можно сделать цвет авто пика?
У меня тогда перестает работатьВ чём проблемма заменить на свой текст?
Ты по русски писал?У меня тогда перестает работать
+для в3 ?
а что фейк пик делает я не могу понять??7Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.В дт 1 на 14 самое лучшее значение
На братиккак в ските или невере смок размер и молик и смена цвета ? заранее спасибо
есть на форуме.Сможешь сделать, что бы открытие меню позади него .png бэкграунд, аля как в ските за меню аниме девка))
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.шрифт можно?
var alphavkid = 0
var ticktime = Globals.Tickcount()
var isactived = false;
var isactivel = false;
var isactiver = false;
var kostil = false;
var cacheat = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "At targets"])
var cacheof = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Yaw offset"])
UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Key assignment"], "Manual key - Left", "Manual key - Left")
UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Key assignment"], "Manual key - Right", "Manual key - Right")
UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Key assignment"], "Manual key - Down", "Manual key - Down")
UI.AddSubTab(["Config", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Gavno manuali")
UI.AddCheckbox(["Config", "Gavno manuali", "Gavno manuali"], "AUE MANUALI")
UI.AddColorPicker(["Config", "Gavno manuali", "Gavno manuali"], "cvet active")
function rs() {
ticktime = Globals.Tickcount()
isactived = false;
isactivel = false;
isactiver = false;
function leshav8klasseineznaet4totakoesinys() {
if (alphavkid < 255 && !kostil) {
if (alphavkid > 0 && kostil) {
if (alphavkid == 255) {
kostil = true;
if (alphavkid == 0) {
kostil = false;
function ondraw() {
if (!UI.GetValue(["Config", "Gavno manuali", "Gavno manuali", "AUE MANUALI"])) return;
if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) return;
var right_key = UI.GetHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Manual key - Right"])
var left_key = UI.GetHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Manual key - Left"])
var down_key = UI.GetHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Manual key - Down"])
if (Input.IsKeyPressed(right_key) && !isactiver&& ticktime + 16 < Globals.Tickcount()){
isactiver = true
isactivel = false
isactived = false
ticktime = Globals.Tickcount()
else if (Input.IsKeyPressed(right_key) && isactiver&& ticktime + 16 < Globals.Tickcount()){
isactiver = false
isactivel = false
isactived = false
ticktime = Globals.Tickcount()
if (Input.IsKeyPressed(left_key) && isactivel&& ticktime + 16 < Globals.Tickcount()){
isactiver = false
isactivel = false
isactived = false
ticktime = Globals.Tickcount()
else if (Input.IsKeyPressed(left_key) && !isactivel&& ticktime + 16 < Globals.Tickcount()){
isactiver = false
isactivel = true
isactived = false
ticktime = Globals.Tickcount()
if (Input.IsKeyPressed(down_key) && isactived&& ticktime + 16 < Globals.Tickcount()){
isactiver = false
isactivel = false
isactived = false
ticktime = Globals.Tickcount()
else if (Input.IsKeyPressed(down_key) && !isactived&& ticktime + 16 < Globals.Tickcount()){
isactiver = false
isactivel = false
isactived = true
ticktime = Globals.Tickcount()
font = Render.AddFont('Arial',31,100)
font1 = Render.AddFont('Arial',32,100)
var c = UI.GetColor(["Config", "Gavno manuali", "Gavno manuali", "cvet active"])
var arrows_color = [17,17,17,150]
var x1 = Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2 - 50
var x = Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2
var x2 = Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2 + 50
var y = Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / 2 - 10
var y2 = Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / 2 + 50
Render.Polygon([[x1 - 19, y + 11], [x1 + 1, y + 1], [x1 - 4, y + 11]], isactivel ? [c[0], c[1], c[2], alphavkid] : arrows_color)
Render.Polygon([[x1 - 19, y + 11], [x1 - 4, y + 11], [x1 + 1, y + 21]],isactivel ? [c[0], c[1], c[2], alphavkid] : arrows_color)
Render.Polygon([[x2 + 1, y + 1], [x2 + 21, y + 11], [x2 + 6, y + 11]],isactiver ? [c[0], c[1], c[2], alphavkid] : arrows_color)
Render.Polygon([[x2 + 6, y + 11], [x2 + 21, y + 11], [x2 + 1, y + 21]],isactiver ? [c[0], c[1], c[2], alphavkid] : arrows_color)
Render.Polygon([[x + 10, y2],[x, y2 + 20], [x, y2 + 5]],isactived ? [c[0], c[1], c[2], alphavkid] : arrows_color)
Render.Polygon([[x, y2 + 5], [x, y2 + 20], [x - 10, y2]],isactived ? [c[0], c[1], c[2], alphavkid] : arrows_color)
function CMSSDSDSD111() {
if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) return;
if (!UI.GetValue(["Config", "Gavno manuali", "Gavno manuali", "AUE MANUALI"])) return;
if (isactivel) {
UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","Directions","Yaw offset"], -90)
UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","At targets"], 0)
} else if (isactiver) {
UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","Directions","Yaw offset"], 90)
UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","At targets"], 0)
} else if (isactived) {
UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","Directions","Yaw offset"], 0)
UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","At targets"], 0)
} else {
UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","At targets"], cacheat)
UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","Directions","Yaw offset"], cacheof)
function unload() {
UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","At targets"], cacheat)
UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","Directions","Yaw offset"], cacheof)
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "ondraw")
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "leshav8klasseineznaet4totakoesinys")
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "CMSSDSDSD111")
Cheat.RegisterCallback("unload", "unload")*
можно сделать цвет авто пика?
/* ui init */
UI.AddCheckbox(["Rage", "General", "General"],"Quick peek");
UI.AddColorPicker(["Rage", "General", "General"],"Quick peek fill color");
UI.AddColorPicker(["Rage", "General", "General"],"Quick peek outline color");
UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment"],"Quick peek hotkey","autopeek");
UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "General", "General"],"Radius", 5, 20);
/* variables */
var pi = 3.141592653589793;
var state = [
false, // moving
false, // in air
false, // has shot
false // has to move
var saved_pos = Entity.GetLocalPlayer() != null && Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) && Entity.GetRenderOrigin(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) || [0, 0, 0];
var latest_velocity = 0;
var timer = Globals.Realtime()+1.5
/* functions */
function d2r(num) { return num*(pi/180) }
function draw_circle_3d(x, y, z, radius, degrees, start_at, clr, filled, fill_clr) {
var accuracy = 8;
var old_x, old_y;
degrees = degrees < 361 && degrees || 360; degrees = degrees > -1 && degrees || 0
start_at = start_at+1
for (rot=start_at; rot < degrees+start_at+1; rot+=start_at*accuracy) {
rot_r = d2r(rot)
line_x = radius * Math.cos(rot_r) + x, line_y = radius * Math.sin(rot_r) + y
var curr = Render.WorldToScreen([line_x, line_y, z]), cur = Render.WorldToScreen([x, y, z]);
if (cur[0] != null && curr[0] != null && old_x != null) {
if (filled)
Render.Polygon([ [curr[0], curr[1]], [old_x, old_y], [cur[0], cur[1]] ], fill_clr)
Render.Line(curr[0], curr[1], old_x, old_y, clr)
old_x = curr[0], old_y = curr[1];
function go_to(goal) {
var local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
if (local == null || !Entity.IsAlive(local)) return;
var pos = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(local);
var viewAngles = Local.GetViewAngles();
var moveTo_x = pos[0] - goal[0], moveTo_y = pos[1] - goal[1];
var tv_x = moveTo_x * Math.cos(viewAngles[1] / 180 * pi) + moveTo_y * Math.sin(viewAngles[1] / 180 * pi), tv_y = moveTo_y * Math.cos(viewAngles[1] / 180 * pi) - moveTo_x * Math.sin(viewAngles[1] / 180 * pi);
UserCMD.SetMovement([-tv_x*20, tv_y*20, 0]);
function get_velocity(ent) {
var velocity = Entity.GetProp(ent, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]");
return Math.sqrt(velocity[0] * velocity[0] + velocity[1] * velocity[1]);
/* callbacks */
function on_paint() {
var local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer();
if (local == null || !Entity.IsAlive(local) || !UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General","Quick peek"])) return;
var pos = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(local);
var distance_x = Math.floor(pos[0]-saved_pos[0]), distance_y = Math.floor(pos[1]-saved_pos[1]), distance = distance_x+distance_y;
var flags = Entity.GetProp(local, "CBasePlayer", "m_fFlags");
var color = UI.GetColor(["Rage", "General", "General","Quick peek outline color"]), color2 = UI.GetColor(["Rage", "General", "General","Quick peek fill color"]);
if (distance_x > 700 || distance_x < -700 || distance_y > 700 || distance_y < -700) {
if (!state[1])
saved_pos[0] = pos[0], saved_pos[1] = pos[1], saved_pos[2] = pos[2]
state[1] = flags == 256
state[0] = Input.IsKeyPressed(0x57) /*W is held*/ || Input.IsKeyPressed(0x41) /*A is held*/ || Input.IsKeyPressed(0x53) /*S is held*/ || Input.IsKeyPressed(0x44) /*D is held*/
state[3] = !state[0] && !state[1]
if (state[2] && latest_velocity > 6) state[3] = true
if (timer < Globals.Realtime()) {
timer = timer+1.2
latest_velocity = Math.floor(get_velocity(local))
if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment","Quick peek hotkey"])) {
draw_circle_3d(saved_pos[0], saved_pos[1], saved_pos[2], UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General","Radius"]), 360, 0, color, true, color2);
} else {
saved_pos[0] = pos[0], saved_pos[1] = pos[1], saved_pos[2] = pos[2]
if (state[3]) {
if (Math.floor(pos[0]) == Math.floor(saved_pos[0]) && Math.floor(pos[1]) == Math.floor(saved_pos[1]) || distance_x > -8 && distance_x < 8 && distance_y > -8 && distance_y < 8) {
state[3] = false
state[2] = false
function on_fire() {
if (Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetString("userid")) == Entity.GetLocalPlayer())
state[2] = true
function on_createmove() {
if (state[3] && UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General","Quick peek"]))
Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "on_createmove")
Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "on_paint")
Cheat.RegisterCallback("weapon_fire", "on_fire")
лолесть на форуме.
JavaScript:var alphavkid = 0 var ticktime = Globals.Tickcount() var isactived = false; var isactivel = false; var isactiver = false; var kostil = false; var cacheat = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "At targets"]) var cacheof = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Yaw offset"]) UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Key assignment"], "Manual key - Left", "Manual key - Left") UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Key assignment"], "Manual key - Right", "Manual key - Right") UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Key assignment"], "Manual key - Down", "Manual key - Down") UI.AddSubTab(["Config", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Gavno manuali") UI.AddCheckbox(["Config", "Gavno manuali", "Gavno manuali"], "AUE MANUALI") UI.AddColorPicker(["Config", "Gavno manuali", "Gavno manuali"], "cvet active") function rs() { ticktime = Globals.Tickcount() isactived = false; isactivel = false; isactiver = false; } function leshav8klasseineznaet4totakoesinys() { if (alphavkid < 255 && !kostil) { alphavkid++ } if (alphavkid > 0 && kostil) { alphavkid-- } if (alphavkid == 255) { kostil = true; } if (alphavkid == 0) { kostil = false; } } function ondraw() { if (!UI.GetValue(["Config", "Gavno manuali", "Gavno manuali", "AUE MANUALI"])) return; if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) return; var right_key = UI.GetHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Manual key - Right"]) var left_key = UI.GetHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Manual key - Left"]) var down_key = UI.GetHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Manual key - Down"]) if (Input.IsKeyPressed(right_key) && !isactiver&& ticktime + 16 < Globals.Tickcount()){ isactiver = true isactivel = false isactived = false ticktime = Globals.Tickcount() } else if (Input.IsKeyPressed(right_key) && isactiver&& ticktime + 16 < Globals.Tickcount()){ isactiver = false isactivel = false isactived = false ticktime = Globals.Tickcount() } if (Input.IsKeyPressed(left_key) && isactivel&& ticktime + 16 < Globals.Tickcount()){ isactiver = false isactivel = false isactived = false ticktime = Globals.Tickcount() } else if (Input.IsKeyPressed(left_key) && !isactivel&& ticktime + 16 < Globals.Tickcount()){ isactiver = false isactivel = true isactived = false ticktime = Globals.Tickcount() } if (Input.IsKeyPressed(down_key) && isactived&& ticktime + 16 < Globals.Tickcount()){ isactiver = false isactivel = false isactived = false ticktime = Globals.Tickcount() } else if (Input.IsKeyPressed(down_key) && !isactived&& ticktime + 16 < Globals.Tickcount()){ isactiver = false isactivel = false isactived = true ticktime = Globals.Tickcount() } font = Render.AddFont('Arial',31,100) font1 = Render.AddFont('Arial',32,100) var c = UI.GetColor(["Config", "Gavno manuali", "Gavno manuali", "cvet active"]) var arrows_color = [17,17,17,150] var x1 = Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2 - 50 var x = Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2 var x2 = Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2 + 50 var y = Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / 2 - 10 var y2 = Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / 2 + 50 Render.Polygon([[x1 - 19, y + 11], [x1 + 1, y + 1], [x1 - 4, y + 11]], isactivel ? [c[0], c[1], c[2], alphavkid] : arrows_color) Render.Polygon([[x1 - 19, y + 11], [x1 - 4, y + 11], [x1 + 1, y + 21]],isactivel ? [c[0], c[1], c[2], alphavkid] : arrows_color) Render.Polygon([[x2 + 1, y + 1], [x2 + 21, y + 11], [x2 + 6, y + 11]],isactiver ? [c[0], c[1], c[2], alphavkid] : arrows_color) Render.Polygon([[x2 + 6, y + 11], [x2 + 21, y + 11], [x2 + 1, y + 21]],isactiver ? [c[0], c[1], c[2], alphavkid] : arrows_color) Render.Polygon([[x + 10, y2],[x, y2 + 20], [x, y2 + 5]],isactived ? [c[0], c[1], c[2], alphavkid] : arrows_color) Render.Polygon([[x, y2 + 5], [x, y2 + 20], [x - 10, y2]],isactived ? [c[0], c[1], c[2], alphavkid] : arrows_color) } function CMSSDSDSD111() { if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) return; if (!UI.GetValue(["Config", "Gavno manuali", "Gavno manuali", "AUE MANUALI"])) return; if (isactivel) { UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","Directions","Yaw offset"], -90) UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","At targets"], 0) } else if (isactiver) { UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","Directions","Yaw offset"], 90) UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","At targets"], 0) } else if (isactived) { UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","Directions","Yaw offset"], 0) UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","At targets"], 0) } else { UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","At targets"], cacheat) UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","Directions","Yaw offset"], cacheof) } } function unload() { UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","At targets"], cacheat) UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","Directions","Yaw offset"], cacheof) } Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "ondraw") Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "leshav8klasseineznaet4totakoesinys") Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "CMSSDSDSD111") Cheat.RegisterCallback("unload", "unload")*
JavaScript:/* ui init */ UI.AddCheckbox(["Rage", "General", "General"],"Quick peek"); UI.AddColorPicker(["Rage", "General", "General"],"Quick peek fill color"); UI.AddColorPicker(["Rage", "General", "General"],"Quick peek outline color"); UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment"],"Quick peek hotkey","autopeek"); UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "General", "General"],"Radius", 5, 20); /* variables */ var pi = 3.141592653589793; var state = [ false, // moving false, // in air false, // has shot false // has to move ] var saved_pos = Entity.GetLocalPlayer() != null && Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) && Entity.GetRenderOrigin(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) || [0, 0, 0]; var latest_velocity = 0; var timer = Globals.Realtime()+1.5 /* functions */ function d2r(num) { return num*(pi/180) } function draw_circle_3d(x, y, z, radius, degrees, start_at, clr, filled, fill_clr) { var accuracy = 8; var old_x, old_y; degrees = degrees < 361 && degrees || 360; degrees = degrees > -1 && degrees || 0 start_at = start_at+1 for (rot=start_at; rot < degrees+start_at+1; rot+=start_at*accuracy) { rot_r = d2r(rot) line_x = radius * Math.cos(rot_r) + x, line_y = radius * Math.sin(rot_r) + y var curr = Render.WorldToScreen([line_x, line_y, z]), cur = Render.WorldToScreen([x, y, z]); if (cur[0] != null && curr[0] != null && old_x != null) { if (filled) Render.Polygon([ [curr[0], curr[1]], [old_x, old_y], [cur[0], cur[1]] ], fill_clr) Render.Line(curr[0], curr[1], old_x, old_y, clr) } old_x = curr[0], old_y = curr[1]; } } function go_to(goal) { var local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer(); if (local == null || !Entity.IsAlive(local)) return; var pos = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(local); var viewAngles = Local.GetViewAngles(); var moveTo_x = pos[0] - goal[0], moveTo_y = pos[1] - goal[1]; var tv_x = moveTo_x * Math.cos(viewAngles[1] / 180 * pi) + moveTo_y * Math.sin(viewAngles[1] / 180 * pi), tv_y = moveTo_y * Math.cos(viewAngles[1] / 180 * pi) - moveTo_x * Math.sin(viewAngles[1] / 180 * pi); UserCMD.SetMovement([-tv_x*20, tv_y*20, 0]); } function get_velocity(ent) { var velocity = Entity.GetProp(ent, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]"); return Math.sqrt(velocity[0] * velocity[0] + velocity[1] * velocity[1]); } /* callbacks */ function on_paint() { var local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer(); if (local == null || !Entity.IsAlive(local) || !UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General","Quick peek"])) return; var pos = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(local); var distance_x = Math.floor(pos[0]-saved_pos[0]), distance_y = Math.floor(pos[1]-saved_pos[1]), distance = distance_x+distance_y; var flags = Entity.GetProp(local, "CBasePlayer", "m_fFlags"); var color = UI.GetColor(["Rage", "General", "General","Quick peek outline color"]), color2 = UI.GetColor(["Rage", "General", "General","Quick peek fill color"]); if (distance_x > 700 || distance_x < -700 || distance_y > 700 || distance_y < -700) { if (!state[1]) saved_pos[0] = pos[0], saved_pos[1] = pos[1], saved_pos[2] = pos[2] } state[1] = flags == 256 state[0] = Input.IsKeyPressed(0x57) /*W is held*/ || Input.IsKeyPressed(0x41) /*A is held*/ || Input.IsKeyPressed(0x53) /*S is held*/ || Input.IsKeyPressed(0x44) /*D is held*/ state[3] = !state[0] && !state[1] if (state[2] && latest_velocity > 6) state[3] = true if (timer < Globals.Realtime()) { timer = timer+1.2 latest_velocity = Math.floor(get_velocity(local)) } if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment","Quick peek hotkey"])) { draw_circle_3d(saved_pos[0], saved_pos[1], saved_pos[2], UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General","Radius"]), 360, 0, color, true, color2); } else { saved_pos[0] = pos[0], saved_pos[1] = pos[1], saved_pos[2] = pos[2] } if (state[3]) { if (Math.floor(pos[0]) == Math.floor(saved_pos[0]) && Math.floor(pos[1]) == Math.floor(saved_pos[1]) || distance_x > -8 && distance_x < 8 && distance_y > -8 && distance_y < 8) { state[3] = false state[2] = false } } } function on_fire() { if (Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetString("userid")) == Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) state[2] = true } function on_createmove() { if (state[3] && UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General","Quick peek"])) go_to(saved_pos); } Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "on_createmove") Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "on_paint") Cheat.RegisterCallback("weapon_fire", "on_fire")
Пожалуйста, зарегистрируйтесь или авторизуйтесь, чтобы увидеть содержимое.
в3 в4?есть на форуме.
JavaScript:var alphavkid = 0 var ticktime = Globals.Tickcount() var isactived = false; var isactivel = false; var isactiver = false; var kostil = false; var cacheat = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "At targets"]) var cacheof = UI.GetValue(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Yaw offset"]) UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Key assignment"], "Manual key - Left", "Manual key - Left") UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Key assignment"], "Manual key - Right", "Manual key - Right") UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Key assignment"], "Manual key - Down", "Manual key - Down") UI.AddSubTab(["Config", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Gavno manuali") UI.AddCheckbox(["Config", "Gavno manuali", "Gavno manuali"], "AUE MANUALI") UI.AddColorPicker(["Config", "Gavno manuali", "Gavno manuali"], "cvet active") function rs() { ticktime = Globals.Tickcount() isactived = false; isactivel = false; isactiver = false; } function leshav8klasseineznaet4totakoesinys() { if (alphavkid < 255 && !kostil) { alphavkid++ } if (alphavkid > 0 && kostil) { alphavkid-- } if (alphavkid == 255) { kostil = true; } if (alphavkid == 0) { kostil = false; } } function ondraw() { if (!UI.GetValue(["Config", "Gavno manuali", "Gavno manuali", "AUE MANUALI"])) return; if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) return; var right_key = UI.GetHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Manual key - Right"]) var left_key = UI.GetHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Manual key - Left"]) var down_key = UI.GetHotkey(["Rage", "Anti Aim", "Manual key - Down"]) if (Input.IsKeyPressed(right_key) && !isactiver&& ticktime + 16 < Globals.Tickcount()){ isactiver = true isactivel = false isactived = false ticktime = Globals.Tickcount() } else if (Input.IsKeyPressed(right_key) && isactiver&& ticktime + 16 < Globals.Tickcount()){ isactiver = false isactivel = false isactived = false ticktime = Globals.Tickcount() } if (Input.IsKeyPressed(left_key) && isactivel&& ticktime + 16 < Globals.Tickcount()){ isactiver = false isactivel = false isactived = false ticktime = Globals.Tickcount() } else if (Input.IsKeyPressed(left_key) && !isactivel&& ticktime + 16 < Globals.Tickcount()){ isactiver = false isactivel = true isactived = false ticktime = Globals.Tickcount() } if (Input.IsKeyPressed(down_key) && isactived&& ticktime + 16 < Globals.Tickcount()){ isactiver = false isactivel = false isactived = false ticktime = Globals.Tickcount() } else if (Input.IsKeyPressed(down_key) && !isactived&& ticktime + 16 < Globals.Tickcount()){ isactiver = false isactivel = false isactived = true ticktime = Globals.Tickcount() } font = Render.AddFont('Arial',31,100) font1 = Render.AddFont('Arial',32,100) var c = UI.GetColor(["Config", "Gavno manuali", "Gavno manuali", "cvet active"]) var arrows_color = [17,17,17,150] var x1 = Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2 - 50 var x = Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2 var x2 = Render.GetScreenSize()[0] / 2 + 50 var y = Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / 2 - 10 var y2 = Render.GetScreenSize()[1] / 2 + 50 Render.Polygon([[x1 - 19, y + 11], [x1 + 1, y + 1], [x1 - 4, y + 11]], isactivel ? [c[0], c[1], c[2], alphavkid] : arrows_color) Render.Polygon([[x1 - 19, y + 11], [x1 - 4, y + 11], [x1 + 1, y + 21]],isactivel ? [c[0], c[1], c[2], alphavkid] : arrows_color) Render.Polygon([[x2 + 1, y + 1], [x2 + 21, y + 11], [x2 + 6, y + 11]],isactiver ? [c[0], c[1], c[2], alphavkid] : arrows_color) Render.Polygon([[x2 + 6, y + 11], [x2 + 21, y + 11], [x2 + 1, y + 21]],isactiver ? [c[0], c[1], c[2], alphavkid] : arrows_color) Render.Polygon([[x + 10, y2],[x, y2 + 20], [x, y2 + 5]],isactived ? [c[0], c[1], c[2], alphavkid] : arrows_color) Render.Polygon([[x, y2 + 5], [x, y2 + 20], [x - 10, y2]],isactived ? [c[0], c[1], c[2], alphavkid] : arrows_color) } function CMSSDSDSD111() { if (!Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer())) return; if (!UI.GetValue(["Config", "Gavno manuali", "Gavno manuali", "AUE MANUALI"])) return; if (isactivel) { UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","Directions","Yaw offset"], -90) UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","At targets"], 0) } else if (isactiver) { UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","Directions","Yaw offset"], 90) UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","At targets"], 0) } else if (isactived) { UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","Directions","Yaw offset"], 0) UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","At targets"], 0) } else { UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","At targets"], cacheat) UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","Directions","Yaw offset"], cacheof) } } function unload() { UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","At targets"], cacheat) UI.SetValue(["Rage","Anti Aim","Directions","Yaw offset"], cacheof) } Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "ondraw") Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "leshav8klasseineznaet4totakoesinys") Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "CMSSDSDSD111") Cheat.RegisterCallback("unload", "unload")*
JavaScript:/* ui init */ UI.AddCheckbox(["Rage", "General", "General"],"Quick peek"); UI.AddColorPicker(["Rage", "General", "General"],"Quick peek fill color"); UI.AddColorPicker(["Rage", "General", "General"],"Quick peek outline color"); UI.AddHotkey(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment"],"Quick peek hotkey","autopeek"); UI.AddSliderInt(["Rage", "General", "General"],"Radius", 5, 20); /* variables */ var pi = 3.141592653589793; var state = [ false, // moving false, // in air false, // has shot false // has to move ] var saved_pos = Entity.GetLocalPlayer() != null && Entity.IsAlive(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) && Entity.GetRenderOrigin(Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) || [0, 0, 0]; var latest_velocity = 0; var timer = Globals.Realtime()+1.5 /* functions */ function d2r(num) { return num*(pi/180) } function draw_circle_3d(x, y, z, radius, degrees, start_at, clr, filled, fill_clr) { var accuracy = 8; var old_x, old_y; degrees = degrees < 361 && degrees || 360; degrees = degrees > -1 && degrees || 0 start_at = start_at+1 for (rot=start_at; rot < degrees+start_at+1; rot+=start_at*accuracy) { rot_r = d2r(rot) line_x = radius * Math.cos(rot_r) + x, line_y = radius * Math.sin(rot_r) + y var curr = Render.WorldToScreen([line_x, line_y, z]), cur = Render.WorldToScreen([x, y, z]); if (cur[0] != null && curr[0] != null && old_x != null) { if (filled) Render.Polygon([ [curr[0], curr[1]], [old_x, old_y], [cur[0], cur[1]] ], fill_clr) Render.Line(curr[0], curr[1], old_x, old_y, clr) } old_x = curr[0], old_y = curr[1]; } } function go_to(goal) { var local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer(); if (local == null || !Entity.IsAlive(local)) return; var pos = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(local); var viewAngles = Local.GetViewAngles(); var moveTo_x = pos[0] - goal[0], moveTo_y = pos[1] - goal[1]; var tv_x = moveTo_x * Math.cos(viewAngles[1] / 180 * pi) + moveTo_y * Math.sin(viewAngles[1] / 180 * pi), tv_y = moveTo_y * Math.cos(viewAngles[1] / 180 * pi) - moveTo_x * Math.sin(viewAngles[1] / 180 * pi); UserCMD.SetMovement([-tv_x*20, tv_y*20, 0]); } function get_velocity(ent) { var velocity = Entity.GetProp(ent, "CBasePlayer", "m_vecVelocity[0]"); return Math.sqrt(velocity[0] * velocity[0] + velocity[1] * velocity[1]); } /* callbacks */ function on_paint() { var local = Entity.GetLocalPlayer(); if (local == null || !Entity.IsAlive(local) || !UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General","Quick peek"])) return; var pos = Entity.GetRenderOrigin(local); var distance_x = Math.floor(pos[0]-saved_pos[0]), distance_y = Math.floor(pos[1]-saved_pos[1]), distance = distance_x+distance_y; var flags = Entity.GetProp(local, "CBasePlayer", "m_fFlags"); var color = UI.GetColor(["Rage", "General", "General","Quick peek outline color"]), color2 = UI.GetColor(["Rage", "General", "General","Quick peek fill color"]); if (distance_x > 700 || distance_x < -700 || distance_y > 700 || distance_y < -700) { if (!state[1]) saved_pos[0] = pos[0], saved_pos[1] = pos[1], saved_pos[2] = pos[2] } state[1] = flags == 256 state[0] = Input.IsKeyPressed(0x57) /*W is held*/ || Input.IsKeyPressed(0x41) /*A is held*/ || Input.IsKeyPressed(0x53) /*S is held*/ || Input.IsKeyPressed(0x44) /*D is held*/ state[3] = !state[0] && !state[1] if (state[2] && latest_velocity > 6) state[3] = true if (timer < Globals.Realtime()) { timer = timer+1.2 latest_velocity = Math.floor(get_velocity(local)) } if (UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General", "Key assignment","Quick peek hotkey"])) { draw_circle_3d(saved_pos[0], saved_pos[1], saved_pos[2], UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General","Radius"]), 360, 0, color, true, color2); } else { saved_pos[0] = pos[0], saved_pos[1] = pos[1], saved_pos[2] = pos[2] } if (state[3]) { if (Math.floor(pos[0]) == Math.floor(saved_pos[0]) && Math.floor(pos[1]) == Math.floor(saved_pos[1]) || distance_x > -8 && distance_x < 8 && distance_y > -8 && distance_y < 8) { state[3] = false state[2] = false } } } function on_fire() { if (Entity.GetEntityFromUserID(Event.GetString("userid")) == Entity.GetLocalPlayer()) state[2] = true } function on_createmove() { if (state[3] && UI.GetValue(["Rage", "General", "General","Quick peek"])) go_to(saved_pos); } Cheat.RegisterCallback("CreateMove", "on_createmove") Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "on_paint") Cheat.RegisterCallback("weapon_fire", "on_fire")
оба в4в3 в4?
с формума друк мой, с форума.лол
такой костыль юзать стыдно даж
а можно для в3 сделать?оба в4
взял с форума..не благодари!!!!JavaScript:Cheat.ExecuteCommand("quit")
JavaScript:function draw_circle_3d(x, y, z, radius, degrees, start_at, clr, fill_clr) { var accuracy = 8; var old_x, old_y; degrees = degrees < 361 && degrees || 360; degrees = degrees > -1 && degrees || 0 start_at = start_at + 1 for (rot = start_at; rot < degrees + start_at + 1; rot += start_at * accuracy) { rot_r = rot * (Math.PI / 180) line_x = radius * Math.cos(rot_r) + x, line_y = radius * Math.sin(rot_r) + y var curr = Render.WorldToScreen([line_x, line_y, z]), cur = Render.WorldToScreen([x, y, z]); if (cur[0] != null && curr[0] != null && old_x != null) { Render.Polygon([[curr[0], curr[1]], [old_x, old_y], [cur[0], cur[1]]], fill_clr) Render.Line(curr[0], curr[1], old_x, old_y, clr) } old_x = curr[0], old_y = curr[1]; } } UI.AddSubTab(["Visuals", "SUBTAB_MGR"], "Grenade visuals"); UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Grenade visuals", "SHEET_MGR", "Grenade visuals"], "Enable molotov radius"); UI.AddColorPicker(["Visuals", "Grenade visuals", "SHEET_MGR", "Grenade visuals"], "Molotov line color"); UI.AddColorPicker(["Visuals", "Grenade visuals", "SHEET_MGR", "Grenade visuals"], "Molotov radius color"); UI.AddSliderInt(["Visuals", "Grenade visuals", "SHEET_MGR", "Grenade visuals"], "", 0, 0); UI.AddCheckbox(["Visuals", "Grenade visuals", "SHEET_MGR", "Grenade visuals"], "Enable smoke radius"); UI.AddColorPicker(["Visuals", "Grenade visuals", "SHEET_MGR", "Grenade visuals"], "Smoke line color"); UI.AddColorPicker(["Visuals", "Grenade visuals", "SHEET_MGR", "Grenade visuals"], "Smoke radius color"); var molotov = []; const molotovStart = function () { entity = Event.GetInt("entityid"); x = Event.GetFloat("x"); y = Event.GetFloat("y"); z = Event.GetFloat("z"); molotov.push({ entity: entity, position: [x, y, z] }); } const molotovExpire = function () { for (var i = 0; i < molotov.length; i++) { if (molotov[i].entity == Event.GetInt("entityid")) { molotov.splice(i, 1); } } } const molotovDraw = function () { if (!UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Grenade visuals", "SHEET_MGR", "Grenade visuals", "Enable molotov radius"])) return; for (var i = 0; i < molotov.length; i++) { vecOrigin = molotov[i].position; const lineColor = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Grenade visuals", "SHEET_MGR", "Grenade visuals", "Molotov line color"]); const radiusColor = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Grenade visuals", "SHEET_MGR", "Grenade visuals", "Molotov radius color"]); draw_circle_3d(vecOrigin[0], vecOrigin[1], vecOrigin[2], 160, 360, 0, [lineColor[0], lineColor[1], lineColor[2], lineColor[3]], [radiusColor[0], radiusColor[1], radiusColor[2], radiusColor[3]]); } } var smoke = []; const smokeStart = function () { entity = Event.GetInt("entityid"); x = Event.GetFloat("x"); y = Event.GetFloat("y"); z = Event.GetFloat("z"); smoke.push({ entity: entity, position: [x, y, z] }); } const smokeExpire = function () { for (var i = 0; i < smoke.length; i++) { if (smoke[i].entity == Event.GetInt("entityid")) { smoke.splice(i, 1); } } } const smokeDraw = function () { if (!UI.GetValue(["Visuals", "Grenade visuals", "SHEET_MGR", "Grenade visuals", "Enable smoke radius"])) return; for (var i = 0; i < smoke.length; i++) { vecOrigin = smoke[i].position; const lineColor = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Grenade visuals", "SHEET_MGR", "Grenade visuals", "Smoke line color"]); const radiusColor = UI.GetColor(["Visuals", "Grenade visuals", "SHEET_MGR", "Grenade visuals", "Smoke radius color"]); draw_circle_3d(vecOrigin[0], vecOrigin[1], vecOrigin[2], 160, 360, 0, [lineColor[0], lineColor[1], lineColor[2], lineColor[3]], [radiusColor[0], radiusColor[1], radiusColor[2], radiusColor[3]]); } } const onDraw = function () { molotovDraw(); smokeDraw(); } const clearData = function () { for (var i = 0; i < molotov.length; i++) { molotov.splice(i, 1); } for (var i = 0; i < smoke.length; i++) { smoke.splice(i, 1); } } Cheat.RegisterCallback("round_start", "clearData"); Cheat.RegisterCallback("smokegrenade_detonate", "smokeStart"); Cheat.RegisterCallback("smokegrenade_expired", "smokeExpire"); Cheat.RegisterCallback("inferno_startburn", "molotovStart"); Cheat.RegisterCallback("inferno_expire", "molotovExpire"); Cheat.RegisterCallback("Draw", "onDraw");
ну друган у тебя форма нет?красит мапу это в самом чите есть, дотге ты че высрал,фог на форумеЭто обычные better chams, я тоже чекал
Что именно? Типо *фаст дт", dotge аа, Фэйк пик, адаптив хитшанс, вэит сшот
Или визуалы, фог, покраску карты, бай/хит лист?
ну форумможно мануалы на в4 без всяких надписей
Проект предоставляет различный материал, относящийся к сфере киберспорта, программирования, ПО для игр, а также позволяет его участникам общаться на многие другие темы. Почта для жалоб: admin@yougame.biz