill_say.get_phrase = function() return kill_say.phrases[Utils_RandomInt(1, #kill_say.phrases)]:gsub('\"', '') end ui_handler.new_element("Misc", "kill_say", false, Menu_Switch("Misc", "Kill Say", false), function() return ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["enabled"] end) kill_say.handle = function(event) if not ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["kill_say"] then return end if event:GetName() ~= "player_death" then return end local me = entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() local victim = EntityList.GetPlayerForUserID(event:GetInt("userid")) local attacker = EntityList.GetPlayerForUserID(event:GetInt("attacker")) if victim == attacker or attacker ~= me then return end EngineClient.ExecuteClientCmd('say "' .. kill_say.get_phrase() .. '"') end ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "hitlog", false, Menu_Switch("Visuals", "Hit Log", false), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] end) hitlog.indicators_offset = 13 hitlog.show_time = 10 hitlog.array = {} hitlog.handle = function() if not ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["hitlog"] then return end visual_controller.extend(hitlog.indicators_offset) local realtime = GlobalVars.realtime for i = #hitlog.array, 1, -1 do local v = hitlog.array[i] if realtime < v.time and not (#hitlog.array > 6 and i == 1) then v.state = visual_controller.new_animation(v.name .. v.time, 1) else v.state = visual_controller.get_animation(v.name .. v.time).number end if v.state == 0 then table_remove(hitlog.array, i) goto skip end local color = defines.colors.copy(defines.colors.white) if v.remains <= 0 then color = defines.colors.copy(defines.colors.red) end color.a = v.state local text_for_render = string_format("%s %s -%s (%s)", v.name, v.hitgroup, v.damage, v.remains) local render_pos = defines.screen_size/2 + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) Render_Text(text_for_render, render_pos + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, v.state), 13, damage_marker.font, false, true) Render_Text(text_for_render, render_pos, color, 13, damage_marker.font, false, true) visual_controller.extend(v.state * 13) ::skip:: end end handlers.subscribe("prediction", "cheat_SetThirdPersonAnim", function() -- пиздец как же это страшно я хуею local state = (ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] and not ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["3rd_pers_anim"]) or not ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] cheat_SetThirdPersonAnim(state) end) handlers.subscribe("ragebot_shot", "hitlogs.aim_fire", hitlogs.aim_fire) handlers.subscribe("registered_shot", "hitlogs.aim_miss", hitlogs.aim_miss) handlers.subscribe("pre_prediction", "anti_bruteforce.prediction_handle", anti_bruteforce.prediction_handle) handlers.subscribe("events", "kill_say.handle", kill_say.handle) handlers.subscribe("events", "anti_bruteforce.pre_bullet_impact", anti_bruteforce.pre_bullet_impact) handlers.subscribe("events", "hitsound.handle", hitsound.handle) handlers.subscribe("events", "damage_marker.event", damage_marker.event) handlers.subscribe("createmove", "animation_breaker.handle_cmove", animation_breaker.handle_cmove) handlers.subscribe("prediction", "animation_breaker.handle_prediction", animation_breaker.handle_prediction) handlers.subscribe("destroy", "edge_yaw.on_destroy", edge_yaw.on_destroy) handlers.subscribe("destroy", "custom_scope.destroy", custom_scope.destroy) -- НЕ ЗАБЫТЬ, ЧТО ФУНКЦИОНАЛ ДЛЯ РЕНДЕРА ДОБАВЛЯТЬ ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО МЕЖДУ СТАРТОМ И ЭНДОМ handlers.subscribe("draw", "visual_controller.start_render", visual_controller.start_render) handlers.subscribe("draw", "damage_marker.render", function() if visual_controller.is_rendering then damage_marker.render() end end) handlers.subscribe("draw", "manual_arrows.handle", function() if visual_controller.is_rendering then manual_arrows.handle() end end) handlers.subscribe("draw", "bind_system.parse", bind_system.parse) handlers.subscribe("draw", "custom_scope.render", custom_scope.render) handlers.subscribe("draw", "menu_effects.handle", menu_effects.handle) handlers.subscribe("draw", "console_color.handle", console_color.handle) handlers.subscribe("draw", "visual_controller.alternative_indicators", function() if visual_controller.is_rendering then visual_controller.alternative_indicators() end end) handlers.subscribe("draw", "visual_controller.default_indicators", function() if visual_controller.is_rendering then visual_controller.default_indicators() end end) handlers.subscribe("draw", "hitlog.handle", function() if visual_controller.is_rendering then hitlog.handle() end end) handlers.subscribe("draw", "visual_controller.end_render", visual_controller.end_render) handlers.subscribe("pre_prediction", "conditional_AntiAims.default_type", conditional_AntiAims.default_type) handlers.subscribe("pre_prediction", "conditional_AntiAims.update_conditions", conditional_AntiAims.update_conditions) handlers.subscribe("prediction", "doubletap_speed_controller.handle", doubletap_speed_controller.handle) handlers.subscribe("prediction", "dormant_aimbot.handle", dormant_aimbot.handle) handlers.subscribe("prediction", "conditional_hitchance.aiёr", conditional_hitchance.air) handlers.subscribe("prediction", "conditional_hitchance.no_scope", conditional_hitchance.no_scope) handlers.subscribe("prediction", "edge_yaw.on_edge", edge_yaw.handle) handlers.subscribe("pre_prediction", "AntiAim_on_use.handle", AntiAim_on_use.handle) handlers.subscribe("frame_stage", "viewmodel_in_scope.render_start", viewmodel_in_scope.render_start) handlers.subscribe("destroy", "viewmodel_in_scope.destroy", viewmodel_in_scope.destroy)
А споснор новых оффсетов - hazedmuperCredits: Hellfish#9343
дормант аимбот поломан немног, но кому надо, тот пофиксит
Код:-- local variables for API functions. any changes to the line below will be lost on re-generation local AntiAim_GetCurrentRealRotation, AntiAim_GetInverterState, AntiAim_GetMaxDesyncDelta, AntiAim_GetMinDesyncDelta, AntiAim_OverrideInverter, AntiAim_OverrideLimit, AntiAim_OverrideYawOffset, bit_band, bit_bnot, bit_bor, bit_lshift, cheat_AddEvent, Cheat_AddNotify, cheat_AngleToForward, Cheat_AngleToForward, cheat_FireBullet, Cheat_GetBinds, Cheat_GetCheatUserName, Cheat_GetMousePos, Cheat_IsKeyDown, Cheat_IsMenuVisible, cheat_RegisterCallback, cheat_SetThirdPersonAnim, cheat_VectorToAngle, Cheat_VectorToAngle, Color_new, Color_RGBA, CVar_FindVar, EngineClient_GetScreenSize, EntityList_GetClientEntity, EntityList_GetLocalPlayer, EntityList_GetPlayer, EntityList_GetPlayerResource, ffi_cast, ffi_cdef, ffi_new, ffi_typeof, math_abs, math_ceil, math_clamp, math_cos, math_floor, math_lerp, math_max, math_min, math_normalize, math_rad, math_round, Menu_Combo, Menu_FindVar, Menu_SliderInt, Menu_Switch, print, pairs, RageBot_OverrideHitchance, Render_InitFont, string_format, table_insert, table_reference_condition, Utils_CreateInterface, Utils_CreateInterface, Utils_PatternScan, utils_RandomFloat, Vector_new, Vector2_new, fn, type, tonumber, error, condition, EngineClient_GetLocalPlayer, EngineClient_GetViewAngles, EngineClient_IsConnected, EngineClient_IsInGame, EngineTrace_TraceRay, EntityList_GetEntitiesByName, EntityList_GetPlayerForUserID, exploits_GetCharge, Exploits_OverrideDoubleTapSpeed, math_closest_point_on_ray, math_percent_to_pix, math_sin, math_vector_lerp, MatSystem_FirstMaterial, MatSystem_GetMaterial, MatSystem_NextMaterial, Menu_Button, Menu_ColorEdit, Menu_ComboColor, Menu_DestroyItem, Menu_MultiCombo, menu_SliderInt, menu_SwitchColor, Menu_SwitchColor, QAngle_new, Render_BoxFilled, Render_CalcTextSize, Render_Circle, Render_CircleFilled, Render_GradientBoxFilled, Render_Line, Render_PolyFilled, Render_Text, Render_WorldToScreen, table_remove, table_sort, unpack, Utils_RandomFloat, Utils_RandomInt, ipairs, pcall, tostring = AntiAim.GetCurrentRealRotation, AntiAim.GetInverterState, AntiAim.GetMaxDesyncDelta, AntiAim.GetMinDesyncDelta, AntiAim.OverrideInverter, AntiAim.OverrideLimit, AntiAim.OverrideYawOffset, bit.band, bit.bnot, bit.bor, bit.lshift, Cheat.AddEvent, Cheat.AddNotify, Cheat.AngleToForward, Cheat.AngleToForward, Cheat.FireBullet, Cheat.GetBinds, Cheat.GetCheatUserName, Cheat.GetMousePos, Cheat.IsKeyDown, Cheat.IsMenuVisible, Cheat.RegisterCallback, Cheat.SetThirdPersonAnim, Cheat.VectorToAngle, Cheat.VectorToAngle, Color.new, Color.RGBA, CVar.FindVar, EngineClient.GetScreenSize, EntityList.GetClientEntity, EntityList.GetLocalPlayer, EntityList.GetPlayer, EntityList.GetPlayerResource, ffi.cast, ffi.cdef, ffi.new, ffi.typeof, math.abs, math.ceil, math.clamp, math.cos, math.floor, math.lerp, math.max, math.min, math.normalize, math.rad, math.round, Menu.Combo, Menu.FindVar, Menu.SliderInt, Menu.Switch, print, pairs, RageBot.OverrideHitchance, Render.InitFont, string.format, table.insert, table.reference_condition, Utils.CreateInterface, Utils.CreateInterface, Utils.PatternScan, Utils.RandomFloat, Vector.new, Vector2.new, fn, type, tonumber, error, condition, EngineClient.GetLocalPlayer, EngineClient.GetViewAngles, EngineClient.IsConnected, EngineClient.IsInGame, EngineTrace.TraceRay, EntityList.GetEntitiesByName, EntityList.GetPlayerForUserID, Exploits.GetCharge, Exploits.OverrideDoubleTapSpeed, math.closest_point_on_ray, math.percent_to_pix, math.sin, math.vector_lerp, MatSystem.FirstMaterial, MatSystem.GetMaterial, MatSystem.NextMaterial, Menu.Button, Menu.ColorEdit, Menu.ComboColor, Menu.DestroyItem, Menu.MultiCombo, Menu.SliderInt, Menu.SwitchColor, Menu.SwitchColor, QAngle.new, Render.BoxFilled, Render.CalcTextSize, Render.Circle, Render.CircleFilled, Render.GradientBoxFilled, Render.Line, Render.PolyFilled, Render.Text, Render.WorldToScreen, table.remove, table.sort, unpack, Utils.RandomFloat, Utils.RandomInt, ipairs, pcall, tostring local Render_GetMenuPos = Render.GetMenuPos local Render_GetMenuSize = Render.GetMenuSize local ui_handler = {} local conditional_hitchance = {} local handlers = {} local font = {} local entity_helpers = {} local dormant_aimbot = {} local ffi_handler = {} local AntiAim_on_use = {} local doubletap_speed_controller = {} local defines = {} local viewmodel_in_scope = {} local visual_controller = {} local bind_system = {} local conditional_AntiAims = {} local neverlose_refs = {} local edge_yaw = {} local animation_breaker = {} local anti_bruteforce = {} local hitlogs = {} local console_color = {} local menu_effects = {} local custom_scope = {} local hitsound = {} local manual_arrows = {} local damage_marker = {} local configs = {} local kill_say = {} local hitlog = {} configs.default_link = "https://hastebin.com/raw/oqapofoxoq" configs.validation_key = "3805ca8ff0dc26a4a236a8f26d6bd51a" kill_say.phrases = { "1 пидорасина ебаная спи", "круто вчера туалет помыла шлюха", "игрок?", "парашыч ебаный", "1 животно ебаное ", "оттарабанен 100 сантиметровым фалосом", "обоссан", "by SANCHEZj hvh boss", "але уебище химера яв гетни потом вырыгивай что то", "ебать ты на хуек присел нихуева", "заглотнул коки яки", "в сон нахуй", "уебашил дилдом по ебалу", "сбил пидораса обоссаного", "глотай овца", "трахнут", "поспи хуйсоска", "лови припиздок немощный", "слишком сочный для Chimera.technologies ", "sleep", "изи упал нищий", "посажен на хуй", "GLhf.exe Activated", "what you do dog??", "!medic НЮХАЙ БЭБРУ я полечился", "1 week lou doggo ovnet", "l2p bot", "why you sleep dog???", "лови тапыча мусор", "1 мусор учись играть", "$$$ 1 TAP UFF YA $$$ ∩ ( ͡⚆ ͜ʖ ͡⚆) ∩", "че, пососал глупый даун?", "я ķ¤нɥåλ ϯ⤣ü ɱåɱķ£ β Ƥ¤ϯ", "улетаешь со своего ванвея хуесос", "0 iq", "сразу видно кфг иссуе мб конфиг у витмы прикупишь ?", "iq ? HAHAHA", "Best and cheap configurations for gamesense, ot and neverlose waiting for your order at ---> vk.com/id498406374", "ХАХАХАХАХХАХА НИЩИЙ УЛЕТЕЛ (◣_◢)", "земля те землей хуйло чиста еденицей отлетел))", "Создатель JS REZOLVER", } local json = Panorama.LoadString([[ return { stringify: JSON.stringify, parse: JSON.parse }; ]])() local base64 = {} extract = function(v, from, width) return bit.band(bit.rshift(v, from), bit.lshift(1, width) - 1) end function base64.makeencoder(alphabet) local encoder = {} local t_alphabet = {} for i = 1, #alphabet do t_alphabet[i - 1] = alphabet:sub(i, i) end for b64code, char in pairs(t_alphabet) do encoder[b64code] = char:byte() end return encoder end function base64.makedecoder(alphabet) local decoder = {} for b64code, charcode in pairs(base64.makeencoder(alphabet)) do decoder[charcode] = b64code end return decoder end DEFAULT_ENCODER = base64.makeencoder("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=") DEFAULT_DECODER = base64.makedecoder("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=") CUSTOM_ENCODER = base64.makeencoder("KmAWpuFBOhdbI1orP2UN5vnSJcxVRgazk97ZfQqL0yHCl84wTj3eYXiD6stEGM+/=") CUSTOM_DECODER = base64.makedecoder("KmAWpuFBOhdbI1orP2UN5vnSJcxVRgazk97ZfQqL0yHCl84wTj3eYXiD6stEGM+/=") function base64.encode(str, encoder, usecaching) str = tostring(str) encoder = encoder or DEFAULT_ENCODER local t, k, n = {}, 1, #str local lastn = n % 3 local cache = {} for i = 1, n - lastn, 3 do local a, b, c = str:byte(i, i + 2) local v = a * 0x10000 + b * 0x100 + c local s if usecaching then s = cache[v] if not s then s = string.char(encoder[extract(v, 18, 6)], encoder[extract(v, 12, 6)], encoder[extract(v, 6, 6)], encoder[extract(v, 0, 6)]) cache[v] = s end else s = string.char(encoder[extract(v, 18, 6)], encoder[extract(v, 12, 6)], encoder[extract(v, 6, 6)], encoder[extract(v, 0, 6)]) end t[k] = s k = k + 1 end if lastn == 2 then local a, b = str:byte(n - 1, n) local v = a * 0x10000 + b * 0x100 t[k] = string.char(encoder[extract(v, 18, 6)], encoder[extract(v, 12, 6)], encoder[extract(v, 6, 6)], encoder[64]) elseif lastn == 1 then local v = str:byte(n) * 0x10000 t[k] = string.char(encoder[extract(v, 18, 6)], encoder[extract(v, 12, 6)], encoder[64], encoder[64]) end return table.concat(t) end function base64.decode(b64, decoder, usecaching) decoder = decoder or DEFAULT_DECODER local pattern = "[^%w%+%/%=]" if decoder then local s62, s63 for charcode, b64code in pairs(decoder) do if b64code == 62 then s62 = charcode elseif b64code == 63 then s63 = charcode end end pattern = ("[^%%w%%%s%%%s%%=]"):format(string.char(s62), string.char(s63)) end b64 = b64:gsub(pattern, "") local cache = usecaching and {} local t, k = {}, 1 local n = #b64 local padding = b64:sub(-2) == "==" and 2 or b64:sub(-1) == "=" and 1 or 0 for i = 1, padding > 0 and n - 4 or n, 4 do local a, b, c, d = b64:byte(i, i + 3) local s if usecaching then local v0 = a * 0x1000000 + b * 0x10000 + c * 0x100 + d s = cache[v0] if not s then local v = decoder[a] * 0x40000 + decoder[b] * 0x1000 + decoder[c] * 0x40 + decoder[d] s = string.char(extract(v, 16, 8), extract(v, 8, 8), extract(v, 0, 8)) cache[v0] = s end else local v = decoder[a] * 0x40000 + decoder[b] * 0x1000 + decoder[c] * 0x40 + decoder[d] s = string.char(extract(v, 16, 8), extract(v, 8, 8), extract(v, 0, 8)) end t[k] = s k = k + 1 end if padding == 1 then local a, b, c = b64:byte(n - 3, n - 1) local v = decoder[a] * 0x40000 + decoder[b] * 0x1000 + decoder[c] * 0x40 t[k] = string.char(extract(v, 16, 8), extract(v, 8, 8)) elseif padding == 2 then local a, b = b64:byte(n - 3, n - 2) local v = decoder[a] * 0x40000 + decoder[b] * 0x1000 t[k] = string.char(extract(v, 16, 8)) end return table.concat(t) end -- TODO: СДЕЛАТЬ НОРМАЛЬНО ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО!!!!!!!!!!!!! local ref_dt = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Ragebot", "Exploits", "Double Tap") local ref_hs = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Ragebot", "Exploits", "Hide Shots") local debug = function(...) --return print(...) end -- TODO: переместить эти переменные в какую нибудь таблицу что бы избежать лимита локалов в 200 в будущем. local IN_ATTACK = bit_lshift(1, 0) -- Fire weapon local IN_JUMP = bit_lshift(1, 1) -- Jump local IN_DUCK = bit_lshift(1, 2) -- Crouch local IN_FORWARD = bit_lshift(1, 3) -- Walk forward local IN_BACK = bit_lshift(1, 4) -- Walk backwards local IN_USE = bit_lshift(1, 5) -- Use (Defuse bomb, etc...) local IN_CANCEL = bit_lshift(1, 6) -- ?? local IN_LEFT = bit_lshift(1, 7) -- Walk left local IN_RIGHT = bit_lshift(1, 8) -- Walk right local IN_MOVELEFT = bit_lshift(1, 9) -- Alias? (not sure) local IN_MOVERIGHT = bit_lshift(1, 10) -- Alias? (not sure) local IN_ATTACK2 = bit_lshift(1, 11) -- Secondary fire (Revolver, Glock change fire mode, Famas change fire mode) (not sure) local IN_RUN = bit_lshift(1, 12) local IN_RELOAD = bit_lshift(1, 13) -- Reload weapon local IN_ALT1 = bit_lshift(1, 14) local IN_ALT2 = bit_lshift(1, 15) local IN_SCORE = bit_lshift(1, 16) local IN_SPEED = bit_lshift(1, 17) local IN_WALK = bit_lshift(1, 18) -- Shift local IN_ZOOM = bit_lshift(1, 19) -- Zoom weapon (not sure) local IN_WEAPON1 = bit_lshift(1, 20) local IN_WEAPON2 = bit_lshift(1, 21) local IN_BULLRUSH = bit_lshift(1, 22) local FL_ONGROUND = bit_lshift(1, 0) local FL_DUCKING = bit_lshift(1, 1) local FL_WATERJUMP = bit_lshift(1, 3) local FL_ONTRAIN = bit_lshift(1, 4) local FL_INRAIN = bit_lshift(1, 5) local FL_FROZEN = bit_lshift(1, 6) local FL_ATCONTROLS = bit_lshift(1, 7) local FL_CLIENT = bit_lshift(1, 8) local FL_FAKECLIENT = bit_lshift(1, 9) local FL_INWATER = bit_lshift(1, 10) neverlose_refs.scope = Menu_FindVar("Visuals", "View", "Camera", "Remove Scope") neverlose_refs.pitch = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Main", "Pitch") neverlose_refs.yaw_base = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Main", "Yaw Base") local yaw_base_list = neverlose_refs.yaw_base:GetList() --table_remove(yaw_base_list, 1) neverlose_refs.yaw_add = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Main", "Yaw Add") neverlose_refs.yaw_modifier = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Main", "Yaw Modifier") neverlose_refs.modifier_degree = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Main", "Modifier Degree") neverlose_refs.enable_fake_angle = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Angle", "Enable Fake Angle") neverlose_refs.left_limit = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Angle", "Left Limit") neverlose_refs.right_limit = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Angle", "Right Limit") neverlose_refs.fake_options = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Angle", "Fake Options") neverlose_refs.lby_mode = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Angle", "LBY Mode") neverlose_refs.freestanding_desync = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Angle", "Freestanding Desync") neverlose_refs.desync_on_shot = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Angle", "Desync On Shot") neverlose_refs.enable_fakelag = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Lag", "Enable Fake Lag") neverlose_refs.fakelag_limit = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Lag", "Limit") neverlose_refs.fakelag_random = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Fake Lag", "Randomization") neverlose_refs.slow_walk = Menu_FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Misc", "Slow Walk") defines.noscope_weapons = { [261] = true, [242] = true, [233] = true, [267] = true } defines.colors = {} defines.colors.white = Color_new(1, 1, 1, 1) defines.colors.green = Color_RGBA(155, 200, 21, 255) defines.colors.red = Color_new(0.7, 0.2, 0.2, 1) defines.colors.black = Color_new(0, 0, 0, 1) defines.colors.blue = Color_new(0, 0.67, 1, 1) for k, v in pairs(defines.colors) do defines.colors[k .. "_transparent"] = Color_new(defines.colors[k].r, defines.colors[k].g, defines.colors[k].b, 0) end defines.colors.equals = function(a, b) return a.r == b.r and a.g == b.g and a.b == b.b and a.a == b.a end defines.colors.copy = function(color) return Color_new(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a) end defines.vector_copy = function(vector) if vector.z then return Vector_new(vector.x, vector.y, vector.z) end return Vector2_new(vector.x, vector.y) end defines.miss_reasons = { [0] = "hit", [1] = "resolver", [2] = "spread", [3] = "occlusion", [4] = "pred. error", } defines.hitgroups = { [0] = "generic", [1] = "head", [2] = "chest", [3] = "stomach", [4] = "left arm", [5] = "right arm", [6] = "left leg", [7] = "right leg", [10] = "gear" } defines.hitgroup_to_hitbox = {0, 5, 2, 13, 14, 7, 8} defines.username = Cheat_GetCheatUserName() defines.screen_size = EngineClient_GetScreenSize() defines.cvars = {} defines.cvars.sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks = CVar_FindVar("sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks") defines.cvars.fov_cs_debug = CVar_FindVar("fov_cs_debug") ffi_cdef[[ typedef struct { uint8_t r; uint8_t g; uint8_t b; uint8_t a; } color_struct_t; typedef void (__cdecl* console_color_print)(void*,const color_struct_t&, const char*, ...); typedef float*(__thiscall* bound)(void*); typedef void*(__thiscall* c_entity_list_get_client_entity_t)(void*, int); typedef void*(__thiscall* c_entity_list_get_client_entity_from_handle_t)(void*, uintptr_t); struct pose_params_t { char pad[8]; float m_flStart; float m_flEnd; float m_flState; }; bool PlaySound(const char *pszSound, void *hmod, uint32_t fdwSound); ]] ffi_handler.bind_argument = function(fn, arg) return function(...) return fn(arg, ...) end end ffi_handler.animstate_offset = 0x9960 ffi_handler.interface_type = ffi_typeof("uintptr_t**") ffi_handler.vgui_system = ffi_cast(ffi_handler.interface_type, Utils.CreateInterface("vgui2.dll", "VGUI_System010")) ffi_handler.get_clipboard_text_count = ffi_handler.bind_argument(ffi.cast("int(__thiscall*)(void*)", ffi_handler.vgui_system[0][7]), ffi_handler.vgui_system) ffi_handler.set_clipboard_text = ffi_handler.bind_argument(ffi.cast("void(__thiscall*)(void*, const char*, int)", ffi_handler.vgui_system[0][9]), ffi_handler.vgui_system) ffi_handler.get_clipboard_text_fn = ffi_handler.bind_argument(ffi.cast("void(__thiscall*)(void*, int, const char*, int)", ffi_handler.vgui_system[0][11]), ffi_handler.vgui_system) ffi_handler.get_clipboard_text = function() local clipboard_text_length = ffi_handler.get_clipboard_text_count() if clipboard_text_length > 0 then local buffer = ffi.new("char[?]", clipboard_text_length) local size = clipboard_text_length * ffi.sizeof("char[?]", clipboard_text_length) ffi_handler.get_clipboard_text_fn(0, buffer, size ) return ffi.string( buffer, clipboard_text_length-1) end return "" end ffi_handler.engine_client = ffi_cast(ffi_handler.interface_type, Utils_CreateInterface("engine.dll", "VEngineClient014")) ffi_handler.is_console_visible = ffi_handler.bind_argument(ffi_cast("bool(__thiscall*)(void*)", ffi_handler.engine_client[0][11]), ffi_handler.engine_client) ffi_handler.engine_sound_client = ffi_cast(ffi_handler.interface_type, Utils_CreateInterface("engine.dll", "IEngineSoundClient003")) ffi_handler.play_sound = ffi_handler.bind_argument(ffi_cast("void*(__thiscall*)(void*, const char*, float, int, int, float)", ffi_handler.engine_sound_client[0][12]), ffi_handler.engine_sound_client) local pose_parameter_pattern = "55 8B EC 8B 45 08 57 8B F9 8B 4F 04 85 C9 75 15" ffi_handler.get_pose_parameters = ffi_cast( "struct pose_params_t*(__thiscall* )( void*, int )", Utils_PatternScan( "client.dll", pose_parameter_pattern)) ffi_handler.i_client_entity_list = ffi_cast(ffi_handler.interface_type, Utils_CreateInterface("client.dll", "VClientEntityList003")) ffi_handler.get_client_entity = ffi_handler.bind_argument(ffi_cast("c_entity_list_get_client_entity_t", ffi_handler.i_client_entity_list[0][3]), ffi_handler.i_client_entity_list) ffi_handler.cvar_interface = ffi_cast(ffi_handler.interface_type, Utils_CreateInterface("vstdlib.dll", "VEngineCvar007")) ffi_handler.print = ffi_cast("console_color_print", ffi_handler.cvar_interface[0][25]) ffi_handler.color_print = function(color, text) if color == nil then return end local col = ffi_new("color_struct_t") col.r = color.r * 255 col.g = color.g * 255 col.b = color.b * 255 col.a = color.a * 255 ffi_handler.print(ffi_handler.cvar_interface, col, text) end math_in_bounds = function(a1, a2, b) return b.x >= a1.x and b.y >= a1.y and b.x <= a2.x and b.y <= a2.y end math_round = function(value) return math_floor(value + 0.5) end math_clamp = function(value, min, max) return math_min(max, math_max(min, value)) end math_percent_to_pix = function(percent, axis) if axis:lower() == "x" then return Vector2_new((defines.screen_size.x / 100) * percent, 0) end if axis:lower() == "y" then return Vector2_new(0, (defines.screen_size.y / 100) * percent) end return Vector2_new((defines.screen_size.x / 100) * percent, (defines.screen_size.y / 100) * percent) end math_lerp = function(start, end_pos, time) if time == nil then time = 0.095 end time = math_clamp(GlobalVars.frametime * (time * 175), 0, 1) if type(start) == "userdata" then local r, g, b, a = start.r, start.g, start.b, start.a local e_r, e_g, e_b, e_a = end_pos.r, end_pos.g, end_pos.b, end_pos.a r = math_lerp(r, e_r, time) g = math_lerp(g, e_g, time) b = math_lerp(b, e_b, time) a = math_lerp(a, e_a, time) return Color_new(r, g, b, a) end local delta = end_pos - start delta = delta * time delta = delta + start if end_pos == 0 and delta < 0.01 and delta > -0.01 then delta = 0 elseif end_pos == 1 and delta < 1.01 and delta > 0.99 then delta = 1 end return delta end math_vector_lerp = function(vecSource, vecDestination, flPercentage) return vecSource + (vecDestination - vecSource) * flPercentage end math_normalize = function(ang) while (ang > 180.0) do ang = ang - 360.0 end while (ang < -180.0) do ang = ang + 360.0 end return ang end math_closest_point_on_ray = function(ray_from, ray_to, desired_point) -- функция получает ближайшее расстояние линии (ray_from - ray_to) до desired_point точки local to = desired_point - ray_from local direction = ray_to - ray_from local ray_length = direction:Length() direction.x = direction.x / ray_length direction.y = direction.y / ray_length direction.z = direction.z / ray_length local direction_along = direction.x * to.x + direction.y * to.y + direction.z * to.z if direction_along < 0 then return ray_from end if direction_along > ray_length then return ray_to end return Vector_new(ray_from.x + direction.x * direction_along, ray_from.y + direction.y * direction_along, ray_from.z + direction.z * direction_along) end bind_system.list = {} bind_system._list = {} bind_system.get = function(name) if bind_system.list[name] == nil then return {value = 0, state = 0} end return bind_system.list[name] end bind_system.parse = function() bind_system._list = {} local binds = Cheat_GetBinds() for i = 1, #binds do if binds[i]:IsActive() then bind_system._list[binds[i]:GetName()] = binds[i]:GetValue() end end for k, v in pairs(bind_system._list) do if bind_system.list[k] == nil then bind_system.list[k] = {value = v, state = 0} end end for k, v in pairs(bind_system.list) do bind_system.list[k].state = visual_controller.new_animation("bind_system." .. k, bind_system._list[k] == nil and 0 or 1) if bind_system.list[k].state == 0 then bind_system.list[k] = nil end end end font.list = {} font.get = function(font_name, size, antialiasing, bold, italic) local array_index = string_format("name[%s]size[%d]flags[%d%d%d]", font_name, size, antialiasing and 1 or 0, bold and 1 or 0, italic and 1 or 0) if font.list[array_index] then return font.list[array_index] end local flags = {} if antialiasing then table_insert(flags, "r") end if bold then table_insert(flags, "b") end if italic then table_insert(flags, "i") end local final_font = Render_InitFont(font_name, size, flags) font.list[array_index] = final_font debug("Init new font", font_name, size, string_format("%s|%s|%s", antialiasing, bold, italic)) return final_font end handlers.callbacks = {} handlers.update = function() for i = 1, #handlers.callbacks do local function run(...) for j = 1, #handlers.callbacks[i].functions do --handlers.callbacks[i].functions[j].fn(...) local status, message = pcall(handlers.callbacks[i].functions[j].fn, ...) if not status then print(string_format("\n\n\n\t[%s] -\n\t\t%s\n\n\n", handlers.callbacks[i].functions[j].name, message)) _G["fatal script error"]() end end end cheat_RegisterCallback(handlers.callbacks[i].callback, run) end end handlers.subscribe = function(callback, name, funct) if funct == nil then debug("Failed to create callback", callback, name) return false end name = name and name or "unknown" local isExists = false for i = 1, #handlers.callbacks do if handlers.callbacks[i].callback == callback then isExists = true break end end if not isExists then table_insert(handlers.callbacks, {callback = callback, functions = {}}) isExists = true end for i = 1, #handlers.callbacks do if handlers.callbacks[i].callback == callback then table_insert(handlers.callbacks[i].functions, {fn = funct, name = name}) break end end debug("Init new callbacked function", callback, name) handlers.update() return true end entity_helpers.local_player = {} entity_helpers.local_player.last_time = -1 entity_helpers.local_player.cached = {ptr = nil, index = -1} entity_helpers.local_player.pointer = function() if entity_helpers.local_player.last_time == GlobalVars.tickcount then return entity_helpers.local_player.cached.ptr end entity_helpers.local_player.cached.ptr = EntityList_GetLocalPlayer() if entity_helpers.local_player.cached.ptr then entity_helpers.local_player.cached.index = entity_helpers.local_player.cached.ptr:EntIndex() else entity_helpers.local_player.cached.index = -1 end entity_helpers.local_player.last_time = GlobalVars.tickcount return entity_helpers.local_player.cached.ptr end entity_helpers.local_player.index = function() entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() return entity_helpers.local_player.cached.index end entity_helpers.local_player.desync_angle = function(round) local ptr = entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() if not ptr then return 0 end local degree = math_normalize(AntiAim_GetCurrentRealRotation() - ptr:GetProp("m_angEyeAngles[1]")) if not round then return tonumber(string_format("%.2f", (math_clamp(degree, AntiAim_GetMinDesyncDelta(), AntiAim_GetMaxDesyncDelta())))) end return math_abs(math_round(tonumber(string_format("%.2f", (math_clamp(degree, AntiAim_GetMinDesyncDelta(), AntiAim_GetMaxDesyncDelta())))))) end ui_handler.combo_controller = Menu_Combo("Chimera", "Tab Selection", {"Loading..."}, 0) ui_handler.tab_list = {} ui_handler.current_tab = "string" ui_handler.elements = {} ui_handler.refs = {} ui_handler.global_update_callback = function() for _, tab in pairs(ui_handler.refs) do for name, table_reference in pairs(tab) do if table_reference ~= nil then table_reference.ref:SetVisible(table_reference.condition()) end end end end ui_handler.new_element = function(tab, name, is_color, cheat_var, condition) if type(is_color) ~= "boolean" then print("Cannot create", tab, name, "is_color is", type(is_color)) return end if is_color then cheat_var:GetColor() end if condition == nil then condition = function() return true end end if ui_handler.refs[tab] == nil then ui_handler.refs[tab] = {} ui_handler.elements[tab] = {} table_insert(ui_handler.tab_list, tab) ui_handler.combo_controller:UpdateList(ui_handler.tab_list) debug("Added new tab:", tab) end debug("Creating new item", tab, name) if ui_handler.refs[tab][name] ~= nil then debug("Element", name, "already exists in", tab, "tab") error("error") end ui_handler.refs[tab][name] = { ref = cheat_var, is_color = is_color, condition = function() return ui_handler.current_tab == tab and condition() end } local update_value = function(new_value) ui_handler.elements[tab][name] = new_value ui_handler.global_update_callback() end cheat_var:RegisterCallback(update_value) update_value(cheat_var:Get()) ui_handler.current_tab = ui_handler.tab_list[ui_handler.combo_controller:Get() + 1] ui_handler.global_update_callback() return cheat_var end ui_handler.combo_controller:RegisterCallback(function(new_value) ui_handler.current_tab = ui_handler.tab_list[new_value + 1] ui_handler.global_update_callback() end) ui_handler.new_element("Global", "global_switch", false, Menu_Switch("Global", "Enable", false)) ui_handler.new_element("Global", "noscope_hitchance", false, Menu_Switch("Global", "Custom Noscope Hitchance", false), function() return ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Global", "noscope_hitchance_value", false, Menu_SliderInt("Global", "Noscope Hitchance ", 50, 1, 100), function() return ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] and ui_handler.elements["Global"]["noscope_hitchance"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Global", "air_hitchance", false, Menu_Switch("Global", "Custom Air Hitchance", false), function() return ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Global", "air_hitchance_value", false, Menu_SliderInt("Global", "Air Hitchance", 50, 1, 100), function() return ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] and ui_handler.elements["Global"]["air_hitchance"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Global", "dormant_aimbot", false, Menu_Switch("Global", "Dormant Aimbot", false), function() return ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Global", "dormant_aimbot_damage", false, Menu_SliderInt("Global", "Dormant Damage", 5, 1, 100), function() return ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] and ui_handler.elements["Global"]["dormant_aimbot"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Global", "doubletap_speed", false, Menu_Switch("Global", "Change DT Speed", false), function() return ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Global", "doubletap_speed_value", false, Menu_SliderInt("Global", "DT Speed ", 14, 4, 16), function() -- говно тупого говна которое нахуй не нужно return ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] and ui_handler.elements["Global"]["doubletap_speed"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "global_switch", false, Menu_Switch("Visuals", "Enable", false)) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "scope_model", false, Menu_Switch("Visuals", "Viewmodel in scope", false), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "indicators", false, Menu_Combo("Visuals", "Indicators", {"Disabled", "Default", "Alternative"}, 0), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "indicators_logo_color", false, Menu_ColorEdit("Visuals", "Logo Color", Color_new(1, 1, 1, 1)), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] and ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["indicators"] == 2 end) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "indicators_desync_color", false, Menu_ColorEdit("Visuals", "Logo Desync Color", Color_new(1, 1, 1, 1)), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] and ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["indicators"] == 2 end) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "indicators_bar_color", false, Menu_ColorEdit("Visuals", "Desync Bar Color", Color_new(1, 1, 1, 1)), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] and ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["indicators"] == 2 end) conditional_hitchance.air = function(cmd) if not ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] or not ui_handler.elements["Global"]["air_hitchance"] then return end local player = entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() if player == nil then return end local flags = player:GetProp("m_fFlags") local is_on_ground = bit_band(flags, FL_ONGROUND) == 0 if not is_on_ground then return end for i = 1, 64 do -- хз стоит ли проводить именно по игрокам, скорее всего просто 64 цикл будет менее прожорлив RageBot_OverrideHitchance(i, ui_handler.elements["Global"]["air_hitchance_value"]) end end conditional_hitchance.no_scope = function(cmd) if not ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] or not ui_handler.elements["Global"]["noscope_hitchance"] then return end local player = entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() if player == nil then return end local is_scoped = player:GetProp("m_bIsScoped") if is_scoped then return end local weapon = player:GetActiveWeapon() if weapon == nil then return end if not defines.noscope_weapons[weapon:GetClassId()] then return end for i = 1, 64 do -- хз стоит ли проводить именно по игрокам, скорее всего просто 64 цикл будет менее прожорлив RageBot_OverrideHitchance(i, ui_handler.elements["Global"]["noscope_hitchance_value"]) end end dormant_aimbot.hitchance = 88 dormant_aimbot.work_time = 0.5 -- милисекунды dormant_aimbot.info = {} for i = 1, 64 do dormant_aimbot.info[i] = { origin = Vector_new(0, 0, 0), tick = 0, velocity = Vector_new(0, 0, 0) } end dormant_aimbot.autoscope = function(localplayer, weapon, cmd) local flags = localplayer:GetProp("m_fFlags") local scoped = localplayer:GetProp("m_bIsScoped") if(weapon:IsSniper() == true and scoped == false and bit_band(flags, 1) == 1) then check = false cmd.buttons = bit_bor(cmd.buttons, 2048) return false end return true end dormant_aimbot.hitchance = function(localplayer, weapon, angle, entity_idx, distance) local pentity = ffi_handler.get_client_entity(entity_idx) local entity = EntityList_GetClientEntity(entity_idx) local inaccuracy = (weapon:GetInaccuracy(weapon) + weapon:GetSpread(weapon)) local eyepos = localplayer:GetEyePosition() local rays = 128 local hit = 0 for i = 1, rays do local forward = cheat_AngleToForward(angle) forward.x = forward.x + utils_RandomFloat(-inaccuracy, inaccuracy) forward.y = forward.y + utils_RandomFloat(-inaccuracy, inaccuracy) forward.z = forward.z + utils_RandomFloat(-inaccuracy, inaccuracy) forward = forward * distance ffi_cast("bool*", ffi_cast("unsigned int", pentity) + 0xED)[0] = 0 local data = cheat_FireBullet(localplayer, eyepos, eyepos + forward) ffi_cast("bool*", ffi_cast("unsigned int", pentity) + 0xED)[0] = 1 if (data.damage > 0) then hit = hit + 1 end end local chance = math_ceil((hit / rays) * 100) return chance >= 82 end dormant_aimbot.handle = function(cmd) if not ui_handler.elements["Global"]["dormant_aimbot"] or not ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] then return end local targetposition = nil local maxdamage = ui_handler.elements["Global"]["dormant_damage"] local bestentity_idx = nil local localplayer = entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() if localplayer == nil then return end local weapon = localplayer:GetActiveWeapon() if weapon == nil then return end if weapon:IsKnife() then return end local eyepos = localplayer:GetEyePosition() local player_resource = EntityList_GetPlayerResource() local checkticks = math_floor(dormant_aimbot.work_time / GlobalVars.interval_per_tick + 0.5) for i = 1, 64 do local entity = EntityList_GetPlayer(i) if entity and not entity:IsTeamMate() then local health = entity:GetProp("m_iHealth") local pentity = ffi_handler.get_client_entity(i) local state = entity:GetNetworkState() if health > 0 and state ~= -1 then local origin = entity:GetProp("m_vecOrigin") local vecdelta = origin - dormant_aimbot.info[i].origin if(#vecdelta > 0.0) then dormant_aimbot.info[i].velocity = vecdelta * GlobalVars.interval_per_tick dormant_aimbot.info[i].tick = cmd.tick_count end dormant_aimbot.info[i].origin = origin if(cmd.tick_count - dormant_aimbot.info[i].tick < checkticks) then local collision = ffi_cast("void*", ffi_cast("uintptr_t", pentity) + 0x320) local collisionvftable = ffi_cast(ffi_handler.interface_type, collision)[0] local bbmin = ffi_cast("bound", collisionvftable[1])(collision) local bbmax = ffi_cast("bound", collisionvftable[2])(collision) local angtotarget = math_rad(cheat_VectorToAngle(entity:GetEyePosition() - eyepos).yaw - 90) ffi_cast("bool*", ffi_cast("uintptr_t", pentity) + 0xED)[0] = 0 for k = 1, 16, 4 do local maxdamage = 0 for j = -4, 4, 4 do local center_x = origin.x + dormant_aimbot.info[i].velocity.x + bbmin[0] + (bbmax[0] - bbmin[0]) / 2 + j * math_cos(angtotarget) local center_y = origin.y + dormant_aimbot.info[i].velocity.y + bbmin[1] + (bbmax[1] - bbmin[1]) / 2 + j * math_sin(angtotarget) local center_z = origin.z + dormant_aimbot.info[i].velocity.z + 32 + k local center = Vector_new(center_x, center_y, center_z) local fire_bullet = cheat_FireBullet(localplayer, eyepos, center) if(fire_bullet.trace.hit_entity == nil and fire_bullet.damage > maxdamage) then maxdamage = fire_bullet.damage targetposition = center bestentity_idx = i end end end dormant_aimbot.info[i].tick = cmd.tick_count ffi_cast("bool*", ffi_cast("uintptr_t", pentity) + 0xED)[0] = 1 end else dormant_aimbot.info[i].tick = cmd.tick_count end end end local hs_fix = ref_hs:Get() and 0.3 or 0 local nextattack = localplayer:GetProp("m_flNextAttack") + hs_fix local nextprimaryattack = weapon:GetProp("m_flNextPrimaryAttack") + hs_fix if(bestentity_idx and targetposition) then if(nextattack <= GlobalVars.curtime and nextprimaryattack <= GlobalVars.curtime) then local vecdelta = targetposition - eyepos local angles = Cheat_VectorToAngle(vecdelta) local hitchance_check = dormant_aimbot.hitchance(localplayer, weapon, angles, bestentity_idx, #vecdelta) local autoscope_check = dormant_aimbot.autoscope(localplayer, weapon, cmd) local check = autoscope_check and hitchance_check if check then angles.yaw = math_normalize(angles.yaw) angles.pitch = math_normalize(angles.pitch) cmd.viewangles = angles cmd.buttons = bit_bor(cmd.buttons, 1) end end end end AntiAim_on_use.enabled = false AntiAim_on_use.handle = function(cmd) AntiAim_on_use.enabled = false if not ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["aa_on_use"] or not ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] then return end local is_holding_use = bit_band(cmd.buttons, IN_USE) > 0 local me = entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() if me == nil then return end local active_weapon = me:GetActiveWeapon() local is_bomb_in_hand = false if active_weapon then is_bomb_in_hand = active_weapon:GetClassName() == "CC4" end local is_in_bombzone = me:GetProp("m_bInBombZone") local is_planting = is_in_bombzone and is_bomb_in_hand local planted_c4_table = EntityList_GetEntitiesByName("CPlantedC4") local is_c4_planted = #planted_c4_table > 0 local bomb_distance = 100 if is_c4_planted then local c4_entity = planted_c4_table[#planted_c4_table] local c4_origin = c4_entity:GetRenderOrigin() local my_origin = me:GetRenderOrigin() bomb_distance = my_origin:DistTo(c4_origin) end local is_defusing = bomb_distance < 62 and me:GetProp("m_iTeamNum") == 3 if is_defusing then return end local camera_angles = EngineClient_GetViewAngles() local eye_position = me:GetEyePosition() local forward_vector = cheat_AngleToForward(camera_angles) local trace_end = eye_position + forward_vector * 8192 local trace = EngineTrace_TraceRay(eye_position, trace_end, me, 0x4600400B) local is_using = is_holding_use if trace and trace.fraction < 1 and trace.hit_entity then local class_name = trace.hit_entity:GetClassName() is_using = class_name ~= "CWorld" and class_name ~= "CFuncBrush" and class_name ~= "CCSPlayer" end if not is_using and not is_planting then cmd.buttons = bit_band(cmd.buttons, bit_bnot(IN_USE)) AntiAim_on_use.enabled = true end end doubletap_speed_controller.handle = function(cmd) if not ui_handler.elements["Global"]["doubletap_speed"] or not ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] then return end defines.cvars.sv_maxusrcmdprocessticks:SetInt(ui_handler.elements["Global"]["doubletap_speed_value"] + 2) Exploits_OverrideDoubleTapSpeed(ui_handler.elements["Global"]["doubletap_speed_value"]) end viewmodel_in_scope.cache = nil viewmodel_in_scope.render_start = function(stage) if stage ~= 5 then return end if not ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["scope_model"] or not ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] then defines.cvars.fov_cs_debug:SetInt(0) return end local player = entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() if player == nil then return end viewmodel_in_scope.cache = player:GetProp("m_bIsScoped") if viewmodel_in_scope.cache then defines.cvars.fov_cs_debug:SetInt(90) else defines.cvars.fov_cs_debug:SetInt(0) end end viewmodel_in_scope.destroy = function() defines.cvars.fov_cs_debug:SetInt(0) end visual_controller.start_offset = 15 visual_controller.non_lerp_offset = visual_controller.start_offset visual_controller.animation_speed = 0.095 visual_controller.item_list = {} visual_controller.font = font.get("Verdana", 12, false, false, false) visual_controller.text_size = 12 visual_controller.is_rendering = false visual_controller.animation_controller_items = {} visual_controller.update_animations = function() for k, v in pairs(visual_controller.animation_controller_items) do if not visual_controller.animation_controller_items[k].called_this_frame then if type(visual_controller.get_animation(k).number) == "userdata" then if defines.colors.equals(visual_controller.new_animation(k, defines.colors.black_transparent, true), defines.colors.black_transparent) then visual_controller.animation_controller_items[k] = nil end else if visual_controller.new_animation(k, 0, true) == 0 then visual_controller.animation_controller_items[k] = nil end end goto skip end visual_controller.animation_controller_items[k].called_this_frame = false ::skip:: end end visual_controller.new_animation = function(name, new_value, removing) if visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name] == nil then visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name] = {} visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name].color = Color_new(0, 0, 0, 0) visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name].number = 0 visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name].called_this_frame = true end if removing == nil then visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name].called_this_frame = true end if type(new_value) == "userdata" then local lerping = math_lerp(visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name].color, new_value, visual_controller.animation_speed) visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name].color = lerping return lerping end local lerping = math_lerp(visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name].number, new_value, visual_controller.animation_speed) visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name].number = lerping return lerping end visual_controller.get_animation = function(name) return visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name] == nil and {number = 0, color = defines.colors.white_transparent, called_this_frame = false} or visual_controller.animation_controller_items[name] end visual_controller.extend = function(value) if type(value) ~= "number" then return visual_controller.non_lerp_offset end visual_controller.non_lerp_offset = visual_controller.non_lerp_offset + value return visual_controller.non_lerp_offset end visual_controller.start_render = function() if not ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] then return end if not EngineClient_IsInGame() then return end local localPlayer_ptr = entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() if not localPlayer_ptr or localPlayer_ptr:GetProp("m_iHealth") < 1 then return end visual_controller.is_rendering = true end visual_controller.gradient_colors = {defines.colors.white_transparent, defines.colors.white, defines.colors.white_transparent, defines.colors.white} visual_controller.default_indicators = function() if ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["indicators"] ~= 1 then return end local center = defines.screen_size/2 visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.text_size + 15) local chimera_yaw_colors = defines.colors.white local chimera_yaw_text = conditional_AntiAims.is_manual_enabled() and "FAKE YAW" or "CHIMERA YAW" if chimera_yaw_text == "CHIMERA YAW" then local is_brute_active = math_clamp((anti_bruteforce.reset_time - GlobalVars.realtime) / anti_bruteforce.timer, 0, 1) > 0 if is_brute_active then chimera_yaw_colors = visual_controller.new_animation("chimera_yaw_colors", Color_new(0.15, 0.45, 0.15, 1)) else chimera_yaw_colors = visual_controller.new_animation("chimera_yaw_colors", Color_RGBA(218, 118, 0, 255)) end else chimera_yaw_colors = visual_controller.new_animation("chimera_yaw_colors", Color_RGBA(177, 151, 255, 255)) end Render_Text(chimera_yaw_text, center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, 1), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) Render_Text(chimera_yaw_text, center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()), chimera_yaw_colors, visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.text_size) local yaw_base = neverlose_refs.yaw_base:Get() local dynamic_aa_text = (yaw_base == 4 or yaw_base == 5) and "DYNAMIC" or "DEFAULT" local dynamic_aa_color = defines.colors.white if dynamic_aa_text == "DYNAMIC" then dynamic_aa_color = visual_controller.new_animation("dynamic_aa_color", Color_RGBA(209, 139, 230, 255)) else dynamic_aa_color = visual_controller.new_animation("dynamic_aa_color", Color_new(1, 0, 0, 1)) end Render_Text(dynamic_aa_text, center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, 1), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) Render_Text(dynamic_aa_text, center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()), dynamic_aa_color, visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.text_size) local is_hide_shots = ref_hs:Get() local is_double_tap = ref_dt:Get() local doubletap_animation = visual_controller.new_animation("doubletap_ind", is_double_tap and 1 or 0) local hideshot_animation = visual_controller.new_animation("hideshot_ind", (is_hide_shots and not is_double_tap) and 1 or 0) if doubletap_animation ~= 0 then local charge = exploits_GetCharge() Render_Text("DT", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, doubletap_animation), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) Render_Text("DT", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()), Color_new(1 - charge, charge, 0, doubletap_animation), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.text_size * doubletap_animation) end if hideshot_animation ~= 0 then local charge = exploits_GetCharge() Render_Text("AA", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, hideshot_animation), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) Render_Text("AA", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()), Color_RGBA(209, 139, 230, math_round(hideshot_animation * 255)), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.text_size * hideshot_animation) end end visual_controller.alternative_indicators = function() if ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["indicators"] ~= 2 then return end local indicators_logo_color = ui_handler.refs["Visuals"]["indicators_logo_color"].ref:GetColor() local indicators_desync_color = ui_handler.refs["Visuals"]["indicators_desync_color"].ref:GetColor() local indicators_bar_color = visual_controller.new_animation("indicators_bar_color", ui_handler.refs["Visuals"]["indicators_bar_color"].ref:GetColor()) local indicators_bar_color_transparent = visual_controller.new_animation("indicators_bar_color_transparent", Color.new(indicators_bar_color.r, indicators_bar_color.g, indicators_bar_color.b, 0)) local offset = 0 local center = defines.screen_size/2 -- desync bar rendering visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.new_animation("desync_angle", 15)) local desync_angle = entity_helpers.local_player.desync_angle() Render_Text(math_abs(math_round(desync_angle)) .. "°", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, 1), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) Render_Text(math_abs(math_round(desync_angle)) .. "°", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()), defines.colors.white, visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.new_animation("desync_bar", 10)) offset = Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) visual_controller.gradient_colors = { indicators_bar_color_transparent, indicators_bar_color, indicators_bar_color_transparent, indicators_bar_color } Render_GradientBoxFilled(center - Vector2_new(desync_angle, 1 - offset.y), center + offset, unpack(visual_controller.gradient_colors)) Render_GradientBoxFilled(center - Vector2_new(-desync_angle, 1 - offset.y), center + offset, unpack(visual_controller.gradient_colors)) -- desync bar rendering end visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.new_animation("chimera_yaw_text", 10)) local chimera_text = conditional_AntiAims.is_manual_enabled() and "MANUAL AA" or "CHIMERA YAW" if conditional_AntiAims.is_legit_aa() then chimera_text = "LEGIT AA" end if chimera_text == "CHIMERA YAW" then local current_inverter = AntiAim.GetInverterState() local chimera_sz = Render_CalcTextSize("CHIMERA YAW", visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font) / 2 local non_active_color = indicators_logo_color local active_color = indicators_desync_color local current_color = non_active_color if current_inverter then current_color = active_color else current_color = non_active_color end local chimera_color = visual_controller.new_animation("chimera_color", current_color) Render_Text("CHIMERA", center + 1 - Vector2_new(chimera_sz.x, 0) + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend() - chimera_sz.y), Color_new(0, 0, 0, chimera_color.a), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font) Render_Text("CHIMERA", center - Vector2_new(chimera_sz.x, 0) + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend() - chimera_sz.y), chimera_color, visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font) if not current_inverter then current_color = active_color else current_color = non_active_color end local yaw_color = visual_controller.new_animation("yaw_color", current_color) Render_Text("YAW", center + 1 + Vector2_new(chimera_sz.x / 3, 0) + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend() - chimera_sz.y), Color_new(0, 0, 0, chimera_color.a), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font) Render_Text("YAW", center + Vector2_new(chimera_sz.x / 3, 0) + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend() - chimera_sz.y), yaw_color, visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font) else Render_Text(chimera_text, center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, 1), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) Render_Text(chimera_text, center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()), Color_new(1, 1, 1, 1), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) end local brute_time_remains = math_clamp((anti_bruteforce.reset_time - GlobalVars.realtime) / anti_bruteforce.timer, 0, 1) if brute_time_remains > 0 then visual_controller.new_animation("antibrute_line", 8) end local brute_anim = visual_controller.get_animation("antibrute_line").number local is_brute_available = brute_anim > 0 if is_brute_available then visual_controller.extend(brute_anim) local offseter = Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) local vec1 = Vector2_new(center.x - 30, center.y + offseter.y) local vec2 = Vector2_new(vec1.x + 60, center.y + offseter.y + 1) Render_BoxFilled(vec1 + (-1), vec2 + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, 0.5 * brute_anim / 8)) Render_BoxFilled(vec1, vec2 - Vector2_new(60 - (60 * brute_time_remains), 0), Color_new(1, 1, 1, brute_anim / 8)) end visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.text_size) local is_hide_shots = ref_hs:Get() local is_double_tap = ref_dt:Get() local doubletap_animation = visual_controller.new_animation("doubletap_ind", is_double_tap and 1 or 0) local hideshot_animation = visual_controller.new_animation("hideshot_ind", (is_hide_shots and not is_double_tap) and 1 or 0) if doubletap_animation ~= 0 then local charge = exploits_GetCharge() local text_size = Render_CalcTextSize("DT", visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font).x Render_Circle(center + Vector2_new(-text_size, visual_controller.extend()), 4.0, 10, Color_new(1 - charge, charge, 0, doubletap_animation), 1.5, 0, (charge * 360) / doubletap_animation) Render_Text("DT", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, doubletap_animation), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) Render_Text("DT", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()), Color_new(1 - charge, charge, 0, doubletap_animation), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.text_size * doubletap_animation) end if hideshot_animation ~= 0 then local charge = exploits_GetCharge() Render_Text("ON-SHOT", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, hideshot_animation), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) Render_Text("ON-SHOT", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()), Color_new(1 - charge, charge, 0, hideshot_animation), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.text_size * hideshot_animation) end -- minimum damage local min_damage_state = bind_system.get("Minimum Damage").state if min_damage_state ~= 0 then Render_Text("DMG", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, min_damage_state), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) Render_Text("DMG", center + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()), Color_new(0, 1, 0, min_damage_state), visual_controller.text_size, visual_controller.font, false, true) end visual_controller.extend(visual_controller.text_size * min_damage_state) end visual_controller.end_render = function() --visual_controller.new_animation("visual_controller.offset", visual_controller.non_lerp_offset) visual_controller.update_animations() visual_controller.non_lerp_offset = visual_controller.start_offset visual_controller.is_rendering = false end conditional_AntiAims.conditions = {} conditional_AntiAims.is_legit_aa = function() return AntiAim_on_use.enabled and ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["aa_on_use"] and Cheat_IsKeyDown(0x45) end conditional_AntiAims.is_manual_enabled = function() local default_manual_check = not ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["conditional_separator"] and (ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["default_yaw_base"] == 3 or ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["default_yaw_base"] == 2) local conditions_check = ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["conditional_separator"] and (ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["conditional_manuals"] ~= 0) return not conditional_AntiAims.is_legit_aa() and (default_manual_check or conditions_check) end ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "aa_on_use", false, Menu_Switch("Anti Aim Settings", "Allow AntiAim on Use", false)) edge_yaw.is_enabled = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "edge_yaw", false, Menu_Switch("Anti Aim Settings", "Edge Yaw", false)) conditional_AntiAims.separator = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "conditional_separator", false, Menu_Switch("Anti Aim Settings", "Conditions", false)) conditional_AntiAims.manual = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "conditional_manuals", false, Menu_Combo("Anti Aim Settings", "Manual Yaw Base", {"Disabled", unpack(yaw_base_list)}, 0), function() return ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["conditional_separator"] end) conditional_AntiAims.condition_list = {} conditional_AntiAims.current_condition = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "conditional_current", false, Menu_Combo("Anti Aim Settings", "Current Condition", {"loading..."}, 0), function() return ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["conditional_separator"] end) conditional_AntiAims.default = {} conditional_AntiAims.default.condition = function() return not ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["conditional_separator"] end conditional_AntiAims.default.yaw_base = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "default_yaw_base", false, Menu_Combo("Anti Aim Preset", neverlose_refs.yaw_base:GetName(), yaw_base_list, 0), conditional_AntiAims.default.condition) conditional_AntiAims.default.yaw_add_left = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "default_yaw_add_left", false, Menu_SliderInt("Anti Aim Preset", neverlose_refs.yaw_add:GetName() .. " Left", 0, -180, 180), conditional_AntiAims.default.condition) conditional_AntiAims.default.yaw_add_right = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "default_yaw_add_right", false, Menu_SliderInt("Anti Aim Preset", neverlose_refs.yaw_add:GetName() .. " Right", 0, -180, 180), conditional_AntiAims.default.condition) conditional_AntiAims.default.yaw_modifier = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "default_yaw_modifier", false, Menu_Combo("Anti Aim Preset", neverlose_refs.yaw_modifier:GetName(), neverlose_refs.yaw_modifier:GetList(), 0), conditional_AntiAims.default.condition) conditional_AntiAims.default.modifier_degree = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "default_yaw_degree", false, Menu_SliderInt("Anti Aim Preset", neverlose_refs.modifier_degree:GetName(), 0, -180, 180), conditional_AntiAims.default.condition) conditional_AntiAims.default.fake_limit_combo = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "default_fake_limit_combo", false, Menu_Combo("Anti Aim Preset", "Body Yaw", {"Static", "Jitter"}, 0), conditional_AntiAims.default.condition) conditional_AntiAims.default.fake_limit = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "default_fake_limit", false, Menu_SliderInt("Anti Aim Preset", "Fake Yaw limit", 60, 0, 60), conditional_AntiAims.default.condition) conditional_AntiAims.default.lby_mode = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "default_lby_mode", false, Menu_Combo("Anti Aim Preset", "Lower Body Yaw", neverlose_refs.lby_mode:GetList(), 0), conditional_AntiAims.default.condition) conditional_AntiAims.default.desync_on_shot = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "default__desync_on_shot", false, Menu_Combo("Anti Aim Preset", neverlose_refs.desync_on_shot:GetName(), neverlose_refs.desync_on_shot:GetList(), 0), conditional_AntiAims.default.condition) conditional_AntiAims.default.freestanding_desync = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "default_freestanding_desync", false, Menu_Combo("Anti Aim Preset", "Body freestanding", neverlose_refs.freestanding_desync:GetList(), 0), conditional_AntiAims.default.condition) conditional_AntiAims.default.slowmotion_limit = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", "default_slowwalk_fake_limit", false, Menu_SliderInt("Anti Aim Preset", "Slow motion limit", 30, 0, 45), conditional_AntiAims.default.condition) conditional_AntiAims.default_type = function() if ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["conditional_separator"] then return end local yaw_base = 0 for k, v in pairs(conditional_AntiAims.default) do if neverlose_refs[k] ~= nil then if k ~= "yaw_base" then neverlose_refs[k]:Set(v:Get()) else yaw_base = v:Get() end end end local is_slow_walk = neverlose_refs.slow_walk:Get() if ClientState.m_choked_commands == 0 then if not is_slow_walk then if ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["default_fake_limit_combo"] == 0 then neverlose_refs.right_limit:Set(ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["default_fake_limit"]) neverlose_refs.left_limit:Set(ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["default_fake_limit"]) else neverlose_refs.right_limit:Set(conditional_AntiAims.fake_jitter and 18 or ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["default_fake_limit"]) neverlose_refs.left_limit:Set(conditional_AntiAims.fake_jitter and 18 or ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["default_fake_limit"]) conditional_AntiAims.fake_jitter = not conditional_AntiAims.fake_jitter end else local limit_tmp = ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["default_slowwalk_fake_limit"] local random = math_abs(Utils_RandomInt(limit_tmp - 5, limit_tmp + 5)) neverlose_refs.right_limit:Set(random) neverlose_refs.left_limit:Set(random) end end local inverter = AntiAim_GetInverterState() if inverter then neverlose_refs.yaw_add:Set(ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["default_yaw_add_left"]) else neverlose_refs.yaw_add:Set(ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["default_yaw_add_right"]) end local is_legit_aa = conditional_AntiAims.is_legit_aa() neverlose_refs.pitch:Set(is_legit_aa and 0 or 1) neverlose_refs.yaw_base:Set(is_legit_aa and 0 or yaw_base) if conditional_AntiAims.is_manual_enabled() then AntiAim_OverrideLimit(58) end end conditional_AntiAims.new_condition = function(name, fn) local id = #conditional_AntiAims.conditions + 1 conditional_AntiAims.conditions[id] = {} local current_condition = {} local show_condition = function() return ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["conditional_separator"] and conditional_AntiAims.condition_list[ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["conditional_current"] + 1] == name end if name ~= "Shared" then current_condition.is_override = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_override", false, Menu_Switch("Anti Aim Settings", "Override " .. name, false), show_condition) end current_condition.yaw_base = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_yaw_base", false, Menu_Combo(name, neverlose_refs.yaw_base:GetName(), yaw_base_list, 0), show_condition) current_condition.yaw_add_left = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_yaw_add_left", false, Menu_SliderInt(name, neverlose_refs.yaw_add:GetName() .. " Left", 0, -180, 180), show_condition) current_condition.yaw_add_right = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_yaw_add_right", false, Menu_SliderInt(name, neverlose_refs.yaw_add:GetName() .. " Right", 0, -180, 180), show_condition) current_condition.yaw_modifier = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_yaw_modifier", false, Menu_Combo(name, neverlose_refs.yaw_modifier:GetName(), neverlose_refs.yaw_modifier:GetList(), 0), show_condition) current_condition.modifier_degree = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_modifier_degree", false, Menu_SliderInt(name, neverlose_refs.modifier_degree:GetName(), 0, -180, 180), show_condition) current_condition.fake_limit_combo = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_fake_limit_combo", false, Menu_Combo(name, "Fake Limit Type", {"Static", "Jitter"}, 0), show_condition) current_condition.fake_limit_right = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_fake_limit_right", false, Menu_SliderInt(name, "Fake Limit Right", 60, 0, 60), show_condition) current_condition.fake_limit_left = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_fake_limit_left", false, Menu_SliderInt(name, "Fake Limit Left", 60, 0, 60), show_condition) if name == "Slowwalk" then current_condition.slowwalk_custom = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_custom_slowwalk_switch", false, Menu_Switch(name, "Custom Slowwalk Fake Limit", false), show_condition) current_condition.slowwalk_limit = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_custom_slowwalk", false, Menu_SliderInt(name, "Slowwalk Fake Limit", 45, 5, 45), function() return show_condition() and ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_custom_slowwalk_switch"] end) end local fake_options_list = neverlose_refs.fake_options:GetList() table_remove(fake_options_list, 4) current_condition.fake_options = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_fake_options", false, Menu_MultiCombo(name, neverlose_refs.fake_options:GetName(), fake_options_list, 0), show_condition) current_condition.lby_mode = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_lby_mode", false, Menu_Combo(name, neverlose_refs.lby_mode:GetName(), neverlose_refs.lby_mode:GetList(), 0), show_condition) current_condition.freestanding_desync = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_freestanding_desync", false, Menu_Combo(name, neverlose_refs.freestanding_desync:GetName(), neverlose_refs.freestanding_desync:GetList(), 0), show_condition) current_condition.desync_on_shot = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Aims", name .. "_desync_on_shot", false, Menu_Combo(name, neverlose_refs.desync_on_shot:GetName(), neverlose_refs.desync_on_shot:GetList(), 0), show_condition) conditional_AntiAims.conditions[id] = {conditions = current_condition, fn = fn} table_insert(conditional_AntiAims.condition_list, name) conditional_AntiAims.current_condition:UpdateList(conditional_AntiAims.condition_list) return true, conditional_AntiAims.conditions[id] end conditional_AntiAims.fake_jitter = true conditional_AntiAims.apply_condition = function(name, conditional_AntiAims) local yaw_base = 0 for key_, value_ in pairs(conditional_AntiAims) do if neverlose_refs[key_] ~= nil then if key_ == "yaw_base" then yaw_base = ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_yaw_base"]--value_:Get() else neverlose_refs[key_]:Set(ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_" .. key_]) end end end if ClientState.m_choked_commands == 0 then if name == "Slowwalk" and ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_custom_slowwalk_switch"] and neverlose_refs.slow_walk:Get() then local angle = ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_custom_slowwalk"] angle = Utils_RandomInt(angle - 5, angle + 5) neverlose_refs.right_limit:Set(angle) neverlose_refs.left_limit:Set(angle) else if ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_fake_limit_combo"] == 0 then neverlose_refs.right_limit:Set(ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_fake_limit_right"]) neverlose_refs.left_limit:Set(ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_fake_limit_left"]) else neverlose_refs.right_limit:Set(conditional_AntiAims.fake_jitter and 18 or ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_fake_limit_right"]) neverlose_refs.left_limit:Set(conditional_AntiAims.fake_jitter and 18 or ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_fake_limit_left"]) conditional_AntiAims.fake_jitter = not conditional_AntiAims.fake_jitter end end end local inverter = AntiAim_GetInverterState() if inverter then neverlose_refs.yaw_add:Set(ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_yaw_add_left"]) else neverlose_refs.yaw_add:Set(ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][name .. "_yaw_add_right"]) end neverlose_refs.pitch:Set(name == "On Use" and 0 or 1) if edge_yaw.is_edging then yaw_base = 3 end neverlose_refs.enable_fake_angle:Set(true) return true, yaw_base end conditional_AntiAims.update_conditions = function(cmd) if not conditional_AntiAims.separator:Get() then return end local is_applied = false local localplayer = entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() if localplayer == nil then return end local localplayer_flags = localplayer:GetProp("m_fFlags") if localplayer_flags == nil then -- бля они вроде вообще почти не могут быть нил, не? return end local yaw_base = 0 for key, value in ipairs(conditional_AntiAims.conditions) do if key == 1 then goto skip end local state = value.fn(ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"][conditional_AntiAims.condition_list[key] .. "_override"], cmd, localplayer_flags) if state then is_applied, yaw_base = conditional_AntiAims.apply_condition(conditional_AntiAims.condition_list[key], value.conditions) break end ::skip:: end if not is_applied then is_applied, yaw_base = conditional_AntiAims.apply_condition("Shared", conditional_AntiAims.conditions[1].conditions) end local manual = ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["conditional_manuals"] - 1 manual = (manual == -1 or conditional_AntiAims.is_legit_aa() ) and yaw_base or manual if manual == nil then return end neverlose_refs.yaw_base:Set(manual) if conditional_AntiAims.is_manual_enabled() then AntiAim_OverrideLimit(58) end end conditional_AntiAims.new_condition("Shared", function(key, cmd, flags) return true end) conditional_AntiAims.new_condition("On Use", function(key, cmd, flags) if not ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] then return false end return conditional_AntiAims.is_legit_aa() end) conditional_AntiAims.new_condition("Standing", function(key, cmd, flags) if not key then return false end local is_crouching = bit_band(flags, FL_DUCKING) ~= 0 local on_ground = bit_band(flags, FL_ONGROUND) ~= 0 return on_ground and not is_crouching and cmd.sidemove == 0 and cmd.forwardmove == 0 and cmd.upmove == 0 end) conditional_AntiAims.new_condition("Crouching", function(key, cmd, flags) if not key then return false end local is_crouching = bit_band(flags, FL_DUCKING) ~= 0 local on_ground = bit_band(flags, FL_ONGROUND) ~= 0 return on_ground and is_crouching end) conditional_AntiAims.new_condition("Slowwalk", function(key, cmd, flags) if not key then return false end local on_ground = bit_band(flags, FL_ONGROUND) ~= 0 return on_ground and neverlose_refs.slow_walk:Get() end) conditional_AntiAims.new_condition("Moving", function(key, cmd, flags) if not key then return false end local is_crouching = bit_band(flags, FL_DUCKING) ~= 0 local on_ground = bit_band(flags, FL_ONGROUND) ~= 0 return not is_crouching and on_ground and (cmd.sidemove ~= 0 or cmd.forwardmove ~= 0) and not Cheat_IsKeyDown(0x20) and not neverlose_refs.slow_walk:Get() end) conditional_AntiAims.new_condition("Air", function(key, cmd, flags) if not key then return false end local on_ground = bit_band(flags, FL_ONGROUND) ~= 0 return not on_ground end) edge_yaw.is_edging = false edge_yaw.vecTraceStart = Vector_new() edge_yaw.cache_value = 0 edge_yaw.restored = true edge_yaw.cache = function() if edge_yaw.is_edging then neverlose_refs.yaw_base:Set(1) edge_yaw.restored = false elseif not edge_yaw.is_edging and not edge_yaw.restored then neverlose_refs.yaw_base:Set(edge_yaw.cache_value) edge_yaw.restored = true end end edge_yaw.on_edge = function(cmd) local pLocalPlayer = EntityList_GetLocalPlayer() if pLocalPlayer == nil then return end local flags = pLocalPlayer:GetProp("m_fFlags") local is_on_ground = bit_band(flags, FL_ONGROUND) ~= 0 if not is_on_ground then return end if ClientState.m_choked_commands == 0 then edge_yaw.vecTraceStart = pLocalPlayer:GetEyePosition() end local aTraceEnd = {} local angViewAngles = EngineClient_GetViewAngles() local distances = {} for flYaw = 18, 360, 18 do flYaw = math_normalize(flYaw) local angEdge = QAngle_new(0, flYaw, 0) local vecTraceEnd = edge_yaw.vecTraceStart + Cheat_AngleToForward(angEdge) * 198 local traceInfo = EngineTrace_TraceRay(edge_yaw.vecTraceStart, vecTraceEnd, pLocalPlayer, 0x46004003) table_insert(distances, edge_yaw.vecTraceStart:DistTo(traceInfo.endpos)) local flFraction = traceInfo.fraction local pEntity = traceInfo.hit_entity if pEntity and pEntity:GetClassName() == 'CWorld' and flFraction < 0.3 then aTraceEnd[#aTraceEnd+1] = { vecTraceEnd = vecTraceEnd, flYaw = flYaw } end end table_sort(distances) if distances[1] > 30 then return end table_sort(aTraceEnd, function(a, b) return a.flYaw < b.flYaw end) table_remove(aTraceEnd, #aTraceEnd) local angEdge if #aTraceEnd >= 3 then local vecTraceCenter = math_vector_lerp(aTraceEnd[1].vecTraceEnd, aTraceEnd[#aTraceEnd].vecTraceEnd, 0.5) angEdge = Cheat_VectorToAngle(edge_yaw.vecTraceStart - vecTraceCenter) end if angEdge then local flYaw = angViewAngles.yaw local flEdgeYaw = angEdge.yaw local flDiff = math_normalize(flEdgeYaw - flYaw) if math_abs(flDiff) < 90 then flDiff = 0 flYaw = math_normalize(flEdgeYaw + 180) end -- Static yaw local flNewYaw = -flYaw -- Apply edge yaw flNewYaw = math_normalize(flNewYaw + flEdgeYaw) flNewYaw = math_normalize(flNewYaw + flDiff + 180) AntiAim_OverrideYawOffset(flNewYaw) edge_yaw.is_edging = true end end edge_yaw.handle = function(cmd) edge_yaw.is_edging = false if edge_yaw.restored then edge_yaw.cache_value = neverlose_refs.yaw_base:Get() end if not ui_handler.elements["Anti Aims"]["edge_yaw"] then return end if neverlose_refs.slow_walk:Get() then return end if conditional_AntiAims.is_manual_enabled() then return end if conditional_AntiAims.is_legit_aa() then return end edge_yaw.on_edge(cmd) edge_yaw.cache(cmd) end edge_yaw.on_destroy = function() if not edge_yaw.restored then neverlose_refs.yaw_base:Set(edge_yaw.cache_value) end end ui_handler.new_element("Global", "anim_breaker", false, Menu_MultiCombo("Global", "Animation Breaker", {"Ground", "Air", "Zero Pitch on Land"}, 0), function() return ui_handler.elements["Global"]["global_switch"] end) animation_breaker.cache = {} animation_breaker.set_params = function(player_ptr, layer, start_val, end_val) player_ptr = ffi_cast("unsigned int", player_ptr) if player_ptr == 0x0 then return false end local studio_hdr = ffi_cast("void**", player_ptr + 0x2950)[0] if studio_hdr == nil then return false end local pose_params = ffi_handler.get_pose_parameters(studio_hdr, layer) if pose_params == nil or pose_params == 0x0 then return end if animation_breaker.cache[layer] == nil then animation_breaker.cache[layer] = {} animation_breaker.cache[layer].m_flStart = pose_params.m_flStart animation_breaker.cache[layer].m_flEnd = pose_params.m_flEnd animation_breaker.cache[layer].m_flState = pose_params.m_flState animation_breaker.cache[layer].installed = false return true end if start_val ~= nil and not animation_breaker.cache[layer].installed then pose_params.m_flStart = start_val pose_params.m_flEnd = end_val pose_params.m_flState = (pose_params.m_flStart + pose_params.m_flEnd) / 2 animation_breaker.cache[layer].installed = true return true end if animation_breaker.cache[layer].installed then pose_params.m_flStart = animation_breaker.cache[layer].m_flStart pose_params.m_flEnd = animation_breaker.cache[layer].m_flEnd pose_params.m_flState = animation_breaker.cache[layer].m_flState animation_breaker.cache[layer].installed = false return true end return false end animation_breaker.handle_prediction = function(cmd) local local_player = ffi_handler.get_client_entity(entity_helpers.local_player.index()) if local_player == nil then return end local local_player_addr = ffi_cast("unsigned int", local_player) if local_player_addr == 0x0 then return end local animstate = ffi_cast( "void**", local_player_addr + ffi_handler.animstate_offset)[0] if animstate == nil then return end animstate = ffi_cast("unsigned int", animstate) if animstate == 0x0 then return end local landing_anim = ffi_cast("bool*", animstate + 0x109)[0] if landing_anim == nil then return end local combo = ui_handler.elements["Global"]["anim_breaker"] if bit_band(combo, bit_lshift(1, 0)) ~= 0 then animation_breaker.set_params(local_player, 0, -180, -179) end if bit_band(combo, bit_lshift(1, 1)) ~= 0 then animation_breaker.set_params(local_player, 6, 0.9, 1) end if bit_band(combo, bit_lshift(1, 2)) ~= 0 and landing_anim and bit_band(cmd.buttons, 2) == 0 then animation_breaker.set_params(local_player, 12, 0.999, 1) end end animation_breaker.handle_cmove = function() local local_player = ffi_handler.get_client_entity(entity_helpers.local_player.index()) if local_player == nil then return end for k, v in pairs(animation_breaker.cache) do animation_breaker.set_params(local_player, k) end end animation_breaker.on_destroy = function() local local_player = ffi_handler.get_client_entity(entity_helpers.local_player.index()) if local_player == nil then return end for k, v in pairs(animation_breaker.cache) do animation_breaker.set_params(local_player, k) end end anti_bruteforce.menu_elements = {} anti_bruteforce.global_switch = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Bruteforce", "global_switch", false, Menu_Switch("Anti Brute", "Enable", false)) anti_bruteforce.ui_condition = function() return ui_handler.elements["Anti Bruteforce"]["global_switch"] end anti_bruteforce.hidden_value = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Bruteforce", "slider_antibrute_value", false, Menu_SliderInt("Anti Brute", "nigga_slider", 2, 2, 20), function() return false end) anti_bruteforce.new_button = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Bruteforce", "Create New Phase", false, Menu_Button("Anti Brute", "Add"), anti_bruteforce.ui_condition) anti_bruteforce.remove_button = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Bruteforce", "Remove Phase", false, Menu_Button("Anti Brute", "Remove"), anti_bruteforce.ui_condition) anti_bruteforce.create_new_phase = function() if #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements > 11 then Cheat_AddNotify("Chimera Yaw", "Нельзя создать больше " .. #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements .. " фаз!") return end local element = ui_handler.new_element("Anti Bruteforce", "abphase" .. (#anti_bruteforce.menu_elements + 1), false, Menu_SliderInt("Anti Brute", "[Phase " .. (#anti_bruteforce.menu_elements + 1) .. "] Fake Limit", 0, -60, 60), anti_bruteforce.ui_condition) table_insert(anti_bruteforce.menu_elements, element) anti_bruteforce.hidden_value:Set(#anti_bruteforce.menu_elements) end anti_bruteforce.remove_phase = function() if #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements <= 2 or type(anti_bruteforce.menu_elements[#anti_bruteforce.menu_elements]) ~= "userdata" then Cheat_AddNotify("Chimera Yaw", "Должно остаться не менее 2х фаз!") return end ui_handler.elements["Anti Bruteforce"]["abphase" .. #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements] = nil ui_handler.refs["Anti Bruteforce"]["abphase" .. #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements] = nil Menu_DestroyItem(anti_bruteforce.menu_elements[#anti_bruteforce.menu_elements]) table_remove(anti_bruteforce.menu_elements, #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements) anti_bruteforce.hidden_value:Set(#anti_bruteforce.menu_elements) end anti_bruteforce.new_button:RegisterCallback(anti_bruteforce.create_new_phase) anti_bruteforce.remove_button:RegisterCallback(anti_bruteforce.remove_phase) for i = 1, anti_bruteforce.hidden_value:Get() do anti_bruteforce.create_new_phase() end anti_bruteforce.state = false anti_bruteforce.reset_time = 0 anti_bruteforce.last_tick_triggered = 0 anti_bruteforce.work_distance = 75 anti_bruteforce.timer = 5 anti_bruteforce.current_phase = 0 anti_bruteforce.angle = 0 anti_bruteforce.side = false anti_bruteforce.bullet_impact = function(...) local args = {...} -- честно, я в душе не ебу зачем так я сделала, просто в голову это почему то пришло и мне захотелось такое сделать local local_pos = args[3] local distance = math_closest_point_on_ray(...):DistTo(local_pos) if distance > anti_bruteforce.work_distance then return end local inverter_state = AntiAim_GetInverterState() if anti_bruteforce.reset_time < GlobalVars.realtime then for i = 1, #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements do if inverter_state and ui_handler.elements["Anti Bruteforce"]["abphase" .. i] >= 0 then anti_bruteforce.current_phase = i break elseif not inverter_state and ui_handler.elements["Anti Bruteforce"]["abphase" .. i] < 0 then -- как по идеи можно просто else оставить хз anti_bruteforce.current_phase = i break end end else anti_bruteforce.current_phase = 1 + (anti_bruteforce.current_phase % #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements) end anti_bruteforce.reset_time = GlobalVars.realtime + anti_bruteforce.timer anti_bruteforce.angle = ui_handler.elements["Anti Bruteforce"]["abphase" .. anti_bruteforce.current_phase] while anti_bruteforce.angle == nil do anti_bruteforce.current_phase = 1 + (anti_bruteforce.current_phase % #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements) anti_bruteforce.angle = ui_handler.elements["Anti Bruteforce"]["abphase" .. anti_bruteforce.current_phase] end anti_bruteforce.last_tick_triggered = GlobalVars.tickcount end anti_bruteforce.pre_bullet_impact = function(ev) if ev:GetName() ~= "bullet_impact" then return end if anti_bruteforce.last_tick_triggered == GlobalVars.tickcount then return end -- о да, давайте нахуярим 3 километра проверок -- в теории, на Custom серверах может вызываться этот каллбек и без переменных в ней, что вызовет отключение скрипта блинба local me = entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() if not me or me:GetProp("m_iHealth") <= 0 then return end local userid = ev:GetInt("userid", -1) if userid == -1 then return end local player_object = EntityList_GetPlayerForUserID(userid) if not player_object or player_object:IsDormant() or player_object:IsTeamMate() then return end local eye_position = me:GetEyePosition() if not eye_position then return end local enemy_eye_position = player_object:GetEyePosition() if not enemy_eye_position then return end local x = ev:GetFloat("x", -99999) local y = ev:GetFloat("y", -99999) local z = ev:GetFloat("z", -99999) if x == -99999 or y == -99999 or z == -99999 then return end local impact_vector = Vector_new(x, y, z) return anti_bruteforce.bullet_impact(impact_vector, enemy_eye_position, eye_position) end anti_bruteforce.prediction_handle = function() if anti_bruteforce.reset_time < GlobalVars.realtime then return end AntiAim_OverrideInverter(anti_bruteforce.angle < 0) AntiAim_OverrideLimit(math_abs(anti_bruteforce.angle)) end ui_handler.new_element("Misc", "enabled", false, Menu_Switch("Misc", "Enable Misc", false)) ui_handler.new_element("Misc", "miss_logger", false, Menu_Switch("Misc", "Miss Logger", false), function() return ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["enabled"] end) for k, v in pairs(defines.miss_reasons) do if v ~= "hit" and v ~= defines.miss_reasons[3] then ui_handler.new_element("Misc", "logs_miss_" .. v, false, Menu_ColorEdit("Misc", string_format("%s Color", v:sub(1, 1):upper() .. v:sub(2, #v)), Color_new(1, 1, 1, 1)), function() return ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["miss_logger"] and ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["enabled"] end) end end hitlogs.aim_fire = function(event) local target = { name = "undefined", pointer = EntityList_GetPlayer(event.index), } if target.pointer then target.name = target.pointer:GetName() end print(string_format("[neverlose.cc] fired at [%s] | [%s] bt [%d] dmg [%d] hc [%d]", target.name, defines.hitgroups[event.hitgroup], event.backtrack, event.damage, event.hitchance)) end hitlogs.aim_miss = function(event) if not ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["miss_logger"] or not ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["enabled"] then return end local miss_reason = defines.miss_reasons[event.reason] if miss_reason == nil or miss_reason == defines.miss_reasons[0] then return end if miss_reason == defines.miss_reasons[3] then miss_reason = defines.miss_reasons[2] end local target = { name = "undefined", pointer = EntityList_GetPlayer(event.target_index), } if target.pointer then target.name = target.pointer:GetName() end ffi_handler.color_print(defines.colors.white, "[neverlose.cc] missed shot due to ") local color = ui_handler.refs["Misc"]["logs_miss_" .. miss_reason].ref:GetColor() ffi_handler.color_print(color, miss_reason) if miss_reason == defines.miss_reasons[2] then ffi_handler.color_print(color, string_format(" [%.2f]", event.spread_degree)) cheat_AddEvent(string_format("Missed shot due to %s [%.2f]", miss_reason, event.spread_degree)) else cheat_AddEvent("Missed shot due to " .. miss_reason) end ffi_handler.color_print(defines.colors.white, "\n") end console_color.overrided = false console_color.materials_count = 0 console_color.material_names = {["vgui_white"] = true, ["vgui/hud/800corner1"] = true, ["vgui/hud/800corner2"] = true, ["vgui/hud/800corner3"] = true, ["vgui/hud/800corner4"] = true} for k, v in pairs(console_color.material_names) do console_color.materials_count = console_color.materials_count + 1 -- в луа #table не дает размер если там не интовые end console_color.materials = {} console_color.scan_materials = function() console_color.materials = {} local material = MatSystem_FirstMaterial() local table_size = 0 -- пиздец луа говно ебанное я ебу этот мусор невозможный while console_color.materials_count ~= table_size do local mat = MatSystem_GetMaterial(material) local name = mat:GetName() if console_color.material_names[name] then console_color.materials[name] = mat table_size = table_size + 1 end material = MatSystem_NextMaterial(material) end end console_color.scan_materials() console_color.color = visual_controller.new_animation("console_color", Color_new(0, 0, 0, 0)) console_color.latest_color = Color_RGBA(27, 228, 1337, 1488) console_color.color_change = function(color) if defines.colors.equals(color, console_color.latest_color) then return end for k, v in pairs(console_color.materials) do if v:IsErrorMaterial() then error("error material") return false end v:ColorModulate(color.r, color.g, color.b) v:AlphaModulate(color.a) end console_color.latest_color = defines.colors.copy(color) end ui_handler.new_element("Misc", "console_color", true, Menu_SwitchColor("Misc", "Console Color", false, Color_new(1, 1, 1, 1)), function() return ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["enabled"] end) console_color.handle = function() console_color.color = (ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["enabled"] and ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["console_color"] and ffi_handler.is_console_visible()) and ui_handler.refs["Misc"]["console_color"].ref:GetColor() or defines.colors.white console_color.color_change(console_color.color) end ui_handler.new_element("Misc", "menu_effects", true, Menu_SwitchColor("Misc", "Menu Effects", false, Color_new(1, 1, 1, 1)), function() return ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["enabled"] end) menu_effects.number_of_dots = 150 menu_effects.connection_distance = 150 menu_effects.speed = 25 -- рандом menu_effects.alpha = Vector2_new(0.75, 1) menu_effects.size = Vector2_new(1, 2) menu_effects.velocity = Vector2_new(-2, 2) menu_effects.global_alpha = 0 menu_effects.dots = ffi.new("float[" .. menu_effects.number_of_dots .. "][6]") menu_effects.generate = function(value) menu_effects.dots = {} for i = 0, value-1 do -- ФПС ГОВОРИШЬ ХАВАЕШЬ ДА? НУ Я ТЕБЕ СЕЙЧАС НАХУЙ ПОКАЖУ ЧТО ТАКОЕ ОПТИМИЗАЦИЯ БЛЯЯЯТЬ -- 0, 1 - position vector -- 2 - alpha -- 3 - size -- 4, 5 - velocity local particle_settings = ffi.new("float[?]", 6) particle_settings[0] = Utils_RandomInt(0, defines.screen_size.x) particle_settings[1] = Utils_RandomInt(0, defines.screen_size.y) -- alpha particle_settings[2] = Utils_RandomFloat(menu_effects.alpha.x, menu_effects.alpha.y) -- size particle_settings[3] = Utils_RandomFloat(menu_effects.size.y, menu_effects.size.y) -- velocity particle_settings[4] = Utils_RandomFloat(menu_effects.velocity.x, menu_effects.velocity.y) * menu_effects.speed particle_settings[5] = Utils_RandomFloat(menu_effects.velocity.x, menu_effects.velocity.y) * menu_effects.speed menu_effects.dots[i] = particle_settings end end menu_effects.color = defines.colors.copy(defines.colors.white) menu_effects.c_velocity = ffi.new("float[?]", 2) menu_effects.c_connections = ffi.new("float[?]", 10) menu_effects.screen_size = ffi.new("float[?]", 2) menu_effects.screen_size[0] = defines.screen_size.x menu_effects.screen_size[1] = defines.screen_size.y --- УРААААА ТОТАЛЬНЫЙ ВШИЗ УРААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААААА menu_effects.handle = function() if not ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["menu_effects"] or not Cheat_IsMenuVisible() then return end local menu_pos = Render_GetMenuPos() local menu_size = Render_GetMenuSize() local mouse_pos = Cheat_GetMousePos() menu_effects.c_connections[0] = mouse_pos.x menu_effects.c_connections[1] = mouse_pos.y menu_effects.c_connections[2] = menu_pos.x menu_effects.c_connections[3] = menu_pos.y menu_effects.c_connections[4] = menu_pos.x + menu_size.x menu_effects.c_connections[5] = menu_pos.y menu_effects.c_connections[6] = menu_pos.x + menu_size.x menu_effects.c_connections[7] = menu_pos.y + menu_size.y menu_effects.c_connections[8] = menu_pos.x menu_effects.c_connections[9] = menu_pos.y + menu_size.y local frame_time = GlobalVars.frametime local color = menu_effects.color for i = 0, menu_effects.number_of_dots-1 do local current_element = menu_effects.dots[i] menu_effects.c_velocity[0] = current_element[4] * frame_time menu_effects.c_velocity[1] = current_element[5] * frame_time if current_element[0] + menu_effects.c_velocity[0] > menu_effects.screen_size[0] or current_element[0] + menu_effects.c_velocity[0] < 0 then menu_effects.dots[i][4] = -current_element[4] menu_effects.c_velocity[0] = -menu_effects.c_velocity[0] end if current_element[1] + menu_effects.c_velocity[1] > menu_effects.screen_size[1] or current_element[1] + menu_effects.c_velocity[1] < 0 then menu_effects.dots[i][5] = -current_element[5] menu_effects.c_velocity[1] = -menu_effects.c_velocity[1] end menu_effects.dots[i][0] = current_element[0] + menu_effects.c_velocity[0] menu_effects.dots[i][1] = current_element[1] + menu_effects.c_velocity[1] color.a = current_element[2] Render_CircleFilled(Vector2_new(current_element[0], current_element[1]), current_element[3], 7, color) for i = 0, 9, 2 do local current_distance = math_abs(current_element[0] - menu_effects.c_connections[i]) + math_abs(current_element[1] - menu_effects.c_connections[i+1]) if current_distance < menu_effects.connection_distance then color.a = 1 - (current_distance / menu_effects.connection_distance) Render_Line(Vector2_new(menu_effects.c_connections[i], menu_effects.c_connections[i+1]), Vector2_new(current_element[0], current_element[1]), color) break end end end end menu_effects.generate(menu_effects.number_of_dots) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "custom_scope", true, Menu_SwitchColor("Visuals", "Custom Scope", false, Color_new(1, 1, 1, 1)), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "custom_scope_size", false, Menu_SliderInt("Visuals", "Custom Scope Size", 50, 50, defines.screen_size.y / 2), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] and ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["custom_scope"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "custom_scope_gap", false, Menu_SliderInt("Visuals", "Custom Scope Gap", 15, 0, defines.screen_size.y / 2), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] and ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["custom_scope"] end) custom_scope.animation_state = 0 custom_scope.positions = {} custom_scope.hash = 0 custom_scope.old_hash = 0 custom_scope.cache = -1 custom_scope.restored = true custom_scope.generate_positions = function(center_offset, length, color) local full_color, transp_color = Color_new(color.r, color.g, color.b, math_min(color.a, custom_scope.animation_state)), Color_new(color.r, color.g, color.b, 0) custom_scope.positions.lower = { -- временно тут пусть полежит, todo: вынести из каллбека vec_start = Vector2_new(defines.screen_size.x / 2 + 1, defines.screen_size.y / 2 + center_offset), vec_end = Vector2_new(defines.screen_size.x / 2, defines.screen_size.y / 2 + length), colors = { full_color, full_color, transp_color, transp_color } } custom_scope.positions.upper = { -- временно тут пусть полежит, todo: вынести из каллбека vec_start = Vector2_new(defines.screen_size.x / 2 + 1, defines.screen_size.y / 2 - center_offset + 1), vec_end = Vector2_new(defines.screen_size.x / 2, defines.screen_size.y / 2 - length), colors = { full_color, full_color, transp_color, transp_color } } custom_scope.positions.right = { -- временно тут пусть полежит, todo: вынести из каллбека vec_start = Vector2_new(defines.screen_size.x / 2 + center_offset, defines.screen_size.y / 2 + 1), vec_end = Vector2_new(defines.screen_size.x / 2 + length, defines.screen_size.y / 2), colors = { full_color, transp_color, full_color, transp_color } } custom_scope.positions.left = { -- временно тут пусть полежит, todo: вынести из каллбека vec_start = Vector2_new(defines.screen_size.x / 2 - center_offset + 1, defines.screen_size.y / 2 + 1), vec_end = Vector2_new(defines.screen_size.x / 2 - length, defines.screen_size.y / 2), colors = { full_color, transp_color, full_color, transp_color } } end custom_scope.handle_cache = function() if custom_scope.cache == -1 then custom_scope.cache = neverlose_refs.scope:Get() end if ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["custom_scope"] then neverlose_refs.scope:Set(2) custom_scope.restored = false elseif not ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["custom_scope"] and not custom_scope.restored and custom_scope.cache ~= -1 then neverlose_refs.scope:Set(custom_scope.cache) custom_scope.restored = true end end custom_scope.destroy = function() if custom_scope.cache ~= -1 then neverlose_refs.scope:Set(custom_scope.cache) end end custom_scope.render = function() local local_player = entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() if not EngineClient_IsConnected() or local_player == nil or local_player:GetProp("m_iHealth") < 1 then return end custom_scope.handle_cache() local is_enabled = ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["custom_scope"] and local_player:GetProp("m_bIsScoped") if is_enabled then custom_scope.animation_state = visual_controller.new_animation("custom_scope.animation_state", 1) else custom_scope.animation_state = visual_controller.get_animation("custom_scope.animation_state").number end if custom_scope.animation_state == 0 then return end local center_offset = ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["custom_scope_gap"] * custom_scope.animation_state local length = math_max(center_offset + 25, ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["custom_scope_size"] * custom_scope.animation_state) local color = ui_handler.refs["Visuals"]["custom_scope"].ref:GetColor() custom_scope.hash = string_format("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", center_offset, length, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a, custom_scope.animation_state) if custom_scope.old_hash ~= custom_scope.hash then custom_scope.generate_positions(center_offset, length, color) end custom_scope.old_hash = custom_scope.hash for _, value in pairs(custom_scope.positions) do Render_GradientBoxFilled(value.vec_start, value.vec_end, unpack(value.colors)) end end ui_handler.new_element("Misc", "hitsound", false, Menu_Switch("Misc", "Skeet Hitsound", false), function() return ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["enabled"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Misc", "hitsound_volume", false, Menu_SliderInt("Misc", "Hitsound Volume", 50, 1, 100), function() return ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["enabled"] and ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["hitsound"] end) hitsound.handle = function(event) if event:GetName() ~= "player_hurt" then return end if not ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["hitsound"] then return end local victim = event:GetInt("userid", -1) local attacker = event:GetInt("attacker", -1) if victim == -1 or attacker == -1 or victim == attacker then return end attacker = EntityList_GetPlayerForUserID(attacker) if attacker == nil then return end if attacker:EntIndex() ~= EngineClient_GetLocalPlayer() then return end ffi_handler.play_sound("buttons/arena_switch_press_02.wav", ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["hitsound_volume"] / 100, 100, 0, 0) end manual_arrows.generate_arrows_polygons = function() local percents = 4.3 local x_offset = math_percent_to_pix(percents / 2, "x") local poses = { ["left"] = Vector2_new(defines.screen_size.x / 2, defines.screen_size.y / 2) - x_offset, ["right"] = Vector2_new(defines.screen_size.x / 2, defines.screen_size.y / 2) + x_offset, ["backward"] = Vector2_new(defines.screen_size.x / 2, defines.screen_size.y / 2) + Vector2_new(0, math_percent_to_pix(percents, "x").x), } local offsets = { ["left"] = { Vector2_new(0, -10), Vector2_new(-15, 0), Vector2_new(0, 10), }, ["right"] = { Vector2_new(0, -10), Vector2_new(15, 0), Vector2_new(0, 10), }, ["backward"] = { Vector2_new(-10, 0), Vector2_new(0, 15), Vector2_new(10, 0), } } for k, v in pairs(offsets) do for j, l in ipairs(v) do offsets[k][j] = l + poses[k] end end return offsets, poses end manual_arrows.generated_arrow_poly, manual_arrows.arrows_base_pos = manual_arrows.generate_arrows_polygons() manual_arrows.arrow_offset = 0 manual_arrows.dirs = { ["v"] = 0, [">"] = 0, ["<"] = 0 } ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "manual_arrows", true, Menu_ComboColor("Visuals", "Manual Arrows", {"Disabled", "Default", "Alternative"}, 0, Color_new(1, 1, 1, 1)), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "manual_arrows_color", false, Menu_ColorEdit("Visuals", "Manual Line", Color_new(1, 1, 1, 1)), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] and ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["manual_arrows"] == 2 end) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "manual_arrows_size", false, Menu_SliderInt("Visuals", "Manual Arrows Size", 12, 6, 24), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] and ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["manual_arrows"] == 1 end) manual_arrows.font = font.get("Tahoma", 24, false, true, false) manual_arrows.default = function(current_direction, color) local direction = ((current_direction == 3 and ">") or (current_direction == 4 and "<") or (current_direction == 2 and "v")) or "no" local center_pos = defines.screen_size / 2 local offset = 4.3 / 2 local arrow_offset = visual_controller.new_animation("arrow_offset", offset) local screen_percentage_offset = math_percent_to_pix(arrow_offset, "x") local size = ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["manual_arrows_size"] for _, v in pairs(manual_arrows.dirs) do local temp_color = Color_new(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a) if direction == _ then visual_controller.new_animation("manual_arrows" .. _, 1) end manual_arrows.dirs[_] = visual_controller.get_animation("manual_arrows" .. _).number local render_pos = (_ == ">" and center_pos + screen_percentage_offset) or (_ == "<" and center_pos - screen_percentage_offset) or -- синкаем кароче их размер (_ == "v" and center_pos + Vector2_new(0, screen_percentage_offset.x)) temp_color.a = math_min(color.a, v) if temp_color.a > 0.1 then Render_Text(_, render_pos + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, temp_color.a), size, manual_arrows.font, false, true) Render_Text(_, render_pos, temp_color, size, manual_arrows.font, false, true) end end end manual_arrows.alternative = function(current_direction, color) local direction = ((current_direction == 3 and "right") or (current_direction == 4 and "left") or (current_direction == 2 and "backward")) or "no" local side = AntiAim_GetInverterState() and "left" or "right" local line_color = ui_handler.refs["Visuals"]["manual_arrows_color"].ref:GetColor() for key, poly in pairs(manual_arrows.generated_arrow_poly) do if key == "backward" then goto arrow_skip end Render_PolyFilled(Color_new(key == direction and color.r or 0, key == direction and color.g or 0, key == direction and color.b or 0, key == direction and color.a or 0.35), unpack(poly)) local side_based = key == "right" and -1 or 1 Render_BoxFilled(manual_arrows.arrows_base_pos[key] + Vector2_new(1 * side_based, -10), manual_arrows.arrows_base_pos[key] + Vector2_new(3 * side_based , 10), Color_new(key == side and line_color.r or 0, key == side and line_color.g or 0, key == side and line_color.b or 0, key == side and line_color.a or 0.35)) ::arrow_skip:: end end manual_arrows.handle = function() if ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["manual_arrows"] == 0 or not ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] then return end local direction = neverlose_refs.yaw_base:Get() + 1 if ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["manual_arrows"] == 1 then manual_arrows.default(direction, ui_handler.refs["Visuals"]["manual_arrows"].ref:GetColor()) elseif ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["manual_arrows"] == 2 then manual_arrows.alternative(direction, ui_handler.refs["Visuals"]["manual_arrows"].ref:GetColor()) end end ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "3rd_pers_anim", false, Menu_Switch("Visuals", "Disable 3rd Person Animation", false), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] end) ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "damage_marker", false, Menu_Switch("Visuals", "Damage Marker", false), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] end) damage_marker.array = {} damage_marker.show_time = 2 damage_marker.event = function(event) if event:GetName() ~= "player_hurt" then return end local victim = event:GetInt("userid", -1) local attacker = event:GetInt("attacker", -1) attacker = EntityList_GetPlayerForUserID(attacker) victim = EntityList_GetPlayerForUserID(victim) if attacker == nil or victim == nil then return end if attacker:EntIndex() ~= EngineClient_GetLocalPlayer() then return end local hitgroup = event:GetInt("hitgroup") local hitbox = defines.hitgroup_to_hitbox[hitgroup] if hitbox == nil then hitbox = 5 end local position = victim:GetHitboxCenter(hitbox) local targetName = victim:GetName() if #targetName > 10 then targetName = targetName:sub(0, 10) targetName = targetName .. "..." end table_insert(hitlog.array, { name = targetName, time = GlobalVars.realtime + hitlog.show_time, damage = event:GetInt("dmg_health", -1), remains = event:GetInt("health"), state = 0.01, position = position, hitgroup = defines.hitgroups[hitgroup] }) table_insert(damage_marker.array, { name = targetName, time = GlobalVars.realtime + damage_marker.show_time, damage = event:GetInt("dmg_health", -1), remains = event:GetInt("health"), state = 0.01, position = position, hitgroup = defines.hitgroups[hitgroup] }) end damage_marker.font = font.get("Verdana", 13, false, false, false) damage_marker.render = function() if not ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["damage_marker"] then return end local realtime = GlobalVars.realtime local frametime = GlobalVars.frametime for k, v in ipairs(damage_marker.array) do if realtime < v.time then v.state = visual_controller.new_animation(v.name .. v.time, 1) else v.state = visual_controller.get_animation(v.name .. v.time).number end if v.state == 0 then table_remove(damage_marker.array, k) end v.position.z = v.position.z + 50 * frametime local color = defines.colors.copy(defines.colors.white) if v.remains <= 0 then color = defines.colors.copy(defines.colors.green) end color.a = v.state Render_Text("-" .. v.damage, Render_WorldToScreen(v.position) + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, v.state), math_round(v.state * 13), damage_marker.font, false, true) Render_Text("-" .. v.damage, Render_WorldToScreen(v.position), color, math_round(v.state * 13), damage_marker.font, false, true) ::skip:: end end ui_handler.new_element("Configs", "export_config", false, Menu_Button("Config System", "Copy config to clipboard", "Copy config to clipboard", function() configs.parse() Cheat.AddNotify("Chimera Yaw", "Config copied!") end)) ui_handler.new_element("Configs", "import_config", false, Menu_Button("Config System", "Import config from clipboard", "Copy config to clipboard", function() configs.load() end)) ui_handler.new_element("Configs", "default_config", false, Menu_Button("Config System", "Load Default Config", "Load Default Config", function() Http.GetAsync(configs.default_link, function(url_content) configs.load(url_content) end) end)) configs.convert_color = function(color) return { r = math_round(color.r * 255), g = math_round(color.g * 255), b = math_round(color.b * 255), a = math_round(color.a * 255), } end configs.parse = function() local menu_items = {} for k, v in pairs(ui_handler.refs) do local temp_table_tab = {} for j, l in pairs(v) do local temp_table_element = {} temp_table_element.value = l.ref:Get() if type(temp_table_element.value) == "userdata" then temp_table_element.color = configs.convert_color(temp_table_element.value) temp_table_element.value = nil else temp_table_element.color = l.is_color and configs.convert_color(l.ref:GetColor()) or false end if not temp_table_element.color and temp_table_element.value == nil then goto skip end temp_table_tab[j] = temp_table_element ::skip:: end menu_items[k] = temp_table_tab end menu_items[configs.validation_key] = true local json_config = json.stringify(menu_items) json_config = base64.encode(json_config, CUSTOM_ENCODER) --json_config = base64.decode(json_config, CUSTOM_DECODER) ffi_handler.set_clipboard_text(json_config, #json_config) end configs.load = function(text) local protected = function() local clipboard = text == nil and ffi_handler.get_clipboard_text() or text local json_config = base64.decode(clipboard, CUSTOM_DECODER) if json_config:match(configs.validation_key) == nil then error("cannot_find_validation_key") return end json_config = json.parse(json_config) if json_config == nil then error("wrong_json") return end local antibrute_phases = -1 for k, v in pairs(json_config) do if k == configs.validation_key then goto skip end for j, l in pairs(v) do if j:find("^abphase") ~= nil then local ab_value = tonumber(j:sub(#"abphase" + 1, #j)) antibrute_phases = math_max(ab_value, antibrute_phases) end if ui_handler.refs[k][j] then if l.value ~= nil then ui_handler.refs[k][j].ref:Set(l.value) ui_handler.elements[k][j] = l.value end if l.color ~= false then ui_handler.refs[k][j].ref:SetColor(Color.RGBA(l.color.r, l.color.g, l.color.b, l.color.a)) end end end ::skip:: end if #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements > antibrute_phases then while #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements > antibrute_phases do anti_bruteforce.remove_phase() end else while #anti_bruteforce.menu_elements < antibrute_phases do anti_bruteforce.create_new_phase() end end for i = 1, antibrute_phases do ui_handler.refs["Anti Bruteforce"]["abphase" .. i].ref:Set(json_config["Anti Bruteforce"]["abphase" .. i].value) ui_handler.elements["Anti Bruteforce"]["abphase" .. i] = json_config["Anti Bruteforce"]["abphase" .. i].value end ui_handler.global_update_callback() Cheat.AddNotify("Chimera Yaw", "Config loaded!") end local status, message = pcall(protected) if not status then print("Failed to load config:", message) Cheat.AddNotify("Chimera Yaw", "Failed to load config!") return end end kill_say.get_phrase = function() return kill_say.phrases[Utils_RandomInt(1, #kill_say.phrases)]:gsub('\"', '') end ui_handler.new_element("Misc", "kill_say", false, Menu_Switch("Misc", "Kill Say", false), function() return ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["enabled"] end) kill_say.handle = function(event) if not ui_handler.elements["Misc"]["kill_say"] then return end if event:GetName() ~= "player_death" then return end local me = entity_helpers.local_player.pointer() local victim = EntityList.GetPlayerForUserID(event:GetInt("userid")) local attacker = EntityList.GetPlayerForUserID(event:GetInt("attacker")) if victim == attacker or attacker ~= me then return end EngineClient.ExecuteClientCmd('say "' .. kill_say.get_phrase() .. '"') end ui_handler.new_element("Visuals", "hitlog", false, Menu_Switch("Visuals", "Hit Log", false), function() return ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] end) hitlog.indicators_offset = 13 hitlog.show_time = 10 hitlog.array = {} hitlog.handle = function() if not ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["hitlog"] then return end visual_controller.extend(hitlog.indicators_offset) local realtime = GlobalVars.realtime for i = #hitlog.array, 1, -1 do local v = hitlog.array[i] if realtime < v.time and not (#hitlog.array > 6 and i == 1) then v.state = visual_controller.new_animation(v.name .. v.time, 1) else v.state = visual_controller.get_animation(v.name .. v.time).number end if v.state == 0 then table_remove(hitlog.array, i) goto skip end local color = defines.colors.copy(defines.colors.white) if v.remains <= 0 then color = defines.colors.copy(defines.colors.red) end color.a = v.state local text_for_render = string_format("%s %s -%s (%s)", v.name, v.hitgroup, v.damage, v.remains) local render_pos = defines.screen_size/2 + Vector2_new(0, visual_controller.extend()) Render_Text(text_for_render, render_pos + 1, Color_new(0, 0, 0, v.state), 13, damage_marker.font, false, true) Render_Text(text_for_render, render_pos, color, 13, damage_marker.font, false, true) visual_controller.extend(v.state * 13) ::skip:: end end handlers.subscribe("prediction", "cheat_SetThirdPersonAnim", function() -- пиздец как же это страшно я хуею local state = (ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] and not ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["3rd_pers_anim"]) or not ui_handler.elements["Visuals"]["global_switch"] cheat_SetThirdPersonAnim(state) end) handlers.subscribe("ragebot_shot", "hitlogs.aim_fire", hitlogs.aim_fire) handlers.subscribe("registered_shot", "hitlogs.aim_miss", hitlogs.aim_miss) handlers.subscribe("pre_prediction", "anti_bruteforce.prediction_handle", anti_bruteforce.prediction_handle) handlers.subscribe("events", "kill_say.handle", kill_say.handle) handlers.subscribe("events", "anti_bruteforce.pre_bullet_impact", anti_bruteforce.pre_bullet_impact) handlers.subscribe("events", "hitsound.handle", hitsound.handle) handlers.subscribe("events", "damage_marker.event", damage_marker.event) handlers.subscribe("createmove", "animation_breaker.handle_cmove", animation_breaker.handle_cmove) handlers.subscribe("prediction", "animation_breaker.handle_prediction", animation_breaker.handle_prediction) handlers.subscribe("destroy", "edge_yaw.on_destroy", edge_yaw.on_destroy) handlers.subscribe("destroy", "custom_scope.destroy", custom_scope.destroy) -- НЕ ЗАБЫТЬ, ЧТО ФУНКЦИОНАЛ ДЛЯ РЕНДЕРА ДОБАВЛЯТЬ ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО МЕЖДУ СТАРТОМ И ЭНДОМ handlers.subscribe("draw", "visual_controller.start_render", visual_controller.start_render) handlers.subscribe("draw", "damage_marker.render", function() if visual_controller.is_rendering then damage_marker.render() end end) handlers.subscribe("draw", "manual_arrows.handle", function() if visual_controller.is_rendering then manual_arrows.handle() end end) handlers.subscribe("draw", "bind_system.parse", bind_system.parse) handlers.subscribe("draw", "custom_scope.render", custom_scope.render) handlers.subscribe("draw", "menu_effects.handle", menu_effects.handle) handlers.subscribe("draw", "console_color.handle", console_color.handle) handlers.subscribe("draw", "visual_controller.alternative_indicators", function() if visual_controller.is_rendering then visual_controller.alternative_indicators() end end) handlers.subscribe("draw", "visual_controller.default_indicators", function() if visual_controller.is_rendering then visual_controller.default_indicators() end end) handlers.subscribe("draw", "hitlog.handle", function() if visual_controller.is_rendering then hitlog.handle() end end) handlers.subscribe("draw", "visual_controller.end_render", visual_controller.end_render) handlers.subscribe("pre_prediction", "conditional_AntiAims.default_type", conditional_AntiAims.default_type) handlers.subscribe("pre_prediction", "conditional_AntiAims.update_conditions", conditional_AntiAims.update_conditions) handlers.subscribe("prediction", "doubletap_speed_controller.handle", doubletap_speed_controller.handle) handlers.subscribe("prediction", "dormant_aimbot.handle", dormant_aimbot.handle) handlers.subscribe("prediction", "conditional_hitchance.aiёr", conditional_hitchance.air) handlers.subscribe("prediction", "conditional_hitchance.no_scope", conditional_hitchance.no_scope) handlers.subscribe("prediction", "edge_yaw.on_edge", edge_yaw.handle) handlers.subscribe("pre_prediction", "AntiAim_on_use.handle", AntiAim_on_use.handle) handlers.subscribe("frame_stage", "viewmodel_in_scope.render_start", viewmodel_in_scope.render_start) handlers.subscribe("destroy", "viewmodel_in_scope.destroy", viewmodel_in_scope.destroy)
Научи в чем проблема…мдааа, код конечно не очень красивый...
структура странная, да и где то есть отступы, где-то нет. не помешало бы делать так:Научи в чем проблема…
Че бля… отступы есть везде и стоят как надо, а доеб по поводу что нету пробелов между [] - шиза полнейшая.структура странная, да и где то есть отступы, где-то нет. не помешало бы делать так:
foo( )
foo( arg )
array[ index ]
да и есть места, где можно поменять знак равно на не равно и поставить return
Ты либо указывай на участки кода, либо не говори то, что я вообще не поняла лолда и есть места, где можно поменять знак равно на не равно и поставить return
я говорю, что не мешало бы постаивть отступы между скобками и аргументом.Че бля… отступы есть везде и стоят как надо, а доеб по поводу что нету пробелов между [] - шиза полнейшая.
А структура называется ООП, ну чисто так, на будущее, именно так ее и делают в подобных языках, разные стили
Уи элементы добавлялись у меня просто в первом попавшемся удобном месте, т.к они полностью динамичные и ставились там, где мне банально было удобнее с ними взаимодействовать (например сразу над функцией хендла)я говорю, что не мешало бы постаивть отступы между скобками и аргументом.
а насчет структуры, тут видно, что кодер делал обьекты. но я имел ввиду про расположение в коде юи элементов, либок, ффи
99% от этого всегда находится почти в самом верху кодалибок, ффи
ыыыааа говнокодершаТы либо указывай на участки кода, либо не говори то, что я вообще не поняла лол
Ща в говнокодерши спастят анимбрикер и продавать будут по 1 нле..ыыыааа говнокодерша![]()
Как оказалось, моя теория провальная, это нихуя не быстрый метод...его комменты... чертовка !
Посмотреть вложение 192970
Посмотреть вложение 192971
Посмотреть вложение 192972
Под какое пиво скрипты пишешь?Как оказалось, моя теория провальная, это нихуя не быстрый метод...
По возрасту нельзя пить ещеПод какое пиво скрипты пишешь?
а по факту?По возрасту нельзя пить еще
Тоже не пью.а по факту?
Проект предоставляет различный материал, относящийся к сфере киберспорта, программирования, ПО для игр, а также позволяет его участникам общаться на многие другие темы. Почта для жалоб: admin@yougame.biz