UE4 Asset Interaction With Advanced Locomotion System (ALS v4)

15 Авг 2020
14 Янв 2021
v 1.6
Important information!
In this version, not all animations will be included in the project. Animations like Stealth Finishers come from the UE4 marketplace -
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
. In order for it to look like on a video, you need this package, which must later be uploaded to the project (I will present this process in a separate material). Without these animations, the project will run normally.

Additionally, you need the 'Power IK' plugin, which is currently free on the marketplace -
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
. It needs to be installed on the 4.26 engine.

How to reimport animations form Steatlh Finishers Pack to project:

  • Zombies Characters and AI (work with Advanced Locomotion System) Included:
- Attack

- Following patrol path

- Optymalization (LODs states)

- Movement (Jumping , Mantle , Vault , Fall Damage)

- Cinematic (Sequencer Kills)

- Sense of sight and hearing

- Dynamic Animations settings

  • New Pushing Object system (Currently working only on flat ground!)
  • Rebuilt Picking Ammo system (Additional with widgets)
  • Added informations widgets generated near a lying rifle
  • Rebuilt system of exploding barrels (now they can spread and no damage is dealt while the object is behind cover)
  • New entering and exiting the car (Working With IK and uneven terrain)
  • Deleted 'Fixing VB bones ' system. Now only animations can control ik and virtual bones


1) Climbing Ledge

  • Start - Jump + input key (W,S,A,D)
  • Moving - A/D
  • Jump - Shift + direction (W,A,S,D) + Space
  • End Climbing - L Ctrl

2) Vehicle

  • Entering the Car - E
  • Change Gear - 1...6
  • Movement - W,A,S,D
  • Light enable/disable - F + MouseWheel Up/Down
  • Turn Signal - L/R mouse button
  • Change Camera - C
  • Exit Car - TP = key E | FP = Look at door and key E

3) Cover System

  • Start Cover - Auto (Look at wall)
  • Aiming Left/Up - Direction key (A,D) + Mouse Button
  • Aiming Stand - Mouse Button
  • End Cover - Hold key S or press Space Bar

Для просмотра содержимого вам необходимо авторизоваться.

Для просмотра содержимого вам необходимо авторизоваться.
Последнее редактирование:
8 Май 2021
1.6. Запрещено просить "личный" в теме, оставлять просьбу о тестировании. Просить личный и тест можно только в ЛС, а так же через кнопку "Попросить личный".
А у этой интеграции есть репликация?
можно личный v1.6 для 4.26
4 Июл 2020
v 1.6
Important information!
In this version, not all animations will be included in the project. Animations like Stealth Finishers come from the UE4 marketplace -
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
. In order for it to look like on a video, you need this package, which must later be uploaded to the project (I will present this process in a separate material). Without these animations, the project will run normally.

Additionally, you need the 'Power IK' plugin, which is currently free on the marketplace -
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
. It needs to be installed on the 4.26 engine.

How to reimport animations form Steatlh Finishers Pack to project:

  • Zombies Characters and AI (work with Advanced Locomotion System) Included:
- Attack

- Following patrol path

- Optymalization (LODs states)

- Movement (Jumping , Mantle , Vault , Fall Damage)

- Cinematic (Sequencer Kills)

- Sense of sight and hearing

- Dynamic Animations settings

  • New Pushing Object system (Currently working only on flat ground!)
  • Rebuilt Picking Ammo system (Additional with widgets)
  • Added informations widgets generated near a lying rifle
  • Rebuilt system of exploding barrels (now they can spread and no damage is dealt while the object is behind cover)
  • New entering and exiting the car (Working With IK and uneven terrain)
  • Deleted 'Fixing VB bones ' system. Now only animations can control ik and virtual bones


1) Climbing Ledge

  • Start - Jump + input key (W,S,A,D)
  • Moving - A/D
  • Jump - Shift + direction (W,A,S,D) + Space
  • End Climbing - L Ctrl

2) Vehicle

  • Entering the Car - E
  • Change Gear - 1...6
  • Movement - W,A,S,D
  • Light enable/disable - F + MouseWheel Up/Down
  • Turn Signal - L/R mouse button
  • Change Camera - C
  • Exit Car - TP = key E | FP = Look at door and key E

3) Cover System

  • Start Cover - Auto (Look at wall)
  • Aiming Left/Up - Direction key (A,D) + Mouse Button
  • Aiming Stand - Mouse Button
  • End Cover - Hold key S or press Space Bar

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Скрытое содержимое
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Не хватает до 100 сообщений. Выручи с версией v 1.6.
14 Янв 2021
14 Янв 2021
v 1.7
+ снизил хайд на 1.6

In this version, not all animations will be included in the project. Animations like Stealth Finishers come from the UE4 marketplace -
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
. In order for it to look like on a video, you need this package, which must later be uploaded to the project (I will present this process in a separate material). Without these animations, the project will run normally.

Additionally, you need the 'Power IK' plugin, which is currently free on the marketplace -
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
. It needs to be installed on the 4.26 engine.

How to reimport animations form Steatlh Finishers Pack to project:

Edit: From this version, please do not edit the animation curves, now you only need to replace the damaged animations with the original ones.

Unfortunately, not everything turned out well. I had big problems with the EQS. But in the end, I think it's much better than using the player character for AI controllers.

News in 1.7 Version:
  • Human AI System - New Character, Animations Logic , AI Controller:
- AI Follow path , or use random movement

- The AI reacts not only to the player but also to the Zombie controllers.

- Can Shooting, Reloading, Mantle(only PathFollowing), Vault(only PathFollowing), Jump

Down, Stealth Kill (Knife or Pistol) ,Sit and more

- Can Cover (it rarely does)

  • Vault System (Activated When player can Mantle and holding Sprint Input)
  • Pistol Changing (Working with using DataTable , but currently you can select pistol only in editor , not in game)


1) Climbing Ledge

  • Start - Jump + input key (W,S,A,D)
  • Moving - A/D
  • Jump - Shift + direction (W,A,S,D) + Space
  • End Climbing - L Ctrl
2) Vehicle

  • Entering the Car - E
  • Change Gear - 1...6
  • Movement - W,A,S,D
  • Light enable/disable - F + MouseWheel Up/Down
  • Turn Signal - L/R mouse button
  • Change Camera - C
  • Exit Car - TP = key E | FP = Look at door and key E
3) Cover System

  • Start Cover - Auto (Look at wall)
  • Aiming Left/Up - Direction key (A,D) + Mouse Button
  • Aiming Stand - Mouse Button
  • End Cover - Hold key S or press Space Bar

Для просмотра содержимого вам необходимо авторизоваться.

Для просмотра содержимого вам необходимо авторизоваться.
Последнее редактирование:
15 Авг 2020
v 1.7
+ снизил хайд на 1.6

In this version, not all animations will be included in the project. Animations like Stealth Finishers come from the UE4 marketplace -
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
. In order for it to look like on a video, you need this package, which must later be uploaded to the project (I will present this process in a separate material). Without these animations, the project will run normally.

Additionally, you need the 'Power IK' plugin, which is currently free on the marketplace -
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
. It needs to be installed on the 4.26 engine.

How to reimport animations form Steatlh Finishers Pack to project:

Edit: From this version, please do not edit the animation curves, now you only need to replace the damaged animations with the original ones.

Unfortunately, not everything turned out well. I had big problems with the EQS. But in the end, I think it's much better than using the player character for AI controllers.

News in 1.7 Version:
  • Human AI System - New Character, Animations Logic , AI Controller:
- AI Follow path , or use random movement

- The AI reacts not only to the player but also to the Zombie controllers.

- Can Shooting, Reloading, Mantle(only PathFollowing), Vault(only PathFollowing), Jump

Down, Stealth Kill (Knife or Pistol) ,Sit and more

- Can Cover (it rarely does)

  • Vault System (Activated When player can Mantle and holding Sprint Input)
  • Pistol Changing (Working with using DataTable , but currently you can select pistol only in editor , not in game)


1) Climbing Ledge

  • Start - Jump + input key (W,S,A,D)
  • Moving - A/D
  • Jump - Shift + direction (W,A,S,D) + Space
  • End Climbing - L Ctrl
2) Vehicle

  • Entering the Car - E
  • Change Gear - 1...6
  • Movement - W,A,S,D
  • Light enable/disable - F + MouseWheel Up/Down
  • Turn Signal - L/R mouse button
  • Change Camera - C
  • Exit Car - TP = key E | FP = Look at door and key E
3) Cover System

  • Start Cover - Auto (Look at wall)
  • Aiming Left/Up - Direction key (A,D) + Mouse Button
  • Aiming Stand - Mouse Button
  • End Cover - Hold key S or press Space Bar

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Скрытое содержимое
Скрытое содержимое
Спасибо. Красава!
5 Июл 2020
v 1.7
+ снизил хайд на 1.6

In this version, not all animations will be included in the project. Animations like Stealth Finishers come from the UE4 marketplace -
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
. In order for it to look like on a video, you need this package, which must later be uploaded to the project (I will present this process in a separate material). Without these animations, the project will run normally.

Additionally, you need the 'Power IK' plugin, which is currently free on the marketplace -
Пожалуйста, авторизуйтесь для просмотра ссылки.
. It needs to be installed on the 4.26 engine.

How to reimport animations form Steatlh Finishers Pack to project:

Edit: From this version, please do not edit the animation curves, now you only need to replace the damaged animations with the original ones.

Unfortunately, not everything turned out well. I had big problems with the EQS. But in the end, I think it's much better than using the player character for AI controllers.

News in 1.7 Version:
  • Human AI System - New Character, Animations Logic , AI Controller:
- AI Follow path , or use random movement

- The AI reacts not only to the player but also to the Zombie controllers.

- Can Shooting, Reloading, Mantle(only PathFollowing), Vault(only PathFollowing), Jump

Down, Stealth Kill (Knife or Pistol) ,Sit and more

- Can Cover (it rarely does)

  • Vault System (Activated When player can Mantle and holding Sprint Input)
  • Pistol Changing (Working with using DataTable , but currently you can select pistol only in editor , not in game)


1) Climbing Ledge

  • Start - Jump + input key (W,S,A,D)
  • Moving - A/D
  • Jump - Shift + direction (W,A,S,D) + Space
  • End Climbing - L Ctrl
2) Vehicle

  • Entering the Car - E
  • Change Gear - 1...6
  • Movement - W,A,S,D
  • Light enable/disable - F + MouseWheel Up/Down
  • Turn Signal - L/R mouse button
  • Change Camera - C
  • Exit Car - TP = key E | FP = Look at door and key E
3) Cover System

  • Start Cover - Auto (Look at wall)
  • Aiming Left/Up - Direction key (A,D) + Mouse Button
  • Aiming Stand - Mouse Button
  • End Cover - Hold key S or press Space Bar

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