Автор темы
- #1
local indi = Menu.MultiCombo("Skeet Indicators", "Select to display", {"Fake With Circle", "FL With Circle", "AA With Line", "Shot/Miss Percent", "FL Text indicator", "FOV", "AW (Autowall)", "BUY (Buy Zone Indicator)", "Body Aim", "Safe Points", "Exploit", "Damage", "Hitchance", "Freestand", "At Targets", "Hide Shots", "Dormant Aimbot", "Fake Ping", "Lag Compensation", "Fake Duck", "Bomb Info", "Double Tap"}, 0)
local da_style = Menu.Switch("Skeet Indicators", "Show Dormant Aimbot Indicator Always", false)
local hs_style = Menu.Combo("Skeet Indicators", "Hide Shots Indicator Style", {"ONSHOT", "HS", "OSAA", "HIDE"}, 0)
local fs_style = Menu.Combo("Skeet Indicators", "Freestand Indicator Style", {"FREESTAND", "FS"}, 0)
local dmg_style = Menu.Combo("Skeet Indicators", "Damage Indicator Style", {"Damage: ", "DMG: ", "DMG", "Damage Value", ": DMG"}, 0)
local dmgs = Menu.Switch("Skeet Indicators", "Show Damage Indicator Always", false)
local hc_style = Menu.Combo("Skeet Indicators", "Hitchance Indicator Style", {"Hitchance: ", "HC: ", "HC", "Hitchance Value", ": HC%"}, 0)
local hcs = Menu.Switch("Skeet Indicators", "Show Hitchance Indicator Always", false)
local ba_style = Menu.Combo("Skeet Indicators", "Body Aim Indicator Style", {"BODY", "BAIM", "FB", "BA"}, 0)
local sp_style = Menu.Combo("Skeet Indicators", "Safe Points Indicator Style", {"SAFE", "SP"}, 0)
local hit_style = Menu.Combo("Skeet Indicators", "Shot/Miss Percent Style", {"Style 1", "Style 2", "Style 3"}, 0)
local fake_style = Menu.Combo("Skeet Indicators", "Fake With Circle Style", {"DSY", "FAKE", "AA"}, 1)
local fl_style = Menu.Combo("Skeet Indicators", "FL With Circle Style", {"Choke Value", "FL"}, 1)
local aa_color = Menu.ColorEdit("Skeet Indicators", "AA With Line Color", Color.RGBA(154, 176, 250, 255))
Menu.Button("Skeet Indicators", "Load Skeet Default Indicators", "Load Skeet Default Indicators",function() indi:SetInt(3869696) end)
local font =
calibrib = Render.InitFont("Calibri Bold", 30),
pixel9 = Render.InitFont("Smallest Pixel-7", 9)
local HC = Menu.FindVar("Aimbot","Ragebot","Accuracy","Hit Chance")
local DMG = Menu.FindVar("Aimbot","Ragebot","Accuracy","Minimum Damage")
local AW = Menu.FindVar("Aimbot","Ragebot","Accuracy","Autowall")
local FOV = Menu.FindVar("Aimbot","Ragebot","Main","FOV")
local BA = Menu.FindVar("Aimbot","Ragebot","Misc","Body Aim")
local SP = Menu.FindVar("Aimbot","Ragebot","Misc","Safe Points")
local DT = Menu.FindVar("Aimbot","Ragebot","Exploits","Double Tap")
local SW = Menu.FindVar("Aimbot","Anti Aim","Misc","Slow Walk")
local HS = Menu.FindVar("Aimbot","Ragebot","Exploits","Hide Shots")
local YAW = Menu.FindVar("Aimbot", "Anti Aim", "Main", "Yaw Base")
local PING = Menu.FindVar("Miscellaneous", "Main", "Other", "Fake Ping")
local FD = Menu.FindVar("Aimbot","Anti Aim","Misc","Fake Duck")
local velocity = function(ent)
local speed_x = ent:GetProp("DT_BasePlayer","m_vecVelocity[0]")
local speed_y = ent:GetProp("DT_BasePlayer","m_vecVelocity[1]")
local speed = math.sqrt(speed_x * speed_x + speed_y * speed_y)
return speed
local curTime = GlobalVars.curtime
local interface_ptr = ffi.typeof('void***')
local rawivengineclient = Utils.CreateInterface('engine.dll', 'VEngineClient014')
local ivengineclient = ffi.cast(interface_ptr, rawivengineclient)
local get_net_channel_info, net_channel = ffi.cast('void*(__thiscall*)(void*)', ivengineclient[0][78]), nil
local INetChannelInfo = ffi.cast('void***', get_net_channel_info(ivengineclient))
local GetNetChannel = function(INetChannelInfo)
if INetChannelInfo == nil then
return end
return {
latency = {
crn = function(flow) return INetChannelInfo:GetLatency(flow) end,
average = function(flow) return INetChannelInfo:GetAvgLatency(flow) end,
local outgoing, incoming, incoming_latency
local id, OldChoke, toDraw0, toDraw1, toDraw2, toDraw3, toDraw4, hitted, reg_shot, on_plant_time, fill, text, planting_site, planting = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", false
Cheat.RegisterCallback('registered_shot', function(shot)
if shot.reason == 0 then hitted = hitted + 1 end
reg_shot = reg_shot + 1
local calcDist = function(pos1, pos2)
local lx = pos1.x
local ly = pos1.y
local lz = pos1.z
local tx = pos2.x
local ty = pos2.y
local tz = pos2.z
local dx = lx - tx
local dy = ly - ty
local dz = lz - tz
return math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
local normalize_yaw = function(yaw)
while yaw > 180 do yaw = yaw - 360 end
while yaw < -180 do yaw = yaw + 360 end
return yaw
Cheat.RegisterCallback("draw", function()
local lp = EntityList.GetClientEntity(EngineClient.GetLocalPlayer())
if not lp then return end
local delta_to_draw = math.abs(normalize_yaw(AntiAim.GetCurrentRealRotation() % 360 - AntiAim.GetFakeRotation() % 360)) / 2
local chocking, invert, fake = ClientState.m_choked_commands, AntiAim.GetInverterState() == false, string.format("%.1f", delta_to_draw)
local sc = EngineClient.GetScreenSize()
local x, y = sc.x/100 + 2, sc.y/1.48 - 5
local ay = 0
local binds = Cheat.GetBinds()
local dmg = false
local hc = false
local da = false
for i = 1, #binds do
local bind = binds[i]
if bind:GetName() == 'Minimum Damage' and bind:IsActive() then
dmg = true
cur_dmg = bind:GetValue()
if bind:GetName() == 'Hit Chance' and bind:IsActive() then
hc = true
cur_hc = bind:GetValue()
if bind:GetName() == 'Dormant Aimbot' and bind:IsActive() then
da = true
local Render_Indicators = function(text, ay, color, size, fonts)
ts = Render.CalcTextSize(text, size, fonts)
Render.GradientBoxFilled(Vector2.new(13, y + ay), Vector2.new(13 + (ts.x) / 2, y + ay + 28), Color.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0), Color.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 65), Color.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0), Color.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 65))
Render.GradientBoxFilled(Vector2.new(13 + (ts.x) / 2, y + ay), Vector2.new(13 + (ts.x), y + ay + 28), Color.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 65), Color.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0), Color.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 65), Color.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 0))
Render.Text(text, Vector2.new(x, y + 5 + ay), Color.new(0, 0, 0, 1), size, fonts)
Render.Text(text, Vector2.new(x, y + 4 + ay), color, size, fonts)
if indi:GetBool(1) and lp:GetPlayer():IsAlive() then
text = {"DSY", "FAKE", "AA"}
id = fake_style:GetInt()+1
ts = Render.CalcTextSize(text[id], 22, font.calibrib)
clr = Color.RGBA(math.floor(255 - (fake * 2.29824561404)), math.floor(fake * 3.42105263158), math.floor(fake * 0.22807017543), 255)
Render_Indicators(text[id], ay, clr, 22, font.calibrib)
Render.Circle(Vector2.new(x + ts.x+13, y+ay+ts.y/2+3), 7, 32, Color.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 255), 5, 0, 365)
Render.Circle(Vector2.new(x + ts.x+13, y+ay+ts.y/2+3), 7, 32, clr, 4, 0, (fake/60)*360)
ay = ay - 35
if indi:GetBool(2) and lp:GetPlayer():IsAlive() then
text = {chocking, "FL"}
id = fl_style:GetInt()+1
ts = Render.CalcTextSize(tostring(text[id]), 22, font.calibrib)
Render_Indicators(tostring(text[id]), ay, Color.RGBA(135, 147, 255, 255), 22, font.calibrib)
Render.Circle(Vector2.new(x + ts.x+13, y+ay+ts.y/2+3), 7, 32, Color.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 255), 5, 0, 365)
Render.Circle(Vector2.new(x + ts.x+13, y+ay+ts.y/2+3), 7, 32, Color.RGBA(135, 147, 255, 255), 4, 0, (chocking/14)*360)
ay = ay - 35
if indi:GetBool(3) and lp:GetPlayer():IsAlive() then
ts = Render.CalcTextSize("AA", 22, font.calibrib)
clr = Color.new(aa_color:GetColor().r, aa_color:GetColor().g, aa_color:GetColor().b, 1)
Render_Indicators("AA", ay, Color.RGBA(235 ,235, 235, 255), 22, font.calibrib)
Render.BoxFilled(Vector2.new(x, y + ts.y + ay - 1), Vector2.new(x + ts.x, y + 4 + ts.y + ay), Color.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 255))
Render.BoxFilled(invert and Vector2.new(x+ts.x/2, y+ts.y+ay) or Vector2.new(x+ts.x/2-fake/4.4, y+ts.y+ay), invert and Vector2.new(x+ts.x/2+fake/4.4, y+3+ts.y+ay) or Vector2.new(x+ts.x/2, y+3+ts.y+ay), clr)
ay = ay - 35
if indi:GetBool(4) and lp:GetPlayer():IsAlive() then
local percent = hitted > 0 and reg_shot > 0 and (hitted/reg_shot)*100 or 100
local miss = reg_shot-hitted
text = {hitted.." / "..reg_shot.." ("..string.format("%.1f", percent)..")", miss.."/"..math.floor(percent).."%", hitted.." / "..reg_shot.." = "..math.floor(percent).."%"}
id = hit_style:GetInt()+1
Render_Indicators(text[id], ay, Color.RGBA(235 ,235, 235, 255), 22, font.calibrib)
if hit_style:GetInt() == 2 then
ay = ay - 35
Render_Indicators("hit: "..hitted, ay, Color.RGBA(235 ,235, 235, 255), 22, font.calibrib)
ay = ay - 35
Render_Indicators("miss: "..miss, ay, Color.RGBA(235 ,235, 235, 255), 22, font.calibrib)
ay = ay - 35
if indi:GetBool(5) and lp:GetPlayer():IsAlive() then
if chocking < OldChoke then
toDraw0 = toDraw1
toDraw1 = toDraw2
toDraw2 = toDraw3
toDraw3 = toDraw4
toDraw4 = OldChoke
OldChoke = chocking
Render_Indicators(string.format('%i-%i-%i-%i-%i',toDraw4,toDraw3,toDraw2,toDraw1,toDraw0), ay, Color.RGBA(235 ,235, 235, 255), 22, font.calibrib)
ay = ay - 35
if indi:GetBool(6) and lp:GetPlayer():IsAlive() then
Render_Indicators("FOV: "..FOV:GetInt().."°", ay, Color.RGBA(132, 195, 16, 255), 22, font.calibrib)
ay = ay - 35
if indi:GetBool(7) and lp:GetPlayer():IsAlive() then
Render_Indicators("AW", ay, AW:GetBool() and Color.RGBA(132, 195, 16, 255) or Color.RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255), 22, font.calibrib)
ay = ay - 35
if lp:GetProp("m_bInBuyZone") and indi:GetBool(8) and lp:GetPlayer():IsAlive() then
Render_Indicators("BUY", ay, Color.RGBA(132, 195, 16, 255), 22, font.calibrib)
Render.Text("YOU HAVE: "..lp:GetProp("m_iAccount"), Vector2.new(x-8, y + 20 + ay), Color.RGBA(235 ,235, 235, 255), 9, font.pixel9, true)
ay = ay - 35
if BA:GetInt() == 2 and indi:GetBool(9) then
text = {"BODY", "BAIM", "FB", "BA"}
id = ba_style:GetInt()+1
Render_Indicators(text[id], ay, Color.RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255), 22, font.calibrib)
ay = ay - 35
if SP:GetInt() == 2 and indi:GetBool(10) then
text = {"SAFE", "SP"}
id = sp_style:GetInt()+1
Render_Indicators(text[id], ay, Color.RGBA(132, 195, 16, 255), 22, font.calibrib)
ay = ay - 35
if indi:GetBool(11) and lp:GetPlayer():IsAlive() then
Render_Indicators("EX", ay, DT:GetBool() and bit.band(lp:GetPlayer():GetProp("m_fFlags"), bit.lshift(1,0)) == 0 and Color.RGBA(132, 195, 16, 255) or Color.RGBA(208, 208, 20, 255), 22, font.calibrib)
ay = ay - 35
if indi:GetBool(12) then
if dmg == true or dmgs:GetBool() then
if dmgs:GetBool() then dmg_val = DMG:GetInt() else dmg_val = cur_dmg end
dmg_val = math.floor(dmg_val)
text = {"Damage: " .. dmg_val, "DMG: " .. dmg_val, "DMG", dmg_val, dmg_val < 101 and ": "..dmg_val or ": HP+"..(dmg_val-100)}
clr = {Color.RGBA(235, 235, 235, 255), Color.RGBA(255, 255, 255, 150), Color.RGBA(132, 195, 16, 255), Color.RGBA(235, 235, 235, 255), Color.RGBA(80, 255, 80, 255)}
id = dmg_style:GetInt()+1
Render_Indicators(tostring(text[id]), ay, clr[id], 22, font.calibrib)
ay = ay - 35
if indi:GetBool(13) then
if hc == true or hcs:GetBool() then
if hcs:GetBool() then hc_val = HC:GetInt() else hc_val = cur_hc end
hc_val = math.floor(hc_val)
text = {"Hitchance: " .. hc_val, "HC: " .. hc_val, "HC", hc_val, ": "..hc_val.."%"}
clr = {Color.RGBA(235, 235, 235, 255), Color.RGBA(200, 185, 255, 255), Color.RGBA(132, 195, 16, 255), Color.RGBA(235, 235, 235, 255), Color.RGBA(80, 255, 80, 255)}
id = hc_style:GetInt()+1
Render_Indicators(tostring(text[id]), ay, clr[id], 22, font.calibrib)
ay = ay - 35
if YAW:GetInt() == 5 and indi:GetBool(14) then
text = {"FREESTAND", "FS"}
id = fs_style:GetInt()+1
Render_Indicators(text[id], ay, Color.RGBA(235 ,235, 235, 255), 22, font.calibrib)
ay = ay - 35
if YAW:GetInt() == 4 and indi:GetBool(15) then
Render_Indicators("AT", ay, Color.RGBA(132, 195, 16, 255), 22, font.calibrib)
ay = ay - 35
if HS:GetBool() and indi:GetBool(16) then
text = {"ONSHOT", "HS", "OSAA", "HIDE"}
id = hs_style:GetInt()+1
Render_Indicators(text[id], ay, Color.RGBA(132, 195, 16, 255), 22, font.calibrib)
ay = ay - 35
if da == true and indi:GetBool(17) or da_style:GetBool() and indi:GetBool(17) then
Render_Indicators("DA", ay, Color.RGBA(132, 195, 16, 255), 22, font.calibrib)
ay = ay - 35
if PING:GetInt() > 0 and indi:GetBool(18) then
INetChannelInfo = EngineClient.GetNetChannelInfo()
net_channel = GetNetChannel(INetChannelInfo)
outgoing, incoming = net_channel.latency.crn(0), net_channel.latency.crn(1)
ping = math.max(0, (incoming-outgoing)*1000)
Render_Indicators("PING", ay, Color.RGBA(math.floor(255 - ((ping / 189 * 60) * 2.29824561404)), math.floor((ping / 189 * 60) * 3.42105263158), math.floor((ping / 189 * 60) * 0.22807017543), 255), 22, font.calibrib)
ay = ay - 35
if bit.band(lp:GetPlayer():GetProp("m_fFlags"), bit.lshift(1,0)) == 0 and indi:GetBool(19) and lp:GetPlayer():IsAlive() then
Render_Indicators("LC", ay, DT:GetBool() and Exploits.GetCharge() == 1 and Color.RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255) or velocity(lp)/chocking >= 20.84 and Color.RGBA(132, 195, 16, 255) or Color.RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255), 22, font.calibrib)
ay = ay - 35
if FD:GetBool() and indi:GetBool(20) then
Render_Indicators("DUCK", ay, Color.RGBA(235 ,235, 235, 255), 22, font.calibrib)
ay = ay - 35
if indi:GetBool(21) then
local c4 = EntityList.GetEntitiesByClassID(129)[1];
if c4 ~= nil then
local time = ((c4:GetProp("m_flC4Blow") - GlobalVars.curtime)*10) / 10
local timer = string.format("%.1f", time)
local defused = c4:GetProp("m_bBombDefused")
if math.floor(timer) > 0 and not defused then
local defusestart = c4:GetProp("m_hBombDefuser") ~= 4294967295
local defuselength = c4:GetProp("m_flDefuseLength")
local defusetimer = defusestart and math.floor((c4:GetProp("m_flDefuseCountDown") - GlobalVars.curtime)*10) / 10 or -1
if defusetimer > 0 then
local color = math.floor(timer) > defusetimer and Color.RGBA(58, 191, 54, 160) or Color.RGBA(252, 18, 19, 125)
local barlength = (((sc.y - 50) / defuselength) * (defusetimer))
Render.BoxFilled(Vector2.new(0.0, 0.0), Vector2.new(16, sc.y), Color.RGBA(25, 25, 25, 160))
Render.Box(Vector2.new(0.0, 0.0), Vector2.new(16, sc.y), Color.RGBA(25, 25, 25, 160))
Render.BoxFilled(Vector2.new(0, sc.y - barlength), Vector2.new(16, sc.y), color)
local bombsite = c4:GetProp("m_nBombSite") == 0 and "A" or "B"
local health = lp:GetProp("m_iHealth")
local armor = lp:GetProp("m_ArmorValue")
local willKill = false
local eLoc = c4:GetProp("m_vecOrigin")
local lLoc = lp:GetProp("m_vecOrigin")
local distance = calcDist(eLoc, lLoc)
local a = 450.7
local b = 75.68
local c = 789.2
local d = (distance - b) / c;
local damage = a * math.exp(-d * d)
if armor > 0 then
local newDmg = damage * 0.5;
local armorDmg = (damage - newDmg) * 0.5
if armorDmg > armor then
armor = armor * (1 / .5)
newDmg = damage - armorDmg
damage = newDmg;
local dmg = math.ceil(damage)
if dmg >= health then
willKill = true
willKill = false
Render_Indicators(bombsite.." - "..string.format("%.1f", timer).."s", ay, Color.RGBA(235 ,235, 235, 255), 22, font.calibrib)
ay = ay - 35
if lp then
if willKill == true then
Render_Indicators("FATAL", ay, Color.RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255), 22, font.calibrib)
ay = ay - 35
elseif damage > 0.5 then
Render_Indicators("-"..dmg.." HP", ay, Color.RGBA(210, 216, 112, 255), 22, font.calibrib)
ay = ay - 35
if planting then
Render_Indicators(planting_site, ay, Color.RGBA(210, 216, 112, 255), 22, font.calibrib)
fill = 3.125 - (3.125 + on_plant_time - GlobalVars.curtime)
if(fill > 3.125) then
fill = 3.125
ts = Render.CalcTextSize(planting_site, 22, font.calibrib)
Render.Circle(Vector2.new(x + ts.x+18, y+ay+ts.y/2+3), 8, 32, Color.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 255), 4, 0, 360)
Render.Circle(Vector2.new(x + ts.x+18, y+ay+ts.y/2+3), 8, 32, Color.RGBA(235 ,235, 235, 255), 3, 0, (fill/3.3)*360)
ay = ay - 35
if DT:GetBool() and indi:GetBool(22) then
Render_Indicators("DT", ay, Exploits.GetCharge() == 1 and Color.RGBA(235 ,235, 235, 255) or Color.RGBA(255, 0, 0, 255), 22, font.calibrib)
ay = ay - 35
Cheat.RegisterCallback("events", function(e)
local player_resource = EntityList.GetPlayerResource()
if e:GetName() == "bomb_abortplant" then
planting = false
fill = 0
on_plant_time = 0
planting_site = ""
if e:GetName() == "bomb_defused" then
planting = false
fill = 0
on_plant_time = 0
planting_site = ""
if e:GetName() == "bomb_planted" then
planting = false
fill = 0
on_plant_time = 0
planting_site = ""
if e:GetName() == "round_prestart" then
planting = false
fill = 0
on_plant_time = 0
planting_site = ""
if e:GetName() == "bomb_beginplant" then
on_plant_time = GlobalVars.curtime
planting = true
local m_bombsiteCenterA = player_resource:GetProp("DT_CSPlayerResource", "m_bombsiteCenterA")
local m_bombsiteCenterB = player_resource:GetProp("DT_CSPlayerResource", "m_bombsiteCenterB")
local player = EntityList.GetPlayerForUserID(e:GetInt("userid", 0))
local localPos = player:GetRenderOrigin()
local dist_to_a = localPos:DistTo(m_bombsiteCenterA)
local dist_to_b = localPos:DistTo(m_bombsiteCenterB)
planting_site = dist_to_a < dist_to_b and "Bombsite A" or "Bombsite B"
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